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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10783621 No.10783621 [Reply] [Original]

>calories in, calories out

>> No.10783637
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>> No.10783646

Do Europeans really eat that?

>> No.10783647

It's true to an extent

>> No.10783665

Not at all

>> No.10783681
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>my body magically generates fat out of thin air

>> No.10783688

all diets work. but people fail 'cause they don't stick to the rules.

the best diet is one you can adhere to.

>> No.10783694
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>fatties trying to cope
you will always be ugly, you will always be sexually unwanted, you will always be uncomfortable with yourself. And deep down, regardless of any misfortune outside your power, you know that it's your fault. You know that it's impossible to remain fat while eating very little and exercising. You're just too weak and dumb to do it, or even formulate a plan to make yourself capable of doing it.

>> No.10783714

To an extent, but not nearly to the extent that the pasty unathletic pot bellied skellingtons on this board like to pretend

You should look up the famed twinkie diet, some clickbait jackass PE "professor" claimed he lost weight eating only twinkies for 6 months just by limiting his calorie intake

Later, predictably, it came out that he was going home and chugging whey isolate and eating a bunch of vegetables when nobody was looking

So he went full damage control and said "but I wasn't really saying you can eat only twinkies! it was just performance art, like an actor playing a role"

t. can't even do one pullup

>> No.10783716

It is. It's just that your hormones has a part in controlling how much calories goes out. At the very least, calories in is mostly true unless you have a disease

>> No.10783717

what is rabbit starvation...

>> No.10783726

Im a skellie, i eat like 4k calories a day of shit and game. Never gain a pound..

>> No.10783762

Try actually counting your calories instead of making estimates for how much you think you're taking in. Maybe watch the scale as well, because I can guarantee you're not eating 4,000 calories a day with a sedentary lifestyle without gaining weight.

>> No.10783767

A lot of people who think this way make a plate of food that's 1000 calories but only eats half of it and says they eat 1000 calories

>> No.10783777
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>do OMAD
>lose >15 lbs in a month

>> No.10783778

>Later, predictably, it came out that he was going home and chugging whey isolate and eating a bunch of vegetables when nobody was looking
I think he mentioned that from the start, he wasn't hiding it. I remember reading it back then and him saying he was eating a can of vegetables every day on top of the Twinkies. Do you have a source for that claim? But still, it's not like eating 8 Twinkies every day will make you gain weight but eating 8 Twinkies with protein shakes and vegetables will make you lose weight. There are a ton of people with shitty diets who aren't overweight because they just don't eat that much.

>> No.10783786

What kind of idiot does this?

>> No.10783790

Anorexics or people bad at math

>> No.10783806

It's kind of the inverse of people who say they don't eat anything and are then surprised when they still gain weight, when they don't exercise and don't remember how much they actually snacked and/or drank throughout the day

>> No.10783812

exercise isn't crucial to weight loss

>> No.10783818


>> No.10783819


>> No.10783824

No, but being sedentary lowers your daily caloric needs. If you're not doing much other than sitting or laying down, then your body doesn't need to burn energy for much other than just to maintain the metabolism and other bodily functions.

>> No.10783839

so just calculate your TDEE assuming a sedentary lifestyle and eat under that
easy weightloss, no excerise

>> No.10783843

He went all over the news media saying he lost weight eating only twinkies. This became fedora fodder for the "calories in / calories out" cultists.

For some reason "oh, I totally eat lean and I'm still fat, see just boiled vegetables and chicken breast" (except for the 3 bags of doritos I eat between each logged meal, also the six pack of imperial stout I chug before bed, and the 2 starbucks vanilla lattes I have every morning) is considered dishonest, but "oh I totally ate garbage and still lost weight and my LDL went down just from eating twinkies" (oh except for the whey protein isolate, bell peppers, kale, carrots, swiss chard, acorn squash, whole milk, fish oil, plain yogurt, and multivitamins) is considered a win for "kewl science"

This just shows the calories in/calories out crowd is literally the skinnyfat person's equivalent of "muh genetics". They're ignorant and stubborn, and they use bogus arguments to rationalize whatever the status quo happens to be for them.

>> No.10783853

Yeah, KFC is worldwide now. Free to make fat, unhealthy people in all cultures.

>> No.10783967

I was here talking about this a few years ago, no one seemed to be too happy about it.

