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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3 KB, 121x121, onion-juice-benefits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10813573 No.10813573 [Reply] [Original]

i'm unironically buying a juicer. i'd probably like a masticating juicer for that high yield and quiet operation and easier cleaning. but the juicer market seems kinda iffy.

recommend me a great juicer, /ck/. i intend on juicing several onions a day (unironically) as well as grasses and vegetables and fruit, since you get way more nutrition that way, and then all i need is a little bit of rice and a little bit of meat.

>> No.10813583

A blender

>since you get way more nutrition that way
By taking away 80% of the food itself?

>> No.10813598


blenders result in fibrous pulp all through the drink. while fiber IS good for you, it's not 'nutritious', it's pretty much just a digestive aid. the nutrients themselves are the liquids from the cells of the plant. a juicer seperates the fiber (which might as well be paper) from the essential fluids of the plant, allowing you to very easily digest the maximum nutritive content of the plant.

and, drinking a blended onion is pretty bad. i don't need the fiber out of the onion. i need those allicinoids and phytosulfides.

anyways, that's why people use juicers rather than blenders. 80% of vegetables are actually just paper, and juicers extract the nutrition from it.

>> No.10813614

total broscience

>> No.10813621


the virgin theoretical science vs the chad broscience. in all seriousness it's true and i don't respect your notion of 'science'

>> No.10813653

Fiber is great for digestion and gut health. There are plenty of phytonutrients and vitamins bound to it as well

>drinking a blended onion is pretty bad
Then cook it like a normal person and eat it

>juicers extract the nutrition
They just take away. But hey, enjoy your onion juice

>> No.10813669

>it’s true


>> No.10813670


>They just take away.
>Then cook it

you will never achieve maximum nutrient concentration. you are not going to make it.

>> No.10813679


>nutrient facts . org


>> No.10813694

You’re getting half the nutrition from juicing. So yeah you’re retarded.

The fact you can’t even spell “nutrition” and didn’t even watch the 3 minute video says everything about how much of a dumb shithead you are

How about you quit being a pussy and take onion suppositories?

>> No.10813707

>You’re getting half the nutrition from juicing.
Who cares? I'm not vitamin deficient or even remotely close to it. Even "half" the nutrition is more than adequate.

>> No.10813710
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you are getting MUCH more nutrition than if you just ate the thing. and if i watched every 3 minute video people wanted me to watch, i'd waste a lot of my life on nonsense, plus, if you had something worth hearing to say, you'd have said it instead of just linking some silly video, but since you didn't, i can safely assume the video is as worth watching as you are worth listening to.

PS. nutrient is a real word in the dictionary, i'd shrek you at scrabble.

>> No.10813723

in all seriousness it's not true and i don't respect your broscience. you actually get more nutrition from eating an onion than you do from juicing it.

>> No.10813729

you said you get more. come back with those goalposts.

>> No.10813741


you would absorb waaay more goodies from the extracted liquid of a vegetable than from eating the vegetable, because the cellulose that forms the walls of the cells being itself indigestible and getting in the way of the hairs on the inside of the intestines sucking up nutrients. the fact that it's all liquid means your small intestines will get almost everything out of it. you'd be surprised how much good nutrition you just shit out of your asshole. because once a poop log is formed inside you, you're not getting any more nutrition from the inside of that log.


yeah, nice sisscience there lol


different person.

>> No.10813745

>who cares?
Then why the fuck are you complaining about nutrient efficiency retard? It’s inefficient and not the most efficient method

And yet you still have nothing to support that. But sure let’s just suppose science doesn’t exist. How would you possibly come to the conclusion taking AWAY from the whole food is nutritionally maximizing?

>im not going to watch the video because im a fat retarded cunt that got Btfo

>nutrient is a real word
And its not the name of the channel like you wrote you fat thick headed fuckface

>> No.10813751

No, that was my first post in the thread. This is my second.
You're talking to more than one person, foolio.

>> No.10813759

why would anyone care about your nutrient deficiency in a discussion about somebody else's you attention whore

>> No.10813761

Its broken down by our gut bacteria, has nothing to do with nutrition

>getting in the way of hairs inside the intestines


You still haven’t proved anything that shows more nutrients from juicing and ignored evidence of polyphenols attached to the fibers

Fucking literal brainlet. Do you actually have autism?

>> No.10813767

>discussion is about nutrient maximization

>interject with a point saying LOL WHO CARES

>get surprised when you get called a retard

Stupid fuckwitted shithead

>> No.10813785
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>And yet you still have nothing to support that

it's common sense, brainlet. if you devoted five minutes of your time to considering how your digestive process works, you'd come to the same conclusion. try thinking.

