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10808775 No.10808775[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


"You're either a sociopath, ignorant, or vegan." Discuss.

Also, share your favorite vegan recipes and products here.

>> No.10808785

>eBaum’s World
The fuck?
This shitty site exists still?

>> No.10808789

Surprisingly, yes.

>> No.10808795

What if you hunt your own wild game?

>> No.10808802

The mods are awful though. They butcher all the users genuine posts to make them sound like the most retarded clickbait. They literally edit perfectly fine titles just to add in spelling errors. It's like they want the site to fail.

>> No.10808806
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>wahh wahh killing animals triggers my fee fees

you're either a mature adult or vegan.

>> No.10808807

Hey, can you explain why Vegans act like shitty factory farms are the only option for meat? Why do you guys conveniently ignore hunting or small-scale farming that doesn't have atrocious problems like this?

Also, how do you deal with the knowledge of all the animals dying for produce to be grown?

>> No.10808811

I believe that counts as being a sociopath if you do it purely for selfish purposes and don't do it out of a need to survive. It's literally the same as being an African poacher.

>> No.10808816

Human beings need vitamin B12 to survive, so as much as you hate taking another life, it's a choice between doing that, or eating bacteria which are cultured on feces.

I figured it's less unethical to catch and eat a fish or a crab, since they barely have what could be considered consciousness anyways.

Also, maybe keep your own chickens for the eggs.

>> No.10808819

I'm thinking of a baconater, so sociopath works for me just fine thanks...

>> No.10808824

You can't tell me that you're over the age of 13.

They don't, but factory farms are the primary source of meat and generally people who claim they hunt or buy from small-scale farms 100% of the time are full of shit. But hunting and small-scale farms are horrible too. Small-scale farms are often just as bad as factory farms, they're just glorified by naive people who want to believe they're not hurting anything so they buy into the farmer's marketing bullshit.

And animals don't have to die for vegan food. My personal hope is that veganic agriculture will be the way of the future and I support it when I can and used to grow my own food as well (unfortunately had to move so I no longer have a garden though).

>> No.10808833

How do you feel about the prospect of lab-grown meat?

>> No.10808835

>eating bacteria which are cultured on feces

Stopped reading there to be honest. As I get older I lose my patience for these kinds of shenanigans. I'm sorry I can't be more patient.

Been vegan for 9 years and rarely supplement with B12 and haven't been deficient ever in those 9 years.

>> No.10808844

>animals don't have to die for vegan food

They absolutely do and you’re deluding yourself if you really believe otherwise.

>> No.10808845

Also, animal products are supplemented with B12 and still aren't a reliable source. B12 deficiency is widespread in meat eaters. At least the majority of vegans know that they need to be aware of B12.

>> No.10808853


But you DO supplement

Honest question: Where do you think the B12 from supplements comes from?

Do you just choose not to think about it?

It comes from animal gut bacteria, which can only be obtained by eating that animal's meat, or eating that animal's feces.

Why do you think so many other types of animals eat their own feces?

>> No.10808855

I said they don't HAVE to, not that they don't. And meat eaters have way overblown the amount of animals that die in crops based on one dude who made a far-reaching guess and had his claims publicized for no reason. Regardless of how you try to slice it, veganism harms wayyyy less. Remember that livestock are fed the majority of crops.

>> No.10808866

Grasping for straws

>> No.10808874

I actually haven't supplemented in ages. At least a year. I'm bad about supplementing, but my blood tests never reveal any deficiencies anyway. I know I should just to cover all my bases, but I don't. I do however eat the occasional fortified food like cereal and soy milk.

And no, B12 does not only come from those sources lmao. Go to bed, kid.

>> No.10808875

>the primary source of meat
So what? That doesn't invalidate the argument.

>and generally people who claim they hunt or buy from small-scale farms 100% of the time are full of shit.
Sure. But once again, that doesn't invalidate the argument. Furthermore, even eating some humanely raised and slaughtered, or properly hunted, meat instead of CAFE meat is a step in the right direction.

