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10809700 No.10809700 [Reply] [Original]

All things related to coffee

>> No.10809712

I’m guessing nobody likes energy drinks anymore?

>> No.10810251

I do. I'm just getting older.

>> No.10810311

advanced faggotry

>> No.10810355

remember the days when we made threads only when we had an interesting point to make? now these general faggots just spit out a topic and hope people say something vaguely interesting. it's so low energy and quite frankly board-killing. eat shit OP

at least you posted a neat pic

>> No.10810554

Poor student here. Is getting a grinder worth it if I can only afford grocery store beans?
I drink 2-4 cups per day and freshly roasted beans is stupid expensive here. They're 3 times more expensive than the usual shit that I buy.

>> No.10810867

isnt grinder the gay dating app what does have to do with coffee

>> No.10810878

Gay people make really good coffee.

>> No.10810900

Just reused some 8 hour old coffee grounds. I've hit rock bottom.

>> No.10810911

I don't know your full situation re:$ but when I was an undergrad I bought a cheap $20 blade grinder that I thought was way worth it even for store bought beans, usually the whole bean v. ground are the same price and it's a noticeable improvement

>> No.10811040

As >>10810911 said
I had a similar experience and I always thought it was worth the extra little effort

>> No.10811295
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Again, what’s the best kone filter I can get? What should I look for. Willing to spend $40

>> No.10811336

Just bought a chemex, what should I expect?

>> No.10811344
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>> No.10811352

Drip coffee slightly better than a $20 mr coffee machine

>> No.10811360

best bet is find your local restaurant supply store and pick one up there

>> No.10811374
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is there a good instant coffee? Staying with my family and they dont have a coffee maker

>> No.10811381

Don't treat it like some single origin boutique meme coffee ground through an EK43 is the key, there are no fine notes of milk chocolate and earl grey tea here, it's just "coffee taste"

Try using it like the common folk do in southeast asia: hot milk instead of hot water, and plenty of cane sugar. If no hot milk, then the least disgusting "creamer" you can get your hands on

t. coffee autist who travels often

>> No.10811485

Instant bustello is my go to

>> No.10811699
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These are fantastic and economical.

>> No.10811746

If money is a constraint then it's probably not worth it for you considering store grinding is free and if you feel local roasters are too expensive then it's really not worth trying to invest in anything more as it won't provide any additional savings.

>> No.10811805

What a bullshit chart, no matter how you process it you can't change coffee's taste. Same with a lot of foods; chicken, vegetables, etc. This should be obvious if you know anything about cooking.

>> No.10811841
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>you cant change the taste of foods
what do you mean?

>> No.10811878

How can you comment on something you have no knowledge of with so much confidence?

>> No.10811883

>no matter how you process it you can't change coffee's taste
Utter nonsense.

Coffee beans contain hundreds if not thousands of different chemicals. Some are highly soluble, some are not. Therefore depending on how long you brew the coffee you get different ratios of chemicals in your coffee. I.e. if you brew the coffee for a very short time you get predomanantly the highly soluble flavors. The longer you brew it the more the ratios shift to favor the more-difficult-to-extract ones.

The same principle also applies to how coarse the grind is, and the temperature of the water.

As for food, you most certainly can change its taste and texture too. A grilled chicken tastes different from oven-roasted or poached. And likewise the texture of meat follows a curve. Raw meat is fairly soft. As you cook it it gets firmer (a "well done" steak being firmer than a "Rare" steak, for example). If you cook it a very long time then the collagen breaks down and it becomes very tender (stew). Cook it longer than that and it disintegrates entirely.

>> No.10811893

It's called "trolling". Perhaps you've heard of it?

>> No.10811895

What? Are you saying you've had coffee that tasted different? I've had coffee from probably over a dozen shops and its always the same, a good coffee flavor. How would you make coffee taste like something else by processing it? It's not like you're going to take a sip of coffee and have it taste like orange juice or something. For fucks sake, its COFFEE, it will always taste like coffee.

>> No.10811907

Don't you ever speak to me like that again; you sarcastic asshole

>> No.10811911

Well obviously you're not going to make coffee taste like orange juice. That wasn't the point of OP at all.

But different grinds, brewing times, temperatures, etc, create a lot of variation within the "coffee" flavor. You can't claim that there is no difference in taste between coffee made with barely warm water vs. full-on boil, for example. Likewise a light roast tastes totally different than a dark roast the same way that chicken breast tastes different from thigh despite the fact they are both "chicken".

