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10812287 No.10812287 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone /ck/ advice me on what gin brand to buy as a gift for a friend

He is a gin enthusiast, i don't know shit about it.

Thinking about it ranging from 15- 30 € (18-35 $)

I don't trust any ranking lists on websites since i imagine a lot of them are bought, so i thought i'd ask /ck/

I'm thankful for any advice especially lesser known brands.

I live in germany tho, so i guess i can't any order local american brand or stuff like this

Alternatively i'm also thankful for advices on good Tequila

>> No.10812349

Important things I know about gin:
1. It's fucking gross
2. My brother drinks beefeater so I guess that's a decent one

>> No.10812401

Monkey 47 is a great gin on that price range.

>> No.10812427


Are those very famous gins ? I don't want to give an overly famous gin, which he maybe already has

>> No.10812433

Hendricks, I'm sure he can appreciate a light fragrant gin

>> No.10812439

if your friend is a gin "enthusiast" you probably won't be able to find something extraordinary in that price range that he hasn't had already, so i would say your best bet is to go for something interesting from a local distillery that he may not have had

>> No.10812445
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it gotta be the bombay saph bruh

>> No.10812447

famous gins that are pretty common are Beefeater, Tanqueray, Bombay Sapphire, and Hendrick's. They're all pretty regular drivers, so I probably wouldn't get them as a gift unless they're to someone new to gin.

I haven't seen Monkey 47 here in 'murica - not sure about Germany

>> No.10812451

Why would you decide to buy a bottle of gin as a gift for a gin enthusiast when you don't know anything about gin and only have $30 to spend? You realize that you can't get anything special from a liquor store for $30 other than a bottle of beer, right?

>> No.10812469

We're all still pretty young, and his gin thing only started 1 or 2 years ago, so i hope there are still some big ones he hasn't tried or owned. He is currently building up a collection, so it's ok being a famous brand, i just need to avoid being one of the top 5 most iconic gin brands

Pretty sure i already saw a Hendricks bottle at his home. Still, thank you

>> No.10812479
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>> No.10812493


thanks. Bombay saphire he owns for sure

Doesn't have to be the most exquisite bottle of gin. Just a tasteful one you can enjoy with friends at an evening.

We're all still students so a 30$ liquor is still a fine thing. Alcohol is relatevily cheap in germany

>> No.10812495

This guy is right you could ask your brother what his go to is and buy a bottle of that so he stays stocked

>> No.10812522

if hes a gin enthusiast you arnt gonna find a good gin in that price range he doesnt have or has tried
i dont think gin is a bog enough thing like scotch or whiskey that you can find a rare one in tjat price range that would be half decent

>> No.10812538

Gin is great

Empress 1908

>> No.10813231

What kind of gin is good for martinis? What kind of vermouth?

>> No.10813486

I like bombay sapphire for my martinis.

here's my recipe for a good martini:
1. 4 pts gin in a chilled glass
2. stir and think about vermouth
3. garnish with olive

>> No.10813508

Isle of Harris gin is delicious as fuck and very fashionable at the moment

>> No.10813544

If you can’t afford that maybe sipsmith or hoxton. The latter was a bit controversial because it has coconut in it but it’s teally good

>> No.10813574

>Doesn't have to be the most exquisite bottle of gin. Just a tasteful one you can enjoy with friends at an evening.
He'll value the time with friends more than a cheap bottle of gin. Do you guys like beer? The beer you'll get for $30 is almost certainly better than the gin you'll find, and the memories will be the same.

>> No.10814640

It really depends on what he's tried as for the gin, and I think ginshopping is probably more difficult in general than for something like whiskey

If you mean the last line of your post as maybe getting him tequila, that'd probably be better, especially since tequila is a "fun" spirit so it'd fit for birthday celebration, and also it's better to get something unexpected since that makes the gift much more special than something they've already tried, in which case it'd basically be handing him money.

As for tequila advice: get basically any 100% agave tequila, they're much better than the "mixto" (only half agave, half cane sugar) tequilas that are cheaper and bought more often. If it's 100% agave it'll be labeled as such and have one of these age-descriptors: (blanco, reposado, anejo) rather than "silver" or "gold" like mixtos do. Go for a blanco (unaged) or reposado (lightly aged) since they're cheaper and arguably better, blanco for more agave taste, reposado to be more mellow. In your case you'd probably want the blanco since your friend already likes gin, and the "agave taste" is sort of like essence of vegetable whereas gin is essence of citrus and pine, so he'll likely warm up to it. The best budget 100% agave is Lunazul, and 100% agave starts at $20 over here in the US and with import costs/taxes you should look for that first to not go over what you're willing to spend, but the decision really hinges on what your liquor store has stocked, so check there to see if they even have 100% tequilas

>> No.10814648

#1 rule of gin, MIX IT, do NOT do it straight. Gin is great since when mixed can become way smoother than vodka, this allows you to make way stronger drinks and get fucked up faster

>> No.10814660
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>Thinking about it ranging from 15- 30 € (18-35 $)
Don't be poor. Buy him The Botanist. It's not much more money. I drink a lot of gin, tried a lot. This is my favourite. Perfectly dry and smooth.