>How would you possibly come to the conclusion taking AWAY from the whole food is nutritionally maximizing?

because that's why we invented the concept of extraction. you seperate the killer from the filler. in this case, the (good) killer is the liquid essence of the cells of the plant, where the bulky and nutritionally inert cellulose that form the structure of the plant is removed. and then there's the fact that you'll absorb a much greater deal of of nutrients consumed if it's in a liquid form.

>And its not the name of the channel

who gives a fuck what that nobody channel is named? not me, that's for sure.


>one person raging against the idea of extracting nutritious juice from plants

>but the people being like 'actually it's super nutritious' back are the attention whores (plural)


now you're just making stuff up and typing in caps and using high-RPM insults. redline that shit boyee.

>> No.10813795

>it's common sense
opinion unequivocally discarded

>> No.10813805

>you seperate the killer from the filler.
the filler is good tho....becuase sugars tend to concentrate in the juice and when you eat the whole product the filler makes you feel full faster which keeps sugar intake in check

>> No.10813807

>start thread about acquiring pure onion juice, for reasons
>trolls trolling trolls

Now this, is shitposting. Please continue.

>> No.10813810

>its common sense
So common you can’t find a single peer review supporting it. You must be some inbred shithead from pol. Dumbest anti vaxxer tier shit ive read here in weeks

>thats why we invented the concept of extraction
It wasn’t “invented”, juicing was commercialized as a concept by snake oil salesmen to bait fat retards into buying 100 dollar pieces of plastic for “health food”

Guess which one you are?

>who gives a fuck
Me. The only person that matters. Youre a fat retard that cant spell nutrition or keep an attention span longer than 30 seconds let alone 3 minutes. Your only evidence is some Jay Kordich boomer science autism conjecture

>> No.10813818

Oh I see youre just a dedicated autistic shitbin troll with nothing better in life to do. Carry on with your trolling

>> No.10813837
File: 33 KB, 682x681, onion-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i see. you have a mental illness. dr. anon recommends... fresh air... and... onions.


depends on what you're going for. i do a lot of fasting.




watch out the, the nasty-things-to-say machine is gonna bust a gasket.


>So common you can’t find a single peer review supporting it.

i don't care about all that fluff.

>the only person that matters to me
>juice is snake oil
>doesn't know about the word 'nutrient'
>demanding my time from me

i see. you have a mental illness. dr. anon recommends... fresh air... and... onions.

>> No.10813842

I wonder what it’s like to actually put this much effort into thinking you’re pretending to be autistic when you just actually are

>> No.10813862
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you think i'm being sarcastic or ironic or that i don't mean or believe or think what i'm saying. you are incorrect.

>but no one could possibly seriously disagree with me

i also think that this is actually what you believe. and i'm supposed to be the lunatic here. sad!


i'm just patiently waiting for someone to show up who actually knows a good juicer, or what to look for in one, while shopping.

>> No.10813876

No one cares. Your troll is done. Fun games are over. Back to trap porn, fuckface

>> No.10813887


did i... make you cry? you seem to be emotionally disturbed.

>did you know why onions make you cry? because science! t. you

>> No.10813895
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>> No.10813898

Im quite disturbed such an autistic failed abortion like you roams my planet :’(

>> No.10813902

Lol fat fuck was seething so hard he forgot to post his image. Probably the same reason your fat fingers couldn’t spell nutrition, or you just be retarded :(

>> No.10813909


>angry at nutritious juices
>not fat


>> No.10813921

>im not fat you are

Furious fatty fat fat fat fuck detected

>> No.10813936
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find me five peer reviewed journal papers from a reputable university that most people believe to prove this or it's broscience.

>> No.10813941

How about you find something that isn’t your left hand to jerk you off.

>> No.10813946
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your mom said she had to do her taxes tonight or she'd miss a deadline, so i'm out of luck.

>> No.10813971

Momma aint into no downies who drink onion juice

>> No.10813991
File: 261 KB, 417x600, onion_large4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>just eat a big mac bro, it's got REAL onions on it

i possess alien technology as far as you're concerned.

>> No.10813999

Yeah your autism reeks of pol. Go back to your containment toilet. Plenty of non neurotypical incels like yourself who have all the premium juicers to juice the dead skin from their grundles

Heres a little link to guide you back! >>>/pol/

>> No.10814014 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 1024x1252, onion-my-love-we-can-finally-be-togather_o_4393795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



you have internet derangement syndrome, and are descending into some kind of paranoid-delusional persecution complex. you're on the road to thinking that you're being gangstalked or something.

i'm not kidding about the getting fresh hair thing, and some onions wouldn't hurt either, i know healthy food is an affront to you because of your posts on the internet, but you should try new things.

