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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 744x578, Keto-Breakfast-Burger-with-Avocado-Buns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10753169 No.10753169 [Reply] [Original]

>keto is a meme they say
>lose shit ton of weight
>blood work is perfect

what say you?

>> No.10753180

If anyone ever tried to make me eat that i would punch them in their prefered genitals.

>> No.10753183

Keto as a concept works but every keto recipe sucks dangly donkey dicks

>> No.10753204

Any extreme diet is a meme but probably what you're eating now is better than what you had before (fast food I assume), and probably with you paying attention to what you eat you're eating fewer calories per meal as well.

>> No.10753227

Of course your bloodwork is "perfect". Ketosis itself isn't bad. It's the lack of anti-inflammatory foods, and generally indulgence in things that are high sodium long-term that is bad. If you're smart and eat healthy, keto isn't a meme.

>> No.10753238

That would be good if all the ingredients were separated.

>> No.10753280

I'm of the opinion that this is the main reason keto works, you have to pay attention, plan ahead, and you can't eat the free donuts at the office

>> No.10753321

its also far more satiating, its suprisingly hard to over eat without carbs

>> No.10753380


>> No.10753621

People going on low-carb diets may not see a rise in their cholesterol levels. How is that possible? Because weight loss by any means can drop our cholesterol. We could go on an all-Twinkie diet and lower our cholesterol if we were unable to eat the dozen daily Twinkies necessary to maintain our weight. That’s why a good cocaine habit can lower cholesterol. Chemotherapy can drop cholesterol like a rock. Tuberculosis can work wonders on one’s waistline. Anything that drops our weight can drop our cholesterol. But, the goal isn’t to fit into a skinnier casket. The reason we care about cardiovascular risk factors like cholesterol is because we care about cardiovascular risk—the health of our arteries.

Well, now we have studies that have measured the impact of low-carb diets on arteries directly, and a review of all the best studies done to date found that low-carb diets impair arterial function, as evidenced by a decrease in flow-mediated dilation—meaning low-carb diets effectively cripple people’s arteries. And, since the meta-analysis was published, another study found the same thing. A dietary pattern characterized by high protein and fat, low carbohydrate, was “associated with poorer peripheral small artery function”—again measuring blood flow into people’s limbs. Peripheral circulation is great, but what about circulation in the coronary arteries that feed our heart?

>> No.10753623

There’s only been one study ever done measuring actual blood flow to the heart muscles of people eating low-carb diets, and this is it. Dr. Richard Fleming, an accomplished nuclear cardiologist, enrolled 26 people into a comprehensive study of the effects of diet on cardiac function using the latest in nuclear imaging technology—so-called SPECT scans—enabling him to actually directly measure the blood flow within the coronary arteries.

He then put them all on a healthy vegetarian diet, and a year later, the scans were repeated. By that time, however, ten of the patients had jumped ship onto the low-carb bandwagon. At first, I bet he was upset, but surely soon realized he had an unparalleled research opportunity dropped into his lap. Here, he had extensive imaging on ten people following a low-carb diet, and 16 following a healthy high-carb diet. What would their hearts look like at the end of the year? We can talk about risk factors all we want, but compared to the veg group, did the coronary heart disease of the patients following the Atkins-like diets improve, worsen, or stay the same?

Those sticking to the vegetarian diet showed a reversal of their heart disease, as expected. Their partially clogged arteries literally got cleaned out. They had 20% less atherosclerotic plaque in their arteries at the end of the year than at the beginning. What happened to those who abandoned the treatment diet, and switched over to the low-carb diet? Their condition significantly worsened. 40 to 50% more artery clogging at the end of the year. Thanks to the kind generosity of Dr. Fleming, we can actually see the changes in blood flow for ourselves.

>> No.10753625
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concerns noted

>> No.10753626
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Here are some representative heart scans. The yellow, and particularly red, represent blood flow through the coronary arteries to the heart muscle. This patient went on a plant-based diet, and their coronary arteries opened right up, increasing blood flow. This person, however, started out with good flow, but after a year on a low-carb diet, significantly clogged down their arterial blood flow.

This is the best science to date demonstrating the threat of low-carb diets, not just measuring risk factors, but actual blood flow in people’s hearts on different diets. Of course, the reason we care about cardiac blood flow is we don’t want to die. And, a meta-analysis was recently published that finally went ahead and measured the ultimate endpoint, death, and “low-[carb] diets were associated with a significantly higher risk of all-cause mortality”—meaning low-carbers living a significantly shorter lifespan.

