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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 238 KB, 499x333, sauteed-mushrooms-and-onions-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10747008 No.10747008 [Reply] [Original]

Mushrooms seem to be one of the most divisive foods. Where do you stand?

>> No.10747011

I like it when they make my gf gassy

>> No.10747013

Used to hate them when I was little. Now they're god-tier

>> No.10747018

Disgusting raw, a nice addition almost to any dish when cooked or fried.

>> No.10747021

Grilled portabello is fucking delicious, cheap and low calory. The cancer increasing part sucks I guess.

>> No.10747025

I only like dehydrated mushrooms that are rehydrated in ramen broth.

>> No.10747029
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they best veggie appetizer

>> No.10747033

they're one of the only foods that i MARGINALLY understand people not liking (as opposed to saying grow up & eat your damn veggies)
all vegetables have cellulose cell walls. that's why they have the texture of vegetables. all animals, lipid cell walls, across the board. familiar.
fungi have chitinous cell walls. that's the main protein in lobster shells. so admittedly, the texture is decidedly different from any other form of life we eat.
but you should still get over it.

>> No.10747034

In the forest, next to the mushrooms

>> No.10747045

>Mushrooms seem to be one of the most divisive foods.
Is it? Pretty sure most people just don't have a strong opinion about mushrooms. It just seems a lot of people dislike mushroom because there's not many that love it either.

>> No.10747089

I love mushrooms. They're umami bombs.

>> No.10747092

Ever since the Paul Stamets podcast I've stopped eating portobellos and started using other mushrooms. Shittake, King Oysters... So much fucking better

>> No.10747185

Me too. But also brocolli sprouts and liver.

>> No.10747204

I'm the opposite, I used to love them as a kid and now as an adult I can't really stand the texture. I want to like mushrooms, I try them again every few months, but currently still don't really like em.

>> No.10747227

I stand against them. But not so much that I would turn down a dish someone else made that includes mushrooms

>> No.10747271
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Fucking love me some mushrooms.

My dad couldn't stand them though, hated the texture.

>> No.10747296

Mushroom taste is great. Just a little bit earthy and very hearty. Like beef but less greasy and more vegetable-like.

Mushroom texture on the other hand is absolutely unbearable. Slimy, disgusting, and chewy in the worst way.

I love me some mushroom soup or mushroom sauce but I just can't stand whole shrooms.

>> No.10747297


>> No.10747303

Love mushrooms. Any kind, any way they are prepared or served.

>> No.10747376

>Mushroom texture on the other hand is absolutely unbearable. Slimy, disgusting, and chewy in the worst way.

You suck at cooking them.

>> No.10747394

disgusting rubbish trash garbage

>> No.10747399

Good in a stir fry

>> No.10747411

Mushrooms aren't a vegetable.

>> No.10747427

disgusting. sour cream is the supreme dip for fried mushrooms.

>> No.10747446

Not a big fan of the texture of most mushrooms, but if they're prepared or added in such a way to make that a non-issue, then I have no problem with the taste itself.

>> No.10747451

They are in culinary terms, just like tomatoes aren't considered fruits. I know mushrooms aren't plants, but nobody talks about fungi before eating.

>> No.10747453

>they are in culinary terms
no they aren't

>> No.10747463

Morels are the best mushroom, prove me wrong

>> No.10747468

Great when sliced and sauteed like in OP image, ok when eaten raw.
Can't stand the texture otherwise.

>> No.10747513

They are fantastic for absorbing the flavors left in a pan with a little deglazing. My girlfriend hates them which is fucking retarded but just means more for me.

>> No.10747529

Mushrooms are great. Would eat all kinds desu.

>> No.10747649

Trust me. I watch a LOT of cutthroat kitchen and chopped and mushrooms are usually treated as a protein.

>> No.10747704

If I order a veggie pizza from literally ANYWHERE, they have mushrooms on it.

>> No.10747740

I guess that makes bread and cheese vegetables too.

>> No.10747744


>> No.10748204

>chitinous cell walls

The armour in Morrowind is named after this?

