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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10750158 No.10750158 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a guy with a PhD in food chemistry anything.
Cats Don't Like Bananas Edition

>> No.10750165


can you explain the calcium lactate/sodium alginate reaction for me? I know how to use it but I have no idea why it does what it does.

>> No.10750168

Why is toothpaste and orange juice such a universally despised flavor combo?

>> No.10750174

What other foods besides, say ceviche, use unconventional "cooking" techniques via denaturation? Has anyone experimented with using stronger acids to "cook" with?

>> No.10750183

How do taste buds perceive pH changes?

>> No.10750198

What is your favorite/funniest image you have saved on your device? Please share it.

>> No.10750205

When are you gonna kill yourself you fuckin faggot.

>> No.10750236
File: 68 KB, 1068x363, coordination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's see, are you referring to these two ingredients forming a thick gel of some sort?
well, alginic acid (or its sodium salt) forms a thick viscous gel when hydrated. in the presence of calcium ions, the partially charged negative oxygen atoms will form temporary "bonds" with the calcium ions, resulting in a very tight network (coordination chemistry; Ca 2+ has a coordination number of 6) same reason why calcium chloride is added to jellies and preserves to promote firmness. refer to the crude image i drew

tldr; calcium grabs the oxygens by the balls like some sot of claw.
same principle behind EDTA additives

ive no idea, interesting question. my guess is it has to do something with the acidity from OJ and/or titanium in most tooth pastes

thatd be a fun object of internet research. given that salts, acid, heat and detergents can cause denaturation, i'd look for something salted or "soaped" somehow from other cultures. just a guess

I really dont know, sensory science is not my expertise. I do however want to ask as to what exactly youre referring to, because from my standpoint, pH change is a measure of H+ ions

If youre referring to how flavor is perceived with respect to a change in pH, I would presume it has something to do with the size of ion/ flavor molecule and its ability to bind to a receptor that has been affected by the H+ ion concentration

>> No.10750242

Are you american?

>> No.10750254

meant to respond to you here >>10750236

dont have it on me, but i like the webm with two kids sitting, and the small kid is touching the head of a white ferret shaped cake, and then the head falls off and he starts crying

never. i dont believe in taking MY own life.

yes. got my BS in west coast, PhD in East coast

>> No.10750255

How do I become a creative and good cook? I can never think of interesting, unique shit to make.

>> No.10750262

me too man

i turned to baking shit and watching cooking shows/yt and trying shit out for fun. ironically, i come to /ck/ for ideas on what to make. i also like to try to make the shit i eat out at restaurants. lately ive been making my own noodles and have cooked indian and japanese shit for the past month

just bee yourself

>> No.10750269
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>bee yourself
myself is someone who got hopefully-not-permanent brain damage from a severe case of food poisoning last year, which affected my creative abilities and mental functions substantially, to the point i can't even be funny anymore because it literally destroyed my ability to be witty

so i don't have a lot of hope for my cooking endeavors and making shit that isn't from a recipe, which doesnt even make me a good cook, just makes me a good recipe follower

>> No.10750277

what did you get food poisoning from and what where the effects?

im a good recipe follower. ive never really invented anything except a gross cucumber salad that one time that i had to throw out.

that's why i always ate at the commons/cafeteria shit in grad school

>> No.10750315

What gelling agents would you recommend for a heat-stable gel suitable for use in baking?

I want something that can sequester watery fruit when used as filling enough to make it not ruin a pastry crust for things like turnovers.

Would methylcellulose work? I also bought a calcium setting pectin (Pomona's Pectin) to try out.

Also, do you wear boxers or briefs?

>> No.10750321

i don't know where i got it, it can take 6 hours to up to 3 weeks for symptoms to appear. the affects were, aside from brain damage, severe nausea that i had to get a prescription for (and went away after the first 10-15 days), weight loss (approx. 25 lbs) from being unable to eat anything that wasnt small amounts of rice or toast for 5 months, body wide muscle weakness, severe chills at even the slightest cool temperature that wouldn't make any healthy person shiver (still happens on occasion but not very often), heart palpitations (still happening), severe fatigue (went away after 2 months), and increased mental fog (more than i already had). I feel like my motor skills were also mildly impacted, but that may just be a side affect of the mental fog.

