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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 650x433, mealkit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10793087 No.10793087 [Reply] [Original]

Have you tried a meal-kit delivery service?

I don't want to name it because I don't want to be accused of shilling, but I use one.

It's nice not to have to do the shopping or have too much leftover shit I feel like I have to use because I only need one bok choy but they only come in packs of 5 million. It's true that the shit would be a bit cheaper if I bought it at the store, although in addition to the previous point they often use spices and whatnot that you typically don't see in the average grocery store.

Plus, I don't like making up my own recipes (the process of cooking itself is therapeutic to me), but I like novel recipes. So I don't have to go through the agonizing process of working out my own recipe or sifting through a bunch from the internet, most of which are shittily written. Although sometimes the directions from my service are a little shitty themselves, like how to cook onions in the pan.

>> No.10793099

How much do you get paid?

>> No.10793161

Well, this board's retarded. Back to /vr/ I go.

>> No.10793581

dont come ba/ck/

>> No.10793588

You people are human garbage. Get a real job, like Amway or Herbalife.

Just complete filth.

>> No.10793599

How much do you pay? What's your plan right now? Does it work in plans?

>> No.10793605

How much do you pay for the service? I have a budget of $40/week but all of these kinds of services are like $10+ per day or meal

>> No.10793615


It works in plans, but if you get your friends to sign up too, it's cheaper. It works in tiers.

>> No.10793630


If you can build a working group of investors you might even get your meal for free.

>> No.10793635

Okay, but how much do (You) pay? Without referral discounts?

>> No.10793645
File: 81 KB, 259x383, 1529430748388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about bok choy is sold loose in the produce section where the hell are they selling packs of bok choy?

>> No.10793646

sounds like a pyramid scheme

>> No.10793647


You get 6 free cherry tomatoes per new member, at 10 you get 3 free meals for that month. If you continue to sign people you will get a free 3 meals per month per signing.

>> No.10793654

>Without referral
>Posts about referral

>> No.10793653

OP is exaggerating to justify overspending. Not saying it's a completely horrible idea, it would actually be good if it's for things that you'd actually have to buy a lot more of than what you would use, but it's still based on selling you ingredients for more than what you would normally pay.

>> No.10793673


That's why I made it all up and the original marketer fucked off. This shit is cancer to normal people looking for healthy food. GO BUY GOOD FOOD. People won't market it to you for any other reason that you're a goddamn idiot.

>> No.10793678

They probably have teams working around the clock. Spend a few hours shilling for one client, then another. Rotate which brands they shill for so people don't become TOO suspicious.

>> No.10793680

Nope. Several reasons:
1) they cost more money
2) I enjoy shopping. Part of it is being able to look at what looks good/fresh/in-season and plan meals around that.
3) I would rather choose specific produce and cuts of meat myself rather than have someone do it for me & be stuck with luck-of-the-draw
4) I want more control over what I am eating rather than what the service decides to sell me. 20+ years of cooking has taught me that most recipes suck. I don't want to use some random recipe I am given, I want to choose which I want to use personally.
5) Meal kits sound like a great way for companies to offload about-to-expire, poor selling, or otherwise borderline reject product. I don't trust the companies not to load up their kits with questionable merchandise to get rid of it.

>> No.10793681


6 free cherry tomatoes shoulda gave me away immediately.

>> No.10793686

I'd rather eat microwave dinner than meal-kits. They only break down to a good price, but a horrible value

>> No.10793689

Right, I just wanted for the OP to say his outrageous prices so I could make fun of him

>> No.10793690

>process of working out my own recipe

That's not "agnonizing" you dumb twat. It's interesting.

>> No.10793696


If you can't grow it, buy it from a farmer. If you can't do that buy it from a piece of shit cheap grocery store. If you can't do that get it from a premium grocery. If not that, Costco. If you can't do that, piss your money into a cunt like Whole Foods place at the end of your venture.

