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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 627 KB, 707x555, IMG_3365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10777645 No.10777645 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys like this frumpy, gross slag again?

>> No.10777656

Because every wife turns into a frumpy old lady eventually. May as well have one that can cook.

>> No.10777659

Literally who?

>> No.10777663
File: 45 KB, 640x800, 1528080092189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she is clearly a spoiled chubby Jew and that's my fetish

>> No.10777676

this guy gets it. plus claire seems intelligent and able to keep up with witty banter, whats not to like?

"a non-high-maintence-fun-person-who-isnt-ugly-and-is-a-good-cook? lol fuck that id rather date a sticc with a plastic face" - literally you, a retard

>> No.10777677
File: 9 KB, 218x231, A340F3CB-3441-4699-B6F3-C519B31D18E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn watch brad and andy double team her and fill her sweet cannoli with hot cream

>> No.10777682

She's boring af
At least Molly has an actual personality

>> No.10777691

Cuck lol

Claire is good cuz she doesnt meme

>> No.10777695

She seems fucking retarded in all of her videos

>> No.10777703

you know you can get a new wife right

>> No.10777712

More trouble than it's worth. I've been married 23 years. Sure, we want to murder each other from time to time, but all in all, not bad. I've watched many friends, relatives, and neighbors go thru divorces, some amicable, some almost violent. They all suck. Depression, booze addiction, fucked up kids, and instant mid-life crises. Fuck that, I'll stick with the BJ-a-week from the kinda frumpy but still cute wife.

>> No.10777717

>having a personality
im sorry have we been watching the same molly videos? that frumpy bitch with the huge nose and boring personality? the one who looks 25 but wears baggy flowing clothes that a 70 yr old hippie housewife would wear? the one who never says anything funny or interesting? its like she got married when she was 20 and realized she didnt have to "try" anymore. BOOORRRIINNNGGGGGGGGG.

>> No.10777724

>lol just get a new wife bro
t. 17 yr old summerfag who has no idea what he's even talking about

>> No.10777725

You literally described Claire

>> No.10777737


she went to Harvard

>> No.10777741

claire doesnt have a giant nose. claire doesnt wear baggy hippie clothes. claire is an older and more mature woman who is naturally going grey and is mature about it instead of trying to dye it or hide it like molly or carla would do. "lol she's blonde so that means shes hot" how fucking BLAND, jesuschrist. molly is the flyover food of BA.

>> No.10777754

Meaningless without backstory. If she got in on her own merits, great; if daddy wrote a big check so daughter can go to Harvard, that's entirely different.

>> No.10777770
File: 39 KB, 340x510, 1507278694821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female chef

>> No.10777772


lol okay dude. ya her dad prob just donated a couple million so she could go there.

>> No.10777775

Molly has some bra-less instagram pics so she wins.

>> No.10777778

>tries to reverse engineer candy recipes that companies spent millions of dollars researching and creating into something that a home cook can do at home
>"lol shes dumb because she doesnt just wing it like brad does"
oh i get it, youre too stupid to even understand whats going on. how embarrassing for you.

>> No.10777793

"Durrr I didn't get into Harvard so others must have cheated."

>> No.10777798

her skittles video is embarrassing
Me and my gf tried doing it too and made an almost identical skittle in two attempts

>> No.10777804


you guys should probably start your own channel

>> No.10777811

>he doesnt know the difference between a pastry chef and a 'regular' chef
>he thinks the people in the video get to pick what they do instyead of it being assigned to them
its a fucking job, its not some youtube playground where they take months off because "sorry i got busy". they get assigned shit to cook and film and then they do it, thats how they get paid. its almost like youre too stupid to understand what youre talking about

>> No.10777848

>watched a finished product, edited to highlight drama and problems
>thinks he knows more than a professional because he could copy their attempts successfully after the 2nd try
holy shit i love you oblivious autists you make it so easy for us to laugh at you.

>> No.10777854

keep white knighting virgin I'm sure she'll read one of your comments eventually lol

>> No.10777875
File: 45 KB, 600x400, vh323423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, in that case...


