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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10822419 No.10822419 [Reply] [Original]

There are literally no arguments against veganism. It's objectively better for the planet.

>> No.10822420

Plenty of argument about posting Reddit frogs though.
You've got to go back now.

>> No.10822424

This. Posting reddit frog in 2018 automatically outs you as a newfag.

>> No.10822427

A fast food thread died for this.

>> No.10822431


>> No.10822438

we are addicted to our own addictions

>> No.10822462

The same applies to electronics involving computer chips. Especially portatble ones with batteries. Why haven't you thrown away those, anon? Or is your love for using your phone toy to play instabook games stronger than your love for the enviornment?

>> No.10822471

Reddit has its uses though.

As a solid example, I made a thread on r/wonderswan, a board dedicated to the bandai wonderswan game system, about whether or not I was playing a certain game correctly. After several months, the only reply I got was someone asking the same, and also wondering out loud why the Collecting Price Guide thread on the same board was more active than a thread about actually playing the games, particularly since the one I asked about was rather English-friendly and thus likely to have been played a lot (this is significant as the wonderswan was only released in japan and many games are text-heavy and have no translation from japanese, so the body of games that can be played if you don't speak it are pretty slim).

I can also comment on another subreddit dedicated to a pocket computer, where the most common posts were either information on the device or people talking about their devices. That spot was better IMO, because since it was just a new device there wasn't much room for showing off, and so posts were generally more constructive

>> No.10822486

Keeps animal populations in check and is good for the environment believe it or not. If it wasnt for eating meat, cows would graze fields to complete death

>> No.10822491

Based vegan bro

>> No.10822534
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Grow your meat, veggie fags.

>> No.10822549 [DELETED] 
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>that meat-eating boomer

>> No.10822623

Lol, eating meat creates incentive to breed more livestock and deforest areas. Are you trolling?

I agree with most arguments that vegans and vegetarians raise, but I don't adopt the diet because I don't want people to bully me :(

>> No.10822644

I agree. Now the good people will save money at the butcher's.

>> No.10822658
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Studies show that meat eaters can achieve higher fitness levels than vegetarians and vegans. Obviously that's not an argument most people can use with obesity being such a major problem today, but animal products do provide health benefits that you can't get from plant foods.

>> No.10822660

>no replies

funny how vegans stfu when the shoe is on the other foot isnt it

>> No.10822673

There are literally no arguments against going to live off grid in a commune in the artic. It's objectively better for the planet.

>> No.10822675

Don't care. I like meat. Ill eat it until I die in like 10 years from liver failure (I drink a lot)

>> No.10822685

Sounds pretty comfy

>> No.10822691

"It's not the same" cried the vegan before going home, locking the doors, drawing the blinds, and humming as loud as they can in the fetal position.

>> No.10822702


I'm not even a vegan btw, it's just a bad argument

>> No.10822708

>other things are bad
>therefore we should do nothing

>> No.10822710

Only when applying a false equivalent. This is not a false equivalent.

>> No.10822735

>attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument
Doesn't say anything about false equivalents. Talking about mobile phones in response to OP's argument is exactly what it's describing.

>> No.10822737

Spoken like a true pussy.

>> No.10822742

did it occur to you that i'm selfish and i don't give a fuck about the planet in relation to my love of meat?

>> No.10822744

There are no arguments against eliminating all non-whites from the west.

>> No.10822747


>> No.10822790 [DELETED] 
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>t. MAGA shipjumpers

>> No.10822801

He made a moral argument. Thats a perfectly good example of the hypocrisy of his own argument.

>> No.10822806

Are you so new that you dont know the meme cycle? Lurk more faggot.

>> No.10822810 [DELETED] 
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>t. MAGA shipjumper

>> No.10822811

I like the taste of meat so I will eat it. There is your argument.

>> No.10822812

Well said, OP. I'm a vegan and I only eat meat on my cheats days so I'm helping save the Earth 6/7 days at a time.