That naive pseudo-thermodynamics perspective is and always has been junk. The human body isn't a car where you put gas in, and it turns into exhaust / heat according to its use. In fact, there are some things you take in where you could possibly hope to "work it off" before it overwhelms your liver's glycogen storage and is set down a path where it pretty certainly will end up deposited in adipose. Most people's lifestyle and bodily state is also poorly capable of utilizing lipolysis / ketosis.

It's a large topic, but not a contradictory one. It is a myth you can work off the massive dose of sugars you just took in. The "energy balance" model actually originated from junk food manufacturer funded research. It's a form of cultural engineering and crowd psyschology, similar to the Phillip-Morris "Good Epidemiological Practices" push of the second hand smoke era.

>> No.10783970

That's still not really the same thing. If he kept eating all the Twinkies on top of that other stuff and lost weight/improved his blood tests, there's still some useful information there.

I'm not saying dishonesty is okay, but can you link me a source for what you're saying? I searched and couldn't really find anything, and like I said, he never really said he was ONLY eating Twinkies, just that it was the main portion of what he was consuming.

>> No.10783980

couldn't possibly hope*

>> No.10783989

Yes, it is.

>> No.10783991

No one is saying it is necessarily easy, but it's definitely true.

>> No.10783994

How was the prof doing clickbait? He ate <2000 cal a day, including about 1000 cal of junk food and he lost weight.

What's the problem...?

>> No.10783995

Energy in, energy out mostly refers to maintenance unless you're not completely retarded, nobody here talked about being able to burn off so many calories
Goddamn you're retarded, I'm going to go shoot myself

>> No.10783999

you ketoites are worse than kikes, i swear

>> No.10784010

I don't really understand what you're saying.

The way people understand "energy in, energy out" makes it a poor model of weight change, period. That's what I'm saying.

On another note, someone mentioned "skinnyfat" above. I'd like some actual weight measurements done on these people, because I suspect that in some cases it's not actually fat, but bloat due to a dysfunctional digestive system.

>> No.10784016

>I’ll just post aggressively and mention buzzwords until I get lucky
Try vegans and niggers next

>> No.10784031


>> No.10784040

keto worshippers are worse than vegans

>> No.10784041


>> No.10784070

you can do better
how does it relate to sexual politics for example or racial characteristics of its adherents
try and work in references to trump, americans, islam, millennials... flyovers?
put your back into it anon you can do this

>> No.10784073

Just ended a 3 day fast with fisherman's eggs (4 eggs and two cans o' deenz) a homemade ground beef sub with onionz, a big ass salad with cheese and finally a smoothie made of flaxseeds and mixed frozen berries. Shit is so fucking cash. I'll be fasting the rest of the work week now and break the fast again Friday evening and repeat
2 x 5h eating windows a week is best and abdominals .

>> No.10784111

Some people operate better via ketosis. I haven't eaten in 24 hours, though not strictly intentionally. Feels fine. Intermittent fasting can be useful if used intelligently.

A ketogenic diet is also a viable treatment for some forms of epilepsy.

>> No.10784147

no, doesn't matter those tings

>> No.10784151

i eat <100 g net carbs a day and I do 23:1 fasting every day

I like it, but it's not some be all end all thing like some peopel amke it out to be

>> No.10784153

>tfw high insulin resistance

give me a reason to live, I can't find any

>> No.10784179

Eat guarana seeds and drink some yerba mate. Look into chinese herbs or go to an herbalist, none come to mind at the moment. Exercise moderately, ie, take on a lifestyle where you're moving around more. Cut high sugar, pesticide and herbicide laden trash out of your diet. Eat some measure of fiber.

>> No.10784306

Energy in and energy out is an absolute truth of the universe.

Where it becomes complicated is the fact that energy in doesn't mean EXACTLY what you put in your mouth, and energy out doesn't mean EXACTLY what you burn according to any simple online calculator.

The fact that there are factors which complicate the matter does not change the basic truth that if you eat less and move more, you will lose weight, and if you eat more and move less, you will gain weight.

>> No.10784405

>Energy in and energy out is an absolute truth of the universe.
Which when naively applied to biological (or simply complex) systems, tends to yield less than accurate conclusions. For example water retention is a common effect of chronic low grade inflammation. Attenuating the inflammation, whatever its presentation or basis might be, will result in a brief period of rapid weight loss with little increase in exercise. That's just the dynamic nature of complex signalling cascades and a system with such broad logic.

