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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10762439 No.10762439 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys know which is the cheapest food to buy in bulk? I’m trying to gain weight by eatting healthy. Chicken wings or Breasts? Ground Beef? Which is best to eat with rice? How should I cook them?

>> No.10762449

>Chicken wings or Breasts?
These are the most expensive bits of chicken.

Cheapest chicken bit is thighs or leg quarters, which is thigh and drum, usually $1/lb. Chicken breast $2-3 per pound, same with ground beef. You can get bulk for even cheaper, like buying a whole chicken and roasting it yourself. You can get down to like seventy cents per pound buying bulk.

>> No.10762465

Liver and cottage cheese. You're obviously stupid and lazy, so buying liverwurst is also a good option, and goes nicely with cottage cheese.

>> No.10762471

That sounds absolutely disgusting

>> No.10762483
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>> No.10762488


>> No.10762491
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>> No.10762519

Liver shaman can you please provide me with the best way to prepare it? Which kind of liver is best?

>> No.10762523

Chicken thighs are cheaper than breasts and retain weight better.

>> No.10762536
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How has no one said bologna yet, or hot dog
Also milk and eggs
Obviously not fancy, but the clear advantage here being that these keep for much longer than typical raw meats

>> No.10762603

OP said healthy, bologna and hot dogs are okay once in a while but you shouldn't be eating them often.

>> No.10762615
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You just need to jazz it up with some veggies and stuff

>> No.10762630

Cheapest food:
Canned tuna
Canned sardines
Dried peas/beans
Chicken breast
Ground pork/beef

And whatever vegetables of your choice. Suggest garlic, onion, broccoli, ginger, tomatoes, avocado, carrots and okra
Rice is my preferred source of carbs and additional calories. Dirt cheap and goes well with alot of the food above

>> No.10762636

Forgot Cottage Cheese too

sucks liver cost kinda much here
you must be over 18 to post here

>> No.10762639

>dollar per can of tuna
Is that really cheap?
10 cans or 10lbs of chicken for $10?

>> No.10763182

how big is a can in your 3rd world country?
One can here is 4lbs, thus you'll get 40lbs of tuna for $10. And tuna got as much if not more proteins than chicken breast. Just be careful to not eat too much to avoid mercury poisoning

>> No.10763228

cheapest versatile cut would definitely be chicken thighs like other people have said
you can get ground beef and pork shoulder about as cheap sometimes
if you're trying to gain weight you should up the fat content and eat more rice, it's hard and expensive to eat large enough portions of just meat to gain a significant amount of weight

>> No.10763231


>> No.10763232


>> No.10763246

>Being so malnourished that your weak stomach vomits at a thought

>> No.10763248

Bullshit on your cans being 1lb

>> No.10763272

you do not have 4lb cans of tuna in your stores, you have no idea how much food a pound is

>> No.10763310

hahahah benis in anus XDDDD

>> No.10763320

>cheapest protein

Drink skim at least once a twice a day. that's all the animal protein ya need.

>> No.10763329

wheat flower

>> No.10763336


>> No.10764982

With the amount of vegan-posting and how forced it is on /ck/ I wonder if they're kike-paid shills trying to lower everyone's testosterone. It happens on other boards plenty.

>> No.10765004

There is usually free protein bars or shakes in people's lockers at the gym. You can also usually gank some nice belts.

>> No.10765054

pork is generally much cheaper than most other meats, where a pound of ground pork will cost you maybe a dollar and change.
unfortunately, with wings having become an absolute necessity at every bar and tavern, the price has been driven to stupid high levels.

>> No.10765062

Keratin. You can get it free from the floor at barbers.

>> No.10765618
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Vegans have higher testosterone

>> No.10765630

Chicken thighs is usually cheapest, but occasionally your grocery store will have a sale because they fucked up, something wasn't popular that week for one reason or another, etc etc. Safeway has an online store/delivery so I just check what that week's deal is before making my shopping list. I've gotten 23 lbs of beef before for 14 bucks, I've gotten a rack of extra meaty ribs for 6 bucks, and chicken breast for about $1/lb just by keeping an eye out.

>> No.10765652
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Buying whole chickens is the way to go. It takes all of 3 minutes to separate one once you've gotten the hang of it. Even if you consider the bones waste (protip:fucking don't) it still comes out to like half the cost of the next cheapest cut. I just priced it online at Kroger. For the exact same brand (Heritage Farm) The per pound cost of breasts is $3.50, thighs $3, and whole bird $1.10. Factor in you only get a meat yield of about 70%, that still puts whole bird meat at $1.43/lb.

>> No.10765660

and much higher SHGB to go along with it, they have lower than peer free testosterone which is what men care about when talking about their T levels.

>> No.10765662

I honestly would have never expected that. Does that transfer over to organic birds? Does Kroger even sell whole organic chickens?

>> No.10765675

They might, you'd have to look. Failing that you could always go to an organic grocery, but you'll probably be more expensive than regular grocery store breasts at that point. If there were one "buzzword" to care about with meat and nutrition/health, I'd go with grass fed. It increases omega-3s.

