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File: 206 KB, 1199x788, pheasant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10784488 No.10784488 [Reply] [Original]

Why did people stop eating pheasant?

I want to try it but I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.10784503

Go shoot one you fucking soyboy

>> No.10784507
File: 170 KB, 850x721, 1529023810619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a gun

>> No.10784520

So buy a gun and go shoot a bird, that shit isn't hard.

>> No.10784535

Pheasant is a game meat, not a farm animal. People haven't stopped, it's just that it's share has fallen relative to other poultry.
In any case, if you want to eat it, you have to shoot it. Any game meat must be supervised and approved by a federal inspector before it may be legally sold, from the shot to the shop. As such, it almost never hits the market.

>> No.10784545

>when did %old_world_game stop being eaten
Right around the time it was either driven to near extinction or the nobility held all the land and declared anyone taking an animal "poaching". Usually both.

>> No.10784546


Is it worth it? I want to try it but I don't know shit about hunting

>> No.10784551

No it isn't worth it.
Owning a gun will cause you to shoot up a school.

>> No.10784552


>> No.10784556

I like game meat, I've got the indian status and the gun to get it, but honestly? The value of hunting is the activity, not the meat.
If you think you might like hunting go for it. If not, don't bother.

>> No.10784561

I only eat ortolan exclusively

>> No.10784564
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Because you have to hunt it and it’s considered gamey. Also it’s better that the masses of people don’t develop a taste for non domestic animal that you hunt.

>> No.10784572

>Why did people stop eating pheasant?
its like turkey if it were as shit as chicken

>> No.10784589

Poaching on the queen’s land is a capital offense, mate

>> No.10784597

Er, actually, where do you live, OP?
I just checked kijiji near me and live pheasant goes for a very decent price. Not hunted yet, see?

>> No.10784620

Oh, here we go OP
Not sure how the fuck you go about receiving a frozen bird in the mail, but these guys will apparently ship to you.

>> No.10786052
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I didn't stop eating them.
They're pretty standard fare on my camping trips since they're fairly easy to harvest with a bow.
The two smaller ones are pigeons.

>> No.10786061

Dry ice.

>> No.10786710

By pigeon I hope you mean dove from a field. Not a flying rat from the city.

>> No.10786729

I hit one with my car once. I saw him the morning before and they don't give a shit if a car is coming. Narrowly missed him. Next morning he was in my lane and didn't try to fly off till the last second.
Was a ring tailed rooster pheasant. He was pretty. And stupid.

Don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button.

>> No.10786760

I'd wager that even a disgusting city pigeon probably eats better than a factory farmed chicken.

>> No.10787164

It's something someone has go out and shoot, so supply is naturally more limited than chickens. I order a few when they're available to freeze for holidays and other special occasions because they're not wildly expensive, but there's a season for them like any other game bird (falls between October and February). Of all the game meats I've tried pheasant is by far the tastiest when prepared well, but it can dry out very easily. Britbong if it helps.

>> No.10787177
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It's wood pigeon, yes.
Why the hell would I go out and hunt a pheasant and then throw it in the pot with two city pigeons? I'm not retarded.

>> No.10787188

I've seen them on a lot of menus here in the UK.

Mainly pubs out the in country and probably because they get run over all the time

>> No.10787218

Remind me to never let you wager anything for me.

>> No.10787239

because people over hunt them they are basically extinct where i live along with quail.

>> No.10787244

Where do you live?
I can barely drive a few isles without running one down.

>> No.10787250


>> No.10787252


>> No.10787395


>> No.10787553
File: 54 KB, 490x490, FPHNJ002-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D'artagnan sells it, but it's farmed. You can't buy game meat in the US unless it's from the back of Tyrone's or Billy Bob's pickup who poached them.


>> No.10787569
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>imagining anon chasing a pheasant around for a day just because he's curious about it's taste

>> No.10787578

you're an asshole

>> No.10787579
File: 214 KB, 1001x667, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who posted that link has never been out of the city.
And that would be fine; I don't hate city folk, but he chose to be an arrogant little shit and make that post like he knew what he was talking about.