>> No.10748253

Sauteed Mushrooms are the goat side dish

I brown them in olive oil and garlic then sautee them in worcestershire, Soy sauce, and Red Wine

Fried Mushrooms are high tier appetizers

not a fan of raw mushrooms, bad texture
Sour creme is good but so is horseradish based sauces like the one Zaxbys uses good too

>> No.10748260

it's made from insect shells
want to guess what protein those are all made of?

>> No.10748276

cooked yes, raw no. end of my story

>> No.10748309

I love mushrooms but I can't eat them because they trigger yeast infections :(

>> No.10748328

Mushrooms are literally an alien life form, and those people who eat mushrooms are infected with space-mushroom madness in their brains.

The symptoms are that their behaviour is altered such that they promote mushrooms as being a good choice of foodstuff to other humans, in the hope that others will become infected with the space-mushroom madness.

The only solution is to avoid mushrooms completely, and to round up and gas all those who eat mushrooms.

>> No.10748333

>not embracing the great mushroom

It’s like you don’t want to be enlightened

>> No.10748378

>hate them as a kid due to texture first, smell second, and taste last
>want to have cheesy stuffed mushroom caps, fried mushrooms, etc with family but can't stand the rubbery texture and farty smell
>hate them my whole life, pick them off pizza etc
>one day decide I want to like them (as an adult now)
>start cooking them for myself in different ways
>learn the best ways to render the texture better and mask, then compliment the flavor
>experiment with all kinds of treatments to find things I actually end up quite liking

Now I eat mushrooms every single day.

>> No.10748384

porcini my friend
described by many as truly addictive in quality
much like truffles but more shroomy than truffley

>> No.10748402

I mean, bread basically is a vegetable. Flour is just ground up plants.

>> No.10748411

I can't find broccoli sprouts in most of the stores I go to. I usually have to go to Safeway to get some and they are high as hell on just about everything.

>> No.10748418

Huh. I can't really find fault in that.

>> No.10748419

Lobster jizz.

>> No.10748443

Just grow them yourself. You put the seeds in water then dry them and repeat. It's easy.

>> No.10748446

I fucking love morrowind

>> No.10748457
File: 94 KB, 716x520, MW-ing-Scuttle[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love me some scuttle with a side of saltrice

>> No.10748474

yes they are

those are not optional toppings
if you order a pepperoni pizza you dont get mushrooms

oof boy

>> No.10748492

>decide i want to like them one day
>clear your mind of old biases formed under the mindset of an undeveloped child
this is how we become adults. you do this with many vegetables, coffee, alcohol, and others

>> No.10748499
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>> No.10748609

mushrooms are awesome, especially when you can go innawoods and pick them yourself.

morels (fuck off, they're mushrooms)
giant puffballs
hen of the woods
are about all you find around here tho

Love 'em all though.

>> No.10748610


>> No.10748685

I fucking love mushrooms. Its like the meat of vegetables (even though its not a veggie).

>> No.10749184

They absolutely are optional toppings. You can order a pizza with no sauce and no cheese. They're just so well loved that they're included on every pizza by default. As mentioned here >>10748402 the dough is basically a vegetable with added water.

>> No.10749484

if it kills you, dont eat it again. if it doesnt kill you, keep eating them until one does.

>> No.10749556

you are an actual, as defined by the dictionary, retard

>> No.10749567

I'm not the one arguing that a pizza place is the authority on what is and isn't a vegetable.

>> No.10749580

They have their place, and I absolutely love them, but I can understand why some people wouldn't. There are very few dishes I can think of that absolutely would be ruined if you left them out of the recipe, as well. For example, I love mushrooms in my stroganoff, but it's not gonna be shit if I have to leave them out.

>> No.10749673

No, even worse, you're the one arguing that if a veggie pizza comes with mushrooms makes mushrooms a vegetable, that makes bread and cheese vegetables.

One is something you order
One is something you don't

You are a literal actual retard. You fit the definition of retard more than ANY person I've ever seen on this site over the last 9 years. Congrats.

>> No.10749700

So you agree that if a pizza place calls a mushroom a vegetable, that doesn't make it so? Great, then my retarded argument worked perfectly.

