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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10814358 No.10814358 [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend just gave me a couple boiled eggs.
What can I put on it to make it a bit more palatable?

>> No.10814363

Try 'Vark sauce

>> No.10814367

a little salt. stop being a baby.

>> No.10814369

Honestly that's a raw deal. Gifted eggs boiled? Bad bad bad.

Chop it up, mix it with lots of mayo and mustard, eat on toasted breads with lettice.

>> No.10814375

What type of eggs make the best mayo? What oil should I use?

>> No.10814386

I could practice my elbow salt technique

>> No.10814390

The same eggs they use in Secret Aardvark Spicy Mayo sauce. Free-range, whole organic, non-GMO

>> No.10814392

this. salt and pepper is probably your best bet to just dip stuff with since eggs arent very good at holding sauces

>> No.10814394

seasoned salt

>> No.10814397

Himalayan pink sea salt to be precise

>> No.10814401
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>that 23 year old boomer who puts tobasco on everything

>> No.10814413

I'm 32 actually

>> No.10814424
File: 116 KB, 500x529, buffalo eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A company near me actually makes packaged Buffalo style hard cooked eggs. They're not too bad.

>> No.10814429

HEH reminds me of a girl in college who was really cute but one day at dinner she just ate a plate of 5 hard boiled eggs

>> No.10814446

no, Lawry's to be precise.

>> No.10814455

Quail eggs
Extra virgin olive oil

>> No.10814457

OP here. If anyone was wondering. They were overcooked.
I put on salt and cayenne pepper

>> No.10814465 [DELETED] 

I have some sweat harnessed from my ballsack sweat, will that do the trick

>> No.10814614

If you have time to marinate them try a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, and then let them sit overnight. They taste really good this way. Looj up ramen egg.

>> No.10814636


>> No.10814644

Salt and pepper, dipshit

>> No.10814659


Use yolks and half olive oil and half neutral oil like grapeseed.

Do not go 100 percent olive oil.

>> No.10814665

I have a house, a girlfriend and a cat. Can't complain

>> No.10814673
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>a cat
Post pics.

>> No.10814685

Wow, you own a house? I'm so impressed, anon. You own a cat, too? Look at you. Wait, what's that, you even have a gf? You sure made it in life!

>> No.10814708
File: 30 KB, 159x500, 684F14BD-1191-44B2-B2B8-981623136B2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you happen to have this, try it on sliced eggs...

>> No.10814767

Ain't seen it mentioned but I love a little spicy brown mustard on my hard boiled eggs.

>> No.10814776

Shes trying to send you a message

Impregnate her before I do it for you

>> No.10814796

>hard cooked eggs
Is this an aquired taste? I don't mind soft or medium but hard is always too rubbery.

>> No.10814833

why are you so mad

>> No.10814848

Soy sauce, or a little 'cha.

>> No.10814854

add to vegemite toast and experience God's kingdom on Earth

>> No.10814862

I’m pissed cause there are oldfaggots like you shitting up this board. Stick to eating tapioca pudding and fuck off, gramps.

>> No.10814911

Salt, pepper some cayenne for color.
Honey mustard or french sauce for dipping.

>> No.10815118

Sounds like my kinda girl

>> No.10815124

Return the favor.
Give her a bowl of eggs.

>> No.10815143

Have you tried dumping 'vark sauce on it?

>> No.10816283
File: 58 KB, 960x715, 18622553_810026742495291_5580859058068437360_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capers, mayonnaise, and parsley

>> No.10816301

>having to make eggs more palatable
First accept you have the taste of a McDonalds child, then please seek to correct it

Eggs are by far the most basic food around, if you didn't learn to cook and love them, chances are you're a loser who's going to expend an enormous amount of effort of doing the equivalent of proving humans like air

>> No.10816353

Tobasco is the finest

>> No.10816616

>she just ate a plate of 5 hard boiled eggs
shhh shh shh Anon, you don't have to say anything

>> No.10816641

I cant imagine eating boiled eggs with anything else than mayo and mustard. Also tons of freah chive and black pepper.

