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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 354 KB, 483x423, migrationology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10786115 No.10786115 [Reply] [Original]

I can barely watch this because of how dirty and gross everything is. Is it just me? All the comments are positive... does he delete the negative?


>> No.10786120


you know he deletes the negative.

also, please never post that persons face on this board again, or i will run you over with my car, the way i want to run HIM over.

>> No.10786135

He just exudes positivity. Even with the cringe reactions he does to every bite of food, it's hard to dislike him because of his smile and face. In general, it's hard to dislike a positive person who isn't annoying (in his personality I mean; the bite reaction is annoying)

>> No.10786138
File: 1.94 MB, 356x200, eatyourtears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10786140 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10786644

Dont diss the food its delicious. Im so glad you'll die with your bland tastebuds and be perfectly content with it.

>negative comments
>lol you worthless trash

>> No.10786718

I have to say his Ghana vids are really hit and miss. Some stuff does look pretty interesting, but some things I'd be way too worried to get food poisoning or infections.

Like that one video where he shared a meal with two other guys and they all ate with their hands.

>> No.10786748

>Mediocre street food

>> No.10786755

He acts like all of the obnoxious rich people i've known that are friendly but shallow idiots. Don't really have a reason to dislike him but he rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.10786796

The guy freaks me out with his manner of speaking but that's about it.

>> No.10786801 [DELETED] 

>The guy freaks me out

He reminds me of Jared from Subway. A little too bi-polar energetic and enthusiastic.

I don't doubt this guy has done some bad shit when he's not making youtube videos.

>> No.10786816

I can't watch it because every time I see his dumb face I want to punch it, but I still watch some of his videos for the food.

>> No.10786897

It's so weird how he stresses the Ts at the ends of words.

>> No.10786998

The one guy's like, Hey man. You bet I can get this guy to eat a rat? Other guy's like, Ok you're on for $5.

>> No.10787041


whats this guy's deal? is it performance art?

>> No.10787098

He looks like an Uber driver who picks up drunk men at 4:30 am, waits for them to pass out in the back seat, finds a secluded parking lot and sucks on their limp whiskey penises until sunrise when he gently rolls his victim onto the dewey pavement with a crisp $20 rolled and jammed up their urethra.

>> No.10788081

to a degree yes but yeah kinda of a dbaje

>> No.10788107

its the curse of any food show; how else can you convey the food is really great and interesting and generate interest for the show?

"oh yea this is really good"
"this is tasty"

fuck, if im hungry as hell a slice of 2 week old microwaved pizza would be amazing, deliciousness is totally subjective and its hard to convey "deliciousness" when you can't smell or taste what is being shown, but that's not the point.
I'm not defending that Mark, since he might be over-exaggerating more than he needs to, but you can't fault the guy for trying his best to make the food he eats sound amazing.

>> No.10788122
File: 46 KB, 600x600, tumblr_norpxfGr7q1qjnhqgo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmmm... yeah

>> No.10788136

of course you can fault him for his atrocious eating habits

if you view his videos as they are, he displays everything he eats as incredibly delicious
there was maybe one video where he actually said he didn't like the food

this fucking clown

there's this video analyzing his patterns and you can literally tell how much he likes the food by his neck extension

this guy's a fucking creep and if he ate next to me like that i'd probably ask for a different table at the very least

>> No.10788156

>I can barely watch this because of how dirty and gross everything is
I'm enjoying this. Thanks, OP. Ya faggot.

>> No.10788159

been watching him for a few years, the only weird thing about his videos is the weird faces he makes when he's eating.

>> No.10788220

More like Mark WEINER lmao

>> No.10788380
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the kind of steamy, sweaty sex that Mark and Mike have right after eating ethnic food. Mark would definitely do his head tilt thing after tasting Mike's spicy Asian cock.

>> No.10788405

Mmmm, that's good. Think about the hot curry gently emanating from Mark's intestines as Mikey greedily laps at his hemorrhoidal anus.

>> No.10788929

some of the food looks amazing, but this guy doesn't understand the concept of wiping food off his face. He takes the gary busey route and wears his food on his face with pride. disgusting.
Busey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HweUEFBMgII

Marky mark https://youtu.be/9TFlxXSM_ks?t=20m22s

>> No.10789112


>> No.10789116

That face is rage inducing

>> No.10789177


>> No.10789272


>> No.10789292

It's the same reason for the soyboy meme, when people are browsing the internet and you literally might only have a quick glance to capture someone's attention you make exaggerated faces and expressions.

