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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10790952 No.10790952 [Reply] [Original]

Autistic son needs gluten free casein free diet. Are there any gluten/dairy free recipes that aren't disgustinh? So far thinking of fried rice or stir fry, but I'm stumped. He's a picky eater and only likes salty or sweet things.

>> No.10790995

Just buy your own gluten free flour for when you need to have bread.
Eating gluten free isn't really hard if you aren't retarded.

>> No.10791017

My son is literally autistic, so he only likes to eat the things on this list, which makes it difficult:

Mac n cheese
Pot pie
French fries
Fried rice
Chicken enchiladas
Canned chicken noodle soup
Potato chips
Fruit snacks
Ginger cookies
California roll

>> No.10791019

>california rolls

based, just feed him that forever

>> No.10791021


>> No.10791025

He won't eat beans or meat unless it's chicken with soy sauce or.
chicken enchiladas/ chicken pot pie.

>> No.10791026
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the answer is obvious

>> No.10791034

This is kind of my plan, since it's the healthiest thing he will eat. I want to come up with 9 or 10 gluten free recipes he will eat consistently, and then rotate them each week. Bonus if it's healthy. It's very difficult. He will not eat a vegetable except in the aforementioned foods + frozen peas and apples are the only fruit he will eat.

>> No.10791035

Lucky kid.
Got to meet Taft and even got a piggyback ride.

>> No.10791048

I'm pretty desperate. Might actually try this as a supplement. If he would drink a glass of this every day I would be so happy. Have tried all kinds of smoothies and he rejects them all.

>> No.10791055

I love that photo.

>> No.10791314

At this point you'd be better off just buying a plane ticket to another country and starting life anew.

>> No.10791351

He might only like to eat such and such on your list but enabling him to use defense mechanisms to wall himself off from the real world rather than helping him responsibly come to terms with adversity is just making his condition worse.

You babying him makes him act out more. I can just imagine what an insufferably doormat-tier parent you are.

>> No.10791398

When the kid gets hungry enough it will eat what ever is put on the table.

>> No.10791405

Not if it knows that its spineless mother will cave after enough of a tantrum.
People condition their kids to act like this by giving in and trying to appease the kid. Adults should never try to appease children.

>> No.10791550

Hi, internet search for, Delicious Ella, she blogs about gluten free, vegan food. You may find something useful there.

>> No.10791553

You could try feeding him a bullet

>> No.10791559

The fact that you fed him all of that so that he even knows what it is to be picky about is your fucking fault

>> No.10791577


You fucked him over

>> No.10791588

I mix the regular vanilla with almond milk and its very sweet like that

>> No.10791673
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You already screwed him up but do him a favor: use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. I didnt have a lot of guidance in my youth and was very fat in my early teens, when i got my life together at age 16 and as part of that lost 45kilos and picked up lifting id gotten the beetus and a fatty lifer already, though that mightve come from alcohol abuse

>> No.10791680

Autism doesn't exist, get him to eat correctly and you will see how he stop being a lil nigger, doctors say this shit so they work less and get more money while wanking their inferiority complex ridden dicks.

>> No.10791687

Kill him and breed another son, aborts are a thing you know.

>> No.10791698


>> No.10791716

based autistic son poster

>> No.10791907

After hearing some stories from my sister who used to help adjust autistic children that is actually a pretty good list. I forgot what she did but I think she had to force the matter. Literally sit the kid down and not let them or you leave no matter what until they tried it. Apparently they would scream, throw things, pee themselves and try to bite her if she came close. It is just patience I think. She did love to mess with the kids and purposely did things that annoyed their autism. They wanted to colour with a certain crayon and she made them use another, they built a block tower and she would knock it down or move the blocks around in it. A good third of her job was to fuck with the kids in order to break up their habits.

>> No.10792222

Why does your autistic son now need to be gluten free?

>> No.10792324

>Steak, potatoes, and some kind of greens
You don't have to feed him weird meals

>> No.10792347
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>bullying autists for a living
Where do I sign up for this dream job?

>> No.10792412

>can’t eat dairy or gluten

Just shoot him and try again. Your current unit is defective.

>> No.10792436

I mean, it’d be funny, but I imagine it also involves cleaning up a lot of shit and piss.

>> No.10792485

Please note this was the only fun thing about her job. She also had to deal with them peeing themselves to get out of trouble or doing things. Their tantrums, biting her so much she had to wear bite guards, things being thrown at her. All sorts of shit. Also she hated that parents would want her help but undo all the work and help she provided by not following though. You need to be an immovable uncaring wall at times and most parents won't do it or are too lazy to do it. Yes she got to bully them, that is part of what it is, breaking them of their rituals and habits. It also means standing silently next to them while they throw a full blown tantrum in public and you can't even look at them to give them the attention that they wanted. She also couldnt work with male clients past the age of 10 I believe, or just before some puberty as they would get too strong or maybe masturbate more than they already did in front of her/try for more.

Of course that was the good ones. Half of her clients couldn't speak more than a few words if that. It didn't sound like a very fun job and honestly I would not take it.

>> No.10794085
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Boy, you guys know nothing about autism. Nobody does but the parents and a few research doctors.

Back to gluten free recipes. I made him a smoothie with peaches bananas pineapple mangos kiwis and apple juice but he wouldn't drink it.

He ate two frozen pot pies, and I prepped everything to make homemade pot pie with bechamel sauce and puff pastry for tomorrow.
Can anyone suggest an asian stir fry type meal. He'll eat chicken and rice as long as its doused in soy sauce. Will probably try a gluten free soy sauce.He will eat a few bites of the beef in beef and brocolli stir fry.

>> No.10794095

Sit him the fuck down and make him eat other things. It is your job as a parent to make him do things he doesn't want to do.

Get him involved in the cooking. Making it something you can do together and if he takes an interest he will start to branch out himself.

>> No.10794111
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I should have started a thread asking for stir fry ideas that are traditional and not some mish mosh of ingredients. I should just look at a Chinese menu I guess, but was hoping to find here dishes that I wouldn't have thought of on my own.

