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File: 259 KB, 2000x1231, Vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10780766 No.10780766[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Sister goes through hipster phase
>Claims to be vegan
>Eats mushrooms on a regular basis anyway
>Berates me for eating steak
>"More animals died for your dumplings than my steak"
>Laughs at the notion that thousands of insect died to preserve her pristine veggies
Why are vegans such cruel, cold-hearted, hypocritical creatures?

>> No.10780770

She wasn't too vegan to put my meat in her mouth last night lmao

>> No.10780771


>> No.10780800

>eats mushrooms
Mushrooms aren't vegan though.

>> No.10780808

mushrooms are vegan...
unless you are a full-blown Jainist, I've never heard of a vegan not eating mushrooms.

>> No.10780815

nice blog

>> No.10780816

vegan --> vegatation --> plants

Mushrooms are fungi, not plants. Vegan means a strictly plant-only diet.

Besides fungi are far more closely related to metazoa (animals) than they are to plants.

>> No.10780830

>mushrooms are vegan...
Nope. Mushrooms are not plants, they are incapable of capturing solar energy by photosynthesis and like animals they feed on plants and animals.

>> No.10780833

mushrooms look like cocks thats why vegan fags like them

>> No.10780835

Vegan does not mean you only eat vegetables. It means you don't eat or use anything animal based.
>Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals.[b]
Objectively wrong.

Mushrooms are in the fungi kingdom, not animalia, ergo they are not animals, ergo they are vegan.

>> No.10780838

The funny thing is that there is a entire genus of fungi named phallus. They're called phallus because they resemble penises.

>> No.10780845
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You can move the goalposts all you like but that will not change the fact that a mushroom is more a plant than a cow is.
Both fungi and metazoa are opisthokonts so if you're gonna eat one group of opisthokonts, fungi, you might as well eat the other group, animals.

>> No.10780857
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>> No.10780861

You're the one moving the goal posts. Something either is an animal, a plant, etc, or it isn't.

>> No.10780885

Why do vegans always argue like lawyers? When you eat a fungi that has been feeding on an animal, then you might as well eat the animal. Stop playing dumb.

>> No.10780890

Stupid anon, insects aren't people. Cows, pigs and chickens are. Lrn2thinkliekavegan fucktard.

>> No.10780898

mushrooms don't feel pain, is this really that hard to understand?

>> No.10780906

There are plants that eat animals. And arguably all plants rely on dead animals for nutrition (primary source of nitrogen). So really your entire premise is flawed and frankly stupid.

>> No.10780908

>Moves goalpost even further
So according to you, cannibals who anesthetize their victims are vegans. Gotcha.

>> No.10780909

Life feeds on life, is this really that hard to understand?

>> No.10780927

Are vegans allowed to eat yeast and lacto-fermented foods?

>> No.10780942
File: 239 KB, 736x1024, bacteria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think bacteria enjoy living in a small jar and getting fried in extra-virgin olive oil? Do you think they enjoy living in shit and getting flushed down the toilet?

>> No.10780986

can feel pain != don't feel pain
you really can't into basic logic huh anon

>> No.10781037

When you're knocked out you don't feel pain, because you can't feel pain. Seems logical to me.

>> No.10781043

You still can feel pain while "knocked out".

>> No.10781184

That's debatable

>> No.10781203

It's scientifically proven, you can die of stress from pain while in a coma.

>> No.10781209

Lmao, debatable with who? You can easily map brain activity of people who are unconscious and see that they still feel pain.

>> No.10781213

>It's scientifically proven
Proven by whom? By people who have never seen the inside of an operating room?

>> No.10781214

Why would it matter if a brain scan shows activity? If the person is "out" (unconscious) they don't feel anything regardless of what their brain activity shows. That's what "unconscious" means.

>> No.10781222

> the minimally conscious patients exhibited levels and timing of brain activity that were very similar to those in healthy people
sowwy you're wrong anon =[
maybe move those goaly posties again?

>> No.10781228

>why would it matter if the area of the brain that manages pain activates and does so in a way which is consistent with experiencing pain
this is like saying just because you're in pain doesn't mean you're in pain
and that's not what unconscious means, sorry, goal posts stay

>> No.10781229

The body still reacts to pain while unconscious. You are pumped full of painkillers even while knocked out to counteract this.

>> No.10781238

We decended from mushrooms, dick. Show your ancestors some respect.

>> No.10781241

What's the point of anesthesia if you can feel pain, while being unconscious. "Brain registers pain" & "body still reacts to pain" is not the same as feeling pain. Anyone who has had an operation knows that you don't feel anything while you're unconscious.

>> No.10781246

And yet you always get painkillers in a hospital even while sedated or in a coma.

>> No.10781249

It makes the surgeon's life hard if your muscles are tensing or spasming in pain response.

