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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10786246 No.10786246 [Reply] [Original]

Do americans really just throw peanuts on the floor at a resturant?

>> No.10786255

They throw peanut shells on the floor of wherever their obese asses are currently parked.

>> No.10786264

what shithole are you visiting that even has peanuts in the shell... the fuck?

>> No.10786279


it's a thing at some restaurants

>> No.10786285

You can go to any major city in Europe and see the New Europeans spit sunflower seeds everywhere.

>> No.10786287

Certain restaurants do it and its a gimmick, something just to make them stand out.

>> No.10786293 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 475x502, 'Merica! Fuck Yeah!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do americans really?

Yes. Yes we do. Now fuck off.

>> No.10786294

>is littering considered normal in one of the world's most unsanitary nations?
Gee, let me guess.

>> No.10786306 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 400x300, flyover states.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>is littering considered normal in one of the world's most unsanitary nations?

The vast majority of 'merica is an absolute shithole. Especially the flyover states.

>> No.10786312
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>posts a picture of luuxemburg

>> No.10786330

>Thinking America is close to the level of sanitation of China or India
America is one of the only nation's with a concept of hygiene and sanitation, Euros need to brush their teeth before they talk shit about American sanitation

>> No.10786353

I was in America last year and they had a hepatitis outbreak due to street shitting.
They had to bleach the sidewalks, it was fucking vile and I say that as someone who has visited India.

>> No.10786369


>> No.10786377

At some restaurants yes... its kind of a schtick/gimmick.

OP's pic reminds me of a flight I took on Etihad to Abu Dhabi. I was the only white guy on a flight completely full of Indians. Their kids were throwing food and snacks on the floor, then running around stamping on them and screaming. When I left the plane every isle was like a warzone. The flight attendants are trained to be very professional but you could see the disgust in their eyes.

>> No.10786381

a local bar does this.
they kind of expect you to throw the peanut shells on the floor, so the bar counter doesn't get filled up with enpty shells. easier to just sweep the floor when they close I guess.

>hurr durr why don't they just have preshelled peanuts

they are giving away the peanuts as free bar snacks, peanuts in the shell cost less.

>> No.10786384

Where in fuck was this?

And that wasn't Americans that was certainly the homeless, American culture doesn't consider them people though more like animals.

>> No.10786390

Ground Round does it (or did it) it's a cheap shit chain so i't their thing.

>> No.10786396
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fuck off

>> No.10786401

Logan's Roadhouse, it's in the picture dipshit

>> No.10786404


Go back from whence ye came

>> No.10786406

Ya, San Francisco is a shithole (literally). Thats what happens when retards run a city.

>> No.10786409

San Diego as well.

>> No.10786411

I’ve only seen one resturaunt that does it and it’s a gimmick of the place.

>> No.10786447

probably chinese..

>> No.10786582
File: 29 KB, 300x311, yakov-smirnoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Russia, you don't don't throw peanuts on the floor, peanuts throw you on the floor.

>> No.10786585 [DELETED] 


My peanuts weenuts haha!

>> No.10786590

Oakland too>>10786409

>> No.10786596

>Logan's Roadhouse
Doesnt exist in my state.

Must be some flyover trash.

>> No.10786627

They are kept in the shells for hygienic reason.

>> No.10786633

hows your summer goin, buddy?

>> No.10786654

Why would they put carpet under a table at a place where you can throw shells on the floor?
>froum* eurocuck

>> No.10786658

it's a meme at some resturants usually on the east coast and flyover states, not common on the west coast. idk why it's a meme in the east. i am sure they would tell you it's some kind of tradition.

>> No.10786665

I'm 25 and i've lived on the east coast my entire life and I eat out at least once a week, usually more often. I have never in my life encountered this, though I have spent the majority of my time above the mason dixon line, so maybe it's a southern thing.

>> No.10786670

>east coast
nigger where the fuck on the east coast do you find this shit? I have never seen this.

>> No.10786707

People used to throw peanut shells on the floor because the oil is good for hardwoods. If the restaurant doesn't have hardwood floors then it is just a meme.

>> No.10786740

Another east coaster here, never seen this. If you think this is somehow an east coast thing, you'd be wrong.

>> No.10787215
File: 24 KB, 450x253, surveysays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


California cities with a high concentration of...

>> No.10787222

HIV positive semen?

>> No.10787225


>> No.10787232
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, Dont laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks illegals are automatically "Americans"

>> No.10787237

>no tip
As expected of americans

>> No.10787246

>majority of the population is american
>minorities exist
>large-scale issues are thus caused by...
>that 5% of the population indeed
>the 95% is thus utterly incompetent

>> No.10787254

Shart in the Marts?
I bet the average grocery store is a hotbed of hepatitis.
Grotty bastards.