Likewise, look at your senses. Very weak input energy is transduced and triggers massive downstream amplification driving uphill processes. This is the other side of the same thing. There are also many cases where certain forms of energy might not be usable, despite existing. The systems to release, traffic, mobilize, and turn materials into a usable form, may be dysfunctional at a given point. This certainly applies to the conversion of white to brown adipose, and ultimate liberation of that adipose. Likewise with various glycogen stores, elimination of metabolic waste, etc.

I get what you're saying. If a machine did something, it had to have the means to do so, and those means are a subject of the absolute laws of the universe. But naively applied, it's a bad heuristic for effective weight management. That includes gaining weight.

>> No.10784449

damn so i could eat nothing and gain weight

>> No.10784452

Japanese love KFC so much that they order Christmas dinner months ahead of time from their. I have heard though that KFC in Japan is better though.

>> No.10784465

Maybe in some extreme case of pharmacological inhibition of the ability to chelate gases, you very briefly would gain weight by oxygen intake. Other than that, I'm not sure where you got that.

>> No.10784473

Literally the only true diet.

Stop eating so much and you wont be fat.

>> No.10784480
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ITT: Fatties coping

>> No.10784481


>i can adhere to a diet of fast food

>> No.10784484
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>> No.10784493
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>> No.10784497 [DELETED] 
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Im awe of that lad. Absolute unite

>> No.10784502
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In awe of that lad. Absolute unit

>> No.10784506

Almost thought it was like a fake sumo wrestler in a suit

>> No.10784518
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>This is America

>> No.10784526
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>> No.10784549
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It's a global problem, lad

>> No.10784595
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So fat people are highly flammable.

>> No.10784639

I did nofap and most 50 pounds

>> No.10784980
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For me, it's a balanced diet with fruit, vegetables, nuts, olive oil, and meat + some specific functional foods that have been shown to improve cognition in healthy adults.

>> No.10785100

>big sciency words makes me smaht
CICO always works. Finding how much in varies as a function of insulin resistivity, gut flora, and intestinal issues, true, but it really doesn't vary that much (~500kcal from healthy person, acc to 1 estimate). Out relates to time of day eating, hormones, and more.

But the overal truth is that if you eat at a caloric deficit, you lose weight. That's what CICO means. No amount of handwaving, "condishuns", or justifications can override that fact.

So your foot doesn't slide off like a sock

>> No.10785182

By like 100 calories. Activity level is irrelevant unless you have an actual physical job like construction

>> No.10785183

The human body isnt a bomb calorimeter you moron.

>> No.10785226

Pretty sure even light activity like stacking shelves, cleaning, or other jobs similar to those will burn more calories than your typical desk job.

>> No.10785270

>nutrients don't actually matter, it's all about calories!
>proceeds to eat nutritionally sound diet while misrepresenting it as twinkies-only
>see? nutrients don't actually matter!

>> No.10785340
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Imagine the load on those buttons.

>> No.10785377

>be me
>get knew job
>much more physically active
>lose weight

>> No.10785378

British are not europieans.
In fact, sometimes I question if they are even human.

>> No.10785381

>To an extent, but not nearly to the extent that the pasty unathletic pot bellied skellingtons on this board like to pretend
fucking hate filled fatties

>> No.10785384

>threading your buttons with 50lb test fishing line

>> No.10785385

w...why did you bring this up?

>> No.10785387

>he understands nutrition therefore he is fat and jealous
Is this the nutrition version of "he's not attracted to a ham planet therefore he is a gay pedophile"?

>> No.10785390

I think it's the guy who tried to turn this into an argument over keto. He's just posting non-sequiturs until someone bites.

>> No.10785393
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i have to agree with the other anon. If you are exerting yourself, its not much of a difference.
Walking, for instance, is not exercise (maybe it is when you're 80)

>> No.10785398
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*if you aren't

>> No.10785407

Umm, sorry sweetheart, but you're wrong...

>> No.10785680

you should swap meat for fish

>> No.10785697

too poor, plus I've read that they can have high levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals in them, not sure if you know anything about that

>> No.10785718

same shit goes for meat, man. Unless you spend shitload of money on organic/grass fed/etc foods, you'll still consume fuckload of pesticides, herbicides, hormones and other nasty stuff.