>> No.10814023

>a bloo bloo stop bullying me

Go back to your containment board already you shiteating aspie

>> No.10814030
File: 331 KB, 720x972, sinister-onion_o_2425497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what i learned from this public post you've made on the internet is that you are borderline illiterate.

>> No.10814035

Oooh illiterate. Das a big word for you!!

>> No.10814057
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not really. i'd read more books by the time i was fourteen than three generations of your family will read in total. i read platos republic in sixth grade and i liked it. it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that i've spent over 30,000 hours of my life reading, starting from when i taught myself to read by reciting from memory the books my mother had read me before even attending kindergarten. it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the person you've been insulting over juice on 4chan today may be the most literate person you have ever or will ever meet.

>> No.10814070



>> No.10814081

If your concern is getting more nutrition, you should try fermenting instead. It makes vegetables easier to digest and gives you good bacteria for your digestive system if you eat it raw.

>> No.10814084

w-w-what!!?!??!??!? that’s not true!!!!!! juicing is better!!!!!!!! i read it in my coloring books!!!!!!

>> No.10814090


i am super curious about the concept of fermented onion juice. onion beer?

>> No.10814094
File: 626 KB, 800x902, the onions make them cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10814096







>> No.10814101

Yeah im cringing at every post you make about onions too you fucking weirdo LOL

>> No.10814105

If you did that it'd be more like wine, but I meant just fermenting the whole thing and not just the juice. Fermenting can break down cellulose so you'd be getting extra nutrition which would be lost by juicing.

>> No.10814106


>cringing at vegetables

do americans really do this? believe it or not some people eat something that isn't covered in velveeta cheese and hormel chili.

>> No.10814116
File: 16 KB, 273x400, Red Wine & Onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


putting a pin in onion wine. how do you ferment an onion in a manner distinguished from 'letting it rot'? i don't know anything about fermentation. and couldn't you just... juice the fermented end product?

>> No.10814121

I just want to let your third world ass know you will NEVER find a juicer and you will ALWAYS be condemned to browsing /pol/ fucking an onion and licking the ball sweat afterwards

>> No.10814125

You’re an autistic fucking loser. You’re a shitskin. You fuck onions. You shouldn’t be near children

>> No.10814141
File: 856 KB, 1125x1035, 5965CC8E-18A2-4BDB-A36B-6CCA9AB49B41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extra nutrition
huh? what do you mean? juicing gives maximum nutrition!!! i read it in my big boy books after browsing /ptg/!!!

>> No.10814144

I have a Breville Juice Fountain thats been working great for the past 6 years or so. It's not very quiet, but comes apart and cleans easy, and can handle pretty much everything I've thrown at it.

>> No.10814154

thanks but ill just stick to shoving onions up my anus

>> No.10814160
File: 1.89 MB, 4000x3000, onion whip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i live in texas and own two cars, retard. i can afford a juicer, i just don't want to buy a shitty one and waste my money.


thank you for your honest contribution.

>> No.10814164

do you know how to make onion wine so i can put it through a catheter?

>> No.10814169
File: 494 KB, 1125x790, 1A572A2A-2319-41D3-929F-2C9EC7B36BF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know the best way to use onion pulp as a dildo? i need nion nion to read big book i like!!

>> No.10814173


we have reached the next level of mad.

>> No.10814179

>how do you ferment an onion in a manner distinguished from 'letting it rot'?

Two different ways. If you want to make alcohol you juice the onions then you add yeast. Because you added billions of yeast cells the yeast far outnumber any wild bacteria and establish themselves as the dominant organism. As the yeast grow and multiply they produce alcohol which kills off other microbes. This continues until either the yeast run out of food (sugar), or the alcohol % gets so high that they too die. That is how beer and wine are made.

You could also lacto-ferment. This produces a product like kimchi, saurkraut, etc. You do this by adding salt. The salt supresses the harmful bacteria but allows lactobacillus to grow. Lactobacillus produce lactic acid, which preserves the food. That's how many hot sauces, and worcestershire, are made, only those have other ingredients beyond just onions.

>> No.10814181
File: 763 KB, 632x1454, F2F1EDF2-F834-4817-9569-0AB3D6F2014B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re retarded enough to waste your money on a juicer because you like lubing your prostate with onion juice

>> No.10814191

You can do it just like sauerkraut. Slice it thin or chop it up, salt it (2% salt by weight I think), make sure it has enough liquid to stay submerged, and let it go for a couple weeks or however long it takes to finish. It gives vegetables a nice sour flavor, and if you don't want to just eat onions you could do a mix of vegetables. I basically fermented a mix of salad vegetables one time and it was pretty good.