>> No.10787269



>> No.10787282

You're on the wrong side of history, sweetie

>> No.10787291

Anybody ever go to his "Dinner Experience"? It looks so awful

>> No.10787292

/pol/ is a """"""""""""""""""""""""'containment""""""""""""""""""""""""' board, they said

>> No.10787309

That's a tapas restaurant in Spain.

>> No.10787310

nah there's plenty of spillage, this is a fairly light example of it compared to what goes on /tv/ and /int/; /ck/ is actually quite fine compared to those
still idiots continue to bump cancer regardless of where they are, summerfags just don't know what saging is and how it should be used

>> No.10787390

I see you've never been to China.

>> No.10787393
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>> No.10787681

Oh fuck off with your ignorance, you fucking mutt.

>> No.10787952

there are steak houses that allow that, its not literally everywhere.

for example roadhouse grill, just having peanut shells all over the floor is sort of just accepted there as the establishments tradition.

>> No.10787968

that's nothing, I throw pizza crusts and whole fish skeletons on the floor too

>> No.10788085

Mutt here, I seriously don't know, the southeast and Midwest portions of the country are filled with dumb shits who do things like this because they think it's retro or authentic Americana. I first saw it some years ago and I dont get it still. Just stay away from the south east (Florida especially) and anything between Pennsylvania to Colorado. This regions are all filled with sub humans who worship Guy Fierri and only listen to Bon Jovi and guzzle diet soda and slather everything in bacon grease.

>> No.10788157
File: 54 KB, 600x800, Et89oSdgYAece2kHYVn0yo-fBXKC7WBHnh07SNkSbEU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, O&A roasting yakov and his dinner experience was hilarious.

>> No.10788682

opie sux

>> No.10788684

Peanut shells

>> No.10788790

We wear our street shoes coated in feces, urine, vomit and semen inside so walking on peanut shells is rather mundane and de rigeur.

>> No.10788850

Only a few places still do this or even allow it because peanut allergy people fuck it up for everyone

>> No.10788897

Is that true? I heard SD was a lot more republican

>> No.10788906


>> No.10788922

Nah, Texas Roadhouse did this too. I'm lived in flyover NY.

>> No.10788945

Fuck, I knew it didn't add up

>> No.10789098

When people walk around on them they actually polish the floors.

>> No.10789111

It's a rustic shtick for middle class yuppies.

They get to pretend they're in a "local" bar that lets them litter wherever because the colorful management doesn't care about sanitation.

They still sweep it all up at the end of the night.
It's all dry waste anyways.

>> No.10789328

It's not like drunk ducks shit in the street in England too, oh no that would be a myth. But yes homosexuals shit in the street because their STDs can't have them make it to the restroom.

>> No.10789355

>wearing shoes inside the house
>wiping with dry toilet paper only
>showering in the morning instead of at night
Great hygiene, bravo

>> No.10789359

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, 95% of america is pretty much latin or mixed african/asian now.

>> No.10789394

>>showering in the morning instead of at night
Explain this one

>> No.10789521

so I was in Chic Filet one time in the Chicago area. there was a family sitting next to us, mom dad and 2 kids (who had finished and were playing in the playpen thing). firstly, the dad stared at my brother so long he finally asked "can I help you with something?". the dad turned away and said nothing. when they got up to leave they left a whole table of trash. the nice girl that came back to ask us if we were enjoying our food slumped and sighed when she say all the shit on the table. Do euro's just leave all their shit on the table when they're done eating? also, do they often stare at people eating? we're not fat. my brother was with his gf who is hot af so maybe I thought that's what it was. but I don't really think so. he was staring at us eat.

>> No.10789523
File: 30 KB, 455x303, betel-nut-black-teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the betel nut.

>> No.10789536

forgot to add there that it was a family of euros. they were white, speaking something that was not french, german, or spanish. those are the only languages I can make out.

>> No.10789647

It'a a gimmick. In addition, it removes the need to mop because the shells soak up any oil or other liquid. Some bbq restaurants put sawdust on the floor for this reason.

>> No.10789685

san diego. google it

>> No.10789934

If I'm dissatisfied with the meal, yes. If the food, service, ambiance, etc is not satisfactory, I throw my scrapings and trash on the floor. It's how you let them know how they're doing

>> No.10789973

Pretty much this. I also pisd in the trash can or on the floor in the bathroom.

>> No.10791259


>> No.10791482

But all the pretentious people who live in San Jose but pretended they were from SF told me that SF is the most European city in America. I guess they meant Eastern Europe.

>> No.10791484

>must be flyover trash
well you're half right

>> No.10791496

no dipshit, the meme is that tipping literally only happens in America not that Americans are shitty tippers (only niggers are stingy tippers). Holy shit, first day here?

>> No.10791508

Only newfags say that. Fuck off

>> No.10791512


San diegan here, SD has a long history of being one of the most conservative counties

>>10788906 this moron has no clue

Google Pete Wilson as a good idea of the history of San Diego politics

>> No.10793262

Japan is cleaner than any shitty burger city
prove me wrong

>> No.10793483


I'm physically incapable of throwing peanut shells on the floor at Logan's. Can't do it, seems so wrong. I put them in a neat pile on the edge of the bread plate.