>> No.10781256

>Doesn't realize that his steak had to be grown and fed

Imagine being THIS stupid

>> No.10781264

Insects don't have nervous systems. What are you even talking about.

>> No.10781267
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, reallymakesyouthink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the defining characteristics of being unconscious is that you don't feel anything, if you did, you would still be conscious.

>> No.10781341

Some species of mushroom "bruise," when handled (notably psilocybe cubensis). I would say this reaction to being picked is indicitive of pain.

>> No.10781363

Your consciousness is just the thing that uses your brain as a substrate to manifest itself. When you're unconscious the signals your brain gives off are still real, but there's nothing there to experience them. Imagine a tv in an empty room. The question then becomes if an unconscious body detects pain, but nobody is there to experience it, did it really hurt? As someone who has been through surgery, I can meet that with a confident 'No'.

The world doesn't fit neatly in your little argument, sorry.

>> No.10781377

Mushrooms confirmed to be sentient

>> No.10781383

>>why would it matter if the area of the brain that manages pain activates and does so in a way which is consistent with experiencing pain

Correct. If you aren't conscious then that all sounds entirely moot.

>> No.10781387

>but there's nothing there to experience them.
Yep, this. Who gives a shit if the signals are present if nobody is present to process them?

>>The question then becomes if an unconscious body detects pain, but nobody is there to experience it, did it really hurt?

>> No.10781394

The lives of a thousand insects are not tantamount to the life of a mammal.

>> No.10781401
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>> No.10781413

Just like the lives of trillions of inferior mammals are not tantamount to the life of a single human :)

>> No.10781419

That's debatable

>> No.10781429

Can feel pain ! = doesn't feel pain, again. It's a simple question of potential.

>> No.10781430
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i chuckled

>> No.10781481
File: 293 KB, 600x836, 626559168-NATURE__S_DIVINITY_by_gautman88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but neither do fish... and trees respond to damage with panic and changed growing patterns and they have dopamine and serotonin, seems like a weird set of lines you draw.
read the secret life of plants

>> No.10781509
File: 1.34 MB, 2048x1152, Carnivores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If vegans had any heart they'd be eating carnivorous plants instead of stealing the veggies right out of the mouths of starving ruminants.

>> No.10781512

usual shitposting aside, "Consider the lobster" by David Foster Wallace is a great read on the topic of 'do so and such feel pain' and I highly recommend it, it's just a slightly longer article

>> No.10781526

Only among misanthropic psychos.

>> No.10781532

I only eat the flesh of animals that can't feel pain such as fish, lobsters, insects & unconscious animals. Feels good to be part of the humanitarian master race.

>> No.10781534

Nobody suggested cannibalism as an option.

>> No.10781552
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>Discriminating against insects is misanthropic
Are you from turkey?

>> No.10781638

My sister was the same way. But my parents put her under intense deprogramming and now she is cured from veganism

>> No.10781649

Do vegans study labels for animal-based ingredients? Also, what about the 'free protein' in things like coffee and candy?

>> No.10781654

>lactic acid producing bacteria
Usually yes
But some super purists don’t because they’re technically animal cells

>> No.10781690

Yeast is a fungus, not an animal.

>> No.10781696

I actually think they are smarter than us. Their effects manipulated me (apparently the most intelligent of the great apes) into expending diligent effort towards maintining a comfortable ecosystem for them to grow.

>> No.10781702
File: 175 KB, 490x368, Black Superemacy Truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veganism = white people's disease

>> No.10781706

They also manipulate us into eating them. This is their master plan.

>> No.10781715
File: 25 KB, 480x336, 1529027386632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haven't spoken to any blacks lately

>> No.10781723

I was referring to mammals, which still was a misuse of language.

>> No.10781730


It's definitely some type of mental defect that whites afraid of eating meats and proteins.

>> No.10781734

Neither do I when I eat meat, your point is?

>> No.10781753


lol. In china, we think of vegetarians and gays as mentally deficient... not retarded, but definitely not normal brain development.

>> No.10781754

>What's the point of anesthesia if you can feel pain, while being unconscious
I think the rationale is that it's arguably better for everyone if you can't remember the experience of being cut open and operated on

>> No.10781761

>Do you think bacteria enjoy living in a small jar and getting fried in extra-virgin olive oil?
Probably no
>Do you think they enjoy living in shit and getting flushed down the toilet?
Probably yes

>> No.10781764
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Hitler was a vegetarian and he was the wokest person to ever walk the earth. You need to have reached a certain degree of spirituality to care for the earth and all it's creatures and to sacrifice yourself to improve their lives.

>> No.10781767

How do you not know about trophic levels? It takes 10 plant calories to grow a single calorie's worth of meat.