>> No.10753630

(Above are the first lol)

H. Noto, A. Goto, T. Tsujimoto, M. Noda. Low-carbohydrate diets and all-cause mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. PLoS ONE 2013 8(1):e55030.
J. Merino, R. Kones, R. Ferré, N. Plana, J. Girona, G. Aragonés, D. Ibarretxe, M. Heras, L. Masana. Negative effect of a low-carbohydrate, high-protein, high-fat diet on small peripheral artery reactivity in patients with increased cardiovascular risk. Br. J. Nutr. 2013 109(7):1241 - 1247.
R. M. Fleming, K. Ketchum, D. M. Fleming, R. Gaede. Treating hyperlipidemia in the elderly. Angiology 1995 46(12):1075 - 1083.
R. M. Fleming, L. B. Boyd. The effect of high-protein diets on coronary blood flow. Angiology 2000 51(10):817 - 826.
F. L. Santos, S. S. Esteves, A. da Costa Pereira, W. S. Yancy Jr, J. P. L. Nunes. Systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials of the effects of low carbohydrate diets on cardiovascular risk factors. Obes Rev 2012 13(11):1048 - 1066.
L. Schwingshackl, G. Hoffmann. Low-carbohydrate diets impair flow-mediated dilatation: Evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br. J. Nutr. 2013 110(5):969 - 970.
R. M. Fleming. Reversing heart disease in the new millennium--the Fleming unified theory. Angiology 2000 51(8):617 - 629.

>> No.10753634
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I.Q. noted

>> No.10753638
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>> No.10753644

It's hard to overeat without PROCESSED carbs. Whole grains are a lot more satiating than white flour and sugar. I don't think anyone has become obese by eating lentils and fruits.

>> No.10753645

keto is not high protein

>> No.10753657

I'd rather live one day as Chad than 100 years as a soiboi

>> No.10753666

Regardless of what the diets were high in, these studies were about the lack of carbs more so than the amount of protein and fat. Both of the latter would be substantial of course.

>> No.10753672

>you have to pay attention
At first. Carbs are hiding everywhere.
>plan ahead
Not really.

Keto works because it lowers insulin and its pretty hard to eat many calories because you feel full so quickly. But mostly because it lowers insulin. You can put on fat on a starvation diet if your insulin is too high - your liver will break down protein to make glucose for your body to run on, and the insulin will promptly push it into the fat cells before your body can use it *and won't let it back out*, so your liver has to make more glucose. This happened to me about 30 yrs ago, I was determined that this time by damn I was gonna lose the weight, and I wound up in the hospital with the beginnings of metabolic failure from starvation - at 245 lbs.

>> No.10753673
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>> No.10753674

What's absurd about that statement is that Chad is a s0yboy. Wanna go over s0ybeans?

>> No.10753680

then why mention eating more vegetables?

>> No.10753686
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>> No.10753687
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Could I ask where this information was taken from? If this is OC then I wish you luck publishing.

>> No.10753689

anon you're on the only board where soy isn't filtered you don't have to put zeros in it

>> No.10753696

>high protein diet
Retard confirmed. Keto is not a high protein diet.

>> No.10753700
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>> No.10753705

The image is from Jeff Volek

>> No.10753709

See my devil trips? >>10753666

>> No.10753720

Thank you for that info.

Seems fitting.

>> No.10753724

Satan is the father of demonic trips and lies.

>> No.10753735


>> No.10753744

Satan must be the author of these posts then, huh
Regardless, the focus is on low carb. I don't care if you're a keto

>> No.10754131


The difference is that keto doesn't make anyone hungry, unlike most diets recommended for weight loss.

>> No.10754143

Keto seems to be working for my older brother. I eat like shit and I'm fat as fuck. It's not like these things aren't connected. Want to eat fatty shit? Then you look like fatty shit. Eat keto? Chances are high you won't look like 30 pounds of shit stuffed into a care bear.

>> No.10754446

just fuckin eat vegetables and shit like wtf, buy my book

>> No.10754469

keto is just meat and vegetables: the diet

>> No.10754489

just fuckin eat vegetables and shit and have red meat in moderation and avoid processed meat. buy my book.

>> No.10754510


>> No.10754523

Your brain needs glucose. Your brain can't utilize ketones as effectively as glucose, and only does so when it's starving. Keto is a brainlet's diet. There's a reason they call dumb, retarded jocks "meat heads".

