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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10814846 No.10814846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>implying the best part of multiculturalism isn’t all the quirky ethnic foods that appear in your city

Boy, I sure do love diversity!

>> No.10814850

what is the point of this thread

>> No.10814870

Yeah, pretty much. I wish we could get some genuine chinks in my town instead of just vietnamese. I'd love a chinese place with some actual sichuan. Even just mapo tofu would be great.

>> No.10814875


>> No.10814880

>living in Bristol, one of of the most multiculti cities in England
>all the Arabs here have opened up pizza places, lots of 'italian' ones
>they literally all taste the same, I haven't had a good pizza since I moved back to this fucking city

>> No.10814922

It's pretty simple:

Ethnic food is good

All other aspects of having non-white people in a white country are bad.

>> No.10814930

I’d rather keep my property value high and have to drive to another town for ethnic food than live next to some kind of foreign family though

>> No.10814932

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

>> No.10814937

I'd rather live next to poor asians than poor whites. Class is way more important than race

>> No.10815024

rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites

>> No.10815026

What's your definition of rich?

>> No.10815029

Millionaire rich and it's true.

>> No.10815031


>> No.10815038

But some cultures are inclined towards being poorer (because they can't adapt to modern society) and then they blame it on racism.

Asians are a different matter (assuming you mean East Asians, not "asians" as they define them in the UK), they are capable of living a middle class lifestyle but have attitudes and culture than erode the basis of society, e.g. they believe that morality means doing what is best for you and your family, even at the expense of society as a whole.

>> No.10815045

Looked up the study, and you're wrong. Black kids from wealthier families are indeed more likely to go to prison, but only up to a point. Blacks who came from families that made $69,000 or more were less likely than poor white kids.

>> No.10815099
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>> No.10815107
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>> No.10815121

This chart is fake. The Bureau of Justice doesn't group stats by race and wealth simultaneously.

>> No.10815122

This is why the left needs two factions. One to say thing like >>10815045. The other to say the crime rates are due to racism and shame people who correct people who post things like >>10815045.

>> No.10815279

>>10815107 may be fake but >>10815099 shows how much race (as opposed to income)
affects crime and is from http://pricetheory.uchicago.edu/levitt/Papers/LevittTheChangingRelationship1999.pdf

Note >>10815099 shows income within each community so the 90% percentile of blacks is not the same income range as the 90% percentile of whites. But The 90% percentile of blacks is still much higher than the 10% percentile of whites (see Table 5 in the link)

>> No.10815944

>Bristol is one of the most multicultural cities in England

little old women selling fresh tamales from a cart, nipping to your local tacqueria for fresh tortillas, buying a bag of pork siu mai that you just watched a small child make from scratch, local nonna restaurant selling pasta dishes passed down from generation to generation cooked the old way
>this sounds good in principal OP but in reality, my experience of multicultural cuisine in the UK is kebab shops and chicken shops sprouting up everywhere with somalians eating chicken in the street and throwing the bones on the floor

>> No.10815972

If you forget about all the fine local food that disappears because twitter told millenials that it's not trendy to cook it anymore and they should try that arab joint instead
American culture and society is sickening

>> No.10815981

Food is literally the best thing about multiculturalism, dumb huh poster. What is this thread even supposed to be about?

>> No.10816092

He said multiCULTURALism
Arabs don't have culture.

>> No.10816093

Bristol has been London 2.0 for a while now. Two large universities with huge numbers of foreign students. Some areas around the city centre that are basically muslim-only (and coincidentally are also complete shitholes, Bristol has always been dingy but it has nicer areas too).

>> No.10816134
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I live in a very culturally enriched part of SoCal, and I fuckingLOVED it. Not onlythemexican food is legit, but I can get Peruvian, Guatamalen, Cuban. Every stripe of Asian, from basic hole in the wall Chinese, to Thai, Sushi, or specialized Mandarin/Hmong/Szeshuan whatevs. There is a Jamaican place, I ate at a Soul Food place last night. I had greens for the first time, they won me over, and the Yams took me to another plane of existence. We had a German place, but it went out of existence, but we got your Greek, your basic "Mediterranian" a Spanish tapas place,
And that's all within 5 miles. Anything else I want is within the TMZ
We are truly blessed here.

>> No.10817247


>> No.10817263

>posting /pol/ bullshit on a cooking board

Predictable but still disappointing. Why can't you faggots stay on your containment board?

>> No.10817265

This. Music is probably the second best thing.

>> No.10817325


>> No.10817349

Enjoying another culture's food is honestly one of easiest ways to become a more open minded person.

>> No.10817353

Kebab here. Thanks for the support, man.

>> No.10817397

>eat kebab
>listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8hg0kKfZbU
>go out and behead whitey

>> No.10817865

it's just a /pol/tard, shitting up the thread, so he can impress himself by fighting the meme war.
>keywords:multiculturalism, diversity, and ethnic.

>> No.10817868

top trigger butthurt drumpf supporters

>> No.10817872
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Cheers to that, bring on the cultural enrichment

>> No.10817891

Why is this the picture people always use? Those guys don't look like bad people. If anything it looks like they adjusted to the culture they entered rather than changing it to be like the one they left.

>> No.10818267

Because it's representative of the backwards baizuo policies of the EU, stupid gwailo

>> No.10818269


>> No.10818298

So can i just get rid of niggers and mudslimes then? I can live without their food, honestly.

>> No.10818444

You seem surprised. Conservahicks throw a fit the second they see melanin.

>> No.10818466

because they are dumb flyovers who have never seen a non white person in their lives and they are upset that their disneyland image of the lederhosen-wearing german swinging a sausage around while drinking out of a colourful mug with a cap is being shattered

>> No.10818506

They look like some fine lads to have a drink with.

>> No.10818613
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>implying I can't pull up any given foreign recipe on the web and watch a local make it from start to finish on JooTube
>implying you need to import dirty shitskins to enjoy a diversified diet

I wonder who made this post.

>> No.10819249

But having the occasional kebab outweighs all the cons

>> No.10819587

All their chicken and burgers are the same too. I reckon they just buy them wholesale. I have to wonder if there's market for actual quality takeaway

>> No.10819759

Yeah, I feel regardless of political belief being able to get good food from all across the world locally is pretty great.

>> No.10819778

All the garlic and noxious spices give me explosive diarrhea, but apparently we're not allowed to eat normal food anymore because that's racist

Thanks obongo!

>> No.10820092

We have their recipes stored online now so it's okay to gas them now.

>> No.10820950

Long Beach?

>> No.10820969

Faggots trying to encourage the same tired pseudo-political circle-jerk about "muh niggers and jews" by sliding it into a topic slightly relevant to food.

>> No.10821030

I moved to a new city because I felt that the place I lived previously was too monoethnic. No point in living in a multicultural and not availing of the richness of the mix. Couldn't be happier DESU and cannot conceive of living doneshere where gfd dhokestreet spoke the same language. And yes, our "pot-luck" barbeques are divine!