>> No.10822825

How is talking about environmental impact a moral argument?

>> No.10822826

No it's not.

You vegans ever think about how much fossil fuels are burned up importing all of your foreign and tropical fruits + vegetables? Or how much damage the pharmaceutical companies cause to the environment when they are manufacturing your "supplements" that you are forced to take because your diet lacks basic nutrients?

>> No.10822834

Pointing out hypocrisy isn't a good argument.

That person is able to give up meat, but not mobile phones, doesn't seem too complicated.

>> No.10822849

Still a pussy

>> No.10822864

So what do we do with all the cows we already have, kill them?

>> No.10822885

Eat them in one final hurt at?

>> No.10822893

shut up

>> No.10822899
File: 9 KB, 318x159, images(24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killing yourself is objectively better for the planet also.

>> No.10822905

soy is one of the worst foods for the environment

>> No.10822913


>> No.10822917 [DELETED] 
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>implying you have to eat soy
And 99.95% of it is eaten by livestock

>> No.10822927

Less than all of those same needs livestock has

>> No.10822930
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What if I just straight up don't give a fuck? The planet can suck my dick. If my diet pisses off some limp wristed liberal faggot soigoy, then all the better.

>> No.10822945

I like the way it tastes and don't give a shit about the planet

>> No.10822956

It grows in tropical regions so a ton of rainforest is cleared. A lot of tropical foods are bad for the environment. Like palm oil, coconuts etc. Tropical soil is bad for agriculture so the only way to keep producing is to slash and burn more land. Also the tropics are far away from the first world so you also need to consider all those flights that transport the food which consume a lot of fuel.

And while we're at the topic processed foods are also bad for the environment. Anything that requires a significant amount of resources to make and needs refrigeration etc is bad. So say goodbye to those faux meats too. And turn off your computer when you don't need it and use a bicycle for transportation etc etc etc.

Insecure defensive brainlet. That wasn't the point. The point was simply educating whoever is unaware.

>> No.10822964

This OP. Not existing is what's best for the enviorment

>> No.10822966 [DELETED] 

Are you unironically being retarded, grasping at straws, and this ignorant?

>> No.10822980
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Well it didn't take long to make you break down into an autistic fit.

>> No.10822995 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 1024x447, 20180627_131859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit thought you were a falseflagging vegan because you're either completely wrong, or the things you're right about you somehow are thinking are an argument against Veganism.

>> No.10823001

Wew look at this fucking Reddit post.

>> No.10823005

You think soy needs tropical weather to grow? Is this b8? I really hope so

>> No.10823006

It makes vegans sad and it's easier to get muh protein
Good enough for me :)

>> No.10823030

A ton of soy is produced in Brazil where rainforest is cleared for its cultivation. It is considered an environmentally unstainable food. You're obviously too ignorant and/or stupid to have a level discussion with.


>> No.10823045

We're out of levels. What now?

>> No.10823051 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 750x696, gpx9igrsv6611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soybean meal is the largest source of protein feed in the world, and is generally used in animal feed.

“Therefore, most of the world’s soybeans are consumed indirectly by humans through products like meat (chicken, pork and beef), dairy, eggs and farmed fish. People also directly consume soybeans in tofu, soy sauce, meat substitutes and other soy products.”

The upshot of this is that meat eaters frequently indirectly digest more soy than vegans. And it’s not just used for food-the use of soya for biodiesel production is growing rapidly, as is its use in other non-food related items including paint, ink, wax, and foam-products used by people following all diets, not just a plant-based one.

90% of the Rainforest has been cleared for either grazing land or feeding plot.

>> No.10823057

My choosing to go vegan won't make a lick of difference in the grand scheme of things.

If I can't help the planet, I might as well enjoy the meat.

>> No.10823062

Do you know why that is? Money. It saves money. Brazil has way less restrictions on their land usage. It has literally nothing to do with the climate because there are fields of soy beans all across the midwest. Its second to corn

>> No.10823087

Pussy prissy pussu.