>> No.10754527

>Their partially clogged arteries literally got cleaned out

This was when I knew this was complete bullshit

>> No.10754533

Why do Dunning-Krugers always strawman against Keto?

>> No.10754676

It was an entire year's worth of not consuming any cholesterol or significant saturated fat, dingo.

>> No.10754712

Keto is fine but 90% of people think keto is just eating meat and cheese because they're fucking retarded and inevitably end up with kidney stones or a well-deserved stroke.

>> No.10754755

Keto is specifically high fat, but is always low carb as a result of that

>> No.10754887

I don't know all the science shit, but I know a lot of fat people who are no longer fat because of keto.

If they can put a solid 40-50 pounds off, even if they gain back 10 when they start eating carbs again, I'd say it works as a diet plan.

>> No.10754953

Just don't call it "keto", call it "being diabetic". This diet has been known for a long time, people have been following it for decades, and we know it works, just under a different name.

Some hipsters act like they invented something new that's unexplored, but really we all know about it.

>> No.10755089

Are you really such a picky eater that you get violent about it?

>> No.10755184

You fat fuck. Fat people can't starve.

>> No.10755187

The body makes cholesterol.... smdh.

>> No.10755190

>the body makes cholesterol, because there's only one type of cholesterol guys! No way would your body have trouble keeping up with all the enzymes, hormones, and membrane maintenance without any dietary cholesterol guyzzzz

>> No.10755466

>It's the lack of anti-inflammatory foods
That's generally regarded as being the opposite. Carbs, processed sugar and trans fats are prime suspects in inflammation mechanics. On a keto diet, your body lacks most of the things causing an inflammation, resulting in the opposite effect.

At least that's the state of peer-reviewed, serious research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4124736/

>> No.10755477
File: 412 KB, 900x800, Lipid-profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low carb diets produce better cholesterol profiles than high carb ones though...

>> No.10755478

Keto is a meme, it's only good against seizures.
Also on real keto you should not drop calories, but people do and of course they lose weight. Without a reduction in calories it doesn't work, so in that regard it's like any other diet.

>> No.10755508

Soy is filtered?

>meat heads
Mind blown

This info is useful and thank you for posting

>> No.10755523

>Also on real keto you should not drop calories
Calories are a poor representation of what you eat.
>but people do and of course they lose weight
Not really, they eat tons of meat and cheese, that's a lot of calories. What they drop is carbs.
>Without a reduction in calories it doesn't work, so in that regard it's like any other diet.
Well no, it works because the way the body functions is entirely different. I'm on keto, just yesterday evening I had some nice cheese and ham as an appetizer, followed by flank steak with blue cheese sauce and greens, then chicken fajitas with cream, cheese and guacamole rolled in lettuce.

Try it, you'll be surprised.

>> No.10755527

Oh I forgot the dessert, some nice financiers, made with almonds, egg whites, butter, stevia and erythritol, 0.8g net carbs each.

>> No.10755528

Fortunately there are already studies, so I don't have to. Also the food sounds unappetizing to me, but that is subjective.

>> No.10755532

i hope you at least activated them

>> No.10755572

Soy isn't filtered because it's a cooking board. It would be retarded to filter the name of a common ingredient

>> No.10755579

>eating unfiltered soy

>> No.10755581


>> No.10755912

>Fortunately there are already studies
Share those great studies with us anon.

>> No.10755919

Which is why you're wrong.

>> No.10755925

Lol at brainlet that can't endocrinology.

>> No.10755927

>wahhh keto only helps people because they lose weight

Isn't that the entire point of keto? to lose weight? Why are Dunning-Krugers complaining again?

>> No.10755928

Your body makes much more cholesterol than you eat - even on a high fat high protein diet.

>> No.10755934

Watch this whole talk then claim fat is bad


There are plenty of studies in there for autists

>> No.10755942

No. The point of keto is to get the body into ketone burning mode, hence the clever name. Why an individual wants to do this varies wildly. An athlete might want to do it for endurance, a type 2 diabetic might want to do it to lower his blood sugar, a fatty might want to do it to lose weight, an epileptic might want to do it to help control his seizures, and a cancer patient might want to do it to help slow the progression (cancer cells burn glucose exclusively).

>> No.10755955

>Your brain needs glucose.
Fortunately your body has orders of magnitude more glucose than your brain needs, even when you're deep in ketosis. Ketosis doesnt mean you're running entirely on ketones, it simply means you're producing and using significant amounts of ketones. Your heart prefers to run on ketones btw, so your body always makes them even if you're not in ketosis.

