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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10808295 No.10808295[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>eat shit food
>feel like shit
why haven't you guys figured this out yet?
what i'm trying to say is: go vegan.

>> No.10808326


>> No.10808333
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You had me until the last part.

>> No.10808344
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>> No.10808368

>go vegan

>> No.10808376

I was with you until the last sentence. Now I'm gonna shoot some guns and eat some meat.

>> No.10808401

I was going vegan until I saw this thread. I never do what anime posters recommend, as a rule

>> No.10808410
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>go vegan or you'll never evolve to reach the leaves at the top

>> No.10808420
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>I never do what anime posters recommend, as a rule
rent free

>> No.10808463

Hot dirty desert sex with LLEN

>> No.10808469

Ovolacto-vegetarianism is actually better for your health than veganism. You could live off nuts/legumes, leafy vegetables, and eggs/dairy, and never have to worry about vitamin deficiencies.

>> No.10808476

Cummy in LLENN's bunny cunny!
OP is a faggot btw

>> No.10808477

for every vegan meal you have I will kill an animal (maybe just a squirrel) and let its corpse rot.

>> No.10808484

>not shit food

>> No.10808483

>eat vegetable food
>feel like vegetable

>> No.10808526

>eat vegan food
>feel unsatisfied and desperately hungry

>> No.10808532

>eat vegan
>Feel gay

>> No.10808538

Is sipping on your gf (male)'s cum vegan?

>> No.10808548

you have to impregnate him to make up for the cum you're killing

>> No.10808554

Only if you share with him

>> No.10809951

Top kek.
I'm vegan btw.
My shits are beautiful works of art.

>> No.10809963
File: 313 KB, 1500x1125, Yeah, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can fuck right off

>> No.10810013

Disgusting, those steaks are way overdone

>> No.10810351

>shit food
nigga is the soy destroying your braincells?

>> No.10810353

It's generally next to go after the sperm cells.

>> No.10810404

Vegan reporting. I eat excellent food everyday and feel great ^.^

>> No.10810409

I would but I'm not eating soy for protein and I think that chicken breast would be healthier than just rice + pea protein powder

>> No.10810410
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I don't have a lot of cooking skills, but this is the kind of stuff I make. Pretty colorful, this time.

>> No.10810415
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Microwave potato, vegan butter (basically canola oil), olive oil sautéed onions and broccoli, dried chives, salt, pepper. Super easy and satisfying.

>> No.10810419
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I eat ramen with vegan chicken patties a the time. It's easy and a good comfy combination!~

>> No.10810424
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>using LLENN to shitpost about your vegan trash

>> No.10810438
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Mexican food! Where do I start? Just throw together what sounds tasty! I have vegan chicken patty crisped in olive oil on a frying pan, kale, vegan cheddar cheese, lettuce, rice, vegan mayonnaise, and that special sandwich sauce from that Boar's Head company. I put on a little mustard. Usually, you would want to use more lettuce and kale.

>> No.10810440

Life is too short to be a vegan; life as a vegan would be too long.

>> No.10810451
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Nachos! Chips, taco seasoning, refried beans, vegan Chipotle mayo, and whatever else you want on it, then thrown in the microwave! If you put vegan ranch dressing on it afterwards, it's like sour cream! You can put vegan cheddar cheese and nutritional yeast all over it to make it cheesey, but it's not necessary.

>> No.10810453

What’s wrong with your foot?

>> No.10810456
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Restaurant food! They use Teese ad their cheese substitute. It's ten times as rich as normal cheese, so it's hard to go from not eating cheese to eating this. (Shipwreck restaurant, Indianapolis)

>> No.10810462

The goth is a creature that goes through a shedding period every solstice. Their black nail polish needs replaced so they can return to being big tiddy goth girlfriends.

>> No.10810464
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Pasta is good af. Just throw in whatever sounds good.

>> No.10810474
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More vegan burger patties! There are a lot, so you'll find some that you really like.

>> No.10810478
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I love pizzas with care put into the toppings... soy sauce tofu chunks work well. Tons of herbs, too.

>> No.10810480
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x2268, 20180605_160400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salads that are buried in soy sauce fried tofu, vegan cheese, carrots, yellow pepper, salad crunches, and stuff!

>> No.10810481

why does murder have to taste soooo gooooood?

you know what fuck it i don't care

>> No.10810484
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Taco of justice

>> No.10810487
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My favorite vegan nacho ingredients.

>> No.10810488
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those feet.

>> No.10810501
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What's the common theme among all of these dishes? A jumbled up mess with no coherent structure. It resembles the brain of the vegan, a tangled mess of neurons firing and backfiring in a thousand different directions, telling him that meat is murder, soy is delicious, and that rain falls up. A typical omnivore is pleased with a steak, a potato, a vegetable, and a little bit of garnish, all carefully placed in their proper position just as man is rightly placed in his position at the top of the food chain. Fuck vegans. They approach gastronomy as Frank Gehry did architecture or Jackson Pollack did painting.