>> No.10749740

lmao-ing at the conclusions you draw. enroll in a logic 101 class. literally do it. it will help you sort out your retarded brain and help you understand why everyone you talk to just gives you a confused look before walking away

i genuinely hope youre just pretending to be retarded

>> No.10749743

>So you agree that if a pizza place calls a mushroom a vegetable, that doesn't make it so?
Even I'm not retarded enough to have gotten that out of that post. Oof, boy.

>> No.10749745

I made a bolognese with mushrooms instead of meat today, it was pretty good

>> No.10749761
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>> No.10749769

tried these, had too much juice and were too squishy for my tastes

were mine just bad or are they all like that

>> No.10749826

Mushrooms are the ultimate pleb filter

It's actually bad for you to eat the cultivated mushrooms like in OP raw

>> No.10749832

Onions are the most diverse.

>> No.10749863

Mushrooms are delicious. No one should eat them or serve them raw as they provide little to no health benefit. If you want to serve them on a salad then cook them, cool them, and serve them.

>> No.10749997

Delicious motherfuckers and I feel sorry for tastelets who can't eat this shit

>> No.10750050

Plenty of different sorts of mushrooms. I like most of them.

>> No.10750063

He said divisive, dingus

>> No.10750115

it's chitin you fucking REATRD

>> No.10750156

I wish there were more dishes that were mushroom centric.

Especially focusing on more exotic mushroom types.

>> No.10750164

Exotic like shiitake, trumpet mushroom, and others from Asia or you mean wild choice mushrooms like chanterelles, morels, etc

>> No.10750166

Probably phoneposter. I agree that onions are pretty divisive, though.

>> No.10750172

I was gonna add, there's mushroom cookbooks out there, I have one in my collection with a bunch of recipes for wild mushrooms. I'll dig it out tomorrow if this thread is still up

>> No.10750177

Buffalo Wild wings ones were pretty wet inside

>> No.10750202

the typical mushroom
button mushrooms, I heard are kinda like iceburg lettuce tier.
in that nutritionally they are just mainly water and empty calories.

I love me some Reishi tea.

>> No.10750227

Technically a button mushroom is any young fruiting body (mushroom) which starts out that shape. It's hard to tell the difference between a deadly Amanita in this stage versus a wild specimen of the cultivated variety sold in stores (Agaricus bisporus), which is why you should always break open small white button mushrooms found in the wild before cooking them. I'm sure it has decent nutritional value and maybe some health/medicinal benefits but they're a bit bland compared to most others. Reishi is great, I see it in a lot of stuff now because it's known as a "superfood" in the west atm

>> No.10751881

Holy fucking shit you are dumb

>> No.10752060

okay it's a polysaccharide structurally analagous to keratin
you're just looking for reasons to be mad aren't you son

>> No.10752102

pretty much the norm

>> No.10752131

I still don't like them, but i'm grown up enough to eat them anyway if offered to me.

>> No.10752319

fried/roasted are amazing

mushroom soup makes me want to throw up

>> No.10752326

none of those are proteins tho

>> No.10752354

yes, keratin is
chitin is a polysaccharide, different from other cellykar structures of many forms of life

>> No.10752388

Do they? Hell I know what I'm buying right now and giving my gf

>> No.10752715

Does anyone know how to get over disgust of mushrooms? Im not a picky eater and, if I dont eat things its usually just because they dont taste great(olives, capers, beer, peas for example). But with mushrooms its totaly different, i have such a strong feeling of disgust that I can bearly put them in my mouth. My dad loves them and puts them in every dish he can, so I would really like to be able to eat them and not seperate them out of dishes like an autist.

>> No.10752717

too expensive, i only buy them when they are on discount

>> No.10752727

what the hell do you think tastes great? cheesy poofs and chocolate salty balls?

>> No.10752759

My favorite dishes are yugoslavian meatballs and almost anything with minced meat + garlic + onions. I think peas olives and capers all share a type of taste that I dont enjoy. And beer idk, noone in my family drinks it or likes it, even though we live in a country of drunks.

>> No.10752795

>not a picky eater
>doesn't like a large selection of common foods/drink

olives and capers are briny/salty and a touch bitter. I could maybe see how you associate beer with them as well, especially if you're talking ales.
But, how in the world do you associate peas with them?