I got the food poisoning in March of last year and still experience some of the affects today. I threw up a few days ago from I don't even know what and now whenever I throw up, even just once, it takes my body 2-5 days to stop feeling very weak and shaky everywhere, and I get the severe chills/shivering, and it gives me more noticeable heart palpitations (they were going away for a while but after I puked they came back).

It really sucks.

>> No.10750322

>good at following recipes
checks out

>> No.10750333

Redpill me on foodpairing

>> No.10750355

what did you write your thesis on

>> No.10750394

gimme a few, gonna look up something for you

that sucks man, what the hell did you eat. sounds more like food infection - need to know what food caused it

pretty much

im not a culinary expert man

lipid oxidation pathways

>> No.10750399

Well while you are looking stuff up can you answer my other question?

>> No.10750405

But foodpairing is literally entirely chemistry based

>> No.10750411

I hope you get run over by a truck loaded with a pack of wild niggers who will then desecrate your soon lifeless corpse through holes you didn't even have before.

>> No.10750415

Did Heston Blumenthal kill your family or what prompted this reaction

>> No.10750485

i wear calvin klein boxer briefs i bought from costco

i believe you, just not my area of expertise

psycopath pls go

>> No.10750965

Do you regret not going into actual chemistry?

>> No.10750967

why do ppl hate msg

>> No.10750971

kawaii nekos

>> No.10750996

Biochemist here. First question, should I ever care about the pH of my food (not that I could steal a pH reader from lab to use on it)? If so, how would I test it?

>> No.10751020

Does sugar activate yeast or nah?

>> No.10751027

>If so, how would I test it?
steal a pH reader from lab to use

>> No.10751032

1) nope. all that crap about food ph affecting your health is on par with crystal healing and other pseudoscience quackery.

2) how is it possible that you have a biochem background and don't know how to measure pH? If the food is a liquid, dip a pH meter or ph testing strips into it. If the food is not a liquid then puree a small amount of it with water and then test it.

>> No.10751050

Is it possible to take a soup made at a really high-end restaurant, analyze the chemicals involved (that are evenly distributed), and then synthesize it in the lab at mass-scale for much cheaper without going through the time-consuming processes like making stock or simmering for hours?

>> No.10751055

same question except about the Flaming Moe

>> No.10751062

I wish that instant ramen broth actually tasted like ramen broth
get on that

>> No.10751068

That would depend entirely on what the soup was. Some things are fairly easy to synthesize. Some things are not. Until you know what the results of the analysis are it's impossible to answer how difficult it would be.

Same answer for your fictional beverage.

>> No.10751076

Say we're just worried about vegetable stock or chicken stock then. Do you think those would be difficult? How do you do the analysis? Some sort of spectroscopy?

>> No.10751077

>Same answer for your fictional beverage.

>> No.10751096

I'm not OP but it seems like the answer to the chicken stock question is widely known. Things like soup mix packets, instant ramen, and bullion cubes all attempt to duplicate "stock". Some taste closer to the real thing than others, but none are as good.

I see no reason why it wouldn't be impossible to do, but the question is at what point does it become less effort (or cost) to make it the traditional way instead?

>> No.10751105

if all ramen seasoning packets were super realistic then the price of making super realistic tasting ramen broth seasoning packets would drop to nothing

>> No.10751125

Not necessarily. Sure there's something to be said for economy of scale, but if some of the ingredients are costly, or if some of the procedures involved are costly, they won't necessarily drop to "nothing".

I love ramen, and soups in general. I've done a lot of experimenting with improving instant ramen. I've bought countless different brands of seasonings, and various bullion cubes, pastes, and stock concentrates. I've doctored them up with various additions (the most obvious improvements coming from adding gelatin and fresh aromatic vegetables). But honestly it's less work to just make proper stock and freeze it. Stock takes time to make but most of it is hands-off so it can be cooking while you are doing other things. And the ingredients are extremely cheap. I think we're a long way away from making a substitute that is similar in quality AND cost effective.

>> No.10751261

If a food science degree a meme degree?

>> No.10751269

What was your undergrad? Food science?

Did you always want to get a food chemistry PH.d? Or did you get to the end of your undergrad and say "hey, why not go all the way"?

>> No.10751341

Also: what's your thesis?