>> No.10814715

And buy quality tonic water, not shit from the pop aisle. You said you're German, you have Thomas Henry. Or get Fever Tree.

>> No.10814773
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>cooking board
>posts alcohol drinks

>> No.10814873

Adnams Copper House is pretty good and mild enough that I think a crowd of people would like it.

Gin is just booze with plants in though, so it makes a nice gift if you get an alright bottle and add your own berries to it. Looks good on a shelf, and gets better with time.

>> No.10816261
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Gin is spirit alc flavoured with botanicals, so ask yourself which ones he might be inclined to
failing that, tanqueray 10 never fails, and amazon carries it quite cheap
due to the way it is made, mass produced stuff is often as good or better than boutique producers

>> No.10816629

if he likes strongly herbal gin get him some Junipero

>> No.10816716

Don't get beefeater, man. I'm not even an "enthusiast" but even I can tell that it's shit. Your friend probably won't enjoy it.

Are all good options. I tried something called Nordés Galician Gin recently that was nice too. It's not cheap here but it looks like its within your price range.


>> No.10816747

Beefeater, like Tanq 10, is specifically meant as a martini gin for people who like the idea of martinis but are put off by the flavor of actual gin.

Nobody considers it a fine sophisticated gin but if you "can tell it's shit" you're just LARPing, it's about as inoffensive and bland as Blue Moon and it's only "shit" to the extent that it doesn't have the characteristics that gin lovers expect out of gin.

>> No.10816762

Blue Moon is shit too so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. It seems strange to get bent out of shape that I don't enjoy Beefeater (and nor would the person OP is buying for) especially since you're agreeing with me elsewhere.

>> No.10816770

Opihr is an interesting gin, not too expensive but obscure enough that your friend may not have tried it.

>> No.10816907

Brockman's gin is delicious, smooth enough to drink straight without any burn and tastes incredible

>> No.10817078

i would suggest Sloe gin, its different, yet very good from what most people get.

>> No.10817219

Where the fuck do you find good tonics

>> No.10817308

most grocery stores these days have Fever Tree in their mixers section. a larger liquor store will probably have other specialty tonics too

>> No.10817328

The best gin and tonic you can make with traditional techniques uses gin that you've stored in your freezer and tonic water poured from a fresh bottle that you've kept in ice water (if you really must, use tonic water that has merely been refrigerated, but keep it in the coldest part of your fridge - the part that accidentally freezes the lettuce from time to time). By "fresh bottle" I don't just mean unopened, I mean recently purchased. Plasic bottles lose their carbonation at an alarming rate, and smaller bottles lose carbonation faster than larger ones. Twenty-ounce bottles can lose an appreciable amount of carbonation in a month at room temperature. If you buy tonic water in glass bottles or cans - both of which are gas-impermeable - storage time isn't important.
Before you make the drink, you must decide what glassware to serve in. for my G&Ts I typically choose a champpagne flute (and no ice), but I am always using force carbonation. In this nonforce scenario, the champagne glass feels wrong, and it's best just to serve the drink on the rocks in a standard highball glass. You will add 1 3/4 ounces of gin and 3 1/4 ounces of tonic water to the glass to make a 5-ounce drink. You can measure the gin with a jigger, but don't measure the tonic water that way - jiggering will cause too much carbonation loss. Instead, before you make your drink measure 5 ounces of water into the glass and note where the water level, or wash line, is. Try free-pouring water into the glass to that same level by eye and then measure afterward how accurate you were. After a couple attempts you will likely be getting to within a quarter-ounce or better every time. You can also try to learn where the wash line for 1 3/4 ounces is in your glass so you can free-pour the gin, but I'd just use a jigger instead. Now you are ready to make the drink.