You could just ferment the juice, it would probably taste good as a condiment, but like I said if nutrition is your concern then just fermenting the juice instead of the whole thing means you'll be missing out on some nutrition.

>> No.10814197
File: 452 KB, 1125x621, 5A87454F-7C7D-4637-B33E-C88987A0F1B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you just posted your grubby shitskin hands and cars you fat fuck



>> No.10814206
File: 59 KB, 500x750, 1470829737271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat is going on in this thread, why is a phoneposter sperging out? is that angry drunk luthier guy?

>> No.10814211

no no no juice have more nutrition look at my car i read playdoh!!!

>> No.10814219

me like onion juice to shove big books up my ass he no like dat so i no wanted to

>> No.10814226






>> No.10814227
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here's your attention.


that makes sense about how yeast kills off anything that's not yeast. what i'd be curious about is how much nutrition remains in the resulting onion beer, and how much gets eaten or denatured by the alcohol. although i'd probably aim for a very low alcohol content.

and lacto-fermenting is adding salt, got it.

now what about kefir? because i've replaced my breakfast and lunch with a bottle of kefir already, which has superb macros and is supposed to be about the best probiotic out there. and i've seen products called 'water kefir'. i wonder if one could make onion kefir? probiotic onion juice... hopefully containing the same sulfuric antioxidant profile and quercetin/allicin etc as well as beneficial microbe colonies.


onionkraut, i'll be attempting this tomorrow.

>> No.10814230

Here’s another be

>> No.10814239
File: 340 KB, 1125x561, 1160B685-5E6F-40A7-9A99-A7218503C600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s another belter from your dumb fat spic ass

>> No.10814245

Just imagine the amount of women you get

Now decrease the percentage of that by about 90% by being this onion fucking spic

>> No.10814254
File: 87 KB, 871x680, BlueOnion-LOGO_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey, my hands are dirty because i work in a garage. but i'm pure white with blue eyes.

>> No.10814277

my hands are dirty because ive been grabbing raw onions ALL daaay ;)

>> No.10814286

The presence of alcohol shouldn't affect nutrition at all. The yeast will consume some nutrients along with their food (sugar), but it's a very tiny amount, and it's not like the nutrients magically vanish--they just get transferred from the onion's cells to the yeast. If you were to consume the resulting concoction unfiltered then there would be no net loss. Generally, things like beer or wine would be mechanically separated so that the yeast cells are not present in the finished beverage. But some styles retain them. Nigori Sake, for example, is unfiltered.

I'm not very knowledgeable about kefir, but my understanding is that it's just a different name for a lactoferment that happens to be made from milk.
lactoferment cabbage and you get saurkraut or kimchi depending on how you season it. sauerkraut is usually just salt and cabbage. Kimchi has chili, and might contain any of a wide range of other stuff.
ferment shallots & anchovies and you get worcestershire.
ferment milk and you get kefir.
ferment chili peppers and you get hot sauce
....it's all the same basic process, we just assign different names to the finished product.

>> No.10814312


kefir is slightly carbonated, and it's not salty. i've heard of something called kefir crystals. i'll look it up.

onionkraut is going down, though. also going to be looking up 'black onions' which is apparently a thing people do that involves the rotting process. i'm not against 'rot', incidentally, i've seen very interesting things involving people who eat roadkill raw and rotten meat having gigantic spleens and being very healthy.

i wonder what the onionkraut will taste like and be good for. maybe if it was a little sweet and spicy it'd be good with plain rice, which is my staple.

>> No.10814454

Like I said I don't know much about kefir, but the basic processes for fermentation are to either give the "Good microorganisms" a head start by adding them (i.e. adding yeast to beer wort), or by adding salt to supress the bad ones. Kefir might be made with a starter culture.

I know that in times past milk was allowed to naturally sour. It might already contain substances that naturally help the process.

>> No.10814985
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combensading 4 smol benis :DDD

>> No.10814993
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Don't forget to keep us posted on how large quantities of onion juice affect your social life

>> No.10816334
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>compensating with books

compensate for THIS

>> No.10816346

No problem desu. Don't feed the shitposters.

>> No.10817172

shut up

>> No.10817209

Of all the crap my ex-wife bought, that $300 juicer she used 2 or 3 times max is well up there.

>> No.10817283


why did she stop using it? was she unsatisfied with the juice it made, or was it the trouble of cleaning it every time? does she often buy 'cool stuff' and then lose interest in it? do you want to sell the thing to me?