>> No.10781772

>Yeast is a fungus, not an animal.
See the rest of the thread regarding mushrooms and fungi, retard

>> No.10781782

>taking delusional niggers seriously

>abstaining from eating animals because you possess basic empathy means you're "afraid" of eating them
I like the taste of meat. I'm not scared of it, I just recognize that I can easily meet my nutritional needs without eating animals and "I enjoy the taste" is not sufficient justification for murder.

Anyway, I really love how triggered you guys get over this issue. I honestly don't understand why alt-right manly-man types have decided that veganism is the topic over which they're going to completely flip out but whatever the reason, it's hilarious. Look at what angry tryhards these guys are:

>> No.10781804

>Anyway, I really love how triggered you guys get over this issue

Not triggered. But veganism is one of the few moral virtues that separates us whites from the shitskins and other savage cultures.

We CHOOSE not to eat animals because we have evolved a superior sense of empathy and higher brain function than those savages.

Morality is one of the few distinguishing factors of humanity.

>> No.10781807


>> No.10781814

I basically agree with you, but beganism is not unique to western countries. It's fairly widespread in india. There are actually people there who have been vegetarians for generations and some eat nothing but fruits.

>> No.10781815

You're really stretching the term. It's already been established in this thread that fungi are not plants, and we're descended from them (they're essentially proto-animals). Would it be murder to eat a button mushroom? Of course not, as murder is only applicable to the intentional killing of humans by definition

>> No.10781818
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>> No.10781819
File: 3 KB, 290x174, Vegan Virtue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10781820

>We descended from mushrooms
Well, looking at some of the posts in here, this seems almost plausible.

>> No.10781825

>It's fairly widespread in india.

Indians don't choose to be Vegans out of free will. Those moron are literally taught that eating a cow = eating grandma.

We CHOOSE not to eat animals, not out of brainwashing, but out of our evolved sense of ethics and morality. Not some imagniary god in the sky.

>> No.10781828

I'm not vegan in the least but in my experience I see anti-vegans pissing and moaning and bitching about vegans WAY more than vegans bitch about omnivores. And really, the whole "some animals die when veggies are harvested" is the dumbest fucking all-or-nothing type argument I've heard.

>> No.10781832


This. Carni niggers & shitskins = zero ability to logic

>> No.10781840

>some animals die when veggies are harvested
That is a complete understatement. We literally have an entire industry that is dedicated to inventing and producing poisons to kill animals that eat our crops. Millions upon millions of insects die every year and so do animals that depend on them.

>> No.10781845
File: 66 KB, 500x618, euphoric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indians don't choose to be Vegans out of free will. Those moron are literally taught that eating a cow = eating grandma.
>We CHOOSE not to eat animals, not out of brainwashing, but out of our evolved sense of ethics and morality. Not some imagniary god in the sky.
Honestly, genuinely, it's time for you to grow up. You've got a broken worldview that only demonstrates to others that you either haven't spent the time or don't have the mental faculties to consider what's important in life.

>> No.10781847

Lol veganism means to not use unnecessary animal products in anyform. If it meant to only eat plants and plants only vegetarianism would be no different from veganism. So when buying boots you would by plastic instead of leather. However if rabbits in the wild uncultivated need to die in order for me to eat plants and fungi and not eat more harmful mass produced meats I will.

>> No.10781858

nice, this takes me back.

>> No.10781859

A vegan world would be devoid of animals. No cows, no sheep, no goats, no chicken, nothing. These animals would not have even come into existance if it hadn't been for carnivores. How is it more compassionate to replace millions of cows with rows of corn that are being sprayed with poison? It's a sick joke.

>> No.10781863

>It's already been established in this thread that fungi are not plants, and we're descended from them (they're essentially proto-animals).
What kind of retarded shit is this supposed to be? I don't kill sentient beings for my food. That's it. You can play these dumb games all you want but no sane person thinks that mushrooms are animals and your entire "argument" is based on the most absurd of strawmen.

These dietary choices are about living while causing the least harm possible and it doesn't really matter what you decide yeast or fungi "really" are, they're still obviously lesser beings than animals. No one has ever claimed that vegetarianism or veganism are completely harmless lifestyles. They're just less harmful than the alternative.

>> No.10781881

I'd link you some harder science, but Joe Rogan is probably more on your brainlet wavelength :^)

>> No.10781884

Ots not loke these animals are full of hormones anti biotics and other pollutants. Remeber these animals still have to eat these rows of corns sprayed with poison. The only difference is it gets concentrated in their flesh and you eat it. With new advances in genetic engineering we can now rapidly create better crops with less pollution. Just now its far more carbon neutral and takes less water and land than meat.

>> No.10781887

I'm not that other guy and I'd like to see some of your hard science.

>> No.10781889

Just because somebody in the thread (correctly) pointed out that fungi and animals share a common ancestor does not mean that a fungus is a type of animal. This is not debatable. You're just wrong.

>> No.10781894

Holy shit you vegans are fucking obnoxious and preachy.

Do you people ever shut the fuck up, for even one second?