>> No.10816666

Your girlfriend must be a real treasure, OP
Cherish those eggs

>> No.10816707

sprinkle of salt
also teach your gf about the wonders of a soft boiled egg

>> No.10816721

>a couple
you're not very good at counting are you anon

>> No.10816750

I got that image from Google, spastic. I wouldn't show you the eggs my girlfriend really made because someone would steal her from me.

>> No.10816754
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you have to eat all the eggs

>> No.10816802

What's wrong with that?

>> No.10816826

Hard is best cold

>> No.10816871

Name one thing better
besides a wife and kids

>> No.10816915
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Nobody can eat 50 egg.

>> No.10817305

Take it from an old fag.
Stop being so mad at everything and you'll enjoy life more.
You don't want to be 30 years old, look back at your life and realize you wasted your youth because you were being pissed off at everything

>> No.10817326

you have to eat these
im not going to let you leave until you eat these eggs

>> No.10817344

salt and cumin

>> No.10817403

Salt and mayonnaise

>> No.10817430

Have you ever had tapioca pudding?
its just vanilla pudding with tapioca pearls and the texture is pretty cash.

>> No.10817448
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>Not making your own mayo

>> No.10817714

My dad likes to eat boiled eggs with salt and pepper, then have saltines topped with a spread of butter and some onions.

>> No.10817798

chop/crush them
add pepper, salt, and olive oil
eat with choice of bread

>> No.10817812

basic needs = salt + pepper

for your taste: butter or paprika or hot sauce

imo salt + pepper + lil bit of butter is amazing

>> No.10818259

she gave you a couple of hard boiled eggs? Are you a small child?

>> No.10818415

, but anon, all my eggs are boiled, how am i supposed to make mayo myself?

>> No.10818477


>> No.10818499
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>thinks he's not a boomer

>> No.10819174

Someone post that guy who almost died
Eggs sandwiches

>> No.10819215

>Take it from an old fag.
Stop being so mad at everything and you'll enjoy life more.
You don't want to be 30 years old, look back at your life and realize you wasted your youth because you were being pissed off at everything

Sounds like you just described the quintessential liberal.

>> No.10819229

How do you season salt?

>> No.10819237

slice thin, put on a sandwich with swiss cheese mustard chicken and tomato.

>> No.10819244

I think he means smoked salt?

>> No.10819247

Just put a bit of mayo on it and maybe sprinkle some paprika.

Or dip into some coleslaw and just chow down

>> No.10819255

I always open the salt shaker up and dump a pile of salt to dip my egg in

>> No.10819256

Did you just assume anons gender?

>> No.10819365

big woop wanna fight about it?

>> No.10819591
File: 65 KB, 622x622, eiersalat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make pic related

>> No.10819597

how do you smoke salt?

>> No.10819601

burn crying jews

>> No.10820484

What is that?

>> No.10820523

a j i t a m a

>> No.10820902

egg salad. i just ate some for dinner. made mine by chopping the eggs a bit, some mayo and mustard, pepper and paprika. damn good.

>> No.10820904 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 3444x3444, BeavertonFoodslowresING-Sriracha-Mustard-e1417378120445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A metric fuckton of Inglehoffer Brand German Style Mustard sriracha line

>> No.10820913

sop. sop id

>> No.10820919


>> No.10820928

>Can't complain
Well other than the fact that you are still not married. Probably having kids in your 40s, too.

>> No.10822434

No plan to get married and no plan to have kids.
Maybe we're just weirdos

>> No.10822447

Make deviled eggs you crazy kid.

>> No.10822947
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Get the fuck outta my way, you gang of niggers.

>> No.10823160

A liitle bit of Maggi

>> No.10823184

Banana sauce

>> No.10823185

They're not too bad in salad with some tomato salsa. Or add that then chop up some chicken breast and add some hot sauce.

>> No.10823282

I love to put mayonnaise on hard boiled eggs, some hot sauce wouldn't hurt either.

>> No.10823286

Spotted the 3rd world subhuman, if it weren't for eggs you'd all probably be dead by now.

>> No.10824260

based as fuck

>> No.10824403

Caviar like a true skandi

>> No.10824418

i eat them with salt pepper and olive oil

>> No.10824424

Imagine her farts later

>> No.10824840

He's 32, he's the Greatest Generation you ding dong

>> No.10824954
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>> No.10825042
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> aioli heeeeya