>> No.10787762


Good thing the queen is stuck with a shit rainy island that has the roads melt if it hits 80 farenheight.

>> No.10787784

yes you can

>> No.10787802

I don't think you understand just how shitty industrial animal feed is. Blissfull ignorance, I guess.

>> No.10787817

>what is the internet
The world is your oyter pheasant.

>> No.10787864

Where? It literally is illegal to sell hunted game in the US, ok? Burden of proof is on you, faggot.

>> No.10787883

too pretty to eat. chicken is better anyway.

>> No.10787910

I'm not that guy, but I can elaborate. It is NOT against the law to sell game meat. What is, however, illegal is to sell game meat that has not been passed by an FDA-certified inspector. Most of the time people don't bother with inspection so that meat is indeed illegal to sell. However, it is certainly possible to have wild game inspected, at which point it may be legally sold.

It is also possible to sell wild game meat via various technicalities. For example, I take advantage of this often: many butchers will offer "game processing" services for hunters. You bring them your animal, they cut it up for you according to your instructions, and then you pick it up when they're done. Sometimes hunters never pick the meat up again. The processor/butcher isn't allowed to sell the meat itself unless it's inspected, but they can charge for their labor. So you can buy "abandoned" game meat from a processor for the cost of the labor only.

>> No.10787930

It’s all the roadkill and diseased animals and euthanatized pets all cooked down and ground into meal pellets.

>Soylent Mean

>> No.10787942


>> No.10787949

The females are less fabulous. You could eat those.

>> No.10788004

Wait. The protagonist decides to steal birds from a guy, gets hurt, and decides to embarrass him by stealing all the birds? And he's the good guy?

>> No.10788028

Does everyone realize you can order the stupid bird off the net, hell you can even buy the chicks and raise them then get all primitive preparing your viddles from scratch

>> No.10788399

>the value of hunting is the activity not the meat
Hunt yourself my dude

>> No.10788678

That's pretty clever. How does the hunter make money on it though?

>> No.10788693

In that example the hunter wouldn't make any money. But it was just meant to illustrate how the loophole works. As long as you aren't selling just the meat itself then you can give it away. So, someone could sell venison sausage: you aren't paying for the venison, you're paying for the labor to make the sausage & the other ingredients. I'm not sure where the legality stands of serving food from wild game stands? That might be legal, I'm not sure. But it could follow the same general idea--again, you're not selling the ingredient itself. A chef would be selling his services and the venison specifically is a freebie.

>> No.10788739

He’s right though. You can buy any game meat online and it’s cheaper and you don’t have to process the animal. The hunting itself is the point.

>> No.10788799

No, I understand how the loophole works, I just don't get what the incentive is for the hunter to give over the fruits of his labor if he's not getting paid.

>> No.10788845

Why are you cooking them in a wok?

>> No.10789149
File: 111 KB, 800x600, 184.16205142_std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did people stop eating pheasant?

Pheasants had to be reintroduced in the U.S. after almost going extinct in the late 1960s due to the use of DDT pesticide, which weakened the egg shells.

If you want to try one your best best is going to a hunting farm / put-and-take where they’re bred for hunting, which will cost your around $200-250 for five birds, though you have to pay up-front and if you miss your shots, you’re out of luck.

>> No.10789209

It works. The Chinese largely eradicated their sparrow population during Mao's regime by just startling them up from their perches over and over until they died of exhaustion.

>> No.10789276

what the fuck are you doing to those birds?

>> No.10789707

Made a pheasant Coq au vin for Christmas last year, its a good game meat. just watch out for the buck shot.

>> No.10791225
File: 175 KB, 960x639, 1497849805986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get through a fair bit of it in the UK in game season, particularly those with estates or access to them, and those in Scotland.
We got given two dozen at a hotel I was working at on an island, and had to break them, and got to keep all apart from the breasts.... I ended up grilling them in a cave with an aussie /pol/tard who washed dishes there. Bloody good times.