>> No.10785724

Red meat will fuck your brain up later in life.

>> No.10785727


>> No.10785730

brisk walking (4.0 mp) is def. good for health

>> No.10787328

>Walking, for instance, is not exercise

I disagree, it can be under certain circumstances. My first year of college I had to walk a ridiculous amount and I lost an absurd amount of weight while eating nothing but garbage like cheeseburgers and fries and pizza. Granted, the walking was with a heavy backpack and a lot of it was uphill.

>> No.10788304

He never claimed nutrients dont matter. You can be thin but sickly. The message he was getting across was that you can lose weight by managing calories, not macros. Obviously if you neglect macros its going to make you feel bad over time, but you can totally burn and maintain weight by limiting calories with junk food alone.

>> No.10788317

Sure you're gonna lose more weight the more you exert yourself, but walking objectively burns calories unlike being sedentary.

>> No.10788425

look at the difference in sheer mass between those ladies..


>> No.10788452

Clearly they didn't read the specs on the oven

"Maximum capacity 300L"
They shoulda chopped her in half and done it in parts
dear fucking lord

>> No.10788467
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>knew job

>> No.10788613

I've been so lazy for so long that I assumed my metabolism had gone into a sort of hibernation. Due to necessity, I had to walk 10 miles today over the course of 5-6 hours. I got back and weighed myself just for the hell of it. I lost 7 lbs. In one day.

>> No.10788643

>I lost 7 lbs. In one day.
90% of that was water dude

but good for you

>> No.10788644

It’s physically impossible to lose weight voluntarily without crystal meth if you disregard nutrition. Autists keep claiming otherwise and will insist you can eat 1200 calories of donuts every day and nothing else for a year, but nobody ever steps up and proves it. This guy attempted to get attention for doing just that, until it came out that he was a total fraud

And yet, people still repeat the bullshit, as you’re doing now

If there’s more to it than ONLY calories in / calories out, then people need to stop saying it’s ONLY calories in / calories out

But for some stupid reason it makes people think they sound smart, so they keep pushing bullshit

inb4 I’m fat, that’s your only comeback

>> No.10788653

What he did had nothing to do with the calories rule you fucking dunce. He could have continued to lose weight just fine on just the twinkies, even more so actually. He took vitamins, etc to not fucking feel like shit.

>> No.10788662

>1200 calories of donuts every day and nothing else for a year

You'll get scurvy and jaundice

but you will lose weight

>> No.10788671

>he only ate a nutritionally sound healthy diet because he liked the taste, if he hadn’t the results would have been the same or better

>> No.10788672

Is this nigger for real

>> No.10788675

No, you’ll lose all motivation after a week and give up
>but that doesn’t count
Ok, kinda like how protein shakes are totally irrelevant right.

>> No.10788676

>Putting words in my mouth not even close to what I said

Its over. The curtain falls. Rain in the forest.

>> No.10788677

Is OMAD a new meme diet or just a misspelling of GOMAD

>> No.10788686

>comes up with scenario
>anon responds
>immediately change scenario

>oh look you're wrong because I changed my mind about what I was saying.

fuck you dude

>> No.10788692

it is a meme

i can't do it because of chronic acid reflux, big meals = more acid hitting my esophagus.

also i enjoy eating, and would rather have more smaller meals than one giant one that puts me into a food coma. Feeling super full isn't fun.

>> No.10788696

Not him but it's an acronym for One Meal A Day, it's basically eating in a short time frame for the so-called benefits of "fasting" e.g. eat for 2 hours a day, only drink water for the other 22 hours.

>> No.10788704

How the fuck am I changing the scenario? Either you’re doing this in the real world, or you’re kidnapping people and feeding them twinkies through the bars of a cell. If you claim it can be done without kidnapping or heavy drugs, prove it. Otherwise fuck off.

People will literally commit cannibalism if they’re malnourished enough, you’re so full of shit it’s not even funny

>> No.10788712
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The body is a machine, except if you put too much fuel in, it doesn't sit in the tank, it gets put into storage.
Anyone who is fat has a lack of discipline and deserves to be dragged into the street and shot in front of their loved ones.
Stop raising my premiums, fatties.