On the other hand I've seen people throw peanut shells on the floor at Five Guys multiple times.

>> No.10793538

>peanuts in the shell cost less
Plus people eat fewer of them because it's more work.

>> No.10794083

wouldn't be surprised if they're exempt from FDA regulations as well because you're technically not supposed to put the shells in your mouth.

>> No.10794140

It's a security measure. By scattering the floor with loud crunchy peanut shells, I can hear everyone walking around me and never be snuck up on.

>> No.10794208

Fancy restaurants often employ waitresses with severe nut allergies that guests can pelt with peanuts.Watching the poor girls writhe around on the floor and foam at the mouth provides entertainment while you wait for your cheeseburger to arrive.

>> No.10794248

Yeah. Nobody even cares that I'm jerking off as they slip into anaphylactic shock.

>> No.10794254

I would throw peanut shells in your fucking eyeballs just to hear you scream if I had the chance you fucking eurocuck.

>> No.10794268

They piss in the streets dude. And one time there was a guy pulling out pubic lice in a metro stairwell.

>> No.10794330

Only at Barnaby's

>> No.10794951

It's justification for shitty restaurants to not clean their floors.

>> No.10795107
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, 1525190662738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10795129

>flyover trash
W-we have them in florida, as far as I can tell it's more of a southern thing.

>> No.10795130

So, flyover trash in other words?

>> No.10795347

Big Bad John's?

>> No.10795443

I'm not sure what he means. In Ireland we do both, depends how you're feeling. I'll shower at night if I need another 30 mins or so freed up in the morning, but usually just wake up and shower before work.

>> No.10795479

You can't flyover florida unless you're going to the ocean.

>> No.10795500

Only at establishments where it is encouraged. Texas style Bbq places often like the aesthetic.

>> No.10795509

California has a few as well.

>> No.10795515

>So, flyover trash in other words?
5 Guys started in DC. They throw peanuts on the floor there too, though they offer little boats to scoop up peanuts and keep the shells both.

>> No.10795540

>We wear our street shoes coated in feces, urine, vomit and semen inside so walking on peanut shells is rather mundane and de rigeur.
Where the heck do you work? Usually only hospital workers or school workers need to isolate work shoes to the porch. A lot of americans have "mud rooms" to park shoes if they live somewhere that earthy elements of their own yard and walkway require it. The reason hospital workers park shoes outside isn't all the crap you state, but because of c.diff which ordinary washing of your floors doesn't kill. Most physicians and nurses I know actually change their shoes at the point of getting into their vehicles. Driving shoes or flippy floppies are right there ready to change out into. Anyone else who has strict rules about shoes in their house are just OCD and rules oriented people, or a small toddler actually licking floors. It's a phase for them.

>> No.10795708

Reacher said nothing.

>> No.10795714

Bong here, people are just dirty bastards. Never ceases to amaze me how they can walk off leaving a table looking like a bunch of toddlers trashed it and not feel a flicker of shame.

>> No.10795727

white 62%
hispanic 17.3%
black 12.6%
asian 5.2%

>> No.10795751

>rules oriented people,
You say that like it's a bad thing.

How much of a slob are you, actually? Do you also reject tooth brushing, hand washing, and bathing as being "OCD rules oriented"?

>> No.10795787

In a bar near my house they do this because the oils are good for the wooden floor.

>> No.10795829

Thats more for dip spit than spills.

>> No.10795855

When foreigners eat peanuts at a bar do they put the shells into a specific container? Here the tradition is to just leave them on the bar top until you leave and the bartender wipes down your spot

>> No.10796011

floor throws peanuts at you!

>> No.10796076


>> No.10796084

I don't get this shit either. literally every other place people just dispose of the shells like any respectable person but at logans they want you to throw it on the floor like that's something that will be attractive to other people

>> No.10796112

And at the home of the French Dip in LA they still put sawdust on the floor... just traditional.

>> No.10797232

DC is flyover.

>> No.10797243

Are all steak places doing this peanut gimmick now? I went to Texas Roadhouse and they give you peanuts too

>> No.10797259

>because their STDs can't have them make it to the restroom
I don't know about that but meth makes you have to shit and there probably aren't a lot of public restrooms in those cities.

>> No.10798463

This is done at Texas Roadhouse as well

>> No.10798869

It's done at 5 guys, free peanuts, as many as you want

>> No.10800278

>be informed that you're just as bad as the Indians you've been laughing at for years.
>come up with the most straw-grasping cope anyone's ever devised.
>thrown for such a loop you start claiming the shit on your street doesn't count beause homeless aren't people.
I took too much satisfaction from this.

>> No.10800497

best part of O&A tho if we're being honest

>> No.10800782

Why do coastliners hate the rest of the country so much?