>> No.10791232

it was a joke, anon


>> No.10791282

Oh look a sensible post.

Seriously, hunting isn't about the meat, it's about the process. You have to be patient, dedicated and not bored easily. I thought a scope and a .308 was monotonous, until my dad and his buddies decided to go native and opt for bow hunting. Satisfying, yes? Time consuming, oh your bet your ass. Sucks when you have to track something that you wounded and didn't manage to kill first time around.

I live in Texas, so hunting isn't some odd pastime by most metrics, but if you're serious about giving it a shot, take a basic gun course and meet some guys. Teaching yourself how to hunt, especially when you don't even own a gun, which implies that you're at best a gun novice, is going to be such a time sink that you'll give up before you even have to start trying.

Also, pheasant is pretty meh. Quail is my preference.

>> No.10791293

do you mean the lead particles?

>> No.10791296

They aren't good guys, but they are the protagonists. They are just typical gypsy scum, worse than American niggers.

>> No.10791304

>hunting isn't about the meat
I'm a long time bow hunter and nowadays it's strictly for the meat. I try to get the amount of meat that will last us for the year as quickly as possible because I'm to the point now where sitting immobile in a tree stand from before dawn for 4-6 hours sucks. There's no fun in it at all for me anymore, just strictly meat.

>> No.10791307

>muh bow hunting
*tips fedora*

hunting isn't about pretending you're from a video game, it's about getting drunk with your boys

>> No.10791312

>worse than American niggers
jesus goddamn why live?

>> No.10791315

>tips John Deere cap

>> No.10791316

I've never been an adept hunter, so perhaps it's my inability to bag more game that makes my mindset not about the meat, but the experience.

>muh reading comprehension

I clearly expressed disdain for bow hunting dipshit. It's how I spend time with my dad and if that's what he wants to do, I try to oblige. Also, I don't drink, because I'm an alcohol, so booze left the equation a long time ago.

>> No.10791319

Sometimes thwy just like to hunt but have either no room or incentive to keep it. Also there used to be a program were you coyld donate the meat and leather to be used for homless.

>> No.10791339

Thank you for your service *pops realtree collar + does a 360 and walk's away to arfcom*

>I clearly expressed disdain for bow hunting dipshit.
no you didn't, you went on about how it's oh so satisfying

>> No.10791363
File: 163 KB, 545x327, Shotper20sizesper20fromper20Federal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He means "bird shot". Lead pellets from a shotgun. Small ones are called "bird shot". Large ones are called "buck shot" since they are used for hunting larger game like deer as opposed to birds.

Shotgun shells are available in a variety of different pellet sizes. It's a trade-off: the larger pellets have more killing power for larger animals. They also retain their kinetic energy for longer distances allowing for longer shots. Smaller shot sizes aren't as lethal, but you can fit more of them in a shell so you get a larger and more even pattern, thus making it easier to hit. Small shot sizes for small birds. Large shot sizes for larger land animals. High-flying large birds like geese would use a shot size somewhere in the middle.

>> No.10791369

>no you didn't, you went on about how it's oh so satisfying

You must be new here. Anytime someone mentions fedordas it's an insult.

>> No.10791384

i wonder if you could hunt (effectively) with breaching rounds, the ones that are basically just filled with zinc powder

>someone mentions fedordas
i`m the one that did that you fool

>> No.10791387


>> No.10791401

I've had it at fancy restaurants before but I don't know where to buy it. Maybe some place that specializes on wild game?

This online store sells whole pheasant http://www.igourmet.com/shoppe/shoppe.aspx

>> No.10791415

The breaching rounds I have played with are basically a slug made from fine metal dust and wax that is pressed into shape. If you were to cut open an unfired shell it would look like a gray metal cylinder. It's not until it strikes something that the round disintegrates. I suspect it would act like a slug until it hits something, in which case its going to dump its energy extremely quickly. It would make a very nasty, but also very shallow, wound.