>But hunting and small-scale farms are horrible too.
I'm sure some small-scale farms are bad, but why paint all of them with the same brush? Go watch the Sean Brock episode of Mind of a Chef featuring Ossabaw pigs and just try and tell me that farmer is "cruel" and the pigs are "suffering".

>And animals don't have to die for vegan
speaking of naive....
What the hell do you think happens when land is cleared for farming? fertlizier and pesticide runoff, etc. Even the most "natural" of farms has to control pest animals in one way or another, and their very existance is habitat destruction.

I'm not claiming to support factory farms, but you need to get it through your skull that every living thing does so on the backs of the dead. ALL living things. There's nothing wrong with that, that's the way it is. You're welcome to try and reduce that footprint but it's naeive indeed to think that you can survive without the deaths of other things.

>> No.10808884

>panicked babbling ensues
Vegans BTFO

>> No.10808885

Yeah, trying to justify funding extreme animal abuse by saying "durrr but vegans kill animals too" was really grasping for straws but I thought I'd be polite.

>> No.10808893

>And no, B12 does not only come from those sources lmao.


You tell me a sustainable source of B12 that every person in the world could reliably access

>> No.10808899

I'm gonna be honest, this level of retarded is hard for me to deal with and I'm gonna take a break from the internet. You win today, troll.

>> No.10808917

>be vegan
>eat shit, or inject vitamins derived from shit
>somebody posts research from vegan websites confirming this

More likely that reality just came flying at you too fast.

>> No.10808931
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Nobody is denying that eating meat kills more animals than eating only vegetables.

That's not the point. The point is that comments like:>>10808824
>And animals don't have to die for vegan food.
....are simply wrong.

Pic very related. Ever seen one of these bad boys before? This is what farmers use to stop gophers from eating all your food. It takes exhaust from a small engine, pressurizes it, and pumps it into the ground to suffocate gophers. It's like a mobile Nazi gas wagon for a farm field. Some farmers use poison instead, but that's worse because it can easily affect other animals beyond just gophers.

>> No.10808933

It's a good point. I'm not vegan but I try to stick to Animal Welfare Approved products, which is the highest standard of certification in the US. I don't know what there requirements for slaughter are.

One should also consider wild animal suffering, although that doesn't seem to tip the balance much from what I've read on the topic.

I posted some recipes in another thread:

I might go back to eating soy, right now I get my plant protein from black beans and bars that have a mix of pea and wheat bran protein. Anyone have links to articles on soy and estrogen, especially with regard to building muscle? >>10802993 was pretty interesting but just one study.

>> No.10809028

>animals get tortured before they are killed
>this somehow makes me the sociopath
Someone explain this to me

>> No.10809036

It's not logical, it's propaganda.

The best thing to do when you hear shit like this is ignore it. Or reply with facts. Vegans hate facts, it keeps them away like vampires and garlic.

>> No.10809038

Well, unless you work in a slaughterhouse and do this yourself, you aren’t.

>> No.10809054
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>He doesn't know what veganic agriculture is

>> No.10809073

Sorry to break it to you because I used to like to think Animal Welfare Approved products were okay too, but they still grind up the male chicks alive, still are guaranteed to dismember or boil conscious animals (studies show that even the best slaughterhouses under the best conditions have this happen at the very least 1% of the time), and still abuse the animals in other ways as well.

I eventually learned that there is simply no right way to do the wrong thing. I used to work with "humane" farmers and even wanted to become one myself, but it's a corrupt industry no matter how farmers try to sell it. So I got the hell out of there.

>> No.10809085

Yeah, and if you pay a hitman to murder people you are in no way responsible for their deaths.

If you buy child pornography you are not a pedophile and are not guilty in any way, shape or form.

If you place a bet in a dog fight you are simply an innocent bystander.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is just a self-righteous piece of shit, don't listen to them.

>> No.10809086

>>He thinks is silly buzzword magically avoids habitat loss

Hey, how do you feel about the pollution involved with creating the electronics that you're using to post? What about the toxic waste in your rechargeable batteries?