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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10775874 No.10775874 [Reply] [Original]

New Steve coming soon. Should be "fun".

>> No.10775885

Nobody cares. He's a meatcuck.

>> No.10775894

so is that twitter?

>> No.10775966
File: 104 KB, 572x621, 1485565649186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is veggie omelett???

>> No.10775984

vegetarian MREs have the best candy and shit (have to make up for the caloric deficit of no meat). I got my first first trike bar in one and it was hands down the best thing I've ever eaten out of an MRE.

>> No.10775986

Bruh you look like a permavirgin. Fix your hair and police that mustache

>> No.10775987

I don't understand the fascination with MREs. It's food that is even worse quality than fast food.

>> No.10775991
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>> No.10775996

An omelette with veggies.

>> No.10776025

>even worse quality than fast food
Stop it you're making all of /ck/ horny

>> No.10776121

I've heard the veggie omelet is one of the most disgusting MRE menus there is so should be interesting
>Oh, that's not nice.

>> No.10776162

Wasn't he supposed to do a bunch of WW1 rations videos? Did he cancel it?

>> No.10776678
File: 13 KB, 325x262, image_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop promoting your shitty videos Steve, you will never be as successful as ReviewBrah

>> No.10776705

theyre not even in the same page other than they both review food. youre comparing apples to oranges in that theyre both fruits.

>> No.10776843

>eat disgusting ww1 rations and get botulism
>eat disgusting American Veggie Omelette MRE and get Diaherria

Steve just can't win. The Veggie Omelette is worse than the 4 Fingers of Death

>> No.10776847

Don't you talk shit about our angel Steve you try hard tweenage cockfaggots. LOOK MOM I'M ON 4CHAN MAKING FUN OF SOMEONE

Steve eats slot and shits nice. Feel free to gouge your fucking eyes out with an australian MRE spork you boot ass chocolate dicks

>> No.10776850

>theyre both fruits.
Yeah Steve certainly is one

>> No.10777213
File: 251 KB, 810x1080, 1515686255824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha! Is that really Steve? That's fucking radical.

>> No.10777222


That sex change really turned you into a pussy rarher than just giving you one anon.

>> No.10778954

it's Facebook

>> No.10778958

That steff bitch looks like she needs a good raping. Who's with me lads?

>> No.10778959

>Cheese and Veggie Omelet
>in MRE form
That sounds absolutely abhorrent

>> No.10778967

I remember it being lauded as shit whenever I interacted with them, but I can't remember the actual taste apart from it sucking.

>> No.10778977
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Grow your hair down to your tailbone for full effect

>> No.10779022

Fuck off back to your milsurp forums you fucking weirdo

>> No.10779055
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>> No.10779066
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>> No.10779140

what the hell I want to be friends with Steve on facebook too

>> No.10780109

I've regrettably ate all kinds of fast food and I feel MREs, at least the ones Steve goes over, are more interest just because of the fact you get a glimpse of the consideration for the conditions and morale of the person eating them.
With fast food it's always just whatever's simplest or part of the marketing.

>> No.10780317

If you add him he'll 100% accept. He's a pretty chilled out guy.

>> No.10780346

My word

>> No.10780373
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>> No.10780466

From what I've heard of it, it's the worst one on the current US MRE menu. So this could get good.

>> No.10781050


>> No.10781426

I would but I can't even find him on there

>> No.10781486
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trips of truth

>> No.10781554

I hate fun

>> No.10781574

Go to the Mil Spec forums, he posts there under the handle MREats

>> No.10781599


>> No.10781626

ReviewBrah had about the same number of views as Steve for a long ass time. He jumped from a few tends of thousands of views to half a million quite fast.

>> No.10781633

Fuck you Steve you can eat my dick

>> No.10781658

MREs would be cool if they weren't so expensive and if all of the collectors didn't want $40 for an Eastern European MRE which is just crackers and a piece of canned liver paste

>> No.10781659

>Eastern European
Found the new fag.

>> No.10781663

Good morning redditor

>> No.10781664

>MRE omelets
Maybe he finally threw up on camera

>> No.10781682
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It's basically like eating a soggy placenta, complete with juices and everything. My friend who is in the reserves let me try one once that he grabbed and it was horrible

>> No.10781691

Fantastic comeback....

>> No.10781693

Yeah you talk like a fag

>> No.10781700

Suits me.
You're still a retard.

>> No.10781711

I bet you're a nigger too huh?

>> No.10781714

You are still a retard.

>> No.10781728

Tell me what it's like being a nigger faggot and a redditor?

>> No.10781741

Still one step above you, intellectually speaking.

>> No.10781752

It should be noted that the cheese & veggie omelet was discontinued as an MRE menu item in 2008. So not only is Steve going to be eating one, but he's going to be eating one that's past its due date.
Yeah, he's going to vomit

>> No.10781756

You have to be 18 to use this website

>> No.10781985

>Mil Spec forums
can you link them? I've searched my ass off and found nothing

>> No.10782023

It hasn't been called Mil Spec for a while now.

>> No.10782045
File: 253 KB, 976x976, 1522562874970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks my man, have a rare Steve

>> No.10782056

There are no MREs from Eastern Europe. MREs are only made in America.

>> No.10782248


>> No.10782268

If you're prone to shitposting best break the habit on there.
If you fuck them off they'll savage you, also don't lie if you haven't any military service because they'll sniff you out.
Imagine being doxxed by a hundred /pol/acks who have spec ops training and contacts in the NSA etc.

>> No.10782274

steve1989 is literally more successful than review day based on his channel growth
steve is already surpassed 500k subs in under 3 years, it took reviewbrah like 6 or 7 years to get 500k

>> No.10782296

please post more rare steves from his normiebook

>> No.10782318

The omelette MRE was infamous. That yellow paste stuffed in there is intimidating. I grew to like it though. If you have time to heat it up and add the green salsa it helped a bunch. I've heard stories about going through Ranger school where you only have one MRE through the day. The omelette MRE supposedly had more calories in it than some of the others so it was highly valued. I have no idea how true that actually is.

>> No.10782403

thanks for the heads up but I was honest at the registration. Still haven't found Steve though

>> No.10782987

I was gifted one several years ago. Biggest thing I remember was it looked like and had the consistency of play doh. One half was warm and palatable the other end was cold, mealy and nearly retch inducing. ps did not eat on a dare and don't eat it cold

>> No.10783036

This is so very very floridian

>> No.10783410

after eating the 100+ year old beef jerky, he can handle anything

>> No.10783456
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There's no way that's pleasant when the time comes to shit it out.

>> No.10783713

can you link me his chanel

>> No.10783728

Probably has a better mouth feel when it comes out.

>> No.10783793

I don't smoke but I gotta admit he makes me want to try an 80 year old cigarette

>> No.10784001

It's exotic. It's food prepared and presented in a way that most of us are unlikely to encounter. Some cuisine may not be nice, this example is quite disgusting, but it is interesting.

>> No.10784005

Consider that they're technically not legal to sell on the civilian market, so what collectors are getting is whatever happens in to filched in single digit quantities by guys taking the (albeit low) risk in order to make a quick buck. Price matches the market.

>> No.10784788
File: 613 KB, 1417x3158, Fucking MREs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody posted the MRE Story
Guess I'll do it.

>> No.10784977

Because it's fucking stupid and fake. Served for years and ate them for months at a time and had regular poops.

>> No.10785190

Isn't that the ultra disgusting one?