>> No.10751350

Could you give me a good Oxtail recipe that's away from the norm?

>> No.10751450


methylcellulose would be a great idea.. agar is also non thermo-reversible, so that could also work. i'd try methylcellulose first, though, because I know that becomes more stable with heat.

>t. worked with a lot of modern techniques and sciency chemicals

>> No.10751458

How does one activate one's almonds?

>> No.10751506
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Do you have any regrets about your chosen career path?

>> No.10751583

>How does one activate one's almonds?
Bend over and insert into anus.

>> No.10752160

What is your go-to order at McDonald's?

>> No.10752324

I want to work with food but I'm not sure in what capacity. Food science and nutrition are equally interesting to me conceptually. I also don't know what I can do to gain a better understanding of these area. What would you recommend I explore as an undergrad?

Definitely not a cook or chef though, Ive worked in a kitchen it is poopy

>> No.10752349
File: 177 KB, 960x955, cat no like banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10752507

Tell interesting chemical interactions/changes that do not actually occur in tipycal cooking
It might be things you find particularly interesting, or just plain weird ways to obtain new flavours that havent been tried yet

Also, how to into food textures?

>> No.10752690


>> No.10752747

What's the process used to turn coffee into instant coffee and do we use it for anything else? Instant coffee is really cool.

>> No.10752754

I have a friend who went to grad school for fermentation. He studied biology in undergrad

>> No.10752878
File: 22 KB, 300x400, 99ec2ba2ca598479572c4576a7e23c23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


alright bud, i emailed an R&D friend of mine, she and i have some suggestions, but we were wondering on the nature of the exact filing (mainly for considering moisture and pH)

some things you might wanna try:

gellan (couple types available) - does not hydrate or increase viscosity at room temp but does hydate considerably and holds moisture and baking temps

High methoxy pectin - will work but we need to keep your pH and suagr concentration in mind

what is your filling?

i am trained in organic chemistry and classical synthesis, and can use everything from a 700 mHz NMR (process my own spectra, run my tubes, etc), to a pleb-tier moisture analyzer. right now i make pretty good money and i got job offers in my last year in grad school

ignorance and marketing. absolutely nothing wrong with it. The Japanese love it.

i know i like them too

no reason to care for the pH of your food unless youre formulating something specific.

warm water revives bakers yeast. sugar is their food.

yes, but like someone else said, it might be EXTREMELY difficult depending on what the soup is. no idea what a flaming moe is >>10751055

i have another frriend of mine who works on soup bases for T. Hasegawa. ill shoot him an email

EXTREMELY difficult, time consuming, and therefore, costly.

>> No.10752910
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i got my B.S. in food science. its not a meme degree at all, you have lots of options after graduating, and assuming you like what you do, know what you want to do, and are competent.

most BS. food sci people end up in QA/QC as entry level jobs, but i find that those people didnt have anything in mind with their degrees.

some people end up in R&D (mostly women oddly enough) and just come up with recipes and stuff all day long. they pretty much just cook for fun all day.

I like chemistry and basic research, so i wanted to do chemistry for grad school, and that is exactly what i did. i do not regret it one bit, and i love my current job

lipid oxidation pathways

try some Asian stuff to do with it

good idea, what do you for a living, R&D? keep in mind the the guy's specific ingredients and pH

soak in water to get phytic acid to release all its sequestered ions

none. love my job, make good money, have a phD and would like to teach in the future

chicken mcnuggets with hot mustard and lare diet coke

>> No.10752914

Take a picture of your PhD with a timestamp or fuck off. What a reddit thread

>> No.10752957

dont know the extent of your interest in nutrition, but most nutrition majors i knew were absolute dimwits.

id suggest a food science degree, very versatile. what are you interested in? food processing? food process engineering? chemistry? formulation of new products? food safety and regulatory aspects? sensory analysis of foods?

cat no like banana. we established that in my previous thread. dont know why

i dont know man, youre opening up a VERY broad topic. please narrow your question down.

caramelization is not the same as browning?....that is sort of interesting

>how into food textures
moisture control
ingredient functionality

again, very broad topics.

depends on the brand. either spray drying, or freeze drying.