It's just good marketing especially with how many newfags and kids are using the internet today, it's mostly for them.

>> No.10789309

>it's hard to dislike him because of his smile and face

That's the exact reason I dislike him. He's creepy as fuck. He has serial killer eyes.

>> No.10789326

This guy must be crawling with parasites and also highly resistant to disease

>> No.10789913

Aids face

>> No.10789964
File: 995 KB, 2220x1080, 20180616_022205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting to hang out with such a based fucking nigress that you 100% know he cultivated sweaty cum-sauce from.

>> No.10790007

Does Ying every get to eat the food?

>> No.10790189


>> No.10790192

Fucking god the eyes

>> No.10790257

This guy IS annoying.

>> No.10790267

He comes off as insincere, and that's very outputting.

>> No.10790285

Is that his imported wife?

>> No.10790322

That is the face of a child rapist

>> No.10790340
File: 41 KB, 750x500, If her age is on the clock she gets the cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He looks like Anthony fucking Weiner.

>> No.10790386

The "third world food reviewer" shtick is obviously just a front for his sex tourism.

>> No.10790434

>If i just remove -tein from my name, the goyim won't know!

>> No.10790452
File: 144 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean he's not a ham planet?

you'd be surprised, if you don't live in flyover land, that's called "looking like a normal person"

>> No.10790470

You can actually recognize and emotion from wieners face, but with weins it's like looking into an empty pit.

>> No.10790494

not one mention of his beef with food ranger?

>> No.10790495
File: 59 KB, 400x400, Chad Weins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find him a lot more likable now

>> No.10790531
File: 31 KB, 620x393, Pass the Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>those eyes
>that smile
>that gaunt figure
>looking like a normal person

Didn't realize the scale went straight from Dachau prisoner to morbidly obese TLC star.

>> No.10790536

I've met him IRL, how does that make you feel fatty mcflyover?

>> No.10790542


Good for you, I'm sure he's far less creepy looking when you're face to face in person, but obviously a lot of us in this thread find something about his presentation on camera really disturbing.

>> No.10790548

is that so. I didn't think most people really knew or cared about John Podesta other than policy wonks and conspiracy theorists

>> No.10790591


Coasties are so OBSESSED!

>> No.10790592

That's unironically disgusting and degenerated, no wonder faggots are abnormal subhumans. One more reasons to hate faggots and send them(You) back to gas chamber.

>> No.10790593

Exactly. He comes off as being very fake.

>> No.10790597


>> No.10790600

>moving to SEA and marrying the first local you fuck


>> No.10790602

The absolute STATE of you lad.

>> No.10790611

I enjoyed it too. Why be a snob for the sake of it?

If you could see that people were scratching their asses and not washing hands before cooking you could say it's dirty but there's literally nothing in these videos to make you think its dirty.

>> No.10790646

>eating with hands
>in africa

actually fucking disgusting

>> No.10790665
File: 19 KB, 347x110, 1DFE5D3D-3C58-45BB-B974-8F9446899B56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10790671

>having the right to call anyone reddit

>> No.10790691

Time to go back, faggot.

>> No.10790829

>just 2 dudes eating cool food
>"oh god i bet they're licking each other's gay AIDS infested hemorrhoids in the background"

homosexuality was a mistake, fags really need to be gassed.

>> No.10790856


A bit of this yes. It i the kind of people who throw everything in the wind to find something god knows where, somehow they manage themselves but overall you sort of envy that ability they have. I would be a lot more careful in certain aspects and he just throws himself out there without a thought.

But I dislike the whole; I need something special but I eat the same poo only made from another country, if it is made on the floor it simply means it is more authentic and thus better (insert moans of cuming in your pants here).

>> No.10790864

How old is he btw? He looks like a guy not very old yet aging horribly from for example sun exposure.

>> No.10790927

Lmao, he is thai, she is thai, they live in Thailand. She and her eggheaded ayyybaby get scraps and are happy for it tho.

>> No.10790960


>> No.10790997
File: 1.71 MB, 270x138, ffffffffffffffffffFAAAAAAAAAAAAUCK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i hate when he makes that fack ffffffffffffffffffff

>> No.10791077

Hey Mark where is the next video gonna take place?

>> No.10791088
File: 97 KB, 650x428, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont care for his facial expressions when he eats something

>> No.10791113

He is delusional, lives in his own world

>> No.10791118

If he was white he would most likely have a syndicated show on a tv network.

Damn shame.