>> No.10817334

Several minutes before drink time, make sure your glass is in the freezer getting cold. Cut your lime into quarters, of which you will need one per drink. At drink time, pull the glass and gin out of the freezer and pour 1 3/4 ounces of gin into the glass before you pour in the tonic. Next, tilt your glass to a 45-degree angle and slowly pour the ice-cold tonic water into the glass. As you pour, slowly raise the glass to vertical and stop pouring when you have reached the 5-ounce wash line you memorised earlier. The order of operations is important. You want the two ingredients to mix thoroughly without any bubble-liberating activities like stirring. Pouring the tonic into the gin mixes better than pouring the gin into the tonic. Tonic water is denser than gin (even gin at freezer temperature), so the tonic will sink through the gin. Also, there is more tonic in the recipe than gin, and when mixing two liquids you'll mix more efficiently if you add the larger volume of liquid to the smaller one. As a bonus, adding gin to the glass first will melt any errant ice crystals on the inside of the glass - crystals that would become bubble nucleation sites and cause copious foaming if the tonic hit them.
Next, squeeze as much juice as you'd like into the drink from a quarter of a lime. Adding lime before tonic would help the drink mix better, but lime juice contains bubble nucleation sites and bubble-stabilizing surfactants that would wreak havoc with the tonic's carbonation if it were added earlier.

>> No.10817340

Then add freezer-cold ice - not tempered ice. Don't drop the ice into the drink like a Neanderthal. Gently slide it in using a bar spoon. It's important that you add the ice last; if it goes into the glass before the liquids, it will promote foaming as the tonic is poured and will present a barrier to mixing. Added at the end, the ice *promotes* mixing. If you use ice directly out of your freezer, it will add very little additional dilution. The ice cubes will crack from thermal shock, but that's ok in this application. Drop the lime quarter into the top of the glass if you like that sort of thing. If you dropped the lime directly into the liquid, it would create constant bubble nucleation, but in our on-the-rocks scenario the lime will sit just above the drink, leaving bubbles unharmed and lending a nice aroma as the glass is raised to the lips.

>> No.10817392

tl;dr: motherfucker writes an essay about how to serve fresh tap

>> No.10817410
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Bombay Sapphire (the blue one) or Hendricks is a safe bet, they are amazing tasting gins you can get from most supermarkets

>> No.10817417

beefeater is fucking cheap trash, same with Gordons

>> No.10817421

I enjoy gin and can absolutely tell when it's a cheap one. Stop being so underage

>> No.10817434

you're clearly too immature to understand the point he was making so don't even try to call him underage

>> No.10817442

The bottle says pube on it

>> No.10817465

Beefeater gin is cheap and it tastes like shit. That's pretty much the point I'm making. Not sure why you're getting so excited

>> No.10817491

no commercial gin really 'tastes like shit' unless it's got a balance of aromatics you don't like. same with vodka. people get jewed into thinking the expensive stuff is leagues better when actually the improvements are very slim, because a clean alcohol base is relatively easy to achieve. on an objective level gins are generally different to, not better than each other.

>> No.10817523
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Drumshanbo is a good gin in that price range.

>> No.10817538

Beefeater and Gordons are two examples that taste like 'cheap' vodka to me and do not have the right flavours added to make it a 'good' gin.
It's like saying the off-brand Coke isn't shit, it just doesn't taste like Coke. I understand your point, but to me every cheap gin I've tasted has had the same displeasing taste.

>> No.10817562

>It's like saying the off-brand Coke isn't shit, it just doesn't taste like Coke.
it is exactly like that. hard to objectively evaluate the difference between one cola and another, and familiarity/branding makes a huge difference. maybe if gordons were sold as a premium gin and you only had it on rare occasions your opinion on it might be different.

personally I value variety. I admit to not drinking beefeater though.

>> No.10817582
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Or tanqueray for low end or monkey 47 for mids

T. Gin-loving boomer

>> No.10817607

If you mix gin with anything other than ice or water you're a pleb

>> No.10817610

gin and juice is one of the greatest drinks ever

>> No.10817660

Get tanquery ten or botanist

>> No.10817678

Well, that made me want a g&t.

>> No.10817746


>> No.10817755

gin, grapefruit soda, and a splash of grenadine is absolutely delicious

>> No.10818104

That's way too much specificity going into a highball, at that point if it seems improved over a less meticulous process, that's probably placebo from the sheer amount of effort you put into it

Fuck, I feel like editing that into a copypasta about jack&coke

>> No.10818452
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Thank you. This was very helpful


Thanks to all you guys, looks like i have plenty of choice now

>> No.10818510
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this is the real shit you want to get a hold of.

>> No.10818543

Autism is usually unnerving but I'm genuinely impressed by this, sumbitch knows how he likes a drink

>> No.10818586

https://kyrodistillery.com/products/napue/ this shit right here