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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 720x707, 1505371526811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10777561 No.10777561 [Reply] [Original]

Would you buy food from the Amish?

>> No.10777564

I buy 2-3 hogs from the Amish ever year.

>> No.10777569

How much for the blonde and can she take dick yet?

>> No.10777579

I grew up in Central PA and have really good memories of eating cinnamon pretzels and pigs in a blanket from an Amish market.

I work in agriculture now and did a travel job out of school and they actually have some decent sized greenhouse flower operations in Wisconsin and Texas believe it or not.

>> No.10777586
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I would buy an amish

>> No.10777594

I have done so many times in the past, I don't see why I should stop now.

>> No.10777601

>pigs in a blanket
sleep tight pigger

>> No.10777602

I"ve had a fetish for amish chicks ever since that bad touch music video by bloodhoud gang.

>> No.10777612

amish women are disgusting. they don't know how to shower and they're always sweaty and bulky from manual labor

>> No.10777625

Anabaptists are heretics

>> No.10777637

anon please stop I can only get so erect

>> No.10777661
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Yes I would buy produce from an amish woman with bare feet

>> No.10777671

>painted nails
>digital camera
why are they cosplaying as amish

>> No.10777678


>> No.10777690


Imagine all the milking by hand
Theyll fucking rip your dick off

>> No.10777705

>go to amish market
>they're driving in with rubber on their wheels
>gtfo and go back to growing my own

buyer beware

>> No.10777719
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>> No.10777739
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>Imagine all the milking by hand
I am now...

>> No.10777742

That image is literally an advertisement for Amish clothing.

>> No.10777744

Me on the left

>> No.10777779
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>> No.10777803
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S U G A R C R E A M P I E. My fav of all midwestern "cuisine" desu

>> No.10777805
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I'm jealous of these Amish chad, they get to bang the best bae

>> No.10777809


>> No.10777815

going bald is like a blessing in disguise for these chucklefucks

>> No.10778284

BRB converting to a Mennonite for Amish pussy.

>> No.10778300

nigga, auntie anne's at the mall is not an amish market.

>> No.10778307


>> No.10778721

so they're basically like orthodox jews, but less inbred? or just as inbred?

>> No.10778759
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only g*rmans are autistic enough to LARP as 18th century wypipo

>> No.10778782
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There's a town called Kiryas Joel in the lower Hudson Valley which is a full renfaire-tier ultra-orthodox theocracy, they make the Amish look like a bunch of Rhodes scholars

>> No.10778825

Probably more inbred, considering they don't accept converts.

High-birthrate religious groups ranked:
Mormons > Amish >>> Haredim

>> No.10778854

ya germans larping as germans what freaks am i right my christcuck friend

>> No.10778897

fufck yeah, their mustard makes me nut. I pay a lot for the different types and they are so good. You can find a pack of 6 on amazon that is awesome.

>> No.10778945

Brap hogs or like actual pig animals?

>> No.10779041

Aren't the Amish the ultimate christcucks? I mean, you can slaughter their children and they'd still forgive you. Pathetic.

>> No.10779049

>Brap hogs
I laughed and raged at the same time
Brap posters need to be gassed
But not before they spread the gospel of brap

>> No.10779095

no because there are no government regulations on their good. thus i can't be sure that it's safe to eat

>> No.10779130

My heart can't take it when I see cute Amish girls at the farmer's market. It hurts me but I can't stay away

>> No.10779151

I do, yes. Best god damn bacon I've ever had.

>> No.10779187

I have no idea what a "brap hog" is.
I mean the pig animal. You know, pork meat.

>> No.10779189

Less inbred as they come from a larger initial population

>> No.10779233

Oh fug, I came damnit!

>> No.10779566

yes and i have

>> No.10779569

Their food is actually pretty good. Slightly Americanized traditional German food, basically.

>> No.10779576

Yes, unless it was jewish 'vark sauce shit.

>> No.10779580
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>I have no idea what a "brap hog" is.
just going to leave this little braaaper here

>> No.10779583

>Brap posters need to be gassed
uh thats kinda what they want
sniff sniff

>> No.10779644

Oh wow.. A wild Arizonan Brad boar. Exquisite

>> No.10779797 [DELETED] 

You mean kikes?

>> No.10779979
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>> No.10779989

I bought maple syrup last month from a guy wearing some sort of traditional looking hat at the farmers market.

>> No.10780238

Every year my farmer's market (and throughout year our local co-ops and corner markets) carry a lot of Amish products. The things I typically buy from them: honey, blueberries, raspberries, bacon, and their flour.

They are always down to haggle, and where I've spent most of my undergrad at farmer's markets and the food co-op they all give me small freebies per purchase. They're solid people in my area.

>> No.10780273

There's this amish place around the corner that makes sandwiches. They're all cold, no cooking allowed for some reason. I don't think there's a pig farm for 50 miles around here, I know they just go to the publix across the street for their ham and cheese and bread.

>> No.10780340

Yeah, they're cool in my limited experience.