>> No.10755967

>lowers triglycerides
>higher tri:HDL ratio is good

>> No.10755971

brainlet? ESL?

>> No.10755992


pretty fascinating, dunno what to believe anymore

>> No.10756036

Because fat Americans can't comprehend not eating carbs and will die on a hill defending their right to eat 200g carbs daily or else they'll starve

>> No.10756211

What if I prefer your genitles?

>> No.10756247

But is it filtered on other boards?

>> No.10756269

Been eating tons of deer chops with thyme garlic and eggs. Should I make hamburger helper before work or just a plain jane burger?

>> No.10756270

>eat less
>lose weight

>> No.10757620

You can lose weight on literally any diet. The goal should be weight loss and health improvement. Keto only offers the former.

>> No.10758049

But it does improve health too

>> No.10758103

Look pal Jews are not only evil but they worship the Synagogue of satan. I am a straight up Catholic and I will argue with you about shit all the way back to the big bang to prove a point. Random numbers on an image board is not turning me into the fucking devil

>> No.10758111

I don't know that
But it sure doesn't wind up as plaque now does it

>> No.10758115


>> No.10758164

holy fuck just have some fuckin bacon and eggs

and maybe even some avocado on the side

why the fuck do you need to hipster meme this shit up to make this unappetizing monstrosity?

>> No.10758197

How the dicks are you supposed to eat this thing without the avocado slipping out of your hand as soon as you take a bite? Shit's slippery.

>> No.10758273

>low blood flow is bad

Now you need to show those studies.

>> No.10758305

eating 'carbs' isn't good enough

the average american's carb intake is almost exclusively corn starch, potato starch, enriched white flour, and simple monosaccharides like fructose.

these are bad things and not eating them is better than eating them

Basically what I am saying is. eat more vegetables, especially ones with complex carbohydrates.

The answer has and always will be eat a wide variety of vegetables as a large portion of your diet.

>> No.10758882

>keto doesn't make anyone hungry
no you idiot. eating veggies all day makes people hungry.
What makes people NOT hungry, is drinking water and eating fiber.
People go on meme diets all the time, fuck up, and step off of them because they don't drink enough water. Those who do stay on, crash because the diet is too restrictive or the shit fucks them up in the long-run.
If you don't want to be hungry, drink more water and eat more fiber. stop making excuses, and learn how to cook.

>> No.10759247

you wouldn't,that's why he posts on 4 chan.

>> No.10759435

> >>10753630

>> No.10759445

You'd think that would be common sense? To eat low glycemic carbs a lot?

>> No.10759591

What's your go to keto snacks /ck/?

>> No.10759667

>Keto breakfast burger with avocado buns

I'd rather be fat

>> No.10759678

>Cucumber slices pickled in lime juice and taijin. I like the sourness but if you don't mind artificial sweeteners, it can be a nice craving kicker with a tiny bit of splenda or something.
>Pork rinds from a mexican supermarket / wherever they fry the whole pig skin fresh.
>Roasted cashews mixed with small diced monterey jack cubes
>Salad (iceburg, red onions, red cabbage, celery, spinach, broccoli, grape tomatoes)
>Cauliflower biscuits stuffed with whatever leftover meat I had and some melted cheddar to make mini sandwiches

>> No.10759685

for me, its putting a bullet in my brain

>> No.10759717

Two years ago I was in a diabetic coma for a month. When I woke up I was told I'd likely need daily insulin injections. I started keto because I'd heard of it before and according to research it seemed to help some people. After a month, my doctor told me my insulin levels were 100% normal and I haven't needed an injection since. I'm not a doctor so I don't know what happened, maybe I was predisposed to some sort of carb poisoning thing from birth, but keto literally cured my diabetes.

>> No.10759730

Just giving your body a break from the glucose-insulin rollercoaster does the body so much good, even if you're not fat or diabetic, a month of keto a year will help to no end

>> No.10759952

Ok that's fine but I want to make it clear that I was told I was going to die an early death and the best I could hope for was daily insulin injections to stave it off. I'm not sure why you even replied to my post?

>> No.10760035

i know i can eat all the meat and fat I want, but I'm worried about is shitting, what sources of fiber can I eat?