Can't even formulate you own words.Coward.

>> No.10823101

>you own words.Coward
It seems you're not too keen on formulating words either pal.

>> No.10823109

Sorry that last one wad also meant to be pussy, but my keyboard is tiny and my fingers are big.

Stil, pussy, pussy, pussy. Can't make his own arguments so he links to other people's work.

>> No.10823116

I'm drunk and tucking with you out of boredom.

Pussy prissy pussy

>> No.10823117

You're a big guy.

>> No.10823128

Actually I'm sorry. My friend died last night and I'm agitated. I shouldn't take it out on /co/, you're good people when you want to be.

>> No.10823133

you know you only dont need to take those supplements because they fed them to the livestock? also the food for the animals needs more fuel and space to grow

>> No.10823143

What caused him to die? Was he sick?

>> No.10823157

Cancer. He was good then took a sharp turn for th worst.

>> No.10823170
File: 88 KB, 804x960, 1521946026198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you're not full of shit, I'm sorry anon.

>> No.10823206

I'm not, I can provide his funeral Information.

For the record his mom is like 60 and still a fox.

>> No.10823225

Bad times, my man.

>> No.10823266

Do you even realize how much we rely on animal byproducts? If you want to save the planet go live in a forest, otherwise you're most likely contributing to killing animals and using their products without even realizing it.

>> No.10823272


>> No.10823280 [DELETED] 
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>t. assblasted hillshill

>> No.10823293

Thanks. It hurts.

>> No.10823294

Humans are omnivores, meat is part of a balanced diet and bacon is delicious.

>> No.10823304

I never said we should do nothing, anon.
I never said that veganism wasn't better for the environment either.

What I DID ask is why people think their instabook addiction is more important than the slave labor & environmental harm required to make their memetoys.

>> No.10823329

But I want to harm the planet. Disaster is the only conceivable way to impede technological progess.

>> No.10823334
File: 153 KB, 683x438, 1528781659829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one good thing the planet has done for me and I'll consider veganism.

>> No.10823348

Join the Rumminati


>> No.10823541
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>> No.10823551

>another shitty veganfaggot bait thread

Why do the jannies suck so much ass?


>> No.10823569


LOL Reddit frog

>> No.10823593

>industrial agriculture and GMOs
>ooooh eating plants is so ecologic

>> No.10823599

you know, regular forums did that job better, reddit is just virtue signaling for hobbies, not actually enjoying them

>> No.10823703

OK Mr. Vegan, what do you suggest we do with all our farm animals?
Domesticated animals like cows cannot survive on their own so do we release them and let them get picked off by predators or do we gas the cows?

>> No.10823727


I like good is a pretty good argument.

>> No.10823734

I think Veganism is stupid, but that arugment is even dumber.

You stop breeding new farm animals, and you either let the ones that currently exist live out their days, or you slaughter them like you ordinary would.

>> No.10823745

most vegan arguments are emotionally based bullshit arguments. Plants communicate and defend themselves, so eating them is just as much of an atrocity as eating a cute animal or an insect.

all environmentally based vegan arguments conveniently ignore how destructive humans are by default (as do most environmental initiatives). The real problem is over population exacerbated by consumerism, and veganism isn't going to solve either of these issues.

If you really wanted to eliminate your environmental impact you'd kill yourself (in an environmentally friendly way of course) The reality is you're alive and by being alive many other things die at your expense, vegan or not.

Having kids who are vegans is more environmentally destructive than a meat eater who never reproduces.

>> No.10823763

The cows will all die horribly if we don't milk them

3000+ years of domestication has ensured they need us to survive.
Without milking they will rupture and die horrible horrible deaths.

