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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10799841 No.10799841 [Reply] [Original]

We're having a cook-along thread, I'll be making coq au vin. Get in here bros!

>> No.10799844

What's with the nazi-lingo off-brand Kerrygold butter?

>> No.10799855
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First off, frying 125 g of cubed bacon in oil

Really don't know. It's Lidl's only half-decent butter.

>> No.10799869
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I'm putting the bacon aside and now, I fry a whole chicken in the remaining fat. I'll keep the carcass for later, it'll make for some fine soup.

>> No.10799873

I am monitoring this thread.

>> No.10799888
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Setting the chicken aside now as well, next up are 250 g of carrots, one yellow onion and two cloves of garlic. In the meantime, I'm preparing 1/4 cup of Brandy, and by "preparing", I mean pouring a glass for me and one for the dish.

>> No.10799896

Kill yourself.

>> No.10799902
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The Brandy is added and I already like the smell. The meat is added, along with all the fat that still might have dripped from it. I'll now add half a bottle of dry red wine, ten thyme twigs and 250 ml of chicken stock.

>> No.10799911
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Yea boi
This is going to simmer over low to medium heat for 30-40 minutes. That's a good time to clean up, and to prepare the 125 g of cremini mushrooms that will be added afterwards. I'll also let a tablespoon of butter warm to room temperature.

>> No.10799931
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The kitchen is a little cleaner now. Just in time to fry the mushrooms.

>> No.10799935

Assuming this is the same butter you've let warm up, what's the point?
Room temperature soft or refridgerator hard, it's going to melt on the pan anyway.
t. French cooking illiterate.

>> No.10799947
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Looking good. I'll let them rest for about ten minutes before I add them. I'll also mix in a bit of salt and half a teaspoons of crushed peppercorns.

It's not the same, don't worry. The warm butter is going to get mixed with 1.5 tablespoons of flour and then slowly added to the pot for the consistency. It's just that cold butter is harder to mix.

>> No.10799971
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Speaking of which, just put everything in, also 120 g of shalotts. This is going to simmer for ten minutes and then we're done. In the meantime, I'll cook some potatoes as a side dish, nothing too fancy.

>> No.10799999
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Wa la. I'll take a little less red wine next time but apart from that, it's really good; especially considering that the original recipe called for all of this to be done in a Dutch oven (which I don't have). You should really try it sometime when you get the chance.

>> No.10800024


>> No.10800941
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>being this autistic in a comfy thread
kys bro!

>> No.10801011


wow check those digits.

food doesn't look great but I bet it was tasty.

>> No.10801188

Yeah I know you love sucking that coq

>> No.10801194

edgy, enjoy middle school