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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 630x345, a_southern_barbecue1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10788725 No.10788725 [Reply] [Original]

You know who invented BBQ, right?

>> No.10788731

Oooga boooga !!!!! Bleaaaarg!!!

>> No.10788736
File: 155 KB, 1152x1536, Homo_erectus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10788745

The Spanish and/or Portuguese.

>> No.10788747


>> No.10788751

Whatever cave dude who first put fire to meat.

>> No.10788765

This. BBQ trancends race

>> No.10788775

But snow nigs don't BBQ.

>> No.10788786

>You know who invented BBQ, right?
Yeah, the Native Americans
fucking We Wuz niggers really can't catch a break, they've really created nothing ever in the history of man

>> No.10788787

Nope. The Spics saw some islanders cooking that way during their first journeys of discovery, which was long before they started importing niggers from Africa.
This is closer to the truth.

>> No.10788795

Retards. Barbecue is not just cooking on an open fire. Amazing that ck is the board that knows the least about food.

>> No.10788807

Don't be laughable.

>> No.10788808

Mongolians we're BBQ'ing before kunte kinte had his first collard greens and pork ribs.

>> No.10788813

Really google american inventors

>> No.10788816

Let me guess, you're one of those morons that uses the terms grilling and barbecue interchangeably?

>> No.10788824


American barbecue was invented by slaves, that's why it traditionally involves the least tender cuts of meat. the stuff their masters wouldn't eat. They overcame the tough cuts with long, low, slow cooking.

I for one am very glad they did.

>> No.10788831

I use faggot and (you) interchangeably.

>> No.10788842

They are literally the same thing.

>> No.10788846

Spanish Buccaneers, hence the name

If we're discussing what BBQ became, yes, but the slow smoking over indirect heat method came from various native, amerind, and other groups indigenous to the spanish main

>> No.10788855

WRONG! One is low and slow over indirect heat the other hot and fast over direct heat.

>> No.10788863
File: 13 KB, 261x271, 1529118414906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it.

>> No.10788864

>these cancerous Ameriboo's
This is why we need flags on /ck/, if not the entire board...

>> No.10788901

You know that americans are the experts at barbecue right?

>> No.10788910

Yeah, when people try to tribalistically dichotomize the meanings, we, in Austin, point them to a more openminded, globalistic interpretation. Yin and Yang, if you will.

>> No.10788918

Do you suck dick as often as you use commas?

>> No.10788940

>point them to a more openminded, globalistic interpretation

Jesus, you Austin fags are the worst part about the greatest state.

>> No.10788946

>This is why we need flags on /ck/, if not the entire board...
What did he mean by this

>> No.10789237

>Austin containment facility
Choose one.

>> No.10789571

Of course white people took it. They culturally appropriate everything. Anyone educated knows this.

>> No.10791181

I think he meant ameriboo as in the opposite of weaboo

>> No.10791189

I know they're not alive today and anyone taking price in some distant relative doing it is just sad and pathetic.

>> No.10791199
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Just for clarification for all the non-americans in the thread.
>BBQ in America
Grilling meat and slathering pic related on it.
>BBQ in the rest of the world
Grilling meat

>> No.10791210

So when are you giving the computer you typed this on back? You're culturally appropriating my race's technology you bigot

>> No.10791219

Actually I've noticed most americans will get it wrong. Whenever some folks get together to have a family cookout on the old propane grill, they tend to call it barbecue, despite no barbecuing being done. It's just ignorance, most americans don't know jack shit about cooking beyond heating up a frozen dinner.

>> No.10791239
File: 72 KB, 568x600, Safe-Space-Kids-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if they call it that on purpose knowing how easy it is to trigger you and they want you to die from a stroke already?

>> No.10791248

It's just an observation, I don't even bother correcting them. It's like when someone says ATM machine or something.

>> No.10791254


>> No.10791332

Austin is the only decent area of TX since everywhere else is filled with AL tier sister fuckers.

>> No.10791340

would you rather be a sister fucker or a kiddie diddler lib?

>> No.10791407


>> No.10791461

t. stood in line at franklin's for 1 hr before getting mad, getting pappa's bbq instead, and convincing himself it was equivalent

>> No.10791486

you know who invented western civilization, right?

>> No.10791492


>> No.10791545

Homo erectus. Me too.

>> No.10791557

Actually, Texas BBQ is unsauced brisket.

>> No.10791611

doesn't matter, cause guess what. whitey specializes in taking other cultures shitty ideas and making them good. it's just what we do. you're welcome by the way

>> No.10791684

Sausage, too.

They LOVE their g'damn smoked sausage.

>> No.10791696

>unnecessary /pol/-tier threads invading /ck/

I guess there isn't anywhere I can escape in now, no matter where I go people bring politics into everything

>> No.10791706

Found the yankee.

>> No.10791710

>Austin is the only decent area of TX since...
....they tolerate faggots like you?

>> No.10791715

Niggers didn't create bbq the native americans and the spanish did. Just because you nogs were handed the worst meat doesn't mean you created bbq.

>> No.10791734

>you know who invented putting meat on fire right?

Homo Australopithecus?

Who invented drinking water?
Is this the best claim blacks can make?

Who invented taking a shit?
Who invented wiping his ass?

ayy lmao

I could start cooking food on a fire with my dick out and erect and call it a BBD, barbedick.
Not an invention.