>> No.10823784

Would be a relatively non-issue if they had calves to feed and weren’t artificially inseminated constantly

>> No.10823795

>durrr plants feel pain too!!!
If that were even remotely true you’d still be killing less plants since you arent growing twice the amount for livestock to eat.

>ignore how humans are naturally destructive
Literally not an argument

>> No.10823796

no you fuck tard, they would have to non-stop be feeding calves always.

They have evolved, they cannot sustain themselves physically, they would never exist the way they do now if it wasn't for millennia of breeding.

Freeing them will not change this no matter how you feel about it

>> No.10823820

No they wouldn’t you fucktard. Their utters eventually dry out, obviously this isn’t done by cold turkeying them but thats not the point

>they have evolved
And they can “evolve” again.

>freeing them
Didn’t even say that, fucktard

>> No.10823823

>>durrr plants feel pain too!!!
durr they do
and my point is life feeds on life.

>Literally not an argument
that's because you changed the argument, retard. Life, inherently destructive or not, come at the cost of other living beings. 7 billion vegans is still too many people.

Stop pretending like veganism will solve the issues of overpopulation, it won't.
You clearly cannot grasp the infrastructure or energy costs of you simply being alive, living a house or other building, using a computer, having electricity and all those nice consumer items you odn't fucking need. None of this has anything to do with meat and is far more environmentally destructive than meat alone.

The only sustainable answer in any system is population control (not saying how, just that it is needed) and rules for sustainability such as don't cut down rainforests or fill in wetlands etc.

>> No.10823828

you're gonna reverse 3000k + years of evolution in what... one generation?

Fuck you're dumb

>> No.10823843

Bacon, though you can't enjoy it if you go vegan.

>> No.10823844

>durrrr they do
No they dont. Unless of course you think rocks feel pain because they respond to stimuli

>life feeds on life
Brilliant insight, how many times did Koe Rogan need to say that for it to finally make sense for you? My point is no matter what stupid argument you make eating only plants means less plants “feel pain”

>that’s because you changed the argument
No. That’s because you’re a retard strawmanning. Humans being naturally destructive is completely irrelevant to the point of minimizing said destruction you fucking shithead.

>durrrr overpopulation!!!!
Another completely irrelevant point to the discussion, you’re desperate to look smart and get a zinger but end up looking more retarded than before. You’re misrepresenting the discussion and creating new irrelevant points

>> No.10823850

Lol go ahead and point out where I said that you unread aspie

Fuck?!?!? You’re dumb!!!!


>> No.10823858

>Humans being naturally destructive is completely irrelevant to the point of minimizing said destruction you fucking shithead.

No, it's not. It makes it clear that minimizing suffering is a sisyphean task.

>> No.10823872

rocks aren't alive

plants have been proven to respond to specific stimulus such as being attacked by insects or damaged by humans AND signal to nearby plants to toughen up and produce compounds to act as a deterrent because they are ALIVE and they COMMUNICATE. This isn't opinion it is fact.

just because it doesn't happen on the same time scale as a human doesn't mean they don't.

Where do vegans draw the line? Chickens are objectively stupider than cows. Is it ok to eat them? How about rabbits, they're dumb? What about fish? What about plankton? What about fungi? What about bacteria? What about shellfish? What about invertebrates in general?

I'm not straw-manning btw., You're saying be vegan cause 'mah feelings' and 'it'll save the world' and i'm saying your feelings are a shit argument and it won't save the world because it is a narrow view that ignores the world as a whole. whatever faggot

>> No.10823876

>And they can “evolve” again.
they won't survive to see this without our help

>> No.10823897

That’s literally not the argument you stupid fuckhead. By your logic, any attempt is completely fruitless and irrelevant, nihilism ftw xDDD


>rocks aren’t alive
Yes they are

>plants have been proven to respond to stimulus

Means shit, fuckface. Stimulus doesn’t mean sentient or sapient being. And yet again, less plants would be getting killed

>where do vegans draw the line
Seems pretty obvious but you’re an obtuse retard of course

>im not strawmanning
Yes you are. You’re misrepresenting the point and creating non-existent argument points irrelevant to the discussion. You talking about humans are dark like your heart has nothing to do with OP’s point

>> No.10823918

Vegans should kill themselves. It's objectively better for the planet.