>> No.10794130

>Sit him the fuck down and make him eat other things. It is your job as a parent to make him do things he doesn't want to do.
Sigh. Tell me how to do this. He doesn't talk, so I would have to force feed him, that's why it's so hard. He pushes away things he doesn't like, or spits them out. There's no explaining to him verbally because he can't understand. Liking only a few foods is super common to autism. You guys are giving me advice for a normal kid, and its nice to vent to a bunch of strangers, but what i really want, and should have asked for is stir fry and or gluten free recipes that you guys like or have tried.

>> No.10794136

I also am teaching him to cook, think that's a wonderful idea, Ive been helping him crack eggs for french toast or baking muffins together. He has his own set of mini kitchen tools, whisks and spoons. Tomorrow we're going to try to peel carrots.

>> No.10794153

>when some random normie stumbles into 4chan and blogposts constantly.

>> No.10794166

Get someone to help you. Get one of the aids your health insurance should pay for. That was my sisters job, they used their insurance to get someone like her to help idiots like you do their fucking job as a parent. You got dealt a shit hand. Deal with it and be a good parent or give him up because you are doing more damage then you think you are by keeping him.

>> No.10794182

Gah! I'm tired of explaining autism to you retards. :) gonna make my exit, and go google 'stir fry' like a champion.

>> No.10794198

Your sister sounds like a great lady! You are a childless drunken bumpkin under the age of 21 no doubt.

>> No.10794224

Wrong again, and nice projection. You are a lazy half ass dad who is getting some help and doesn't want to listen to it since it is hard. Your kid doesn't speak or understand words? Use fucking clicker training on him. It works on dogs, cats, birds, other things that don't speak. Something, but I guess that would be work. Call one of those agencies. Look up ways to stick with things. Don't give into your kid and even if it takes all night make him eat it, or dont let him leave. He doesn't understand negative responses so only reward the good. Even negative attention is percieved as good to his autistic mind. Seriously, look up dog training shit and modify it for a human.

>> No.10794247

>Gah! I'm tired of explaining autism to you retards. :) gonna make my exit, and go google 'stir fry' like a champion.
Like anyone here needs you to explain autism to them. This website is autism central

>> No.10794281
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>even if it takes all night make him eat it, or dont let him leave
Okay, boss.

>> No.10794291

I have celiac disease and you can make pretty much anything without gluten if you wanted to.
Things I made this week:
Chicken parmesan
Cottage pie (Sheppard's pie except with beef)
Meat loaf
It isn't rocket science.

>> No.10794303

Why would you even keep an autistic child? Go on a hiking trip, push him down a mountain side and try again. I dont appreciate selfish people like you forcing the state to shell out at least 20 million dollars to help raise your child to the age of 18. If you are also one of those awful people that forces them to be in classes with real humans take the above advice and do it twice.

>> No.10794307

what is celtic disease

>> No.10794315

>It's too hard to raise my kid so I'll just keep making excuses

>> No.10794316

Thank-you, I will try all of those. He will eat ground hamburger sometimes, and I've been thinking of trying chicken parm, since he used to eat panko chicken. Is it possible to have celiac and still be able to eat dairy?

>> No.10794324

When you have a constant fever for anything Irish.

>> No.10794334

Yes as lactose intolerance is a separate issue.

>> No.10794351

I feel sorry for your kids if you have any. Especially feel sorry for kids getting treated like dogs by your sister apparently. It's good you don't have kids. May you marry someone kinder and smarter than yourself, so that the suffering if your potential offspring may be greatly ameliorated.

>> No.10794364

How old is he? put a bullet in his brain already

>> No.10794365

>t. someone who lets public school teachers do the heavy lifting of raising my retarded spawn
Good post

>> No.10794390
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Clearly you guys are crusaders for autism rights, so I should listen to you. You would both make wonderful moms.

>> No.10794409
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>rights of the mentally defective whom are burdens on all around them
You are venting in a Mongolian basket weaving forum about your quality of life because you had bad luck with your child, I'm sure we should all only hope to have a life half as good as your own.

>> No.10794427

Honestly, this isn't the 1950s anymore. You can say we don't know what we're talking about but every single one of us has an arsenal of information at our fingertips that you somehow still don't know how to use. It takes thirty seconds of googling to find out that you are not being helpful by pandering to your retarded kid. Get a fucking blog and post about this shit somewhere else if you want a bunch of middle-aged women to congratulate you on being selfless and spineless.

>> No.10794429

Asperger's patient. Can confirm. The only reason I stopped being a picky shit was being made to eat the night before's veggies cold for breakfast. After that, I shut up and ate what I was given so it wouldn't happen again.
Unless it was Brussels sprouts. FUCK Brussels sprouts.

>> No.10794458
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>> No.10794484

I'm so glad I got this wake up call from a couple of miserable poverty teenagers in the mood to argue. If i need help jerking off or playing witcher, I'll call on you.

>> No.10794503

Every stupid slut who got knocked up at 19 that I know talks exactly like this.
>you don't knowwww me
>omg being a parent is the HARDEST JOB IN THE WORLD
>heh, you'll just never understand it until you fuck up and get pregnant/get some cunt pregnant

>> No.10794520

why didn't you post this on reddit?

>> No.10794531

You are not the only person here with experience with an autistic child. You are not part of a secret club. You ask for advice, but ignore advice given. You have wasted everyone here's time.

>> No.10794540

"Well you don't have kids sweetie so you don't know" that sort of shit drives me up the wall, yeah you let some useless nigger blow his beans in you, well fucking done

>> No.10794553

you're just going to have to homemake a bunch of food. you will be able to find some premade stuff (depending on where you live) but generally you'll just have to suck it up.
stir-frys are really good for me, a lot of autistic people can't stand mixtures of different textures so if you can get all the stuff similar hardness it might help a lot.
just keep trying different things with him as much as you can manage, there will be other stuff he will like. try to figure out if specific temperatures, textures etc are what is turning him off. i'm autistic, 19 now, eating different things has gotten a lot easier for me in the past few years.
he will get better as he gets older, just keep introducing new things to him regularly.

>> No.10794559

haha as an autistic person i can tell you that's bullshit, i wouldn't eat shit i couldn't stand no matter how hungry i was, still couldn't now. when it's stuff i hate it's honestly like eating shit its a reflex to gag violently. if i could control it i would.
anon, i don't think you know what autism is.

