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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 998x380, 1527413448150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10771833 No.10771833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

easy desserts to make at home?

>> No.10771884

I haven't heard anyone complain about this recipe. Are Leftists making shit up once again?

>> No.10771895


It's OK. We'll hold your hand. It's hard to do a simple Google search!

>> No.10771900

You don't remember /ck/ calling Townsends a cuck when this video came out?

>> No.10771901

Trump supporters are the biggest fucking snowflakes in existence.

>> No.10771902
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>> No.10771926

He literally had to make a second video explaining it's just a dessert.

>> No.10771933

OHHH yeah my man townsends making drama for himself.

>> No.10771951

so it IS just lefties making shit up once again

>> No.10771958
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t. Everything I don't like is fake news Trumpkin.

>> No.10771961
File: 269 KB, 2048x1389, 7BHYUVTIZVAT3IHAIR55FZFBSM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vice was founded by an alt-right neo-nazi

>> No.10771962

>The typically quaint comments section of the Townsends video was quickly inundated with mentions of "cucks" and MAGA. The reaction to the video was so acrimonious—viewers on both sides of the aisle argued, and Trump supporters threatened to unsubscribe—that Townsends decided to issue a response video two days later, titled "The Intrusion Of Modern Politics On Our YouTube Channel," to address the perceived political motivations of "orange fool."
Weird how they couldn't screencap a single one

>> No.10771966

it's just amusing what you bottom dwelling algae feeders consider news. It makes me giggle because you haven't learned a thing from the last election.

>> No.10771976

unironically calls his group "proud boys" LOL

>> No.10771993

Kebab here. Your grandkids are gonna look like me. Bahahahaha

>> No.10771996

He arguably founded the concept of the modern hipster as well.
He's not a nazi, though. More of a libertarian.

>> No.10771999


>> No.10772021

Technically he wasn't wearing an SS uniform when he hailed Hitler, nor does he specifically call for the annexation of the Sudetenland nor has he, to my knowledge, ever used the word "Gleichschaltung" in reference to his goals for greater Germany, so how can you call him a nazi? Liberals are so quick with the N-word, I find it very offensive and traumatic.

>> No.10772028

>"neo" nazi
>a member of an organization similar to the German Nazi Party.

are you trolling or are you seriously so pedantic that you think you're making a good point?

>> No.10772044
File: 30 KB, 560x420, liberals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. lime chomping, self-hating white guilt liberal arts barista who knows nothing about the real world

now make me my cappucchino, cuck, or I'll report you to corporate

>> No.10772048

Nice trips
And nice lack of context too.
McInnes is himself a race mixer. He just thinks that even racist assholes get to have freedom of speech.

I don't even like the guy but you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.10772056

That conservahick projection tho

>> No.10772060
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>> No.10772061

>had to

>> No.10772066

>>a member of an organization similar to the German Nazi Party.
You self defeated yourself there.

>> No.10772069

>race mixer.

That doesn't matter. Straight married men can still be wife beating misogynists. Likewise, being married to someone of a different race doesn't give you a free pass for engaging in racist bullshit. Try again, sweaty.

>> No.10772098

>doesn't give you a free pass for engaging in racist bullshit

Everyone gets a free pass because there's nothing wrong with being racist lol

>> No.10772130

he says from his safe space

>> No.10772142

Lol Gavin was a lefty cuck when he started vice and is starting to show his lefty cuckery again.

>> No.10772144

War is peace. We have always been at war with eastasia.

>> No.10772150

Nothing wrong being fired for being racist either.