>> No.10777888

>on 4chan
>uses virgin as an insult
lol hows your summer, little guy? are you getting lots of naps and juice boxes? make sure to give the computer back to mommy n daddy, ok big guy? you have have to be 18 to post on this site.

>> No.10777896

touched a nerve I guess

>> No.10777908

>makes the weakest low effort posts
>gets schooled by everyone in the thread
only someone with autism would think they were correct after being constantly BTFO as hard as you've been. stay mad little boy ;p

>> No.10777917

wow no wonder it took you 2 tries to recreate a recipe that you literally had just seen a video for, youre really really really smart huh

>> No.10777921

Is Calli's actual last name "Music"?
What a stupid fucking last name.

>> No.10777925

yup I did

>> No.10777927

>he doesnt understand how hyphenated last names work

>> No.10777931

>he thinks his autism is superior to mine
you cant win, boy. youre welcome to keep trying though.

>> No.10777935

It's still her last name even if it's hyphenated, moron.
I'm just highlighting how stupid it sounds, her """husband""" is probably a limp-wristed fucksock.

>> No.10777948

so your complaint is: "some people have last names that i dont like"? wow great job dude, tell me more about how you're not retarded

>> No.10777964

I want to evolve into a mature adult but I just can't face the Music

>> No.10777969

i dont get it

>> No.10777974
File: 366 KB, 601x353, diablush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Brad rails Andy and stuff him full of hot steamy cream as Claire watches in both sadness and arousal

>> No.10777981

part of me wants a mommy cooking gf like carla but the other part of me wants to smoke weed and drink beer in the parking lot after work with her. idk maybe those 2 things arent mutually exlusive

>> No.10777984

>next episode claire tries to recreate a gourmet version of brad's cum

>> No.10777987

claire is such an enigma. is she dating someone? married? single forever? a huge slut who doesnt want to settle down? an asexual cat lady? its weird trying to imagine her in that situation to be honest

>> No.10778003
File: 63 KB, 500x375, heyheyhey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midway through the episode Andy takes a break from slobbering on Brad's cock to taste Claire's creation and compared it to the real deal

>> No.10778004

Hello incel

>> No.10778005

I think Claire and Brad have fucked. Marriage doesn't always matter.

>> No.10778009

I creeped her entire instagram and there's not a single post that indicates she is in a relationship, just food pics.

>> No.10778016

you definitely are the most autistic, no argument here

>> No.10778033

youre goddamned right. now apologize to claire who clearly is uncomfortable with

>> No.10778037

>uncomfortable with
being in vids and the internet's weirdness

>> No.10778081

nice. obvs she's savvy enough to know to keep that sort of thing off the internet, if she were in a relationship. but still, nice.

>> No.10778130

She has very pretty eyes and I like to see her smile.

>> No.10778136

The most beta thing I've ever read ITT

>> No.10778162


>> No.10778174

maybe but what if that poster is a gril irl? then it'd be gay af

>> No.10778179

My ex was a huge skank and made sure he insta was devoid of myself or any man in her life to maximum her following via thirsty virgins
Claire probably gets railed on the reg

>> No.10778181

So you want to start at the frumpy stage?

>> No.10778186

some /ck/ers are obsessed with her and it's weird

>> No.10778188

Viv rebounded quick from the book release stress. Yum.

>> No.10778195
File: 8 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aim higher faggot

>> No.10778199

wtf would women do if they actually truly got equality? i cant imagine all the bitching and moaning about how much more difficult their lives are. its too bad we can't keep thirsty betas from falsely inflating the egos of 3/10s though.