>> No.10823932

Triggered dairy fairy’s gonads are getting wonky again

>> No.10823940

you think rocks are alive?

ok, conversation over

There is no point in arguing with someone who is clearly mentally deficient

>> No.10823947

this is objectively true

>> No.10823953

I too hope for the average vegan to kill himself

>> No.10823958

Personally, I don't hope for them to kill themselves, but it would be more environmentally friendly than being vegan

>> No.10823967

>That’s literally not the argument you stupid fuckhead.
It is my argument.

>>By your logic, any attempt is completely fruitless and irrelevant, nihilism ftw
Nope. Only sysyphean tasks are fruitless and irrelevant. Tasks which have a reasonable return on effort are entirely worthwhile.

For example, cleaning up the great pacific garbage patch is within our technological capability and would have a far bigger positive enviornmental impact than attemmpting enviornmental improvement via veganism. Focus on things with better bang-for-you-buck, so to speak.

>> No.10824001

Oh look. The autistic faggot gets BTFO on every relevant point of the discussion and runs away like a little bitch about rocks.

>it is my argument
Evidently no one fucking cares and it’s utterly irrelevant

Yep. Considering you consider putting down the fucking fork such a sysyphean task there’s nothing obviously little to none you consider worthwhile. Nothing you’re capable of grasping anyway since apparently avoiding pollution and eating vegan are two monumentally mutually exclusive tasks for an intellectual like yourself

>focus on things with better bang for your buck
Like our atmosphere, climate, forests, and life on Earth? Nah! That’s small potatoes!!


>> No.10824007


and the garbage continents aren't even our biggest problem!!!

>> No.10824012

>Like our atmosphere, climate, forests, and life on Earth? Nah! That’s small potatoes!!

you care less about the whole picture than you do about your feelings towards animals

this is one example of why our small minded species is doomed and most of the life on this planet is also going to die

>> No.10824021

so is suicide, and as bad for you as well. hop to it, vegboy. save the planet.

>> No.10824022
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>stop eating animals
>they overpopulate and start eating us instead
At least we kept the moral high ground, huh?

>> No.10824044

>you care less about the whole picture
No. This is you being a strawmanning retard yet again who thinks cleaning up the Garbage Patch is apparently mutually exclusive from anything involving animals, like I just said, and like I just said animals involve a lot to do with carbon emissions, deforestation, ecosystem sustainability, and life on Earth

It’s almost like everything is intertwined!

>one example why
Yeah because of retards like you that can’t read a fucking 5 sentence post on 4chan and thinks eating broccoli is a sysyphean fucking task you fat headed fuck

>> No.10824053

U mad?

>> No.10824064

I don't care about the planet though, just a mix or keeping me alive long enough but not necessarily as long as possible, and enjoying myself. And I really enjoy meat.

>> No.10824070

You have me confused with yourself which is weird since I’m God

>> No.10824075
File: 40 KB, 500x492, opl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfags pretending to be oldfags are the worst newfags.

>> No.10824081


>> No.10824085

>It’s almost like everything is intertwined!

So lets just pretend that being vegan will fix everything so we can feel better about ourselves ... YAY!!!!

you know that video of the meteor blowing up over russia and the one guy in the car flips down his visor as a reaction?

The explosion is humanity and veganism is the visor....

not gonna do shit, no matter how 'good' it makes you feel.

>> No.10824093

This is literally everyone, no matter what justifications they try to offer.

