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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 777 KB, 2448x3264, rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10777668 No.10777668 [Reply] [Original]

Would you feel comfortable taking rolls from open-air baskets like these?

>> No.10777679

What seems to be the problem with this?

>> No.10777684

ewww no

>> No.10777698

Dude i eat ass
Thats a yes
It makes your immune system straungerr

>> No.10777700

define "comfortable"
as in: "i'd better feel everyone of these to make i get the softest, freshest one"
or is it more like: "i dont feel comfortable with taking ones that everyone else has already touched"

>> No.10777718

I always sneeze on buffet food

>> No.10778034

Are you kidding?

>> No.10778059

I do at points, but it'd depend on the setting.

For example, at a relatively local grocery store I've seen an old man with talon like nails pierce balls of mozzarella between his thumb and forefinger, eat them, and resume dipping his hand into the water.

When I do grab rolls from open baskets, I wait for them to be fresh if feasible. That having been said, a lot of the places I buy them prepackage them to some extent even if they're freshly made.

>> No.10778083
File: 60 KB, 336x450, 7DAB40E9-731D-41B7-A969-601D9D0EB44E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10778154

Dunno. Do I feel like getting hepatitis?

>> No.10778180


somewhat related: don't put food on the seat of shopping carts unless you like literal child feces on your food

>> No.10778192

other people are disgusting creatures that don't wash their hands after using the shitter.

so thats gonna be a no from me dawg

>> No.10778193


>> No.10778202

that bread looks like my lizard shit

>> No.10778974

I just imagine some little kid sneezing all over them and I'm like ehhhh

>> No.10778998

OP those are carts

>> No.10779018


>> No.10779027

they're clearly baskets sitting on something else. look in the lower left corner

>> No.10779044

the question is would you eat one without paying?

>> No.10780623

I was raised better than that.

>> No.10780630


>> No.10780632

no, as i am not a nigger.
if i were a nigger, i'd opt to steal something more to my tastes, like flamin hot cheetos and a soda

>> No.10780653
File: 187 KB, 493x449, 1510846246031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical fucking American

If the food doesmt come in some kind of packaging its automatically "gone bad"

>> No.10780780

You realize that packaging was originally introduced both to make food last longer and for health reasons, right?

>> No.10780790


>> No.10780793


>> No.10780795

I tell my girl don't wipe, got to keep my immune system alpha

>> No.10780801

In a first world country where I can trust people to have basic hygiene and some basic social awareness? Sure, why wouldn't I?

In the United States of America? Jesus fuck no.

>> No.10780829

You do realize food doesnt always have to be packaged right?

>> No.10780842

Why do Americans worry about germ-related health concerns so much but not about concerns related to the ingredients of their food?

>> No.10780875

Nope. I assume flu virus booger-fingered children have touched everything they can reach. You can't wash bread.

>> No.10780946

puritanism influence

>> No.10781232

No, and the answer is simple.

Want to sit back and watch people eat your cum and/or snot? This is the place to do it then. Maybe it turns you on. Maybe you're just an asshole. Either way, I'm not going to let you get your rocks off.

>> No.10781477
File: 48 KB, 618x410, 6085587881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is wrong with Americans, they see food out in the open and the first thing that comes to mind is hey lets cum in it or something. Then theres the others who think wow someone probably cummed all over this food or something.

Yall mentally retarded or sumthin?

>> No.10781857

Europeans are taught to fear modern technology because their governments are too busy paying for brown people to live and commit crimes to upgrade their infrastructure

>> No.10781922

No? Do you americans do that? You dont know what bum or whore or aids infested nigger touched it before you and you want to put buns in there ? Also people break shit in those and people who work in super markets are usually the most lazy ones so they dont clean them the proper way.
What country are you from because I lived in couple countries here and I've never ever saw anyone in Europe putting any kind of bread, buns or roll in the basket without some foil or bag to protect them.

>> No.10781932
File: 12 KB, 262x192, 'MERICA! FUCK YEAH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wtf is wrong with Americans
>Yall mentally retarded or sumthin?

Why are you foreign faggots always so obsessed and jealous of us?

>> No.10781943

I think he meant it this way
>sit home
>play vidya
>fap all day
>ran out of dorritos
>quick run to the store no need to shower