>> No.10778205


>> No.10778219

its weird to me that she didnt want to be in her family's movie business so she went into cooking and made her own way but now she'e essentially as famous as if she were a movie star (not quite, but close enough). its like both paths led to essentially the same outcome, i guess thats what happens when you've never had to worry about money in your life? who knows

>> No.10778222

Lol what is a fucksock

>> No.10778234

its a sock you fuck and cum inside and then throw on the floor before going to sleep

>> No.10778286


>> No.10778295
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

master race reporting

>> No.10778430

found the uncle who mixes his entire plate together at thanksgiving

>> No.10778462

Because everyone on /ck/ is autistic, probably fat, and she’s about the best they could do. It’s kinda like how you don’t look at houses you’ll never be able to afford.

>> No.10778465

I̵̧̛͖͙̯̼͉͉̖̜̘͍̤͍̦̻̥͉͜ ͚̪̤̥̜̪͍̩̹̪̬̻̻̣̤͞͝͝ͅd̦͇̮̮̮̗̝̳͈̟͍͍̤̯͕̩̘̜ǫ̴̷̝̦͍̜͈͓n͓̱̤̺͕̜̳̘͔̥̬̗͓̬̟̳͞'̸̴̟͇̹̰͉͈͖̝͙̗͈̠̩̟͈͍ͅt̨̡̢͔̣͓̟̘̞̘͉̱̱̖͇͕͈͇͉̻̪̣͠ ͕͓̜̬͙̤͉̹̩͍̦͉̯͎̗̗͝l̛͓̫̼̖̦͕̤̩̞̼͖͙̬̝͍̼̩͝͝i̶͉̝̮k̤̬̯̟͈̖͚͔͇̰͈̦̪͈̟̩̀͡ͅe̴̸̴̢͈̭̭̗̥̻͎̳̗̗̞͙̟̩̪ ̛͓̳͙̥̞̗̫̖̪͉̹̱͍͎̀ͅ

>> No.10778475


At that point you throw the old one out and get a new one, preferably mail order from scandinavia. :^)

>> No.10778480


Good luck explaining real women to children in the internet.

>> No.10778576

You C U C K S need to stop falling for these attention whoring foodies. Look at this. All this excess fat is from FUCKED UP dieting. Sodium. Grease. Come on... All it takes is to get her shit together and do a little bit of dieting but no, you faggots are here oggling here and spamming threads on my board. Her face is the average 3/10 you can see at your local wal-mart or DMV at any time of the day.

This DISGUSTING, Ham-beast, ham-GALAXY, Beached whale, Tub of guts, Buttersluck, Lardvark, Bag of donuts, Looking like a deep-fried couch potato resembling a porch walrus, Buffet killer, Butter queen, Buns n roses, Wifi blocking Carbzilla Pile of BLUBBER

Mods... anybody who posts Claire threads, get that ass banned. Post her pic in another thread? Get that ass banned. Mention her in the background of a Brad vid? Get that ass banned.

>> No.10778604

>ban claire
>brad's ok
This is a cooking forum. I think you're looking for >>>/lgbt/

>> No.10778624
File: 146 KB, 634x968, laughingroastie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women can't cook
are you dating elementary school kids or what?

>> No.10778625

But the ass is fat are you a legit Faggot?

>> No.10778629

I͙̼̣̫̮̪͓̓͒ͣͭͦ̓ͮ̇̂͗ͦͭ̐̀ͤ̕̕͜ ̸̜͙͇̪̮͕̙̭̩͕̰̘ͯ̎̌̓ͦ́̉́͢͟ͅw͚̯̻̗̘̺ͤ̓ͩͤ̎̃͆͐͐͆ͪ͊̓̿̏̕͠͡ĩ̧͉̬͙̻̘ͩͮ̋̍ͬ̋̿ͬͫ̑̽̑͘͜͢s̶̡̧̳̠̯̩̦̘͉̣̱͌ͤͬ̒̏̃̽̐ͮ͂̉̍̃͆ͬ́̆̚͟ͅȟ̹͎͕̇ͣ̏̿̈́̑̊ͦ͋̌̈̉͘͠ͅ!̢̨͚̙̣̼͇̥̬̼̗̠̞̻͓͚̭͐̓͌ͬͭ̚͘͝ͅ

>> No.10778635


>> No.10778639

Brad is kino as fuck, makes fermented food that's actually beneficial for you're body while maintaining a light-hearted, comedic atmosphere and plays off his cameraman well.
Claire is a boring dullard that makes gourmet fruit gushers.
Fuck off.