I'm not sure if anyone makes a breaching round that isn't pressed into a slug shape. I've never seen one that had literal dust in the shell.

I have played around with #12 shot, which is about the smallest size that you can readily get. Even then you have to load your own shells. It is great for short-range shooting at vermin, but it loses its energy so fast that it would be pretty much useless at any sort of distance. Won't even penetrate a cardboard box completely at 10 yards.

>> No.10791752

pheasant is delicious, really umami

>> No.10791869

European here, yes, they are worse than the worst ghetto niggers you can encounter in the USA. They will literally hunt you down bringing their whole family with them, they are like a retarded unassimilable inbred hivemind that was expelled from india because not even the poo in loos could stand them.

>> No.10791886

Half of Canada is the queen's land m8

>> No.10791889

Moved away from my neighbour who used to leave dead ones outside my door.

>> No.10791891

Phone poster lmao get past

>> No.10791893


>> No.10791898

gypsies are literally culturally forbidden to do most jobs because of the indian cast system - they have to either make pans, train animals or do something that doesn't count as a job (most commonly stealing, sometimes fortune telling)

they're essentially an entire culture based around thievery - they also usually have several children by the age of 18, live in poverty, beat the shit out of their women etc.

>> No.10791904

>rice and wheat bran
Oh god, the horror.

>> No.10791916
File: 41 KB, 482x249, egg carton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ignorance is cute.


Pic related is my favorite. A lot of supposedly "premium" brands push the fact that they chicken feed is "vegetarian". Problem is....chickens aren't vegetarians....

>> No.10791937

>people still pimping debunked Rachel Carson nonsense that has killed tens if not hundreds of millions over the past decades.
They're mostly in Africa, but still. Pheasants exposed to ddt ended up watching more chicks.

>> No.10791946

Oh no, don't feed them sugar. Those sprinkles will surely kill us all.

Did you even read the articles, retard?
>Yet for the chickens, who are natural omnivores that readily devour bugs and small animals when they’re available, the forced vegetarianism can be a disaster.

>> No.10791949

So now you're moving your goalposts from rice and wheat bran? Gotcha.

I'm kind of confused about your greentext as it supports my claim rather than yours.

>> No.10791955

they are stupid friggin birds. they stand in the road and wait to get run over.

>> No.10791961

You're fos, mate. Chemical company propaganda doesn't count as debunking.

>> No.10791983

Pheasant is pretty meh, I always found it too dry. I personally prefer wood pigeon and mallard.

>> No.10791984

Pheasant is a game meat and as such should be personally hunted by whomever is looking to have a bite.
Personally I think it's 100% worth it but not if you're looking to bag a few birds to take home and freeze. Pheasant should be eaten on site with your hunting party in order to truly experience the spiritual sensation of the hunt as well as get the freshest meal possible. Bird hunting is also incredibly easy especially if you know someone with a good hunting dog. Go get yourself a nice over under or double barrel for like $300.

>> No.10791995

>Go get yourself a nice over under or double barrel for like $300.
For three bills you're not getting a "nice" gun, you're getting a cheapo.

>> No.10791996

heres now to hung pheasant
>bring a big stick
>walk around wooded areas/trails
>see pheasant
>walk within like 5-10ft
>they stand there because theyre retarded
>throw stick at them
>this kills autistic bird

>> No.10792003

I'm not gonna suggest he go out and buy an expensive shotgun for a hobby he doesn't know he'd be interested in. You can find a perfectly fine shotty for $300 that will work. I've hunted with mosins when they were still $100.

>> No.10792017

Reminder that gypsies believe they are entitled to their thieving because their ancestor helped kill Jesus Christ but was also bad at his job.

>> No.10792150

have you ever used salt?

>> No.10792162


Probably if you want to eat one, the easiest way will be to find someone who breeds them for hunting. You can buy them pretty cheap. Just cut its head off, pluck it, and clean it like any other bird.