>> No.10794560

Sorry you are so bad at being a parent you thought asking for help on 4chan was a good idea. Boy you sure showed us. Maybe if you put half the amount of work you do into replying to us into your child you wouldn't have these problems.

You obviously don't want help. Or are baiting. You just wanted to play the victim and get pats on the back. Go someplace else for that. Take some of the genuinely good advice in the thread or don't. Seriously call your insurance and see if you are covered to get a professional to show up to help you. It is free and you get the guidance you want.

>> No.10794562

What is your experience with an autistic child?

>> No.10794563

another autismoid here, I was ultra picky when I was a kid but I'm 26 now and will try anything, seems like OPs kid is on the fully fledged retard side of the tism though so maybe not

>> No.10794565

that was your mom, go to bed jimmy

>> No.10794597

>Every stupid slut who got knocked up at 19 that I know
spare me your miserable poverty teen lingo

>> No.10794612

I just want gluten free and stir fry recipes. Said that in the OP.

>> No.10794631

Just accept you've failed as a parent and fuck off to mumsnet

>> No.10794636

why are you so steamed anon

>> No.10794652

Only people in thread who understand autism right here. He likes softer foods. And things that are salty or sweet because of the extra stimulus they provide. I might try a bunch of variations on fried rice, because he will eat eggs and veggies 'hidden' in fried rice.

>> No.10794687

uhh 'softer' things.... does he like mushy stuff? get an emulsion blender and like mix the veggies into shit, mac n cheese, whatever. he'll get used to the subtle flavors probably and eventually you can get him used to the real thing. mix carrots into ginger cookies. put stuff in ravioli.

i think a lot of gag reflexes on picky kids (autistic or not) comes from a revulsion to things that feel rotten. that's why they only like perfectly soft or crunchy things, which usually ends up with processed foods. anything stringy, slimy, or bitter sets off the 'kid danger sense' but in autistic kids i guess that must be heightened

>> No.10794708

I'll stop comparing you to them at the precise moment you stop acting like them you fucking waste of resources.

>> No.10794753

Thank-you, I think you are right about the revulsion to rotteness thing, that's a great insight that will help me choose new foods for him to try. I had thought of putting veggies in things like zucchini muffins, but not of adding 'stealth veggies' to things he already likes, or maybe trying homemade spinach & ricotta ravioli where the spinach is finely processed. I bet he might eat those withsauce to further disguise the bitter flavor. "Rotten" is a great guide. I think you've unraveled the secret for me to what my son will and will not eat. I can look at a food or recipe now and determine based on it's texture and flavor whether he will like it or not. Your comment = amazingly helpful thank-you!

>> No.10794762

Go to bed!

>> No.10794771

yeah buddy. glad i could help! you can try making them eat tiny tastes too- i hear it's really effective- but don't treat it as part of food time, it needs to be an activity at the same time, every day, and then food time later should still be a fun and enjoyable experience so they can relax. the more you assosciate 'meal time' with stress the less able to accept new stuff they'll be.

hope your son eats some more stuff dude, it sounds hard, you're a good dad for trying so dedicatedly to keep your disabled son healthy AND comfortable. not even normal kids get parents that care about that

>> No.10794811

>you can try making them eat tiny tastes too- i hear it's really effective- but don't treat it as part of food time, it needs to be an activity at the same time, every day, and then food time later should still be a fun and enjoyable experience so they can relax.
This is a GREAT IDEA!!! He will love it, and it's a fun activity we can do every day, that ties in to learning to cook (tasting things) and I feel sure will help him to experiment with new foods! Thanks again! I am seriously going to do this every day- a tiny tasting plate for him every day after school!- what a great activity!

>> No.10794817

>Just buy your own gluten free flour for when you need to have bread
Oh, that's all. That's all you have to do. Just by flour that forms a dough with no elastic potential. Yum!

>> No.10794851

>buying your own gluten free flour
>not stealing someone else's

>> No.10794882

Just know you're fucking up your kid.

>> No.10794891


>> No.10794896


Just slobber your knob in puckers jelly. He'll enjoy the sweet, you'll enjoy the continual head jobs, he gets a shot of protein at the end and his jaw will be tired so he won't be hungry after. Problem solved.

Just use a blindfold so it's not awkward for him.

>> No.10794913

>needs gluten free casein free diet
>He's a picky eater

Just end yourself.

>> No.10794950

Imagine that. That's the end product of your genetic continuation. Wow. How does it feel?

>> No.10795132

Most anything asian. Asians, for the most part, don't have wheat or milk in their diet.

>> No.10795135
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>Kyushu represents all of Asia

>> No.10795164

I’ve been making gluten free everything for my wife.
You can add some ingredients like xantham gum to your gf flour and it really helps make it seem more glutenous. Also, just fyi, I’m posting in bed back to back with my wife and I matched up her asshole with mine and I pressed hard and farted a whole lot of gas and I’m 100% sure some of it went it went into her while she slept.

>> No.10795207

You're an idiot. Or autist. You decide. But you probably can't because of your idiot autism. Or your autistic idiocy.

>> No.10795495
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>> No.10795524

Nice McDiet, good thing you get to blame it on muh autism

>> No.10795534

>Autistic son needs gluten free casein free diet.
Sounds to me like he needs culling to prevent those fucked up genes from being passed on to some other poor bastards.

>> No.10795549


Hello summerfriends, one day you too will have an autistic child of your own to enjoy!

>> No.10795551


Not him, but there's some talk out there about a gluten free diet improving symptoms. It's not like the gluten free fad shit, apparently there's actually something to it when it comes to certain disorders like autism.

I have an autistic cousin and his parents feed him on gluten free. Doesn't seem to help though.

>> No.10795554

I'm always amazed how much hatred people have for a little 5 year old autistic boy. I guess if you're a loser it makes you feel better about yourself to pick on disabled children and their parents. Or maybe it's just stupidity lashing out at something it doesn't understand. Who knows? Who cares?

>> No.10795570

I may be stupid but at least I can eat bread and milk.

>> No.10795582

You know what happened to people with birth defects and shit like your son has? They were left in the woods to get eaten by wolves because their entire existence is worthless and a drain on society. Sorry the truth hurts but at least we don't inconvenience others with our retarded genes

>> No.10795597

You just bore them to death with your inane attempts at banter.