>> No.10778673

>brad and anon
>sitting in a tree

>> No.10778677

Yeah I'd fuck Brad given the chance

>> No.10778769
File: 176 KB, 500x534, ultra_smug_diamond_mk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*"It's Alive! Brad makes Dick Cheese" title card*
"Hello everywun, and you too Vinny," Brad said brightly, gesturing towards Vinny behind the camera. Vinny panned the camera towards anon, who has been hog-tied, ball-gagged and positioned in a way such that his ass is sticking up sky high, and his bare cock and balls squeezed behind his thighs. "I think we all know what's gonna happen today. We have anon with us here and he's gonna be our cockslu- err, I mean our dick cheese vessel --" Brad said as he open-palm slapped anon's bare bum, "prepared by the cockmaster Andy himself, thank you -- and we're gonna ferment some dick cheese in him."
Before Brad was a set of instruments: a large can of coconut oil, an anal douche, a expander for holding the anus open and seasonings the dick cheese. "Before we get started, we need to make sure that the vessel is clean," Brad said, as he grabbed the anal douche and filled it up with wordur, "but I doubt we'd see any poo-poo given that Andy has prepped anon well... right?" Brad turned and shot Andy a look, who promptly raised his thumb upright in approval. "See? That man's a professional," Brad said, before smearing up the douche nozzle with coconut oil and slowly sliding it into anon's butthole with ease and giving the douche a few squeezes. He then tilts anon's entire pale twink body sideways so as to let to wourthur run out. Restrained, the only body part that anon could wriggle around was his semi-engorged cock.
"Now that that's done," Brad grips the can of coconut oil and smears a dab on his finger, "we need to get the vessel nice and slippery." Brad makes a circling motion with his finger, before he jams the entire length into anon's glistening wet hole, and moving it in and out. "Ohh, it's making that sticky sound," Brad said and winked at Vinny, "that's what good boypussy sounds like, Vinny." Anon's cock can only helplessly flop about as Brad lubes and massages his prostate with the skills of a master masseuse.

>> No.10778793


what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.10778885

Those videos all have 3-5 million views each. Be mad at the audience for watching them, not BA & Claire for sticking to a profitable formula.

>> No.10778905


>> No.10778911

he cums

>> No.10779038

>that 23 year old boomer with no taste in women

>> No.10779046

here we go again

inb4 "boomer is a state of mind"
No, its a cohort, you faggot.

>> No.10779050

post vid or kick rocks nerd

>> No.10779060

>that millennial boomer who doesn't understand boomerposting

>> No.10779064

I think she is hot as fuck and she makes cakes and candies.

I have a big sweet tooth and love women who can cook.

>> No.10779072

>frumpy, gross slag
what the fuck are you talking about, she is way above average

>> No.10779077

Your ironic meme is still shit
Fall on a sharp, feces covered rock.

>> No.10779078

You mean retardation, right? Retard.

>> No.10779088

t. angry boomers

>> No.10779097

But I'm not a boomer. Your world view is just incorrect. Sorry.

>> No.10779102

>punji stick analog
that's actually peak boomer LOL

>> No.10779109


>> No.10779118

Lol that totally doesn't happy I'm so ignorant on how these private schools get money lol haha