>> No.10791744
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>> No.10791755
File: 286 KB, 595x584, D8688057-8472-40AF-BAF6-8AFCE0D130F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying black have learned to wipe their asses yet

>> No.10791781

But anon, don't you know food is the most political act? You can not seperate food and politics. Read any modern food writing and it's all about culture and appropriation and who has the right to cook what and why and who profits the most on ethnic cookery (whites) without respecting the history or the people behind the food. It's fucking maddening. I just want to read my local newspaper's food section and not be screeched at about how white men dominate the industry. What about the food? I recommend looking into an article by John T. Edge and Tunde Wey. Edge is an old white New Orleans food critic and Wey is a young Nigerian cook. Wey accuses Edge, and white cooks of southern cuisine of appropriating native and slave foods for profit without acknowledging where the food came from. Wey demands reparations. Edge apologizes and says he owes a debt to black southerners and native peoples. It's really the worst kind of divisive identity politics. Food should bring people together, not divide them.

>> No.10791789

>not having an ethnic barbedick with your kind on a regular basis

>> No.10791794

Fuck off with your ignorant bullshit.

BBQ = using indirect heat and SMOKE to cook your food using a smoker, pit, whatever.

Grilling = using direct heat to cook your food using some kind of grill

If you're using direct heat, rather than smoke, to cook your food, then you're not BBQing, you're grilling. Period.

>> No.10791813

I see. So when you whites were putting meats on spits and cooking them in your fireplaces in the middle ages it was called grilling and not roasting even though it's literally called a spit roast? Interesting.

>> No.10791848
File: 2.45 MB, 3000x2394, BigSlaveryMap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this map. Now think about where BBQ is the most popular. One could say their specialty. The conclusion is obvious.

>> No.10791857

>smoking is BBQing
Jesus Christ, this is meant to be the food and cooking board.....

>> No.10791859

The term "roast" has become bastardized over the years. Modernist Cuisine has an interesting discussion of how the term has changed meaning over time.

Fuck, the dish we call a "pot roast" today is actually a braise.

>> No.10791883

He's right though. BBQ is cooking with low, indirect heat as opposed to grilling, which is high direct heat.

That said, most random people are either ignorant of proper terminology or simply don't give a shit. It's very common for casuals to use the term "BBQ" to refer to the cooking tool, or for an informal gathering of people hanging out and cooking food on a grill.

>> No.10791906

>I see.
No, you don't.
>you whites
That's no way to refer to your masters, shitskin.

>> No.10791912

Then what the fuck are you doing here, you ignorant douche?

>> No.10791917

Carolina BBQ is the most authentic in the world and it's all dry-rub

>> No.10791936
File: 167 KB, 800x533, promoted-media_544958b1ca3d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meat being cooked on grills
>Not barbeque

WTF am I reading?

>> No.10791986

do you really have that hard a time distinguishing the difference between direct heat and indirect heat?


>> No.10792104

Yes, they do.

They're morons. Just accept it and move on, dude.

>> No.10792106

there's no such thing as indirect heat, retard

>> No.10793304
File: 1.98 MB, 3264x1836, 20160728_172401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10793326

indirect heat means using the heated air that results from the heating implement rather the heating implement itself
cooking something in a fire is direct heat

>> No.10794018

wait, so putting Sweet bb rays on chicken thighs and baking them in my toaster oven isn't BBQ? I need to step my game up apparently

>> No.10794108

Pretentious bastards

>> No.10794302


>> No.10794312

That meat is directly being cook over heat. How do you defend this?

>> No.10794343
File: 16 KB, 300x180, Augustus-Gloop-in-Charlie-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love people like you. The ones that oppress. Those who think they know it all. Those who are taught but don't comprehend knowledge. You're a faggot to say the least but a dying bulb at the brightest.

>> No.10794404
File: 278 KB, 507x501, 6s5ey9b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 49 year old millenial that know dick about cooking

>> No.10794406

That is completely wrong though, the use of smoke is the difference between bbq and grilled food you mongoloid, sauce is optional and is only used in certain styles, which you would know if you weren't talking out of your ass.

>> No.10794487

>thinks he's classy
>tips hat

>> No.10795687

I need to catch up with Terraformars.

>> No.10795699

contrary to history revisionism it sure as fuck was not the niggers. meat was very expensive back then. only the rich could afford eating pork and beef all the time.

>> No.10795710
File: 182 KB, 1200x900, 13847442583_f311e1248d_b.0.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Korean BBQ is not BBQ because its cooked on direct heat? GTFO you pedantic little shit.

>> No.10795711

So what?

>> No.10795721

everyone in the world?
boiling food is a more complicated way of cooking

>> No.10795723

It's grilling not barbecue.

>> No.10795724

slaves got fed organ meat and tripe not actual cuts of meat

>> No.10795776

Barbeque is not a useful term to describe how food has been prepared. It can really only denote an appliance called a "barbeque" which allows ease of cooking outdoors and lends itself to certain cooking methods over others (grilling, smoking etc). If I say something is "barbequed" it is akin to saying it was "ovened" (or "cooked in the oven" if we clean up the grammar).

Different regions use barbeques differently and have different traditions and trends associated with it. If I say I'm having a barbeque in Australia it probably means a lot of cheap sausages and lamb chops grilled quickly. If I say it in Texas it probably means I'm going to be smoking various tougher cuts of beef and pork over a longer period. Neither would be exclusive, however.

>> No.10795790

Textbook bait thread. Holyshit86replies