>> No.10795610

>eat bread and milk
Is that your euphimism for sucking dick?

>> No.10795611

Late arrival here. Kill him. Autism needs to be purged from the gene pool not nurtured and spread.

>> No.10795619

Have you gotten them in OT yet? It really helped my daughter. They dont do anytjing that we dont at home, but for aome reason the ot can get her to try multiple new foods/textures that she wont eat at the dinner table. Sometimes its just a location/person thing and varying either can help.

>> No.10795628

The issue is that autism is a spectrum disorder, not presenting the same between two individuals, nor reacting the same to treatments. This meams if someone is to far on the spectrum, rhings that alleviate from the high fun end may not help low, and vice versa

>> No.10795656

No, you don't understand.

It's not the kid I "hate" in these scenario's, it's YOU.

Your selfishness and cowardice is what prevents you, and shitty parents that breed genetic garbage like you, from granting mercy to that horrible monster of a human that you created. The right thing to do would be to have granted mercy to the little defect at birth, if not as soon as you discovered it was genetically defective. Instead, you expect society to bend over backwards for a kid that never should have been born in the first place, and that's not going to happen.

The Spartans, among others, knew exactly what they were doing when they required newborn children to be inspected prior to being allowed to live among them, as this kept the gene pool clean. Inspecting and eliminating defective newborns benefited their society as a whole, as opposed to catering to those that breed genetic trash the way we do today.

>> No.10795659

He has speech therapy and OT and they do some stuff with self feeding . It had my

Lll been that helpful for us, with speech at least so I'm looking at ACC devices for him.

>> No.10795672

look into keto for managing autism

>> No.10795676

>raised by centaurs
>thinks this is a good thing

>> No.10795681

The 'tism isnt even diagnosable until the kid is like three anyway, amd thats only in the worst side if the spectrum. So even in you example of holy homos they would not have noticed anything different as an infant.

>> No.10795698
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>feel much better(better cognition and mood) when I don't eat dairy and wheat
Am I autismo anons?

>> No.10795702

That's why there's tests along the way to weed out the weak, stupid, and cowardly.

>> No.10795706

I highly doubt OP has a kid, anons. He played you all like a damn fiddle.

>> No.10795718

It isn't the kid. It is the parent. Most parents, including yourself just take care of this little shit who will never be able to take care of himself. Congratulations, when you die he is going to end up homeless and a burden on society because he can't, and never will be able to take care of himself. I feel bad for the kid, you on the other hand I do not feel bad for.

>> No.10795722

Possibly not, studies have shown that excessive caaien and gluten do affect gut fauna and can lead to better mental clarity with reduced amounts even in normies

>> No.10795726

Except high functioning autismo people would pop your test out of the water but still refuse to eat thier goat cheese.

>> No.10795744

>I matched up her asshole with mine and I pressed hard and farted a whole lot of gas and I’m 100% sure some of it went it went into her while she slept

>> No.10795754

This feels forced, I doubt you actually think the way you claim

>> No.10795766

Yes, exceptions exist. To everything. So what?

>> No.10795779

You are a nice human being even if you are adding crap to the gene pool. Me, there is no way I would have kids, just reading this makes me want to slap the kid repeatedly. I would likely end up killing it.

>> No.10795792
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I love this board

>> No.10795806

This holy shit. Fuck the mentally handicapped.

>> No.10795811

Not the anon you're linking to, but I believe something similar.

On a socio-economic level, this child will require a massive amount of everybody else's money during its upbringing, and will more than likely never be able to even come close to paying it back -- it's a deadweight loss from the government.

On a family level, the people surrounding the autistic child will be participating in a fruitless time-sink; instead of raising a contributing citizen capable of participating properly in society and helping his elders in their old age, they're participating in the folly of raising a dead-end. This might not be such a big deal in the era of big families, but today that means they're very likely foregoing having a normal child and all the utility that comes with that down the road, in favor of raising a retard whose utility is more akin to that of a pet.

I don't know this particular autist, but on a personal individual level, generally speaking the life of an autist is not very pleasant. Subjecting such a poor soul to a life of autistic screeching, tantrums, flapping, etc, seems possibly cruel; just as it would be cruel to just leave a struck animal on the side of the road; merciless. Not to mention the taunting and bullying likely to occur as soon as the autist is old enough for school and such. Assuming he's not completely mentally dysfunctional, it's at socialization age that he'll truly come to understand there's something terribly wrong with his mind, and that's not a feeling I'd wish on anyone.

As a counter-point, the only argument I can really see in favor of treating retarded children the same as everyone else is the completely false and counter-productive egalitarian principle.

There was profound wisdom in how Spartan society was designed. Generally speaking, civilizations rise and fall in periods of approximately 250 years, until the society either collapses or is overhauled/reborn in some kind of civil war. Sparta lasted about 700.

>> No.10795812

nice self own

>> No.10795819

stop LARPing you weirdo.
are you mad because you're autistic and people were mean to you?

>> No.10795821

Oh fuck yes, I need more servings of Celtic grills to stave off this awful disease.

>> No.10795823

Not that person, but trust me it can be quite difficult. I have to juat keep reminding myself that it is a sensory meltdown, not a tantrum/spoiled, which are different. Also,with early intervention, you can almost completly eliminate any symptoms on high end. Low end almoat potatoe level are kinda SOL'd though.