>> No.10779134
File: 133 KB, 282x372, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.33_[2018.06.16_13.30.43].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm using coconut oil now because it's edible," Brad explained, and efortlessly squeezed in another two fingers into anon's soft well-lubed hole, "but you can use whatever you want, really." Giving anon's bitch switch one final push, Brad's magic finger techniques made anon's cum fly out from his cock and his legs twitch uncontrollably. Too weak to hold himself up, anon collapses sideways onto the working table in a cock-crazed daze. "Oh, oops," Brad said, after cleaning off his fingers and finally noticing the collapsed anon, "no wait, that's perfect actually."
Brad unleashes his rock hard 8"x10" monster, uncut with thick folds of foreskin covering the cockhelm with glistening precum. "Here comes the interesting part Vinny," Brad said as he slides his meat into the vessel in one thrust. All anon could muster at this point was a few pathetic sissy whimpers, as well as releasing several queefs from his dicksleeve of an asshole. "Whoa, haha, d'you catch that, Vinny?" Brad exclaimed, as he begins to increase the rate by which he pimps his cream pipe into anon, whose eyes have rolled so far back into his skull that he might as well be seeing all the dicks imprinted into his brain by Brad's harsh pounding. All he could feel at this point is Brad's stiff cockhead constantly rubbing on his prostate, registering in his mind as nothing but sinful pleasure.
"It's time to deposit the milk!" Brad said with laboured breathing, and with one last thrust he floods anon's sigmoid colon with nothing but his freshly squeezed babybatter. "And that's how it's done folks..." Brad sighed as he spotted Vinny's hard-to-ignore raging hard-on that's about to burst from behind his apron.
"Wanna give it a whirl Vinny?" Brad asked, and quickly affixed the expander into anon's gaping, loose creamy hole, holding it invitingly wide open. "Just shoot it all up there, champ," Brad urged.

>> No.10779135

>t. ESL student (with D grades)

>> No.10779139

Don't mind me, just wondering if they were sensible enough to not filter the word "soy" on /ck/.

>> No.10779143


>> No.10779147

well you read at an elementary school level apparently so

>> No.10779159

>meme arrow with the meme t
Sorry sweetie that's not how you do it (fail poster with F grades, see me after class sweetie)

>> No.10779186

uhm, sweaty.. you can absolutely use a maymay arrow and a maymay tee

>> No.10779192

Jesus fucking Christ, stop posting this homosexual rock.

>> No.10779217

Because she's cute in a plain, jewy way and that's my thing and I'm also really lonely and desperate and the BA videos are pretty good friend simulators

There I said it

>> No.10779238
File: 228 KB, 327x393, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.11_[2018.06.16_22.39.07].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The camera shook violently as Vinny one-handed his thick cock and aimed it straight into anon's semen repository. Trying to stay in character, Vinny suppresses his groans and heavy breaths so that only some quiet ASMR "mmm"s and "ahh"s were audible. Finally, with one final jolt, Vinny's cock explodes and sprays buckets of yellowish white cum directly into anon's poz-hole. "Nice one Vinny, proud of you my dude," Brad said, before giving Vinny a little congratulatory kiss and removing the expander from anon's hole. On the other end, anon's face was drenched in a mess of saliva and tears (of happiness).
"Now it's finally time to start the fermentation process," Brad said, as he whips out a ribbed buttplug from his back pocket, "there's no need to add yeast, since our 'milk' is technically already alive." Brad looks up, "I could do this every day, Vinny, easy money/ Ho ho ho."
Brad smeared the buttplug with layers of coconut oil and slid it into anon's butthole, preserving every drop of semen inside. "We'll come back a few days later to check on this and burp it as needed, like we always do." *speech bubble that says "But we've never burped a vessel like this Brad, show us how it's done please." pops up*
"What? You don't know how to burp a semen tank Vinny? Here lemme show you." Brad gleefully wrapped his finger around the ring at the end of the buttplug and wrenched it out, producing a loud, sloppy *POP* sound with anon's whimpy moans immediately following it. "That's the way, like this," Brad repeatedly inserted and extracted the buttplug from anon's hole, causing wet popping sounds to echo throughout the test kitchen. Anon's balls are so drained at this point that all his tiny dangling cock could do was drip precum all over working table.
"And that's it guys, thanks for tuning in and we'll see you in a week, if I don't forget that is haha." said Brad ominously...

>> No.10779239

BASED honesty-poster

>> No.10779242
File: 237 KB, 3000x3000, ofs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not wrong.