>> No.10780343

>le amish friendship bread meme

>> No.10780798

Lmao at those basedbeards. How's the onion patch going, Isiah?

>> No.10780803

I would wife that redhead in an instant.

>> No.10780811
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Terrible feet on all three

>> No.10780834

Already have. They sell foods at the Dutchess county fair.

Plus as a kid I went to the Plain and Fancy Restaurant in Amish country.

>> No.10780836

Screencapped for r/amishbtfo

>> No.10780992

It's a BBQ place now. The farm is still there and they have the attractions still.

>> No.10781190

This post has no right being as funny as it is.

>> No.10782180

Only two are single.

>> No.10782262


>> No.10782433

No, you just need to grow the fuck up.

>> No.10782439

>not being called Jedediah or some shit like that
>fucking a smelly amish woman
Hard choice

>> No.10782498

>implying american food has any regulations

>> No.10782510

Lived in Central PA for a few years, bought a lot of food from the Amish, spent a decent amount of time around them, and overall really enjoy them as people. If i ever had an inkling of religious faith, I'd probably fuck off and hang out with them full-time.

>> No.10783987

yeah, and they make good egg noodles

>> No.10784028

t. statue worshipper

>> No.10784035

I fucking hate the Amish.

Until you've driven behind one of those fucking buggies for 10+ miles you can't really judge the Amish.

Also Amish bitches look like austin powers, They can't paint their nails, get braces, shave their pussies, wear perfume, ect.

It's literally like fucking a muscular, smelly, hairy, man.

If it was up to me I'd imprison them all just to keep them off the roads.

>> No.10784042


>> No.10784044

Not true about the Austin powers thing. There are a lot of them around where I live and some of those girls are totally beautiful

>> No.10784045

lol then they aren't Amish buddy.

>> No.10784047

you can pass the buggies...

>> No.10784050

you have no fucking clue what you are talking about

>> No.10784074

You sound mentally ill

>> No.10784085
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Not quite Amish but there's a store run by Mennonites nearby that I go to. They dress kinda like that but they use electricity and other modern conveniences.

They make some fine cheese.

>> No.10784086

You sound like a retarded faggot

>> No.10784099
File: 61 KB, 960x352, shadymaple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot's of Amish cuties work at this place. It was our school-skipping destination when I was back in high school because the all you can eat buffet cost $7.50 for breakfast and it was from front to back it was the length of a football field.

>> No.10784101

Pickled beets, pickles, relish, sauerkraut, sausages, pretzels, pies......................

>> No.10784102
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pic related

>> No.10784106
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Also, bitches don't know bout this shit.

>> No.10784112

I'd love to quit my boring dead end job and become an Amish.
How do I join?

>> No.10784133

Lebanese Amish?

>> No.10784155

How can one tell the difference between Amish, German baptists and mennonites?

>> No.10784161

By the shape of their clitoris

>> No.10784162

Lebanon Pennsylvania, heavily Amish area.

>> No.10784217

Tell me more please

>> No.10784229

As long as it's fresh, you'd be getting the best cows milk available. You just have only like 3 days expiry date. Also shake the shit out of it bc the top 1/8 is pure creamy goodness.

>> No.10784314

that's what they want you to do. Fuck that, i will drive slowly behind them to shame them for using old technology like they deserve to be

>> No.10784344

It's true. I used to be Amish until somebody shamed me by driving slowly behind my buggy. Now I visit 4chan every day and life has never been better.

>> No.10784423

I have but I live near mennonites so I buy stuff from them. Baked goods mostly their blackberry fried pies are great. And I buy started vegetable plants from them for $0.25 a piece.

>> No.10784429

>german baptists
hutterites, you mean.
If you speak german, it becomes readily apparent in the way each speaks. Different dialectics. For the rest of us, Amish are the ones who look most stereotypical. Hutterites keep simple dress though a little more modern, and aren't above technology in certain instances. They'll use tractors and they'll take their kids to amusement parks, though they still live on their collective farms.Mennonites are the difficult ones, because between them they're anywhere from basically amish to basically you and I.

>> No.10784438

post more amish qties pls

>> No.10784456

Me too. Two best times were with classmates after finishing finals and again after graduation, but before senior week.

>> No.10784470

I remember it particularly for the fried chicken and chocolate milk.

>> No.10784474

Which ones have the hottest bsbes?

>> No.10784479

good little purity-vampire mommies and daddies

>> No.10784485

I've got a buddy who is a menonite. When he told me (because it was not obvious at all) the first thing he said was "we're not amish." Like no shit bro your computer is more sophisticated than mine

>> No.10784499

I have noticed on this board that individuals will make threads based on previous comments from another thread.

>> No.10784500

If it's that aryan look you want, just go to northern germany or scandinavia proper. Anabaptist gene pools are so small that they're not often all that great, with the exception of some potemkin villages.
I guess hutterites seem mostly fine, and the old urban legend is that if you're a decent specimen they'll pay you a token amount to breed their women. Now this one is no legend: if you drive by their colonies at night you might rarely find one trying to escape the place. I knew a couple. They were cute enough.