>> No.10795826

Yet you are still here. Consider following your own advise m8, be the example for us to follow

>> No.10795827

you know that there is archaeological evidence that people with even very severe disabilities were cared for back 'hunter-gatherer times' right?
really makes ya think huh

>> No.10795832

everyone ends up not being able to take care of themselves, at some point at least. thats a large reason for why humans have social relations dumbass

>> No.10795851

>retards were cared for in hunter-gatherer times when man stagnated with no progress or development
>retards were not cared for in the early era of civilization that was arguably man's greatest hour, rising from beasts to gods
Makes you think

>> No.10795856

you know the suffering that a lot of autistic people go through is pretty much entirely caused by the type of people in this thread who intentionally do things to cause our suffering for their own enjoyment. it's not something that we have to experience due directly to our autism, it's because people decide to torture us for being weird. maybe, they could instead not do that stuff? and autistic people aren't braindead idiot, so idk what you're going on about with the "pet" thing.
also if you know so much about history anon why are you falling for this "contributing to society" meme? or does your knowledge of the world only involve that of the far past lol

>> No.10795863

With early intervention most austim can be completly overcome by kindergarden. It get harder as they age because they become "aware" of the difference but it is still possible. Also some of the greatest minds are along the spectrum, they just needed to envirnment to grow properly.
As a parent of one of the "lighter" cases (one had severe speche delay, other has social anxiety and texture issues with wetness) i actually have extreme distate for parents who claim ignorance when thier child clearly needs help. The issues the child suffers can be remedied but the constant, its just a phase, or late bloomer or whataver justification the parents put in thier minds because of the stigma of mental illness is blood boiling. Ironically the longer they hold out, the harder the habits become to break, which can lead to giving up and furthering the cycle.
Now again, if your child is almost potato level, that is another story and desu, both me and my wife are pro abortion in cases of positice genetic defects becuase the quality of life for that child will be short and miserable anbd you are really only doing for yourself, only to later regret and resent them. Shame really

>> No.10795865

>>retards were not cared for in the early era of civilization that was arguably man's greatest hour, rising from beasts to gods
do you not into history? because i can't think of any time where past hunter gatherer that doesn't have evidence of disabled people being cared for. is that really your scapegoat?

>> No.10795868

Hes just upset he was born to late for the gay soldier orgies. Hilariously they would have tossed his ass off a cliff for being a sperg

>> No.10795870

It seems "forced" because you're a pampered little snowflake that can't possibly comprehend the thought of mercy killing.

>> No.10795873

it was the vibe i was getting

>> No.10795875

I would but I have 3 normal not retarded children to raise and beat into some semblance of men. Have fun with your soy induced autism failure, fucko. Gonna go fishing and watch a movie this weekend. I assume you'll be blending some veggies and stir fry up for your potato. Cheers.

>> No.10795879

>being such a pampered little bitch you can't even imagine that somebody has a different life view, so you accuse them of LARPing.

Fuck off.

I bet if YOU were responsible for carrying the weight of multiple retards that didn't belong to you in our society, you might change your opinion.

>> No.10795888

>there is archaeological evidence that people with even very severe disabilities were cared for

There's also evidence that the horribly fucked up were granted mercy and killed, or allowed to die, rather than be strung along as a burden for decades.

I wonder which group prospered, and which group struggled.

>> No.10795897

>implying child abuse is healthy discipline and not just you inability to control anger
>implying id even touch soy
Kek m8 take the soon to be school shooters with ya then

>> No.10795898

Probably the one that stopped thinking about how cavemen lived

>> No.10795899


>> No.10795904

Man I hope people don't think this way about people like me.

>> No.10795907

>Implying I actually beat my children
Blacksmith by hobby.

>> No.10795910

Id start prepping m80. Once the minorities have been eliminated, theyll come for you next.

>> No.10795914

I' m not sure what those two have to do with each other, but ok? Im a black belt by hobby and have taught many a sperg to keep from dropping thier spagetti.

>> No.10795919

my point is that it is a natural and long-standing behaviour of humans to care for each other, regardless of lack of productivity from them. not that no one killed disabled people in the past or whatever you're trying to say. and i don't have a moral problem with helping people to die, when they want to that is.

also are you so scientifically and economically illiterate that you think that there is such a strain on resources and able bodied workers in this world we have to kill the unproductive? (hopefully they'll spare you when you hit old age)

maybe you should use that internet connection of yours to educate yourself a bit instead of shitposting anon.

>> No.10795922

They probably wouldn't have any external indication that I am autistic. Although I contribute to society so I don't think anybody would have an issue with me.

>> No.10795927

Are you the same shit dad that was mad you had to spend a dollar for your son’s lunch to feed him taco shells?

>> No.10795936

NEETposter btfo by based autism dad

>> No.10795941

Whatever you say, but one slip up and you end up chemically lobotomised with the tranies in the loonie bin. Never hurts to be prepared

>> No.10795949
File: 2.94 MB, 2560x2560, mfVxIct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing food discussion going on here guys! So proud of you all!

>> No.10795964

Putting down a sick/old dog or finishing off a wounded animal is a straightforward decision. Unless you do intensive genetic testing you won’t even know about a lot of these issues like autism for some time. You really think you can somehow enforce post birth abortions? Get real.

>> No.10795976

>Unless you do intensive genetic testing you won’t even know about a lot of these issues

That's why they used to have blood tests done before marriage back in the day, and why society should require DNA testing before a marriage license is granted today.

We can I.D. a LOT of issues before a child is ever conceived, which is exactly what we should be doing.

>> No.10795988

Except most forms of ASD which this thread is about

>> No.10795994

sorry onionposter, people just couldn't help themselves from masturbating over tormenting and killing disabled kids. i usually go for the more standard stuff when i gotta crank one out but i suppose not everyone...

>> No.10796007

Are you somehow implying people would say oh let’s not have kids without a marriage license

>> No.10796009

You can figure that out pretty easily now, testing for vitamin D levels in the blood helps as does doing a full genetic work up looking for certain epigentic markers that are turned on when they should be off. Science is pretty amazing and people with any form of CD are a net drain on society, I know that its hard to accept but we need to eliminate defectives like that from the gene pool like what is being done in Scandinavia, no one benefits from CD people being allowed to live "full" lives.

>> No.10796017

There are actually housewives and fathers in this thread defending CD children and saying that they should be allowed to continue living while also expecting their families and society to help them raise their CD kids. You selfish fucks.

>> No.10796028

>we have to kill all these genetic inferiors, they're too much of a drain on society!
>but anon, how?
>i know! we'll just do extensive and currently impossible genetic testing to stop them from being born! that will surely not take up an equal or greater cost on society developing and implementing!
>but anon, what about unidentified and new mutations, and conditions that don't have a genetic basis? and what about the shear time to identify all the possible gene mutations that can cause disease?

also something, something all people who get married have kids together

>> No.10796055

Tests for cognitive disabilities have come a long way in the last five years and in all honesty even a bullet to the head of a toddler with some sort of cognitive disability is no worse than shooting a dog, in fact depending on the dog you may find it easier to teach the dog over some potato, your peers, family and the schools would appreciate it more as well. It really amuses me how all of the people with kids with disabilities like that all send their spawn to public school, like its better for their retarded kids or something, when in reality its day care the state pays an exorbitant amount of money to keep running for your kids while simultaneously reducing the quality of education for everyone. Truly the epitome of selfishness is people with CD children who see no problem in keeping them alive.