>> No.10791132

>Posting thicc Kay bae
>Calling her obese
You take that back the doctor gave her a clean bill of health when they strapped her upside down and shook that shit out of her lungs which btw is why she wheezes so much it's actually a medical condition

>> No.10791136
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he molested you as a child?

>> No.10791146

He took the neckpill?

>> No.10791171

its what happens when white and yellow mix.

>> No.10791177

yeah, i tried to squintpill him too but it just made his eyes look normal

>> No.10792545


Jesus Christ I didn't even notice you squintpilled him until I compared it to the original. Those original eyes are horrifying.

>> No.10793102

no, I was too old at the time we met (30s)

>> No.10793184


>> No.10793223


He isn't Thai. He's half white-half chinese. His dad was recently in one of his videos and you can see where he got a lot of his mannerisms from. They were missionaries from what I recall, so that may explain the weird 'too nice' vibe he comes across with.

>> No.10794032


>> No.10794040

He seems like he is basically a wigger but covers it up because he knows that wouldn't go down too well on camera. Sometimes he gives a few hints.

His wife is pretty and his taste in food is top tier though.

>> No.10794386
File: 343 KB, 483x423, 1529505861900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10794426

Mark used to be a surfer/stoner bro type in his first videos. Obviously he's grown up some but I do think he puts an act on for the camera.

>> No.10794435
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10794452
File: 1.26 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20180622-133802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is Mark Wien's 23andme result , not sure why it's relevant but I thought some of you might find it interesting

>> No.10794461

My main issue is that he looks very disingenuous when he "savors" the food
It clearly looks like an act.
But more power to him. If he can get viewers who'll eat that fake shit up(no pun intended), then great.

>> No.10794471

>Looks very disingenuous
>Clearly looks like

Dude just say you don't like him, it's ok but don't make up bullshit about him faking it. He clearly gets very excited about food and is genuinely eager to try a lot of different things, and his (very multicultural audience, sth 4chan doesn't like I get it) likes him for it.

>> No.10794492

If you can't see it then I'm happy for you.
Go enjoy his videos. His existence gives yours a net positive when you enjoy his videos

>> No.10794510

ghana is one of the better choices in terms of african cuisine

but anyone else notice how uncomfortable mark seems in this vid? I've never seen a youtube personality more forced

>> No.10794515

does anyone have old mark edits i made, i had to delete my meme folder

>> No.10794534
File: 436 KB, 488x767, a cry for help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he edits out the parts that makes white man nervous. props to him though.

>> No.10794578

Jim Carrey and Jackie Chan?

>> No.10794589
File: 1.18 MB, 1045x662, HANDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you're supposed to eat with your hands doesn't mean all manners are out the window

Look at the mess he makes

>> No.10794606
File: 78 KB, 291x475, 975097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is really weird and makes me feel weird.

Do not like.

>> No.10794626

Is there something this guy doesn't like?

>> No.10794644

Yep look up "mark Wiens bad food"

>> No.10794668

I only found one thing and it was spoiled chicken intestines.

>> No.10794712
File: 1.12 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180622-152248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10796324

this guy would still make the same happy face if one of the "cooks" took a shit right above the pot and in front of him while filming. what an absolute unit

>> No.10796369

Serious question, has this guy ever tried something he didn't like? I think you could serve him a scoop of shit and he'd smile, get wide eyed, and go "MMMMM"

>> No.10797085

Even though he claims he hates it he still made the same stupid face every time.

>> No.10797093

Watched him order a dish that’s clearly meant for ten people and act like it’s for two people... yawn.

>> No.10797101

I guess then he would have to purchase the food he’s “reviewing”...

>> No.10798647

Pretty much this, I can't hate Mark even when he is so cringey

>> No.10798656

he is extremely easy to dislike

>> No.10798672

100% this

>> No.10800267

But thats what makes his easily disliked. Hes incredibly fake. You can tell he doesn't love everything he eats but he still puts on that silly express and says eating bush meat is a 10/10 experience rivaling a Michelin star restaurant. You can be polite but also honest and hes not.

>> No.10800269

>eat and travel yt channel
>eats some zika infested bowl of vomit from a vendor

>mmmm hmmm mmm
>and it's local and fresh!

>> No.10800557

He looks like he's dying from an incurable disease.

>> No.10800602

went to Singapore and amused my girlfriend by doing an Weins impression with every bite of food from the cooked food centres. the trick is to close your eyes and then bug them out after you take a bite, then smile while chewing and making conspicuous, creepy eye contact.