>> No.10824103

>lets just pretend being vegan will fix
In your case. Genuinely be a retarded fat fuckface who literally cannot read and thinks not littering and eating salad are mutually exclusive sissyboy tasks

>you know that video
No. I do know you’re a fucking fat aspie with no argument that just basically gave up

>> No.10824107

>Yep. Considering you consider putting down the fucking fork such a sysyphean task
Putting down the fork is easy. Expecting a significant number of people to do it, and expecting any kind of meaningful results, is bass-ackward retarded, especially when so many people are replacing meat with highly processed fake meat replacements. Those might not involve slaughtering an animal but they cause every bit as much enviornmental harm.

>Like our atmosphere, climate, forests, and life on Earth? Nah! That's small potatoes.

Sigh. Yes, those things are important. Expecting to make any meaningful progress towards improving them with your arugment is not. It's not that land, climate, etc, aren't important. IT's that your proposed solution won't do an appreciable amount of good relative to the effort it takes.

Pick a different method and your effort will bear a lot more fruit.

>> No.10824114

Excellent analogy, anon.

>> No.10824121

>be a retarded fat fuckface

simmer down there buddy

I have already done more to save humanity and the environment than you ever will and we're still fucked

In case you're wondering i've spent the last 10 years researching and developing alternative energy materials, but hey i'm sure what you do is important too.

I'm gonna go eat some fuckin bacon now so I can keep up the energy to run my huge brain and work on real scientific problems. You have fun trying to hide your boner at your next visit to the petting zoo

>> No.10824128

Not the argument


>your proposed solution
Only because you’re an angry fat fuck that gets triggered by vegans.

>highly processed fake meats
Cringed again. Never even said that. Still 50x better than livestock

>pick a different method
Quit being a fat pussy, pretty please?

>> No.10824131

I just wish I still had that video

>> No.10824135
File: 186 KB, 626x384, 5EBAEDB0-52FE-4219-937D-256B71C19B0F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have already done more to save humanity and the environment than you ever will yet my soul is as dark as senegal!!! ive covered energy wars ya know!!! im a big boy like momma says she says my research is like the doctors!!!

>> No.10824138

>Quit being a fat pussy, pretty please?
Answer me this.

If someone told you that with option A you could save 100 acres of land or with option B you could save 10,000 acres, which would you chose?

Because it sounds to me like you're wasting your effort on A when B is staring you in the face.

>> No.10824143

my argument is that humans are superior to animals and as such we have the moral right to do whatever we want to them

>> No.10824145

Livestock does not need avocado toast. They eat grasses and weeds that are in most cases otherwise inedible to humans.

>> No.10824151

You cant damage the planet, only change it.

>> No.10824165

That is not what about is you Reddit fuck, the issue raised was that veganism is better for the planet, he pointed out giving up electronics is objectively better for the planet but vegans won't give that up because they can't virtue signal if they can't post how progressive they are on Instagram so they don't care about the planet they care about the planet despite using that as the entire argument as to why there is no reason for eating an omnivore diet

>> No.10824182


if you own anything that industry has killed countless animals and destroyed vaste swaths of natural habitat in the form of mining, and deforestation. Just consider how much of the planet we paved over... its insane.

>> No.10824183

But if I gave up my mobile instead of meat do you think vegans would say '
>oh cool you are doing your part'
or more like
>'well you are still contributing to killing the planet so not good enough'

>> No.10824185

What if I told you the fat pussy offering these statistically incorrect choices didn’t realize both options were completely achievable and not mutually exclusive? Crazy thing right?

>> No.10824190

I'd say that we need a paradigm shift in the way humans operate at a collective level is what matters

plus we need population control, but nobody has ever come up with an ethical solution to that problem so we ignore it

>> No.10824192

And they emit absurd amounts of methane in the process which is far far more potent than any jet fuel. Localism and green energy are not exclusive concepts either

>> No.10824202

>And they emit absurd amounts of methane
so do humans

>> No.10824211

Okay. Compare that to how much a cow does. And now think about how much cattle we continue to massively sustain

>> No.10824219

What is the point of getting mad over this? Humans aren't going to stop eating meat. The only thing vegans should ever be doing is working to support lab-grown meat. That's the only realistic option.