>> No.10779268

she said that she had never tempered chocolate before lol

>> No.10779326

>ywn hang out with Brad and Eiffel tower Claire with him


>> No.10779357

>this entire thread of anons arguing over girls that don't even know they exist
Is this /r9k/?

>> No.10779364

>not allowed discuss people unless you personally know them

>> No.10779370

I imagine any MMF threesome w/ Brad just turns into MF twosome with the guy who isn't Brad watching awkwardly after about 5 minutes.

>> No.10779381

>what are orbiters

>> No.10779382

any MmF faggot deserves to be cucked, even by brad

>> No.10779429

>she said that she had never tempered chocolate before lol

is tempering chocolate part of the core curriculum at Harvard?

>> No.10779435

What do you even get from doing this?

>> No.10779448

it's a normal thing to do before you reach your twenties and an absolutely retarded thing to not know how to do if your job is to be a pastry chef on TV.

>> No.10779450

Why is Brad uncut?

>> No.10779454
File: 101 KB, 207x213, yellow_hurting_inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fits the theme.

>> No.10779458


I'm not sure why you responded to the Harvard comment though. going to Harvard and tempering chocolate have nothing to do w/ each other.

>> No.10779468

>jewish theme

No. It doesn't. Literally.

>> No.10779472
File: 89 KB, 285x240, laphosmination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having foreskin is literally the furthest from being Jewish as it gets, my sweet amerimutt.
Also the theme is dickcheese.

>> No.10779480

You would know you fucking degenerate.

>> No.10779488
File: 377 KB, 437x537, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.45_[2018.06.16_23.12.32].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the compliment.

>> No.10779492


>why is brad uncut
>it fits the theme

>No, It doesn't. Literally

*enter faggot who says that foreskin=/=jewish

No shit, sherlock. Reading comprehension 0/10.

>> No.10779504

going to harvard doesn't mean she's smart. a smart person should know better than introducing herself on a tv show as a pastry chef and then five minutes later making an offhanded remark about how she's never tempered chocolate before. i feel like anyone smart would know that comments like that immediately discredits their position of authority or knowledge in a subject. i'm honestly interested in what type of training she's done and what she actually does in the test kitchen if she's never worked with chocolate. it just seems really odd that someone that is getting popularity in this field would out themselves as being so unknowledgeable.

>> No.10779514



>> No.10779526

but yet, she's adorably cooking shit on vidya for $$$, while you're stuck shitposting on a rohingyan macrame board

Go, you!

>> No.10779542

based gemposter

>> No.10779556

you know you can be a pastry chef and not do specific techniques because where you worked didn't serve things that require them? like you could be a very good italian chef and not know how to make some octopus dish because you were trained and work in a restaurant of some inland regional cuisine where it's not on the menu.

>> No.10779582
File: 1.85 MB, 896x503, 1503241877142.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't a compliment you shitter.

>> No.10779589
File: 2.73 MB, 480x270, 1486887311217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the idea that tempering chocolate is a skill normal people have before they are 20 is retarded. guaranteed less than 5% of people under 20 know how to temper chocolate

>> No.10779590

god i wish that were my cock

>> No.10779593

probably less than 1% desu

>> No.10779597


imagine hating women this much

>> No.10779606

Tempering chocolate is basic shit for any pastry chef's repertoire.

>> No.10779638

Your mortal vessel would not survive that laddo.

>> No.10779647

But a chef that specialises in dessert never learning how to process chocolate?

>> No.10779648
File: 350 KB, 468x620, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.30_[2018.06.16_22.21.15].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you said it so flatteringly.

>> No.10779687

I dont think i can ever watch their videos again after what i did here

>> No.10779778

Literally who?

>> No.10779790


claire saffitz from bon appetit

>> No.10779796

She does buzzfeed-esque YouTube videos for redditors like "How to make gourmet cheetos!" despite them not being "gourmet", but rather just homemade due her lack of kitchen skills. And often exclaims "Wow, it's been so long since I've had these!" referring to common junk foods, but we all know that a chubster like her definitely still knows what an Oreo tastes like and she doesn't need to "refresh her memory" on camera because "it's been soooo long".