>> No.10796061

wtf is CD? also people expect their families and society to help them raise their kids anyway genius. that why humans evolved to have the social relations we have.

and i hate to generalise but i really doubt there are housewives in this thread.

>> No.10796063

Jesus dude...

>> No.10796067

>not getting big brothers permmission to have intercourse
It will be hilarious when fuck(fornication under consent of king) gets turned into Fucg(gubberment)

>> No.10796075

I'm not implying anything. I am saying that DNA testing should be mandated to identify known defects, and that if the dumb fucking couple want to have their retard children, then they should get NO HELP FORM THE STATE because they fucking knew better.

It's criminal to waste tax dollars on defects that could have been prevented in the first place.

>> No.10796081

i don't have any children, disabled or otherwise.
also i don't even know what country you are from but i will presume the US (since you lot like to act like no other country exists the most.)
in which case, the funding for your public schools (all of them) is terrible. a lot of the teachers in that country have to supply their own stationary, do gofundme's for classroom supplies and i know that as a non-american who doesn't even try to learn on the state of your state schools.
why have you decided there is some magical limit to how much funding can go into schools?

>> No.10796088

Have you read this thread? It's literally normie blogposting cancer, the best thing that could happen right now is a chinese/african gore dump to get this shit deleted.

>> No.10796093

CD is cognitively disabled, its pretty easy to figure out given the context of this thread.
>also people expect their families and society to help them raise their kids anyway genius.
You are right that they seek help from others, what you are wrong about is the sheer amount required for someone with CD versus a normal child, from birth until the age of 18 it costs the state an additional 20 million dollars on average to deal with that child, whether it be medical costs it helps with or the fact that public schools must accept such students even if it means changing everything about how the classroom is structured, all for one student that doesnt even get any benefits to it other than their parents getting to pat themselves on their back.
>that why humans evolved to have the social relations we have.
And where do CD people fit into that evolution of mankind, their lifespan is on average around 35 years while being a massive drain to every single entity around them.
>and i hate to generalise but i really doubt there are housewives in this thread.
There always are on /ck/

Do you know why its terrible? Public schools have funding based on outcomes of students, when you have large amounts of students that dont seek education and act out funding gets cut because outcomes are poor. When you have large populations of CD students in with normal kids funding that would go towards normal things now goes towards putting pads on desks, splatter guards on keyboards and at least one full time retard wrangler per retard to follow them around all day to make sure they dont damage themselves or actual humans. That is why public school here is so fucked, massive wastes of money and teaching resources spent on people who will never receive a single benefit from it.

>> No.10796109

You know the answer anon

>> No.10796117

I see your point but the end result is a bunch of kids with disabilities being punished for their parents’ poor decisions

>> No.10796122

No Child Left Behind was the real tragedy of the bush years

>> No.10796127

I work with autistic kids and you're full of shit. We would never do it that way

>> No.10796134

>20 million
You’re full of shit.

The state would just hand the parents a cool million and say “now fuck off”...

>> No.10796148

Brah you dont even know how funding works. Public education funds are raised through staye taxes then redistributed based on the average income of an area, either schoold district or in some cases zipcode. Plus under your logic should se just delete healthy orphans too because they are a heavier drain on state fund?

>> No.10796150

He may not be. Some older/ shitty aba therapists would act like this.

>> No.10796155

This occurred in the late 70s and early 80s, a woman in Ohio sued the state and federal govt later for not allowing her severely downy child in classes with normal kids.

So you know nothing of how this works but you are calling others retarded? Who do you think pays for schools to change their buildings and classrooms to accommodate CD students? Who pays for the additional staff needed to be on hand 100% of the time to "educate" them? Who do you think helps pay for home care, the insurance companies past that burden onto the state too.
That was true before no child left behind in terms of how funding was dispersed for programs pertaining to normally functioning students, but the funding methods for CD students takes precedent above the others factors in terms of funding needs, this is because of federal laws in relation to accommodation for these students. Orphans can at least grow up and contribute, someone with CD will always be a drain 100% of the time.

>> No.10796174

Special ed teacher here. In my school the class with severely disabled kids has a violent autistic kid in there, and they said they purposely disrupt her routine to force her out of her comfort zone just like that dude described.

>> No.10796175

I know enough that it doesn’t cost 20 million dollars per student...

>> No.10796177

yeah, i can move to the states and just get handed a cool 20 million? holy shit.
i don't know what weird conservative alt-news site you get your info from but i'd advise reconsider taking everything it says as gospel. if you have a problem with the lack of allocation of funds to 'normie' kids why don't you advocate for more funding there, instead of some ridiculous wiping out the disableds fantasy.
also i hate to break your bubble but disabled children do often go on the have jobs and do things with their lives after school.

>> No.10796186

Then you dont know anything, that is the average number provided by the ED in relation to how much additional money is spent on a per student basis for CD in public school. Try again.
>i don't know what weird conservative alt-news site you get your info from but i'd advise reconsider taking everything it says as gospel.
I used to work at the waisman center as a geneticist before I quit to work in a germ lab, I would say I know more about this subject than you ever will.
>disabled children do often go on the have jobs and do things with their lives after school.
Still a net drain, nothing will change that.

>> No.10796187

Yes it does with 100s of doctors visits dozens of prescriptions, and social workers all payed for by the state for the autists entire life.

>> No.10796188

There is a difference between routine disruption and activly bullying them though. Older aba therapies literlly included binding children to beds/desks and mocking those with speech impediments in attempts at shaming thier behaviors to correct them.

>> No.10796192

Ever since its initial enactment, the federal law has included a commitment to pay 40 percent of the average per student cost for every special education student. The current average per student cost is $7,552 and the average cost per special education student is an additional $9,369 per student, or $16,921.

