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File: 19 KB, 220x401, 220px-VB-stubbie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10750490 No.10750490 [Reply] [Original]

for me, it's VB

>> No.10750518

fuckin southern cunt

>> No.10750521

For me it's Cooper's pale ale in a stubbie

VB at the pub on tap

>> No.10752317

I'm always disappointed in the fact that the most memed beer here is also easily one of the worst tasting. Doesn't have any pleasant taste, lingers as much as water and loses it's head within milliseconds. There's so many good Aussie beers, it's just sad that advertising campaigns made every retard of city and country praise it.

>> No.10752327

It's fucking terrible.

>> No.10752369

It's the power of marketing. Corona from mexico is another great example. It routinely places dead last in blind tastings of mexican beer, but it's by far the largest export.

>> No.10752400

Mods should seriously consider purging all 'straya posts at noon EST.

>> No.10752412

That's not entirely fair to Mexican beer. Modelo is also widely exported, but is a far better brand, especially their dark lager.

>> No.10752828

Fuck off seppo
I fucking hate seeing those bottles down the street, literally homeless beer

>> No.10752902

VB really comes into its own though when you put a 30 pack of cans in an Esky with a few bags of ice and go out for a day of drinking in public.

>> No.10753449

wtf is that?

>> No.10753453

recommend me some aussie beers

>> No.10753462


>> No.10753477

Go to slowbeer.com.au and look for styles you like

>> No.10753481

like most people I think VB is shit but if its the only thing at a place I'll get amongst it.

>> No.10753493

It's supposedly the best-selling beer in Australia. Although, best-selling beers also tend to be watered-down swill that people only buy because it's cheap and well-marketed.

>> No.10753692

This, not to mention VB hangovers are the fucking worst.
I can knock back half a carton of XXXX, Carlton or Tooheys in a night and be good for work there next day but 4 VBs and I've got a headache for 2 days.

>> No.10753701

For big manufacturers
Great Northern
Carlton Cold
Tooheys Extra Dry
Some Cooper's beers are good too.
All nice refreshing ones

>> No.10753710

Straya can't into cheap beer or liquor though.
The only cheap alcohol we have is Goon.
Feels bad man

>> No.10753722


>> No.10753845
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>> No.10754647
File: 374 KB, 962x642, VBabos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10754658
File: 11 KB, 155x325, Methsv2-155x325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find a better price. Just gotta dilute it to 5%, goes down quite well.

>> No.10754665

Do abos really do this? Do they steal the petrol from your ute to sniff and then sleep in the middle of the road?

>> No.10754681

VB is great, I drink 12 a night, it's my favourite session beer, although I wish the gut I got would fuck off but after work my time is my time and drunken bliss calls to me like a sweet sirens song.

Pussy, although having said that I eat a large meal before bed and drink about a liter of water (plus about 3 liters during the day) which I find puts a damper on the whole hangover situation.

>> No.10755512

"Charlene! Grab these blokes a couple stubbies and a pack o' menthols!"

>> No.10755514

Do you chuck 'em in the ute?

>> No.10755531

Comes up even better.

>> No.10755543

degenerate al/ck/oholic

>> No.10755545

No, I'm a real Aussie. I drive a Japanese shit box.

>> No.10755552

Too soon, mate. Toyota shut down less than a year ago.

>> No.10755554

>tfw no charlene

Time to die

>> No.10755557

It's a Subaru

>> No.10755561

That's not a car, it's a dim sim on wheels.

>> No.10755887

Aussies love dim sims

>> No.10755997

They dont have to work, they can commit crimes and get away with it because "da white man is a racist white cunt"
They literally sit around on taxpayer dollars, drink 2 beers and then when they're wasted from that sniff some petrol to go back to the Dream Time.

>> No.10756004

>drinks 12 a night
>wonders why he's a fat cunt
mate you're drinking a day's worth of calorie intake just in alcohol.
take a break, smoke weed and drink some water. you'll shit out like 5kg a week just from doing that.

>> No.10756053
File: 90 KB, 388x314, dry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path as the better shitty beer to drink at partys*

>> No.10756089

Someone left a six pack of that shit in my fridge on new years eve and it's still in in there.

>> No.10756112

Dude I asked my brother to bring beer to Easter and he brought 36 Bud Lights. Please come drink them. Tough giving these shits away.

>> No.10756134

Use it to catch snails or clean the BBQ with it.

>> No.10756140

Not a bad idea my man. No snails here really, but 36 beer can chickens coming up! Maybe even pour a few into a chili.

>> No.10756253

I have no idea what Aussie beers you can get overseas. Maybe Little Creatures Pale Ale?

>> No.10756284

Pretty much this, anything you can find overseas is either stale or otherwise not worth drinking.

If you're in Australia though, there's plenty of stuff, you just have to specify style.

>> No.10756401

They had the best ads

>> No.10757696

>XXXX Gold

>> No.10758229

I've cooked up bulk onions for student pissups, bit of beer and sauce in them helps them along and stops them burning so quickly

>> No.10758244

>called bitter
>is actually a lager

>> No.10758265

I don't like Carlton draught at all but their ads used to be good.


>> No.10758268

Nothin better than a cool schooey of carlton mid after a long day

>> No.10759169
File: 13 KB, 384x384, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Cooper's stout.
The best beer for winter down under.

>> No.10759230

Fuck yeah OP.
Before I became a legit alcky I'd drink heaps of vb every week.

>> No.10759619

Fuck yeah south Australia represent.

>> No.10759624

for me it's carlton draught

>> No.10759671

Aussie expat here. You can get XXXX, VB, sometimes Cooper's and lolFoster's.
Fosters and VB over found to be the easiest to find but overall it's hard to find Aussie beer overseas because we overprice the fuck out of our beer and liquor.
Aussie wine is pretty common because of how cheap we sell goon

>> No.10760721

for me, it's whatever Dan Murphy's is doing a special on

>> No.10760777
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3016, IMG_20180424_124706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you, it's hollandia $30 carton.

>> No.10760802

get out you southern scum

>> No.10760891
File: 170 KB, 347x424, unnamed (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is better don't @ me nerd.

>> No.10761188

That stuff is actually not bad for a mitsubishi product.