>> No.10779813

she’s probably fat from eating pastries and desserts
look at her instagram, I would never eat boxed junk food ever again if I had access to all the shit she does as a baker.

>> No.10779858
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Being called a degenerate is not a complement, yet you seem to think it is. I sincerely hope you recover from whatever illness you're suffering from.

>> No.10779984

You have to be retarded to not realize that Andy is gayer than a fucking rainbow

>> No.10780016

uh yeah that’s why I said i’ll
never see it

>> No.10780106


>> No.10780122

Aww, be nice to the retards. But really she is a pretty lady.

>> No.10780126


gotta love half-sour saffitz!

>> No.10780148
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>> No.10780149
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>> No.10780160

She has a strict aura. I bet she gives very effective handjobs.also she seems to know what she's doing in the kitchen

>> No.10780359

I like her hair
I wish she was my gf

>> No.10780363
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>this is what /ck/ considers attractive
>being able to fry an egg makes you a 99th percentile rare culinary genius
So does everyone here live in some flyover shit hole where everyone is unbelievably fat and eats garbage, or what?

>> No.10780365

ywn be denied orgasm by this foxy jewess
why even live?

>> No.10780367

Wish granted.

>> No.10780446

using butchers twine

bound your claire and gag that ass mouth fucking slam

>> No.10780572
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Claire haters fuck off

>> No.10780580


you dog vinny

>> No.10780604
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because only the patrician appreciates the frumpiness

>> No.10780608

>pays alimony
i dont want to get JUSTED

>> No.10780609

>arguing with retards
it's an admirable cause, but pointless.

raymond blanc is a fucking regular chef and even he knows how to temper chocolate. i know how to temper chocolate. it's purely about temperature , it's pathetic that retards will watch this shit when they clearly don't know what the fuck they're doing

>> No.10780639
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thought that was gavin mcinnes and his ogress of a wife for a minute

>> No.10780647

So that's what she looks like.
From the way he talks about her I kinda pictured her as a cute meek squaw.

>> No.10780655

Do not talk about her that way! There is nothing she can't do according to Carla.

>> No.10780684

except use a dehydrator or temper chocolate...both things you'd be mocked for not being able to figure out if in a working kitchen

>> No.10780723
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>> No.10780735

>gets bjs
Cuck :|

>> No.10780777


good waist/butt ratio

>> No.10780852
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You seem to love talking to me anon. If I didn't know any better I would've thought you were in love with me.

>> No.10780865

holy hell i had no idea

>> No.10780894


imagine Claire on AssParade™ or BigWetButts™

>> No.10780903


>> No.10780951

I'm all for gayposting but you really took it too far here

>> No.10780953


>> No.10780954

i'm here daily and literally never seen her before
you seem confused, women don't want equality, they just want all the perks without any of the negative aspects

>> No.10780960

she should work out to get her ass in shape

>> No.10780963

she gets paid to fuck around in a state of the art kitchen all day, she's smarter than most

>> No.10780965

god this thread is weird

>> No.10780967

ur weird

>> No.10780969

a harvard education, everyone

>> No.10780989

this place is fuckin weird, i'm going back to cooking forums

>> No.10780994

don't come back you are not welcome here anymore

>> No.10781003

>tfw i could heem every here

>> No.10781090

she was posted almost daily april and may of this year, same sperg with low standards

it was always “if I was attracted to attractive women I’d be a gay pedophile” or “if you’re not obsessed with some random dumpy fatty from youtube you’re an incel roastie jealousy virgin” and so on

usually accompanied by some weird fanfic nonsense referring to her and her fellow youtube randos by their first names

>> No.10781100

probably riddled with cellulite

>> No.10781235

Lucky man

>> No.10781349

her chilli was too watery

>> No.10781537
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I just want to pozz his boypucci bros, fuck I want his holes so bad.