>> No.10788715

One Meal a Day. You do as the name suggests and just eat one big (within reason) meal a day and pseudo fast for the rest. It works because theres no way you'll eat a meal over 1000-1500 calories unless you go full retard or its fast food garbage in mass.

>> No.10788741

>I don't eat butter, I use coconut oil instead, it's good for you!

>> No.10788746

The human body doesn't create and store energy out of thin air.

>> No.10788756

>How the fuck am I changing the scenario?
You went from saying "eating a strict calorie limit of donuts won't make you lose weight" to saying "you can't keep to a strict calorie limit of donuts, you'll give up"
That's moving goalposts, fuck yourself.

>> No.10788768

it's basic thermodynamics

>> No.10788773

What do you think the word “voluntary” actually means?

Whatever you think it means, you were wrong. Get a dictionary. Look it up. See?
>It’s physically impossible to lose weight voluntarily without crystal meth if you disregard nutrition
No goalposts moved, ESL boy

>> No.10788777

The human body isn’t a mindless automaton free of self preservation instincts either

>> No.10788796

I'm a different anon you faggot, and you're not moving goal posts you're change the game entirely.

maybe you're having a conversation in your head and your not expressing it via text, or maybe you're just dumb and insecure so 'you can't be wrong'

either way, you're a fucking retard and you should strongly consider suicide in the most expedited fashion available.

>> No.10788797

But what you just said is completely made up. Its not impossible and countless people have tested calories in/calories out with success and studied its results. Nutrition plays a tiny role in weight loss to your body. Sure mentally it would be difficult to survive on twinkies or donuts long enough to lose a substantial amount of weight, but absolutely possible

>> No.10788809

There has literally been no proof or studies that demonstrate calories in/calories out as being effective. If you dont meet your macros you cant lose weight efficiently.

>> No.10788810

No U
It’s made up that people will commit the most taboo of crimes due to hunger. Ok buddy

>> No.10788815

It doesn't matter what I respond with

you'll just add something to the argument that wasn't there before to prove a point you didn't make

>> No.10788826

Adding, sure. Or maybe reality is actually more complex than your dim little brain thought it was, hmm?

>> No.10788840

It's a meme but it makes sense, only recently have humans and domesticated animals had constant access to food. During their evolution, many animals and humans ate only intermittently.

>> No.10789180
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>> No.10789366
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>knew job

>> No.10789371

>citation needed

>> No.10789583

Over 120 posts arguing about Calories In/Calories Out and not a single person brings up Calorie Density?


>> No.10789597

>walking is not exercise
It's also not sitting in a chair. It burns more calories than sitting and less that running/jogging etc. Is it really that hard to understand?

>> No.10789623

lol I didn't know I was on mu

>> No.10789626

everyone knows to eat high-satiety, low-calorie stuff anon

>> No.10789632

.del^3 U = 0
>U = TS - PV
>S = integral(ds/T)
>lim T-->0 of S = constant
which one is it?

>> No.10789644

In the majority of super markets you punch in a specific code for fruits and vegetables since they don't have a code printed on them.

>> No.10789651
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>Fat = stored energy
>the more energy you use = less energy stored
idk you tell me

>> No.10789669

lol it's the first one if you add another term for chemical energy
my point was that it is very far removed from basic thermo

>> No.10789991

CICO fanatics don't
>Just eat mcdonalds bruh xdddd just eat less lol itz izi

>> No.10790030

my mom doesn't... she thinks she just needs to eat less when most of the calories she consumes are from butter, peanut butter, milk, and white bread. BAKA

>> No.10790164

Looks like Zodiac Ted's fat cousin.

>> No.10791027

You're not understanding the premise of CICO at all. The two are not mutually exclusive. Obviously it would be best to eat high satiety low calorie foods to maximize your feeling of fullness. CICO is literally just explaining that you can TECHNICALLY eat anything if you count calories. Its not smart to lose weight on twinkies because you'll probably be hungry more often, but its only to demonstrate a possibility.

>> No.10791029

>obeying the laws of reality is now euphoric and atheist

>> No.10791044

I've lost 80lbs this year by just eating less. I haven't started exercising, I haven't adjusted my nutritional intake. I just pay attention to how many calories I eat per day, and I don't drink soda.

I'm not in shape, but I'm definitively thinner than I was when I started dieting. Anyone who truly believes there's no merit to calories in/calories out is simply too weak willed to adhere to a diet.