>> No.10824266

>>not mutually exclusive.
Nonsense. Every moment you spend preaching veganism is a moment that you could not spend doing something more effective.

Which do you think is a better use of your time:
1) Arguing with spergs on 4chan whose opinions and practices will likely never change
2) Putting down your phone/tablet/pc, going outdoors and planting a tree?

>> No.10824289

>Nonsense. You could be doing X
You’re a really a dumb fat fuck aren’t you? Why don’t you try reading “mutually exclusive” in regards to “not polluting” and “being vegan” again. Just try thinking just this one time!

Or maybe just wait a second

Youre a dumb fat fuck who got utterly blown out and is currently strawmanning like the chubby shithead he is


>> No.10824301 [DELETED] 

Fuck the planet. What now?

>> No.10824342

There's no need to resort to insults or harsh language.

I'm not talking about being vegan vs. not being vegan. I'm talking about your actions right now. Why did you choose to stay here and argue with me instead of planting a tree right now?

I've already stated why I am not vegan. If you're not OK with that, that's your decision and I respect that. But I'm not sure what else there is to say on that subject, hence my question above.

If you want to get out of it you can always take a copout answer like "I'm riding the bus right now"

>> No.10824355

Get over it, boy of soy

>im not talking about vegan vs non vegan
Evidently you were since you directly replied to the mutual exclusivity. Or you’re just strawmanning like a retard!!!

What a shocker!!!

>if youre not ok with that i respect that

>> No.10824598

>It's objectively better for the planet.
On what logic? Because you can concieve the idea of enviromental protection as "this planet is our only home, and since it's ours, and you don't usually destroy your house completely in a chimp-out, we should keep it mostly decent, but it's ours otherwise" (and therefore you just plant non-crop things in places that you have no use for, protect only essential animals and let the rest to their fate etc.) to "humans are somehow not part of nature, we should jsut die!"

>> No.10824746

That's not an argument against being vegan though, pointing out the hypocrisy among many vegans sure, but not an argument against it.

>> No.10825317

>The only thing vegans should ever be doing is working to support lab-grown meat.
I usually try to bring this up in vegan threads, because I've seen meat eaters who say they'll never go vegan say that they wouldn't mind switching to lab-grown meat.

>> No.10825754
File: 28 KB, 500x465, brad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If all humans were dead it would be better for the planet.

Sounds like the unabomber was on to something.....

>> No.10825784

i need the thetans in the meat to replenish my mana

>> No.10825991

Who /cosmicnihilism/ here?

>> No.10825995

Consuming an animal means consuming it's soul. If you eat only plants, you will be stupid like a plant. Human intelligence is objectively better for the planet.

>> No.10826015
File: 32 KB, 607x608, hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good to be top of the food chain

>> No.10826021

Meanwhile at outsiders and journalist headquarters:
"We need to change these peoples views but they don't listen."
"I know we'll just post Pepe the frog and Japanese cartoons so they'll listen"

>> No.10826029

>falling for the vegan meme

>> No.10827430 [DELETED] 

Shopping at Wal-Mart doesn't put you at the top of the food chain you dumbfuck highschooler. Take a biology class.

>> No.10827988

What does this have to do with food or cooking?

>> No.10828039

It's a sad state of affairs for 2018 4chan, when this obvious bait thread managed to get so many serious replies.

Depressing. Although I will say that meat is good.

>> No.10828118

It is a good counter argument to the one the vegan anon was making though but of veganism as a whole no ethical vegans for instance may not care about environmental impact all that much and would have other reasons for the diet/lifestyle in not claiming otherwise>>10825754

>> No.10828137

>If all humans were dead it would be better for the planet.
Not necessarily. Maybe in the short term, but what would happen to it in the long term? We're the best hope the planet has.

>> No.10828185

Take the baker pill