>> No.10772176

im a commie but vice is just a clickbait site for affluent "leftist" kids, so they will say the darnest things for clicks

Not because they are the (((deep state))), retards

>> No.10772184

its fairly obvious the video was made as a jab since it was released on inauguration day for Trump

the video was him doing damage control (typically weaselly behavior from lefties)

>> No.10772201

>it's okay when Trump does it

>> No.10772207
File: 237 KB, 486x305, fn56dd5a4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, and comet ping poing was chosen by the (((globalists))) as the HQ for their pedo dungeon because "pizza" is part of the phrase "cheese pizza" which dan rather blinks at you in morse code during his nightly broadcast

>> No.10772460

This is the video that caused all the trouble. It came out July 4th, and was apparently that particular recipe was suggested by one of the Mt Vernon people, who may or may not have been trolling. James Townsend is too pure for this world.


>> No.10772500

No, you idiot. /pol/ brainlets unironically got mad at it.

>> No.10772511
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It's funny how often this image applies both to SJWs and /pol/ when it comes to their own shit.

>> No.10772539

It literally blew up on /ck/

>> No.10772549
File: 374 KB, 645x356, CNN-KFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When main stream and social media are on a 24/7 crusade to demonize you and everything you believe in or stand for it's easy to start seeing everything as an attack like >>10772184. This was a false alarm, but I get how someone might jump to that conclusion if they weren't a Townsend viewer like I am.

>> No.10772578

>being on 4chan

You /pol/ brainlets are so oblivious it's astounding. Nobody is upset or offended that you're racist or support Trump or whatever your flavor may be. What pisses people off is how you're for the most part hypocritical, obnoxious and take every opportunity to inject politics into conversation even when unwarranted. You're just as bad as the faggots on the left and hopefully they gas all of you.

>> No.10772585

who is "they"?

>> No.10772589

le epic jew boogeyman obviously

>> No.10772610


>> No.10772647

So... no dessert recipes? Thanks /ck/

>> No.10773472

you cant even go on wikipedia mate

>> No.10773487

I've never heard or it once outside of 4chan and some things 4chan taints directly. Beyond that, it doesn't exist.

>> No.10773511

Is this true?

>> No.10773541

I love Vice. But I know better than to take very seriously anything coming from an organization so named. They're just infotainment, like Fox.

>> No.10773557

No he doesn't because he's summerfag who doesn't browse 4chan during the school year because his mommy gets mad at him. Otherwise why would he post about something that were literally did? It's like he's saying he found a really great YouTube channel and it ends up being Ja/ck/'s. Dipshit OP

>> No.10773567

It's almost like you're talking about something a year old and expecting the owners of the YouTube channel didn't delete the comments as soon as they were posted. You really are too stupid to function aren't you? Maybe if you posted this last year, when we were actually involved in it, then you'd get better traction, retard.

>> No.10773597

worst thread on /ck/ right now. this is why everyone hates americans.
>trump is god!
>no, trump is hitler!
fuck off back to /pol/ with this. doesnt it get old for you people at all?

>> No.10773680

lol who the fuck drinks cappuccinos

>> No.10773686

But our lives revolve around drumpf and the policies that don’t really affect our every day lives regardless of who’s in office

>> No.10773704
File: 54 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.1038809792_m5w9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself, one of the best restaurants in my city, one where I have spent hundreds of dollars over the years, is under threat of closing because the owners and all the staff (the owner's kids) are DACA cases

We had nothing but shit quality Mexican food until this place opened up

>> No.10773730

Right, who cares about unemployment and terrorism when we can have better tacos?

>> No.10773759

It's in a ghetto neighborhood surrounded by liquor stores with bulletproof counters, payday loan centers, and horrible fried chicken chains, until they opened nobody with any money had any reason to venture into that part of town and now people are paying attention and neighborhood property values are going up. They are quite literally making America a better place
The vast majority of terrorist attacks are committed by white male incels, maybe we should round them up and put them in camps instead

>> No.10773766

lol you really are a simpleton, aint ya?

>> No.10773769

Reddit: the thread

>> No.10773772

On the contrary, I went to school and have a job that doesn't involve shoveling dirt, so my livelihood isn't affected by brown immigrants who don't speak english.

>> No.10773780