>> No.10791054

I'm a different anon. Pray tell how you think the human body just ignores thermodynamics? What do you think happens to 1200kcal of doughnuts?

>> No.10791060

>those ladies..

One is not like the other.

>> No.10791066

Most people don't consider 1,000 calories of junk food a "nutritionally sound healthy diet". Yes you need proteins, and carbs and fiber, but what he was trying to prove is that it's based on the calories you take in. The idea is to tell fat people that say they've tried everything and it's impossible for them to lose weight that they're lying.

>> No.10791142
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>> No.10791144

CICO is fundamentally correct, but advices that "u simply need to eat less bruh, doesn't matter wat... I eat mcdonalds and lose weight easy" are not useful at all. Simple calorie restriction without reconsidering the whole diet often leads to severe hormonal and satiety problems later in life.

>> No.10791152

Why do black men always get the best white girls?

>> No.10791169

lmao dyel cuck, who're you gonna drag into the street? can you even lift a can of red sauce?

>> No.10791252

kill yourself

>> No.10791255

I eat around 1300 calories a day of random bullshit. My BMR is around 1700 calories a day. I've lost 20 pounds (175 to 155) in the last 2 or 3 months without trying

>> No.10791285

fat = matter

>> No.10791301

Just take multivitamins. The biggest hurdle for people trying to diet is that they feel like they have to eat like rabbits to keep it off. They'd rather have one meal of food they love than 3 meals of food they hate.

>> No.10791618

Exactly, the best use of multivitamins is when you are cutting/trying to lose weight.

You can pretty much skip the cuckfood, get your macros from tasty sources and still have minerals and vitamins in you.

>> No.10791660
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>> No.10791693

>the average male requires 2000 calories to maintain his weight
>one pound of fat equals 3500 calories
>eating 250 calories a day for 30 days will generate 15 pounds of fat loss
Exactly how fat are you? Because I know you aren’t eating 250 calories a day...

>> No.10791777

It's probably half water weight in his case but it is possible to lost 1lb every 2 days if you fast. There was also a /fit/izen that claimed to only eat 1200 and then burn 1200 calories a day to lose 15lbs a month.

>> No.10791847

>random bullshit
in other words, a nutritionally acceptable balance of proteins, fats, carbs, and micronutrients which you didn’t document

get back to me when you can do that with only twinkies, until then you have no argument

>> No.10791915

I just thought cal in/cal out was the start. like ya if you eat less you'll lose weight but if you want to lose more weight, or not 400 lbs, or want muscle you need to do more work, diet, and research.

>> No.10791925

Coal is extremely high in calories. Try eating it and see how much weight you gain.

>> No.10791933

You'll get fat as fuck

>> No.10791945

Cal/in out is:
a) the only fundamentally reliable fact in all of dieting
b) covers the idea of weigh loss or gain only. It says nothing about health or any other conditions. It addresses only weight gain or loss.

You absolutely could gain, or lose, any amount of weight by controlling your caloric intake.

>>Muscle or health concerns in general requires more
Absolutely correct.

>> No.10791960

Not a meme if you find not eating eating at all a lot easier than just eating less.

>> No.10791965

>Coal is extremely high in calories
Not for humans it's not.

You seem to be confusing a chemist's measurement of calories with Atwater factors. I've noticed a lot of people are ignorant about this:
When people discuss calories in food they're not talking about the literal measurement you'd get if you burned the food in a calorimeter in a lab. Instead, food calories are based on how much energy the human body can get from it. Foods that humans cannot digest have zero "food calories".

The numbers you see people talk about when discussing food--4 calories/gram for protein and carbs, 7 cal/g for alcohol, and 9 for fats are called "atwater factors" after Dr. Atwater, the researcher who measured them. They take into account human digestion, rather than being the same measurement you'd get from a bomb calorimeter.

>> No.10791988

Like I said, I'm not in shape. That requires conscious nutritional choices and exercise. But, again, I have inarguably lost weight strictly because of limiting my daily caloric intake. CICO works for weight loss, but it's a first step to actual fitness, not an entire strategy.

>> No.10791999
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>humans can digest coal

>> No.10792067

No, but it does make losing weight much easier.

>> No.10792122

Thermodynamics > pop science

>> No.10792135

The average male requires 2000 calories to maintain his weight if he doesn't get up from the bed all day.