>> No.10810506

Look at it, you fucking herbivore. LOOK AT IT. Steak and asparagus grilled, asparagus roasted. 10 minutes of preparation, infinitely simpler and more delicious than whatever your cellulose-addled brain can concoct. A feral pig would eat you if he could, by the way.

>> No.10810508
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fuck, so angry i forgot my pic I HATE VEGANS

>> No.10810515
File: 258 KB, 2048x1536, buckwheat&beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, vegan food is great, buckwheat and beans are a staple for me

>> No.10810529

but veges and plants are grown in literal shit-dirt
no wonder you vegans are always in such a shit mood

>> No.10810530 [DELETED] 

I'm vegan and that looks dope

>> No.10810686

Do you want us to feel like shit with your shitty bait suggestion?

>> No.10810712
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hey vegan people, if im soaking cashews to make a cheesecake, will they be even nicer if i soak them in almond milk instead of water?

>> No.10810716

>tfw just ate a bunch of cheese and eggs for the first time in weeks and am considering going back to pescatarian

Am I a bad person /ck/?

>> No.10810835
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>go vegan

>> No.10810838

Based as fuck

>> No.10810903

Lol you own no guns, fatboi

>> No.10810907

Mah nog

>> No.10811073

Eating LLENN's delicious ass meat.

>> No.10811116

I bet you guys taste great

>> No.10812895

I actually feel better when I eat steak and eggs. Cut your carb intake.

>> No.10812914
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>> No.10812937

>anime picture
Nah, everything you say has enterred my internal trash bin of garbage that I wish I had never read.

>> No.10812952

true story:

I have been near-vegan for 4 years now, i'm talking 95% plant based, only indulging in animal products when on vacation across the globe

one evening I lapsed big time and ate literally over a kilo of blue, soft and cream cheeses with liters of beer to wash it down

by the end I felt like I was going to die, my stomach distended like that of a woman about to give birth, severe abdominal cramps, just feeling exhausted and ready to explode at the same time

The spooky thing is, it had no ill effects on my following bathroom trips, i think it was all air but i didn't fart or burp notably either

this story doesn't advocate veganism or large quantities of fine cheeses

it's just about the time I did a dumb thing and suffered for it

>> No.10812962
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>eat better
>by going malnourished
A+ solution OP

>> No.10812964

Why are vegans so desperate for other people to validate their choices? Get over yourself, literally nobody gives a shit.

>> No.10813090

>can't eat anything without meat or you will starve to death

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.10813238


>> No.10813259

>it's just about the time I did a dumb thing and suffered for it

That doesn't mean there was anything bad or wrong with the cheese. It's standard for sudden diet changes to do that. People who eat a lot of meat and then suddenly go vegan have the exact same issues until their gut bacteria adjust to the new diet.

>> No.10813476

It's not for validation, eating meat is a real problem that will affect everyone.

>> No.10813854

The right answer is cut down heavily on red meat and pork and start eating tons of seafood and some chicken.

>> No.10814059
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I recommend you don't kill yourself, anon.

>> No.10814499

i actually feel far better eating more carbs, probably not the carbs that you're talking about though. #NotAllCarbs

>> No.10814500

Imagine knowing of a pedophile ring in your area but everybody around you told you to fuck off when you told them it was wrong to diddle kiddles.

You have to put yourself into the mindset of someone who believes that killing sentient beings is deeply wrong in order to understand why vegans and vegetarians get wound up about this issue.

>> No.10814507

I feel like I'm going to die if I don't eat meat. Literally nothing can satiate me except animal protein.

>> No.10814512
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>he's a footfag

>> No.10814521

Why would I put myself into the mindset of a person whose head is broken?

I'm just as opposed to factory farming horrors as a hardcore vegan. Perhaps even moreso because not only is the cruelty inexcuseable, but so is the effect on the taste of the meat. It's entirely possible to eat meat without having anything to do with that industry.

Cruelty-free meat exists. Vegans need to stop pretending that it doesn't. Once they do that, I'll stop treating them like looney tunes.

>> No.10814583
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>As long as the animal is not forced to give something up and does so willingly, that would be vegetarian. And that is whyhuman breast milkis also vegan, as the mother willingly decides to give something of her own body to her child.

The verdict is in: yes
Same reason pic is related is one of the very few ways to get vegan meat

>> No.10814610

>Why would I put myself into the mindset of a person whose head is broken?
Perhaps in order to understand their arguments? Maybe to see that their heads aren't as broken as you might first assume?

>Cruelty-free meat exists

>> No.10815686

Im already vegan af op, get these meat cucks to convert

>> No.10816040

What do you eat? Oats?

>> No.10816057
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>> No.10816116

What app is this

>> No.10816124

cronometer, i just use the website tho