>> No.10811937
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this is a really poor effort anon

>> No.10811973
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In espresso, is the headspace between the coffee puck and the dispersion screen important? I've often heard it advised that you should be able to fit a coin between the puck and the dispersion screen without it leaving an imprint, but I don't know what this is supposed to achieve.

Lately I've been brewing espresso from some shitty, stale non-espresso beans and have been dealing with major channeling, but I've been able to mitigate it by overdosing the portafilter to the point where the puck is touching the dispersion screen. My theory is that by eliminating headspace the coffee has nowhere to go when it's blasted with the water, thus reducing channeling. I also notice I have to grind extremely fine to get the shots to come out in 25-35 seconds, like borderline Turkish grind, which is a feature I've noticed in a few of the not so fresh coffees I've tried.

>> No.10811996

I don't understand you. Chicken meat always contains "chicken" flavor, if that makes any sense. That's why in cartoons and on the Brady Bunch they always say things taste like chicken. It has "chicken" flavor. How would you remove the "coffee" flavor from coffee? You can't. You also can't replace it with something else, like "orange" flavor. At least not in my experience.

>> No.10812006

>I don't understand you
Your autism is cripplingly high.

"Coffee" isn't a single flavor. It's a range of related flavors. A light roast coffee and a dark roast are both "Coffee" but they don't taste the same. Likewise, a roast chicken and poached chicken are both "chicken" but they don't taste identical either. There's overlap between the two, but they are not the same.

>> No.10812079


>> No.10812094

I wouldn’t reply to him anymore
Dude is on a cooking board saying that he can’t articulate, worse, he can’t taste different flavor profiles.

>> No.10812119

Grind it as fine as you can grind it without the particles getting stuck/embedded in your finger prints

I try leave as little a space as possible, and the idea of Leaving enough space for a coin seems way too much space. Remember, it’s all based on pressure, leaving space will make it take longer.

>> No.10812239

I'm looking to get my first espresso machine, already have a capable grinder and my budget is around $1500, I saw the astra pro recommended as he best machine in this price range but does anyone have other opinions?

>> No.10812984
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No idea about the machine itself but Anza crowdfunded a concrete brutalist machine that I think is rather pretty. The standard one is also quite nice

>> No.10812997

you should know

>> No.10813006
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the only descriptors i've ever given different coffees is "light" or "dark"

Anything else feels like made-up hipster shit

>> No.10813608

plebs like this probably think light and dark have something to do with the actual color of the coffee

>> No.10813715
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I use a pestle and mortar for all my coffee since my old grinder broke (encore), and find it easier, more enjoyable, and (how the fuck) better taste wise
I buy 1/2 kilos from the Algerian coffee shop, nearly always high/full roasts, and brew 3/4 cups of aeropress, moka, and pourover a day
their san domingo high is phenomenal, and the viet if you can get it

>> No.10813747

Based quiche going easy on my data plan.

>> No.10813976

This looks stupid

>> No.10815263

Alfred Peet preferred tea, would lapse rhapsodic tasting it.

>> No.10815737

Voila, Sudden, and Parlor are all doing decent instant but it is almost as expensive as regular coffee

>> No.10815748
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got some new cups in at the shop. owner has stupid money so we just order whatever we want.

>> No.10815856

Well yeah, but you’re assuming flavor doesn’t work on a scale. Sometimes I drink coffee and it has more “coffee flavor” and sometimes it has less, depends on how it was made. Some places make high-coffee flavor coffee, some you can order low-coffee flavor. It all has to do with how it tastes. Maybe you boil it less or something, it tastes less like “coffee”. But I know how coffee tastes. You can’t make it taste different by processing the coffee, it will always have coffee “flavor”.

>> No.10816518
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I do coffee like I do anything else:
I pay $1 extra for the best "cheap" variety.

>> No.10816519

I don't like being mentally stunted and anxious.
Also, I know how to dress myself, so its not really my demographic.

>> No.10816958

>Instant bustello
It's not awful. For an instant, it's actually pretty OK.

>> No.10816966

>Eight O'Clock
Consistently better than mediocre. Far from great, but for mass-produced grocery store shelf stuff, it's a'ight.

>> No.10816974

why do some coffees have that dirt taste?

>> No.10817317

>all these meme words

Is coffee mouth audiophilia?

>> No.10817338

>I’m guessing nobody likes energy drinks anymore?
I've started to dislike their taste for whatever reason lately.
Kinda sucks.

>> No.10818839

this. even if you get a cheapo grinder and use like dunkin donuts whole beans, it's better than preground.