>> No.10792174

>junk food
>vegetables, whole milk, and whey protein isolate

>> No.10792303

Where is her right knee?

>> No.10792392
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I'm kinda wondering what he looks like naked.

>> No.10792610

/fit/ here. I wandered in because I like to look at pictures of food and I am not allowed to eat much while shredding down to godly leanness.

CICO is just a simple description of the truth of how your gross bodies got so gross.

In a related matter, 90% of you should unironically begin fasting today and not stop until the seasons change.

>> No.10792617

>and not stop until the seasons change.
Isn't that literally tonight at midnight?

>> No.10792625

>/fit/ here

Protip, newshit, this doesn't increase the worth of your post.

>> No.10792629

So I should just skip dinner basically.

>> No.10792647

who gives a shit about "worth".

It establishes context through which his post can be interpreted.

>> No.10792672


Hostility, focus on technicalities, and diet dodging - who could have predicted this on 4chan's food board, of all places?

I'm going to go slice up an apple for my kids to share so I can keep them on a path of sound dietary habits.

Hope to see a little more spittle flung my way when I return!

>> No.10792704


vitamins do nothing.

>> No.10792705

>excuses excuses excuses
Lmao, fat coping is hilarious.

>> No.10792790

Nah, his post wouldn't have been interpreted any differently had he excluded that statement. Unless you're a brainlet of course.

>> No.10792926

This is why so many people are fat.

>> No.10793084

Probably role playing / shit posting

>> No.10793121

>bragging about kids
>on 4chan
were you done with high school when you got knocked up, or did you end up going for the online GED?

>> No.10793162

You shouldn't have replied, now he's going to take the chance to embarrass himself more.

>> No.10793321

why do Americans just want to take a pill for everything?
>you're a little bit sad? here take this antidepressant
>your tummy hurts a bit? here take this oxycodone
>your diet is god awful? why just take this multivitamin of course
sure it might be adequate but is it really optimal for your health? plus a lot of nutritious foods are very satiating

>> No.10793385

>is taking a multivitamin to support your health while your system is under stress from prolonged caloric deficit optimal for your health?
Yes. Yes, it is.

>plus a lot of nutritious foods are very satiating
Being on a calorie restricted diet and getting all your micronutrients at the same time from food alone is more difficult than doing it on a full calorie load. The whole reason fat fucks are so god damm fat is because Americans can walk into the local grocery store and find an acre of Little Debbie snack cakes in 5000 varieties, and a little section for iceberg lettuce and white onions.

Eating healthy in the US is for coastie cuck elitists like me who shop at farmer's markets and have nice kitchens and know what the best time of year is to eat this or that plant food.

You have to remember these are people who think they're going to turn their life around by purchasing a Slap Chop. Just eating a hamburger with raw tomato without making loud gagging noises is a major feat for them. The word "seasonal" gives them hives because it makes them imagine the bearded soyboys at the local farm-to-table joint that has words on the menu they don't understand.

>> No.10793537

So we can't just burn food in a calorimeter to find out its exact caloric content, how disappointing. There goes my dream of perfect MyFitnessPal values.

>> No.10793570

I got a better idea. we take the fat from fat people and use it fuel. lipo and go go. think how rich we'll be.

>> No.10793587

No, we can't use a calorimeter. But we can measure how much carb, protein, alcohol, and fat is contained and then multiply by atwater factors. that's what they are for.

>> No.10794141


>> No.10794163

Gaining muscle (while cutting or bulking) is just CICO plus eating sufficient protein. Ballpark is 0.8g protein per pound of bodyweight

>> No.10794677

>why do Americans just want to take a pill for everything?
They don't want to make effort to achieve anything.
>sure it might be adequate but is it really optimal for your health?
Of course it's not. You're still eating junk with a lot of artificial additives and sugar that WILL make it hard for you to stop eating. They're designed to make you crave for them.
And second, vitamins are much better absorbed when they come from food.I'm not even gonna bother explaining, let Americans pay for they magic pills and think they're good.