>> No.10793709
File: 168 KB, 1600x1200, spatchcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy a fucking fancy toaster oven and cook amazing dinners. Spatchcock Chicken.

Piri piri Chicken

2 tbsp McCormicks piri piri blend
3 tbsp Olive oil
1 tsp Herbes de Provence (thyme or Italian blend may work)
2 tbsp White wine vinegar
1 tsp Salt
4 Garlic Cloves minced/finely chopped


Liquid Macarico piri piri hot sauce to taste (approx. 2tsp)

mix well

Use Jacques Pepin recipe for application instructions and cooking.

That's Piri Piri version, use Pepin's original recipe for just amazing toaster oven chicken.

>> No.10793715

Neck yourself

>> No.10793723


That's a blend you rub on the chicken and the Liquid Macarico piri piri hot sauce is what you put on the skin, dipshit.

Don't talk if you don't know.

>> No.10793728

You spend $40 per day (3 meal) that’s why the shill is silent

>> No.10793746
File: 13 KB, 396x450, 619xX5h9+iL._SY450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You still around, 'neck yourself' kid? You place This under and on top of the chicken skin. It will tear your face off if you put it on too thick.

>> No.10793765
File: 68 KB, 1024x764, Captain_Matt_Decker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10793770

McCormick is the shittest most flavorless "spice" that you can buy.

Why would you buy some shitty spice mix & bottled sauce when it's dirt fucking simple, and extremely cheap, to make piri piri sauce from scratch?

>>don't talk if you don't know
look in a mirror.

And for that matter, why TF are you cooking piri piri in a goddamn toaster oven instead of over an actual grill?

>> No.10793782

Seems like someone struck a nerve with you, want to tell us about how your pervy uncle touched you in the nay-nay next?

>> No.10793785


Have your little hissy fit. McCormicks is the biggest spice vendor on the planet. Go have your play time fit. and yes, bitch about 'oven cooking'. while you're at it. I love watching kids piss their pants.

I do have to fill my propane tank though... while you're at it, you can learn how to cook steak..


Do this, this summer. So you can learn about food.

>> No.10793793

Nah, but I'm happy to provide a recipe for piri piri sauce from scratch so anon doesn't have to push his flavorless walmart dust anymore.

Why would I buy that instead of making my own? Piri piri pepper is dirt cheap, as are the other ingredients.

You must enjoy spending more money for worse food. Either that or you're an inept cook. I'm leaning towards the latter since you seem to think that McCormic is worth recommending, and you toaster oven your piri piri instead of grilling it.

>> No.10793803


I'm sure you're some Portuguese fuck up with 'mamas' recipe. Go to town you desperate asshole.

>> No.10793810


Why do you needy people freak out on 4chan so much? It makes me so fucking sad. I want

>> No.10793811

Please provide the recipe.

>> No.10793814


I want your fucking recipe in detail, otherwise you're an insecure cunt.

>> No.10793819

You love it and you know it.
It's like old style Howard Stern, you complain about it 24/7 but you can't stop checking in.

>> No.10793833


Oh, so you're just a piece of shit. Nevermind. Sorry, I didn't know you were just a generic piece of shit. I'm out of this talk.

>> No.10793834

>pay for the cost of a dine-in meal
>still have to make it yourself

>> No.10793837

Generic what? I'm a special piece of shit!
You fucking commie fag!

>> No.10793845

> $0.02 have been deposited in your account

>> No.10793844

I guess you got called out on your recipe proving that you're the real piece of shit?

>> No.10793960


I'd love smash your head into a pile of broken ceramics.

>> No.10793969


>> No.10794001

I got a free trial for a couple meals from Home Chef after buying Black Sabbath tickets. It was OK but not worth $10 a meal and i didn't want to pay $40 a week.

>> No.10794210

Man, this board is as bad as /tv/. I went out of my way to obscure name brands and pricing models and people still thought I was working for someone. Thanks to >>10793653 >>10793680 >>10794001 for being the only adults here. The rest of you, please commit Sudoku with your fluting knives.