spray drying - a food liquid is concentrated into a slurry, which is then heated and passed through very small nozzle and sprayed into a conical shaped stainless steel reactor, which allows for rapid evaporation of microscopic water droplets. result is a powder, with some loss of volatiles but decent quality

freeze drying - a food or concentrated food liquid slurry is spread into a thin layer and introduced into a chamber, where it is VERY quickly frozen. the pressure of the chamber is reduced considerably (talking about a few MPa), so that the ice crystals formed subliminate (solid to ga) with a very slight increase in temp. resulting product has the highest quality available, minimal volatile and flavor losses, and rehyrdates almost completely.

which school? enology or brewing?

dont need to prove anything to you. good luck buddy

>> No.10752968

Yeah. This thread is taking up valuable space that could be a fast food or /sips/ thread. What a crime.

>> No.10752983

>dont need to prove anything
You can barely spell properly you LARPing nigger.

>> No.10753003


>do we use it for anything else?
also, yes. forgot to mention. tons of things: instant coffee, tea, drink mixes, dried milk, pretty much all flavors, freeze dried meals, spices, soup bases, dried fruits/veggies(think of strawberries in Special K) etc

its use its limited to the product. freeze drying is considerably more expensive

i will admit, I was meme'd by the sip threads; thing is disgusting. i am howver a big fan of sardines.

alright man

>> No.10753004

He went to Iowa State for grad school, and does QA now. Definitely not brewing,I remember him getting annoyed because people assumed it so often

>> No.10753038

>Forgetting an apostrophe automatically means OP is a braindead yokel
You're grasping at straws here pal. Being cynical for no reason won't help you fit in.

>> No.10753141

>VERY broad topic. please narrow your question down.
Can I ferment something both for an alcohol/fermented taste
As in, let's say I wanna make fermented anchovies, but on top of the blood, I add sugar
can both alcoholic and non-alcoholic yeast coexist to produce a combinated flavour?

>> No.10753144

>PhD in food chemistry
Haha holy fuck dude, what else have you wasted enormous amounts of time on?

>> No.10753153

oh, and for texture

How can I inject oxygen/air milluscule bubbles into dense chocolate before freezing it (think cake icing)
Would it affect texture and mouthfeel, as , say, carbonated drinks do?

>> No.10753187

Your food poisoning gave you a hernia you spastic retard. Calm the fuck down because that is clearly only making it worse. Go to a gastroenterologist and tell him your story.

>> No.10753297

what do you know about dietitians? pay? demand and growth?

It seems flexible which is something I need, and scratches my autistic urge to plan things out efficiently like planning a character in diablo 2

>> No.10753333

I thought it was from the activation of "cool" nerves (similar effects to menthol)

>> No.10753395

What's the pay like?
What type of instrumentation is involved?
What's your normal workday?
Does it freak you out how fat people are?

>> No.10753526

cats are filthy creatures to keep around your food
if you're so smart why do you allow this?

>> No.10754002

Like lutefisk?

>> No.10754293
File: 1.30 MB, 387x263, cucumbercat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeast are not the only microorganism to cause fermentation. depends on the fermentation agent. give me your ingredient list and preparation. in theory, yes, you could have different microorganisms give you different flavors and stuff, but eventually, one of them is going to die as the conditions change (i.e. alcohol content goes up, solution becomes more acidic) but you would retain your flavors.

for the air bubble thing - just beat it? you'd get like some sort of mousse. what are the ingredients? you could probably inject some lightness by making an egg foam and folding it in. texture would be airy and light.

is this a cocoa powder based dense application? or something like fudge. rate of cooling will help with texture if freezing.

reading your post

i dont know any R.D.'s personally, but for some reason, the ones Ive met were attractive women.

not gonna comment on something i dont know, but id imagine they get hired by medical firms. i have the same autistic urge and chem really helped with that

>What's the pay like?
i work for a large fat (oils and fats) company. 84k. theres production supervisors and people with nebulous titles that make more than me, but i sorta do less work (and have less industry experience years) so whatever.
>What type of instrumentation is involved?
GC-MS and NMR spec, for me at least.
>What's your normal workday?
emails, meetings, lab synthesis, emails, comment on things, go home
>Does it freak you out how fat people are?
sort of. i always wonder how people start gaining weight, notice said fact, and do nothing about it while continuing their habits and gaining weight

they really are. i love my cats but do not allow them on my counters or table. my gf's family does allow them to roam EVERYWHERE and honestly disgusts me. cant stop people from choosing to do things.

id believe it

just looked it up. yea i guess

>> No.10754314

>i always wonder how people start gaining weight, notice said fact, and do nothing about it while continuing their habits and gaining weight
One of us. One of us.