>womp womp 20 million

>> No.10796198

So now it went from “to the age of 18” to “lifetime”...

>womp womp

>> No.10796199

>kids with disabilities being punished
"Punished"? No.


>> No.10796200

>binding children to beds/desks and mocking those with speech impediments
Neither of which are anything like what he described his sister doing. Unjustified restraint and verbal abuse are not the same as forcing someone to use a different color crayon. Whether she got perverse pleasure from it is irrelevant because it sounds like she was stoic and following procedures, not abusing them.

>> No.10796206

I don't know where he's getting the $20m figure from but to be fair it sounds like it's including medical care which would far exceed the cost of education.

>> No.10796212

maybe you amerimutts could try not having both shitty and ridiculously expensive healthcare then

>> No.10796215

>averages mean I win
That is a combined average of the costs of all sorts of disabilities. It costs much less to teach someone who is blind than it does to have someone with trisomy 21 in a classroom and if you average both those costs together it looks like trisomy 21 is positively cheap to deal with. after all, that is how averages work.

>> No.10796221

Its the combined cost of medical care and schooling before the age of 18, but realistically the number can be 20 million until the age of 21 because people with serve CD are allowed to remain in public school until the age of 21 as an extended adult daycare.

>> No.10796235

To be fair, his figure includes every singe deaf child at play road sign, to short bus, to new school building, to Behavoural specialist, to 1/57659th of NASA’s budget... with seven million special needs students that number is $140,000,000,000,000 every year...

>> No.10796236

see >>10796212

>> No.10796246

no i would abort it

>> No.10796251


>> No.10796252

The US budget is $4,000,000,000,000, so no, you are wrong, it doesn’t cost $20,000,000 for any one SN student in the US.

>womp womp math potato

>> No.10796259

i'm australian

>> No.10796261

>still is getting confused about average cost and how averages are made
Comparing a blind person who needs a braille textbook to a CD who needs two full time staff members following it around sure is intellectually honest of you.

>> No.10796290

Yeah right, whitefella.

>> No.10796327

They contract that work out, those people get paid the same wage as an McDonald’s employee in Alaska, Washington, and California...

>still arguing that special needs student costs exceeds national budget 1000x womp womp

>> No.10796347

>womp womp
Found the intellectually disabled poster

>> No.10796362

Did $20MM, fuck you can call me Susan if it makes you happy...

>womp womp

>> No.10796372

Just smother him in his sleep and be done with it.

>> No.10796417

Oh no you can’t do that, then it would cost taxpayers (are there any left) an additional $80,000,000 for CD compliant burial.

>> No.10796440

>educate yourself
Unironically too, wew lad

>> No.10796447

>I wonder which group prospered, and which group struggled.
>Probably the one that stopped thinking about how cavemen lived

Wow yes! Wtf I hate history now let's just forget about it and let our civilization, the work of our forefathers, collapse into oblivion

>> No.10796482

This is kind of why I'm terrified of having children:
Not only do I not want to have children at all (call it a biological defect, at least I'm not filling up the Earth with my shitty clones), but having a disabled/retarded/invalid child would be my full-on worst nightmare.

It's basically a life-ender. Oh, you had hopes and dreams? You had goals and aspirations? Well, now you have this child that not only requires far more time, money, and effort than a normal child, but it won't even grow. At least a normal child is only dependent and a drain on those around it until it learns and develops into a self-sufficient, productive individual, even as early as just 12-16 years old. A retarded child can very likely end up dependent and child-like for their whole life. You aren't raising a future adult, you're spending your entire life - all your energy and accomplishments and time and money - just keeping a child alive for 50-70 years. There is no point where you're done being a "dad" and can finally get back to your hobbies and projects and relationship with your wife, even forming a more equal-standing friendship with your son, who has become an independent man like yourself. No, you're a full-time dad until the day you drop. Imagine: Exhausted and haggard after a long hard day at work at 75 years old (no retiring for you now that you're paying for all that extra shit for your retarded offspring), your joints are aching, your muscles are sore, your mind is struggling to keep you focused on things, and as soon as you sit down, your eyelids feel like they weigh 15 metric tons. But you have to remain vigilant - You can't rest, you need to be alert and ready to jump up at any time because your 40-year-old son might try to jam his crayons up his nose again, or he might drop a glass and break it and slip and fall in the glass, or he might try to fly by jumping from the window, or he might trash his furniture by jumping on the bed or some shit.


>> No.10796489

"Yeah, it scares me too, that's why I'll be getting frequent X-rays with my pregnant wife and regular checkups to determine the baby's health. If it's fucked up, we'll abort, and if it's too late, we'll just put it up for adoption!"

That would work fine if it weren't for the fact that most people don't even find out their kids are retarded until they're in fifth grade and still can't read, or they were too busy rattling off the names of all 850 pokemon (again) instead of doing their math tests. Can't just give a kid away once he's already forming memories of you. There is no "nipping it in the bud" other than just not having kids, or adopting ones that are definitely not retarded.

I mean, shit, even if you say "My child can still live a fulfilling life, I'll raise them the best I can and then someday they'll find a partner who can take care of them and vice-versa!" Oh yeah, those sane, responsible women are just FLOCKING to the completely dependent , pot-bellied, mentally-disabled manchildren. The absolute best he could get is another retarded (or horribly broken/desperate/hideous) woman, and then you have two dependents depending on each other. And EVEN IF that works out, imagine HIS children! They are even more likely to end up retarded, and based on any woman that would get involved as a mother, even uglier! Even if your grandkids don't end up retarded, they'll still LOOK retarded and at best could only get actually retarded girls, or end up alone!

I mean if your kid is high-functioning then it's actually not even that different from a normal human, but the point it - you don't get to choose how retarded your kid comes out.


>> No.10796521

Well based on these two posts it sounds like any kids you have would definitely be genetically predisposed to autism

>> No.10796535

Lol, one day they will tell you that all those ultrasounds and X-rays causes your sons autism...

>> No.10796541

>you don't get to choose how retarded your kid comes out.

Sure you do. Amniocentisis + genetic testing. Baby is a tard? Abortion.

>> No.10796594

>fifth grade and cant read
nigger your child should know how to read before kindergarten ffs, just abort it then if it cant

>> No.10796598
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Or firestation drop box...