>> No.10800633

That's so funny. Can you make a video?

>> No.10800637

you know, I travel a lot and like to eat the local food as well. maybe I can make a whole series of videos!

>> No.10800640

Why not. Doesn't cost money, you can literally only gain whatever from doing it.

>> No.10800644

You could be the ck kind of food youtuber

>> No.10800645

except getting roasted on /ck/ every week, and unlike Weins I'd actually be here to see it

>> No.10800652

They will roast anybody, good or bad. Who cares what the 20% immature kids think or do. I'm sure it'll be fun for you and you'll at the least get a bit of a fan Base, possibly even make money.

>> No.10801167

sonny from TBEFRS is superior in all respects. watch him instead of mark wiens.

>> No.10801175

Oh look, someone else shilling their own Youtube channel and pretending to be a "hater" to try and detract from how obvious it is

>> No.10801632

Mikey's a saint and you don't soil his child-like glee with faggotry.

>> No.10801657


holy fuck that black woman wants the D

more proof that AMBF is the future

>> No.10801703

O__O the vlogger the movie the videogame

>> No.10801708
File: 178 KB, 1200x1200, Cts0qOOUsAASPTG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lowest desirable women swooning for the lowest desirable men
>The future
Desperation isn't attractive bro, that being said Blaisans are usually sexy

>> No.10801743

this. mike is such a cool dude.

>> No.10801764
File: 987 KB, 500x452, 1512620367723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its the curse of any food show; how else can you convey the food is really great and interesting and generate interest for the show?

There's literally a YT channel called "Travel Thirsty" that has ZERO commentary and has only 800k less subs than him but only 346 videos vs his 860 videos.

The travel thirsty channel only really started posting videos 2 years ago, where as Mark Wiens started over 7 years ago, which is further proof that you don't need to be an obnoxious cunt like Mark Wiens to have a good food channel.

>> No.10801777

>I'm in Ghana, West Africa
makes as much sense as
>I'm in France, Europe

also this is how you get ebola

>> No.10801800

but both of those make sense?

>> No.10801841

You can't delete other peoples comments. At worst he can turn off comments. He has a well established fanbase that like him and what he shows off to the world.

>> No.10801977

Food Ranger v Mark Weins

Food Reviewer Hapa Showdown

who you guys got?

>> No.10802020

I hate mike too, but at least i learned a lot about chinese food from a few of his videos. and he collaborates alot with some qt streamers as well.

>> No.10802090
File: 51 KB, 640x640, 10243820_640x640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk who either of those cucks are but when it comes to food reviewers there can only be one true king

>> No.10802470

why would you have to delete a meme folder

>> No.10802595

sometimes you just have too many memes. sometimes you need a fresh start.

>> No.10803767

What do you think a wigger is?

>> No.10805739
File: 152 KB, 700x525, 5545611755_2d9ed16c28_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Mark Wiens video - day 4 of delicious Ghana food!


>> No.10805779
File: 267 KB, 420x420, 1472529752132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trevor and Sonny are the only food dudes you should be watching

>> No.10805787

>Even with the cringe reactions he does to every bite of food,
I think what bothers people is the loss of etiquette, ie class, when he eats. The cringe reactions are combined with mouth open talking, silverware being held up in the air, utensils in each hand gripped like a wild animal elbows on the table while putting things in the mouth that require a fork with a spoon, or else shoving 5 bites portion of food into the mouth all at once. It's a combined cringe from all of these actions all at once.

Weins should study people who taste for a living and swallow and chew and then and only then, give reactions with their words, forming their words in advance. Sitting down with an etiquette coach might help too.

>> No.10805896

>I think what bothers people is the loss of etiquette, ie class, when he eats.
Hmm.. You might be on to something there. He's a rather messy eater. It was really apparent to when he was in Europe (eating pork shank with hands, mixing different dishes into one bite etc., ordering a ridiculous amount of food) but I guess it's the same elsewhere.

>> No.10805903

Redditors should be permanently banned.

>> No.10805937

Say you want about the guy but he's made it. Dude 'works' a few hours a day on his laptop, travels the world (mostly sponsored these days) and has fun. Beats the hell outta most people's lives.

>> No.10805950
File: 1.25 MB, 1020x570, 2018-04-05 03-50-03_edit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems to think it's impressive to take the largest bite he can.

>> No.10805959


He does it to maximize the flavors in one bite anon.