>> No.10781584

probably the most boring gay guy i’ve ever seen

>> No.10781592

any grill that posts on /ck/ I imagine as looking like this

>> No.10781601
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Yeah honestly, at least put some effort behind your gay fantasies.

>> No.10781742
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>> No.10781781

i find this woman very attractive

>> No.10781827
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>> No.10781834

>pants with elastic band
my grandma wears that shit
god what a frumpy whore

>> No.10781844

She looks pretty cute for a mid 40ish mom

>> No.10781886

Most female cooks/chefs are weirdos, not in a good/cool/sexy way either.

>> No.10781940
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Why so much hate? Are you afraid of developing a crush?

>> No.10782009

I love her, but every time she flashes that horrendous american smile I get nervous. Like, "LOOK AT MY FUCKING GUMS!!!". That shit's weird.

>> No.10782044

>american smile
wtf does that mea-

...oh right because her teeth aren't jacked to shit, I get it

>> No.10782108

>4chan user
>cant hire an assassin
I'll do her for you for .5 BTC

>> No.10782120


>> No.10782193

That's what my grandma calls it. When you show all your teeth when you smile.

>> No.10782327
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imagine standing up for women on the internet

she's fat and went to harvard. could have gotten all F's for all anyone cares and she'd still be a choice candidate for the potus. women literally get hired on to jobs because of their weight in case you weren't aware, just like being black, or gay. I get hired o because of my name and people think I'm jewish. (plus im' sexy)

>> No.10782483

You assume much but know so little, I pity the individual who would allow you to inflict your debauchery upon them.

>> No.10782528
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Whatever you say sweetheart.

>> No.10782653

You're admitting you're HIV-positive?

>> No.10783088


>> No.10783154

kys please

>> No.10783258

All girls begin the slow decent into frumpiness around the age of 30

>> No.10783265

You mean 18

>> No.10783266

You can't recycle the racism of a bygone era just because your grandmother was never taught any better. That is not OK.

>> No.10783421
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imagine bullying her by shoving your face between her asscheeks haha

>> No.10783448

>naturally going grey

nigga pls

>> No.10783465


Every girl has access to thousands of desperate men on Bumble and Tinder. If you think they aren't getting railed non-stop you are blind.

>> No.10784118


she cute

>> No.10784119

t. incel

>> No.10784163

>tfw you will never rub claire’s soft tummy while watching a movie
>ywn hear her brap softly to try to not disturb the film


>> No.10784207

6/10 at best with her makeup done to perfection

i'mnot saying I wouldn't plow her, but shes not very cute

>> No.10784258


it is natural

>> No.10784635

chad detected

>> No.10784782
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Shad, what are you doing here?

>> No.10785096
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>you will never lay on her tummy after a long hard day
>you will never stick your head into her brapper while she prepares a delicious meal

>> No.10785141


>> No.10785147

>had access to the best education in the world and yet she STILL only amounted to becoming a YouTube "chef"
that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg

>> No.10785201

Don't forget she specialises in desserts and has never made chocolate covered strawberries or black and white cookies before

>> No.10785245

Harvard is currently in a race to the bottom with it's drive to "diversify". I expect in the next few year they will drop SAT/ACT scores as well like a few other schools have done so they can pack those incoming freshman classes with more Dindus, LBGTIDGAFROFLSTOMP, and any other underrepresented group.

>> No.10785278
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>affording to go to harvard
>making it in a new york based food company despite lack of technical cooking skills

dare i say?

>> No.10785301

This made me fucking laugh out loud.

>> No.10785328

t. didn't go to harvard and scored in the 79th percentile on the SAT

>> No.10785584

I love her bros

>> No.10785647


is this what anti-"liberal elite" rednecks really think about elite schools? something like the top 25% of kids accepted at Harvard have perfect SAT scores. but yeah theyll probably just top paying attention and accept "dindus" and transgender people.

>> No.10785827
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>> No.10785838

Man, how pretty are her eyes? I think cooking while flirting with her in the kitchen must be Shangri-La.

>> No.10786011

All gays have HIV