>> No.10795128

I want to say I look nothing like that, but I'm sure I do, even without that hat and glasses

>> No.10795153

>just CICO plus
Fuck's sake, that's not how it works. It's either "just CICO", full stop, or it's not CICO

CICO by definition means only calories matter - nothing else. NOTHING. Not "but also ____"

Otherwise you end up with absurd arguments like yours
>it's just calories in/calories out plus getting the full range of nutrients and a few carefully selected supplements such as creatine monohydrate and a magnesium supplement to help with sleep since the most muscle growth happens at night plus a 5x5 push/pull set with progressive overload and HIIT every other day and foam rolling and dynamic stretching with periodic adjustments by a trained olympic coach and a limited selection of isolation work to target individual physiological differences which would render a standard compound-only routine counterproductive. see? calories in calories out! simple as that!

>> No.10795206

Its not about effort. Its that I don't want to eat certain foods to meet all my macros. Why should I feel forced to when I have a super easy and quick pseudo option? Why do you guys act like vitamins are 'cheating' like its some kinda race? Its hilarious.

>> No.10795218



>> No.10795226

I mean, do you really think you can break the laws of thermodynamics?

>> No.10795229

Oh, I see, you're stupid.

>> No.10795230
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>> No.10795234

Are you implying it was the vegetables and protein that did the weight loss and not the caloric deficiency? Because he would have lost more than weight if he didn't get his nutrients along with the calories.

>> No.10795235

>In fact, sometimes I question if they are even human.
They are. Just inbred

>> No.10795240

If it's not calories in, calories out then what the fuck is it? Some kind of magic yet unknown to man?
>inb4 keto, fasting, etc
CICO still applies to all of that.

>> No.10795242

First of all, carbs are a nutrient, maybe you should learn something about nutrition

Second, you probably meant "along with the carbs", and, no, he woudln't. Because he would have simply reverted back to eating food containing critical proteins and micronutrients

>but that's irrelevant!
No, you're a moron. If I claim "you can walk from New York to Boston in only 10 hours if you set your mind to it", and then I "prove" it by walking for 4 hours and then getting in a car, I don't get to claim "oh but the car was just random happenstance"

>> No.10795246

Moving the goalposts again, I see

CICOfags are like libertarians
>no but can't you see? you're actually a libertarian and you just don't know it!

>> No.10795249

Literally no one who knows anything about proper diet says that, dumbass. A macdonald's tub of food isn't nutritionally sound if add a small diet coke, you fat fuck.

>> No.10795251

>The average male requires 2000 calories
sounds like bullshit to be honest

>> No.10795256

No you fat fuck. You can get calories from eating fat. That is literally the point of keto diets.

>> No.10795258

>knowing anything about a proper diet
pick one

>A macdonald's tub of food isn't nutritionally sound if add a small diet coke, you fat fuck.
A McDonalds tub has protein, fats, carbs, and some micronutrients. There are reasons not to make a habit of eating at McDonalds, but to compare it to a mythical "pure twinkie diet" is invalid

>> No.10795262

If you're going to sperg that hard, at least make sure the post you're replying to in the post window is the one that you're replying to in your head

>> No.10795263

>I'm going to make my own definitions

>> No.10795267

You're the one changing the definitions, suddenly 1 + 2 = 2 because muh feelings

You want a simple formula, then great. CICO is simple as fuck.

You want a correct formula? Then great, but it's not CICO. CICO plus thing is not CICO. Basic logic, ask an adult to explain this.

>> No.10795269

>two lines

So this how you trigger fat people.

>> No.10795271

>I have no argument so I'll just call him fat
How many pullups can you do? inb4 none

>> No.10795273

Hahaha, okay, I get it. This is a great troll. 10/10, had me going.

>> No.10795277

you're a dumb guy

>> No.10795279

>when you're calling the other person an asperger

Oh man, yeah. Just gonna stick with name calling. Fatty.

>> No.10795333

My wife and I started our family in our thirties. I have a BA in English and a JD.

Thanks for asking, my new friend!

>> No.10795377

It's still CICO because total calories vs maintenance calories determines if you will lose or gain weight. Then you need to eat sufficient protein that if on a deficit you lose mostly fat not muscle, and if on a surplus, you gain a greater proportion of fat.

That's pretty much all there is. I don't use creatine because it makes you a bit puffy in the face. I don't use any supplements. And as for exercise, of course you need a specific lifting program, but the question here is what do you need for diet.

>> No.10795391
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>> No.10795437

>it’s still CICO and also all this other stuff
Then it’s not CICO, brainlet