Pic related, another satisfied customer

>> No.10796618

Is there a maximum age for these boxes?

>> No.10796625

That can identify a few abnormalities but not most of them and certainly not autism.

>> No.10796630

Looking for some mommy to breastfeed you anon?

>> No.10796696

No I'm trying to get rid of my adult NEET

>> No.10796911

Huh, I always assumed it was genetic that I disliked Brussels sprouts. Because cilantro tastes soapy to me, and that's genetic; but I learned to love it in moderate amounts.
But I fucking LOATHE brussels sprouts as an almost functioning sperg.
They're better as roasted halves, drizzled beforehand with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper.
But it still tastes like the way hangover shit smells.

>> No.10798479

Repressed gay dude stuck in the past who wants to live suicidal Spartan life style. Cannot accept himself or others.

>> No.10798958
File: 1.32 MB, 245x184, TooLazyToEvenEat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit im weird and cant have dairy bc of ibs or giardia they havent really figured it out yet. kind of similar. i subsist mainly on eggs, potatoes, cured meats, gluten/dairy free waffles, toast, almond milk, peanut butter, sammiches, oatmeal, cheerios, pea protein cheese, rice, beans, baked chicken, frozen beef patties, beer, vodka, tortilla chips, pretzels, etc. just cut out replace whatever has gluten ig
on your list >>10791017 you could make everything work if you cooked yourself and used gluten free flour on the bread stuff. meal prep on sundays for him and shove that ish in the freezer for him to nuke while your gone. also teach him to cook. he could be a savant for cooking like rainman or some shit idk

>> No.10799026

Honestly anon, as somebody who has an autistic sibling, that's a pretty good list.

The mac'n'cheese, fried rice, and ravioli are all especially promising. They can be made gluten free/dairy free fairly easily, and allow you to add in things to expand his palette without it being a "new" food.

>> No.10799037

Also I don't know how old your son is, but cook WITH him if you can engage him. Stuff like only liking canned chicken noodle soup can be overcome if you tell him you'll help him learn how to make one of his favorite things.

>> No.10799039

Kick him out, idiot

>> No.10799047

How fat is your sibling

>> No.10799066

That's why your kids are still fucked up

>> No.10799106

Fuck off, newfag

>> No.10799343

heat a little oil
put rice in
stir fry on low heat
boil water, put salt in it
when rice is ready pour water in it
put a lid on it, leave on low heat for 30mins
turn off, leave to cool with lid still on for 15mins
add pepper tomato whatever you want

>> No.10799544

for sure, brother

>> No.10799745

I would imagine he's spoiled and not autistic because his """"""Father""""" is a weak faggot that gets told by a snot nosed kid what to give him to eat.

>> No.10799905

Please don't put your son on a glutenfree diet if he's not gluten-intolerant

>> No.10800235
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>as a supplement

>> No.10800270

>all of this b4 16

>> No.10800277

ok look here nigger, make some weed oil and give him tiny amounts eventually not so tiny
no need to thank me

>> No.10800311

get him a bicmac and gtfo

>> No.10800340

>ask for advice on a website that is rife with literal autistic people and people with autistic kids
>reject it all
Yeah, this is bait or OP is also retarded.

>> No.10800376

The little bitty ones aren't half as bad as the big ones. But they're still disgusting to me.

>> No.10801810

>He's a Nazi? Must be a repressed Jew!
>He doesn't like pedophiles? Must be a repressed pedophile!
>He thinks necrophilia is disgusting? He must secretly want to fuck dead bodies!
>He won't shake my hand because I've got the flu? He must secretly wish he had the flu!
>He's laying down rat traps? He must be a repressed rat!
The 'repressed fag' meme makes no sense and essentially just boils down to baseless name-calling. But you should know Freudian psychology is a bunch of Jewish lies anyway :^)

>> No.10801823

>The US budget is $4,000,000,000,000, so no, you are wrong, it doesn’t cost $20,000,000 for any one SN student in the US.
Wew, this brainlet doesn't understand the difference between lifetime costs and annual budgets

>> No.10801833

Just starve him for a couple days and he'll stop being a picky eater

>> No.10801902
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>Asks for genuine help on 4chan
>Expects genuine heartful replies

>> No.10801967
File: 87 KB, 554x400, 110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there really this many autists IRL? I thought it was just an overused internet meme

>> No.10802041

I guarantee autistic children will not starve to death if provided with only "non-preferred" foods

>> No.10802124

>I guarantee autistic children will not starve to death if provided with only "non-preferred" foods
Thats a let down.

>> No.10802197

How come picky eaters 100% of the time only eat the shittiest garbage tier foods? You never hear about picky eaters who only eat high quality food. They only like processed food that gives them the beetus or a heart attack.

>> No.10802205

It's a definitional issue. Picky eaters, by definition, will only eat stupid junk. "Picky eaters who only eat high quality food" are just known as patricians with good taste. As a meme example, Gordon Ramsey is pretty 'picky' with the food on his show, but people trust he knows what he's talking about when it comes to food so it's seen as a good thing.
>picky eaters who only eat high quality food = discerning palate

>> No.10802212

Picky eater here (I only buy demeter certified biodynamic meat, for instance, otherwise I will not eat meat)

The thing is, you don't hear about us because we have the means and the skills to satisfy our extremely specific preferences without taking it out on others

The picky eaters you hear about are the ones who can't cook, and don't know much about food, so when their reliance on others inevitably doesn't live up to their standards, all they know how to do is bitch and moan

>> No.10802215

No the poster changed his story when he was losing his argument...

and again, $20,000,000 is a huge number that you cannot justify because it’s not true. (If it was an accurate number, then prisoners would cost the same to house and care for...).

>do people just not know how to think?

>> No.10802236

>losing his argument
Oh look, someone else with CD children that they wont push off of a mountain to spare us all the costs of their selfish choices. Fuck you and fuck your worthless kids.

>> No.10802247

I have not even once encountered a person who refused a meal because the meat or whatever wasn't high enough quality. I've seen way too many people who will gag if they're served something that isn't over processed shit.

>> No.10802268

Define "refused a meal"

>> No.10802314

Hope your child dies OP.
Cheers! Genetic loser