>> No.10765703

Organic doesn't include grass-fed, but it does include a lack of growth hormone usage, correct? That's actually a larger concern, no? I was always under the impression that both growth hormones and an unnatural diet would have effects that would be felt higher up the food chain, but of the two, growth hormones were a bigger issue.

>> No.10765735

Pork is amazing. Usually very cheap but great for cuts because it’s lean.

>> No.10765742

I'm no expert or anything, so I can only just guess. From most of what I've read, poultry doesn't receive growth hormone, and I'd make sense since growth hormone is relatively expensive to produce. I get it with cows, since each one is more investment and return. I wonder even if they did, does eating the meat even do anything? The hormone, if even present in the meat, would it survive digestion? If it does, would the small amount present present any risk? Athletes and biohackers are all about HGH and it's benefits. But buy whatever you are comfortable with, if you really care that much, do some real research, try to interpret journals over some PhD of nutritional science faggots blog.

>> No.10765744

>only one post mentions a real protein
>the human body can't digest it

>> No.10765752

Poultry inherently isn't allowed to have growth hormones or steroids. Same for pork. USDA regulations. It's allowed on beef though.

Organic company marketing lol.

>> No.10765776

Thanks anons. Good to know.

>> No.10765843

Not him but pig and lamb livers are the best because they're soft. Just roll them in flour + a lil salt and pepper and fry them. God tier. Cow liver is tough and meant for stews, but if you slice it thinly, put it in beaten egg and then fry or even boil it's still good.

>> No.10766063

Not him but -
Buy chicken livers . They’re about 30p for a 250g tub here in Scotland .
Roll them in seasoned flour and fry them.
I like to have fried onion with them done in the same pan.
Some people like them rare but I prefer to cook them until the outsides are almost crispy.
You’re in for a great if you try these ,seriously .
Fuck. I’m going to have to buy some now and make that dish.
Cook them in a light oil and then throw a knob of butter in at the end .
I know you’re doing things cheap but if you can afford to throw a little fresh thyme in the pan too then it lifts the flavour to another level.
Get in the habit of growing your own herbs on a window ledge . Thyme,rosemary ,basil are all god tier and will transform most meals from mediocre to delicious .

>> No.10766067

I’ve stopped eating Tuna after the Fukushima nuclear reactor leakage .
You probably should too. Don’t take my word for it do a bit of research. This isn’t tin foil hat stuff it’s real .

>> No.10766076

wings have gone up 500% in price since the 90s, they used to be considered a shit food because there's so little meat

>> No.10766277

I drink like 2-3 cups of 2% milk every day. Thats 30-33g of protein, 36g sugar, not to bad. Have some cans of sardines. Eggs while low in protein (7 or so), they have very good quality protein and other important vitamins as well. Beans are great as well. Also look for those big packs of chicken breast that have like 5-6 tenders. The foster farms one is the cheapest at my store. I buy that and freeze it, i believe it was 23g of protein for every 4oz. One tender will be around 50g protein. Its not that hard but it requires a lot of cooking, which is ok here obviously, but most people arent willing to do that and would rather get a double quarter pounder at mcdonalds. No skin off my back

>> No.10767588
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>> No.10767601

marinade in soy sauce and just fucking eat it
don't eat too much though, you will grow tits, start lactating and your balls will fall off

>> No.10767694


I drink a gallon of milk every 2 days and eat a whole cow roughly once a month, then several dozen chickens and about 6 pigs worh of ribs.

>> No.10767699


Same goes for my st louis spare ribs.

>> No.10767704


>what are growth hormones

Vegan kid tried to pick a fight with me once, i lathered myself up in pork fat and wrestled the little shit to the ground, and then squeezed the pork fat off my hairy man tits right in his mouth. He died on the spot, true story.

>> No.10768820
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>Cheapest protein

>> No.10768886

In the US, you can but a 5lb sack for $1.49 which provide 226g of protein. That's 1.5g of the stuff per penny. By contrast, eggs are 99¢-$1.49 per dozen large which is 84g of protein total, over double the cost of protein from flour.

>how to cook it
Mix the flour with water to make dough. Knead and knead and knead and knead and knead. Wash the dough in several changes of water (if desired, retain the starch that washes off to make skin noodles; ask for more info, if you're interested), kneading some more with each wash. Eventually, you'll be left with a solid mass of gluten weighing between 350g-500g. Slice it thinly and simmer in 1-2 cups of beef stock (from a stock cube is fine). Then store for future use. Congratulations: you just made seitan.

>to serve with rice
Stir-fry the beef-flavoured gluten strips with vegetables. Better yet if you add them to a bean chili. Bean proteins + wheat protein (IE gluten) = complete protein. Just 20g of homemade seitan has more protein than 100g of beef, so a little goes a long way.

For a less work-intensive complete protein source, eggs are nice. Also beans and rice.

>> No.10768933

cum in a crock-pot

>> No.10768938

>create tasty food with 26 grams of protein per 100grams
>make it so it poisons you with 10000% of your daily vitamin a allowance
what did God mean by this?

>> No.10768965

Go vegan.

>> No.10768971

He's trying to gain weight not waste away into a bitch mode faggot

>> No.10769001

Beans op beans
And they go well with rice.
You will not find a better source of protein.
Easy to find.
Easy to prepare.
Huge variety.

>> No.10769035
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