>> No.10760067

Keto here. I lost over 60 pounds, am now center of normal BMI. My LDL dropped and my HDL rose since my before-keto cholesterol test. I love everything I eat (I do miss french fries however), though I do have to do a lot of cooking now to make things keto since just about anything you buy premade is poisoned with carbs. Even a restaurant steak is marinated in fucking sugar.

My best friend is type 2 diabetic and he started keto shortly after I did. After a few months his blood tests showed he wasn't classified as diabetic anymore (A1Cs?). He's keto for life now.

My dad just got diagnosed with diabetes. He's following a low(ish) carb diet, but he doesn't get keto. He doesn't understand that a pastrami, three cheese, and jalapeno bacon wrap is health food so long as you don't eat it while you're still powered by carbs.

Check out some of Dr. Fung's work. He's more of an intermittent fasting guy, but he has a lot of good stuff to say about keto.

>> No.10760085

Low carb vegetables. Cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, lettuce, mushrooms, asparagus, spinach, cabbage, avocado, etc.

>> No.10760103

I personally think this is just a huge meme. Nothing can beat diet and excersize

>> No.10760105

This is awesome to hear, anon. Are you still on keto?

>> No.10760142

do any of you fags have an actual easy to follow guide for this kinda diet, like foods to avoid, foods that are safe to eat, stuff like that.

>> No.10760237

High insulin levels make fat stores inaccessible.

>> No.10760253

sugar bad
non starchy veg good
nuts good
meat good
dairy good

high fat, low carb, average protein

Don't eat processed shit.

>> No.10760508

It is a meme but It does work. Too bad mosmost keto recipes are fucking awful.

>> No.10760528

>just having a diet low in carbohydrates
>extreme diet

>> No.10760568

>keto recipes
That very concept is retarded. Plenty regular meals are perfectly keto, you just need to avoid some of them. Grilling yourself a steak and serving it with some greens, roasting a chicken with celery, carrots, pepperbells and onions, or cooking some salmon en papillote served with brussels sprouts, doesn't require a PhD in fucking cooking.

Most keto recipes are invented by Americans who try to adapt their complete lack of culinary culture to a carb-free diet, and end up with things far more convoluted than what basic cooking entails.

>> No.10760582

oh no its retarded

>> No.10760585


anon faggot confirmed

>> No.10760720
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Guys look lol it looks like a pretty patty

>> No.10760822


>> No.10760870

I was agreeing you fat fuck

>> No.10760889


You don't need opinion when you could just read up on what it's about and why it works. It's basic biology.

It's just a direct means to enter ketosis, a state where the body gets it's energy mainly from lipids and not glucose. Nothing else.

In the wild animals and before modern times humans enter ketosis usually when there is absolutely no food left to eat, you don't fully reach ketosis when there is a little bit of food, that is why calories in calories out feels like shit and leaves you with lowered TDEE, what you didn't get from food gets taken not from fat alone but also from optimizing your energy usage (you feel cold, muscle atrophy if done long term). Ketosis is the way the body keeps itself from eating vital tissues (muscles, organs) when faced with "starvation". You only truly starve after your bodyfat gets under 8-5% since then it becomes very difficult to get rid of only fat and no muscle or bone at the same time.

In keto you just mimic a fasted bodily state but you actually still eat stuff, all energy you don't get from food comes straight from adipose tissue since your body is tuned into processing lipids. Normally your body isn't as good with this so it can't do it with complete efficiency, so for most people you don't need to count what you eat on keto as it will be way lower than what you use in a day especially with the lowered hunger it provides. You feel satiated with way less and don't feel hunger, to gain weight or maintain with keto you need a very severe psychological addiction to food. You won't feel good stuffing yourself with an already full stomach. When you sleep for example in full ketosis, the body can get all the energy it needs from your fat tissue, since it is very good at it, normally this is not possible.

>> No.10760969

Mate nice essay mind if I steal it for my Biology class? x

>> No.10760984

keto connect on YouTube is awesome

>> No.10761005

How could you even eat that avocado burger? The whole thing would squish into a big mess at the first bite.

>> No.10761300

Can i be a keto fag and drink milk? Cause those are already the only vegies I eat; i would just need to cut a few things out of my diet like alcohol, bread, chips and maybe milk

>> No.10761302

looks small, so it's probably something your supposed to gobble in one bite

>> No.10761305

the food is such shit you can't even eat much of it.

>> No.10761592

Yes because purposely inducing ketosis continuously is perfectly normal

>> No.10761882

Yes, to "based".