>> No.10805964
File: 1.25 MB, 1020x570, 2018-04-08 07-21-36_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10805989


Can you go to the 'family trip' video and make a webm of him eating the shrimp and crab? Cheers.

>> No.10806011
File: 2.17 MB, 1280x720, UXqhv60HYY0_136_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do.

>> No.10806027
File: 704 KB, 1080x593, 20180624_111026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, I'd eat that

>> No.10806028

just another punchable faced youtuber

if you don't like it don't watch it

>> No.10806051


>> No.10806057

He's apolitical, just someone who loves everything.

>> No.10806073

I think there's more to it than that and he really thinks it looks cool or impressive to take massive bites. He mentions how big the bite is all the time. You're right though, he does try to combine the flavors in one bite, and he always points that out too.

>> No.10806125

Nigga has a crazy strong gut and immune system.

I still can't watch because he doesn't describe the food or analyze the cooking that well, all he does is eat it and make that face. You know which face I'm talking about.

>> No.10806136
File: 498 KB, 470x570, 2018-04-22 07-57-55_edit_3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know which face I'm talking about.

>> No.10806297

for someone who acts so full of life, there is absolutely nothing behind those eyes. truly chilling.

>> No.10806304

the soup, riceball, and fried fish looked good. i don't think i would eat the giant rat though

>> No.10806312
File: 99 KB, 229x299, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10806422

I guess it'd be more like rabbit or beaver.

>> No.10806569
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, UXqhv60HYY0_136.mp4_snapshot_03.18_[2018.06.08_03.57.32].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10808525

Why does everyone pretend to hate him?
Why did you link it like that?

>> No.10808540

Guy who doesn't hate him here, maybe it's because I don't care enough to constantly participate in these threads.

People have the weirdest fixations on youtubers here. Like that stalker who thinks he's going to marry the ugly fat greyhead from the cooking show because I guess he thinks she probably has low enough standards to talk to a 4channer.

>> No.10808545

>Mark Wenis

>> No.10808609


i want to kill this person every time i see him or remember seeing him.

>> No.10808762

Or the /lit/ guys who made a girl quit her YouTube channel
Or the /mu/ guys who keeps ending the lead singer in Chrvches rape threats

Sometimes I wonder why I hang out with neo-Nazis, psychopaths and edgelords on this shit site

>> No.10808769

indeed, france is now part of africa

>> No.10808781

Give me a quick rundown on the weins-ranger beef.

>> No.10808810

No beef, they even have two videos tgt

>> No.10808862

>neo-Nazis, psychopaths and edgelords
Because psychopaths and edgelords are fun.
neo nazis not so much but they mostly hang out on /pol/ anyway.

>> No.10808871

what the hell is wrong with his eyes dude

man what the fuck is the guys fucking problem.

>> No.10808975

The problem with these food vloggers is they aren't qt girls. Imagine this:
>paleskinned chink model type or mousey weeb white girl type
>eats the same shit these dudes eat
>makes sex faces, maybe some of that ahegao shit but nothing too ridiculous
>talks about how good it feels in her mouth
>plenty of camera closeups and eye contact
>sound setup makes it feel like she's having an intimate 1on1 convo with the viewer

>> No.10809213

A cute pale skinned girl wouldn't go to those countries anon.

>> No.10809641

>/ck/ now hates based Mark
The absolute state of this board

>> No.10809658

That guy is Polynesian and prone to seizures. Sad!

>> No.10809800

me and my ex always used to do weins and trevor james impressions when eating food. when I think about stuff like that I miss her :(

>> No.10809835

That episode when he eats raw pig blood and skin

>> No.10809836


>> No.10810471

>Why did you link it like that?
I linked those webms because they contain audio. Should be allowed on every board.
I don't hate Mark, I just liked to make webms of him for about a month. Haven't watched any of his videos for awhile now.

>> No.10810565

its called a muk-bang

>> No.10810728

I can’t stand his fucking face. Thread hidden, image added to filter.

>> No.10810738

How do you filter images?

>> No.10810745

los abominación genetica...

>> No.10810923

what makes you like Mark?
I watch his videos, but he is just way too awkward. He's not the type of guy you'd meet anywhere and think "hey, he should do a YouTube channel".
Those psycho eyes, his demeanor, limit everything he eats. Just too damn strange

>> No.10811082

>you know he deletes the negative.
But by acting as though everything is great, there's no relative merit in anything he eats. If every piece of shit he puts in his mouth is good, then maybe he just has a shitty peasant's palate

>> No.10811256

Why the fuck would anyone eat that in the first place?