I used to be a 6 foot 200 lb machine with a sapper and ranger tab. All muscle. Now I drink rum and shitpost all day.

>> No.10754340

I had a similar thing happen. Got food poisoning in December, I think it was from a fucking pizza from Dominos. Was puking and shitting my guts out for a week. After that, I started getting flu-like symptoms, fever, weakness, extreme fatigue, couldn’t eat, I was forcing myself to drink a Boost shake every day, I’d eat maybe a banana and a few saltines. Had to piss every 20 minutes, had trouble sleeping, lost about 30 pounds.

Saw my doctor like 15 times, had tons of blood tests, urine tests, an ultrasound, CT scan, HIDA scan, saw 3 different specialists, nothing medically wrong with me seemingly.

Still have occasional muscle pain, intermittent urinary frequency issues, and my gut is still a bit fussy sometimes. Good news is I got the medicinal marijuana for the pain and to help my appetite, so that’s fun I guess.

Food poisoning is no joke. That shit can really fuck your shit up. I’ve had it before and I always thought it was no big deal, you just have an upset stomach and the shits for a few days. Now I know. Shit can be really, really bad.

>> No.10754365

just do some exercise or cut back a little man. you'll see a significant improvement

i've always wondered why my two vegan friends are still fat, too. dont see them very often since i moved for work but they get fatter every year.

sounds like e.coli infection. that sucks. although im no food safety expert.

food safety is no joke. every food company has a food safety/QA department but for some reason no one likes them. they have fastidious and monotonous jobs, but they are extremely important. of course, no matter how safe the food leaving the processing plant is, there is very little from stopping a teenager making your pizza from not washing his hands after he took a shit during his break.

>> No.10754398

Could well have been. At least there doesn’t seem to be anything seriously wrong with me. The gastroenterologist said it was common to get gastrointestinal irritation for months following an infection, and the more severe symptoms are gone now. Still, that was fucking scary. I honestly thought I was dying. I thought for sure I had cancer or some shit. The day I did my CT scan, I was a wreck because I was sure they were gonna find a bunch of tumor or something.

Wish I knew 100% what did it to me. I had to take 4 months off work. I’d honestly sue whoever was responsible if I could.

>> No.10754435

It took you an enormous amount of time to read that post?

>> No.10754551

That's sounds fine. I'm currently studying it now, how did you decide on the type of food that you would specialize in?

>> No.10754594

Why white people can't into spices

>> No.10754609

Me Chinese, me play joke, me go pee-pee in your Coke

>> No.10754623

All opinion dismissed

>> No.10754642

Ban this racist right now, because if it were the other way round I'd get banned.

>Mods are n*g*e*s

>> No.10754648

Nasty great elongated sluts?


>> No.10754651

bs where

>> No.10754790

East Philadelphia

>> No.10754836

Is Xantham gum a meme?

>> No.10755092

sneaky paw

>> No.10755427

i kinda just ended up wrking on lipids. they were my favorite topic in food chem and organic/biochem

racism is absurd

west coast

depends on the application. pretty useful to add mouthfeel in low-fat beverages to make you think you're drinking a fully-fatted product (i.e. starbucks iced coffee bottles)

just noticed it

>> No.10755460

What food did you cut out of your life right after you work in the industry?

>> No.10755875

It's all really cutting edge science, but now we know that the brain has powerful nerval connection to the guts and other organs (such as the heart)
Some even go as far as calling them sub-brains

This means that alterations in one of the organs can really mess up your brain and vice-versa

Food poisoning really fucks up your gut flora, I've seen many people with your own problem

Look up better medical advice, with an specialist
They have some treatment that sounds nasty but is apparently really effective
they put bacteria from fecal matter on your stomach with a tub, steroiding the fuck out of your gut flora

>> No.10757356

I like this but cannot do hot sauce and hot coffee w/ creme.

>> No.10757874

seconding this

never tried it, but I'm sure is normal