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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10790767 No.10790767[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Honestly on days where I don't get to eat meat I get so fucking mad. I don't know how vegetarians do it.

>> No.10790776

that's nothing, i'm angry because i haven't eaten meat yet and it's only 9am

>> No.10790778


>> No.10790786

Not eating meat makes me angry. A meal isn't complete if there's no meat especially if that meal is lunch or dinner.

>> No.10790807


>> No.10790820

>tfw wake up and within about five minutes got my first meat of the day
For me, it's liverwurst

>> No.10790841

Some days I just log onto Runescape so I can kill a few cows

>> No.10790885
File: 157 KB, 1400x1400, stan lee grumpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never put two and two together like that, OP. It's completely true. Grumpiness explained! My ex used to call his grumpy mood a "protein headache" like if he hadn't had any protein at some carb only breakfast or lunch and wham!

>> No.10790928
File: 177 KB, 2000x2000, I1dH3EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meatcucks are all mental toddlers living near the brink of psychosis CONFIRMED

>> No.10790935
File: 66 KB, 810x800, 1b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.10790946

Who does this image apply to? The only people I see obsessing over slaughterhouse videos are vegans. As someone who hunts, fishes, and actually kills animals by my own hand, it's hardly going to spook me to watch somebody else doing something similar on video

>> No.10790947
File: 98 KB, 960x960, 31882962_1521726101287887_1124112775245725696_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly on days where I don't get to eat meat I get so fucking mad. I don't know how vegetarians do it.

You are literally a mental toddler.

>> No.10790951


>> No.10790954

Women and soyboys are easy to understand.

>> No.10790965

Most people in fact don't hunt and have never dressed or butchered an animal so a percent of those people, although not vegan, will be disturbed.

>> No.10790982

Yes, but why are vegans so obsessed with these videos.
Is it like porn to them?

>> No.10790994

That sounds Fucked and probably points to a medical problem when it sets in under a day, or is psychosomatic and they really hate not being able to eat meat

Or, possibly, it's eating carbs that fucks them up. Personally, I get pretty bad mental fog from a can of soda and that's only 40g sugar, and heavy carb meals can and will knock me out. There's research out that carbs/sugar can lead to brain inflammation and brain inflammation can lead to irritability, so maybe your problem isn't having to eat meat, but what you're eating instead of the meat. Might want to try something like a keto diet and see how you react to that, OP

>> No.10791036

What does it make me if im disturbed by the footage yet still eat meat because it just tastes too good to pass up?

>> No.10791051


>> No.10791072
File: 118 KB, 800x800, ! 35671678_1729309267168273_5314681596807217152_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hypocrite or exactly what the meat and dairy jews ie the American board of (McDonalds) health want you to be.
The biggest lobbyist in America is Big Pharmaceutical. Think about that.

>> No.10791075

A potential vegetarian. There are lots of great meat-free recipes that will make you forget all about eating animals.

>> No.10791165

so the lesson is dont shove meat up your ass?

>> No.10791192

Good thing I remember to digest it

>> No.10791220

You can get protein without eating meat. Eggs, yogurt, and cheese are still good sources of protein, along with nuts and beans. Meat is the best source for high quality lean protein but you can still get it elsewhere.

It's pretty dumb to think that because you get insulted, you'll start winning people over by using the same insult back at them.

I've also watched slaughterhouse footage, and have caught and killed for food. It's not like I feel gleeful doing those things, which is why I don't overeat and never waste anything and want lab-grown meat in stores, but I still know that without some form of animal protein every day I feel like my body is lacking something. It's just the way it is. And I do feel a bit of contempt for people who don't want to see or hear about animal slaughter but will still eat meat.

>> No.10791295

You think you are angry or grumpy because you don't understand your feelings. It is your predatory instincts telling you to get your ass moving and run after a gazelle until it collapses from exhaustion, then consume it's flesh.

>> No.10791645
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You clearly don't have the discipline to be a hippie