>> No.10784504

Some are basically amish. The mennonites, like proper protestants, splintered into multiple sects with different interpretations of how to be a mennonite.

>> No.10784513

suckling piglets at their pale teats

>> No.10784584

we live in a society

>> No.10784604

>that's what they want you to do. Fuck that, i will drive slowly behind them to shame them for using old technology like they deserve to be


>> No.10784609

Who else /Lanc/ here?

>> No.10784641

Which district? Downingtown here.

>> No.10784671

>don't accept converts.
Neither do Jews

>> No.10784685

The amish do accept converts. You won't be turned away at the gate. It's just that, y'know, who the fuck would convert to old school anabaptism? You've got to give up everything nice about modern society and learn arcane german.

>> No.10784710

Eww no I might get some weird amish disease and become all old timey.

>> No.10784829

Sounds nice. Like running away to the Foreign Legion, but you don't have to kill anybody.

>> No.10784886

then go do it bitch

>> No.10784905

Except you get out of the foreign legion. You get everything a french citizenship and every veteran benefit the rest get.
Getting out of the anabaptists involves creeping deserted highways.

>> No.10785007

The fried chicken is typical Sysco fare but it's fried fresh in old-school pressure fryers which is the secret. Also the chocolate milk is literally just Turkey Hill.

t. worked there

>> No.10785021

as in what, an advertisement made by some non amish people making amish clothing to sell to the amish?

>> No.10785363

But I am talking about back in the 80's maybe early 90's.

>> No.10786160

fucking hell

>> No.10786163

Sure? Why not?

>> No.10786181
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>> No.10786185

Well they're definitely the same fryers from the 80's. Not sure if everything is the same recipes from back then though.

>> No.10786195

I can still hang out on 4chan though right?
Like maybe keep a phone stashed in the shitter and sneak in there a few hours a day?
Also maybe post some amish upskirt pics on /b/!

>> No.10786212
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>Also Amish bitches look like austin powers, They can't paint their nails, get braces, shave their pussies, wear perfume, ect.

That just means they are pure and unspoiled.
Literally malleable lumps of hairy clay to be moulded as i see fit.

>> No.10786213

717 checking in

>> No.10786228
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RIP "big doinks in Amish" guy.

>> No.10786235

The produce is probably good.

>> No.10786310

The produce is good, and cheap. All organic too usually cause old-school farming methods, so all you gotta watch out for is bugs and shit but they're usually really good on only selling the pretty stuff at markets and giving the shit stuff to their pigs and compost.

>> No.10786375
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I live on a farm next to the amish and mennonites and various forms of coptic folks. It took about a year for them to really open up to me when they realized I have shit they want and they have shit I want and I dont party loudly like the former owners of the farm did. There is talk that they want to buy some stock of my chickens, goats and pigs bc theyre higher quality animals than theirs.

Thing about all of these groups is they initially dont trust outsiders for good reason. The amish and mennonites tend to be wood fabricators and dont want you near their tools, and they dont want your influence on their children and women, whereas the coptic farmers raise meat for market, so its a biosecurity thing. After a while, usually by leaving them alone and working on your farm, they meander to your farm and open a dialogue.

Heres a rooster.

>> No.10786417

fuuuck, I miss this

>> No.10786471
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Wow cool looking bird!

Since they don't believe in insurance, in banks, and investments, that kind of thing being "gambling" they are usually very comfortably rich in ways you don't even see. They would probably be good neighbors never to let laziness drag down their property, affording maintenance and extras.

There are snowbird Amish in Florida, who operate great businesses from furniture to restaurants, but most of all delicious ice cream and farmers markets. City won't let them operate horses in the city, so there are all forms of bikes and bike powered buggies. The sarasota Pinecraft and nearby neighborhoods do have electricity, but you can see whole city blocks pitch black in the evenings with no lights on.

>> No.10786536

Look they are progressive, their shirts have buttons. Our true PA Amish don’t use such things.

>> No.10786542

yeah I bet florida summers are great without AC

>> No.10786620

Whats up with the blue door amish? Im too english to ask them

>> No.10786650

I went surfing in Pavones, Costa Rica and there’s white amish people in the hills who come down on the weekends and sell pies made with tropical fruit and they were the best thing I ate on that trip. They were even converting locals but I guess the lifestyle wasnt that differemt in the first place.

>> No.10786701

Are ya in food service? If so, where at?

>> No.10787652
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>> No.10787710

Hnnnnng, dem feet in the dirt next to cabbages! Thx, I came!

>> No.10787712

Am a chef in Lanc, that's about all I'll give though

>inb4 Wendy's chef

>> No.10788567

those are some manly feets

>> No.10789396

hell yeah. Natural food like milk, cheese, ice cream,meat,etc. food like how i grew up eating it. The best.

>> No.10789432
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>> No.10790125

Those are Mennonites, you fucktard.