Regardless, your taste buds are fubar'd. I don't know if there is any chance to fix them.

>> No.10752814

Idk maybe im retarded and don't like small round green things. I say that im not picky, cause if someone makes a dish with any of these in them ill still eat it no problem, but if im cooking only for myself ill never put them in. Also still havent gotten any tips for getting over my mushroom autism.

>> No.10752817

They're bretty gud on the right foods. Good on pizza, on the side with a steak. I do a beef and rice dish that uses cream of mushroom soup and canned mushrooms that's quite good.

>> No.10753681

People making deep fried mushrooms usually use trash-tier canned mushrooms, so you'll usually end up getting a bad experience with them deep fried

>> No.10755440

my n'wah

didnt know scuttle was supposed to be a mushroom

>> No.10755450

Champignons are good, but not really exciting. They are also almost impossible to fuck up, overcook or whatever.
Oyster mushrooms are a bit too earthy for me, but I can still easily eat them.

>> No.10755473




>> No.10756772

Snap, your way of cooking the shrooms seems delicious. trying this soon. thx anon

>> No.10758612

Love stuffed mushrooms

>> No.10758686


sautayied in butter, godly. especially with chicken

>> No.10758720

deer eat magic mushrooms. that means you should too, unless you hate deer

>> No.10758723

I used to hate tomatoes as a kid, for some reason I can't even remember. very weird

>> No.10758746
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do you know the one called anomarita muscuria? I heard the only safe way to consume it is to feed it to a deer, collect its urine, get the shaman to drink that then drink his weewee

is that correct? asking for a fren

>> No.10758755

mushrooms have a lot of fiber in them.

>> No.10758758
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a sacchyride

>Chitin (C8H13O5N)n (/ˈkaJtJn/ KY-tin), a long-chain polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, is a derivative of glucose
so not a fucking protein, wew

>> No.10758800

Where the fuck are you
I need the shroom cookbook sauce

>> No.10758868

I hate the texture plus they taste a bit like fertalizer/dirt

i like mushroom cream sauces, mostly cause it gets rid of the texture

also psychedelic shrooms... but not for the taste

>> No.10759013
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>also psychedelic shrooms...

>> No.10761247

God tier pizza topping

>> No.10761286

mushrooms make me believe in god.
chantarelle,oystermushroom and Gyromitra esculenta are prolly my personal top 3

>> No.10761423
File: 422 KB, 1627x1080, DSC08584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese Black Fungus is GOAT-tier

>> No.10761465

I love them so much I would honestly consider buying a can of the salted ones just to eat as a snack.

>> No.10761466

>also psychedelic shrooms... but not for the taste
What, ya stick the tip in your ass, faggot?

>> No.10761490

Pretty much this. Mushrooms were one of the few foods I used to abhor as a kid but when I figured out how to cook with them I now eat them regularly. Cheap as fuck and good meat substitute.
I was the same with carrots to an extent too.

>> No.10761497
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I can eat them, but I have to not be thinking about it. Mushrooms conceptually horrify me. I get that they're needed, but they're also essentially malevolent parasites. Imagine having your flesh replaced by mycelium like the cordyceps do. I don't want that. I don't want that anywhere around me. Why would people eat that stuff?

>> No.10762030

There's a growing consensus among biologists that mushrooms are alien lifeforms, so maybe your fear is well founded.

>> No.10762564

Mushrooms are disgusting

>> No.10762590

goat way of preparing
this is how i cook them too

for anyone reading that's going to do this, just make sure you dont overdo it with the sauces and wine

>> No.10762611

Its available on ebay and can.be made into a tea for effects. Also used.by people as an incredibly flavorful ingredient in cooking

>> No.10762731

The plants most common kinds of flour is made out of, are not vegetables, but grains. You know, like wheat. Noone would think of some nice oats when they hear vegetable.

>> No.10763288

Good to know. It was a fun night :^)

>> No.10763443

>fearing an entire foodstuff because one particular obscure type is parasitic and kills animals
There is no cordycep variant that works on humans. Don't look up nightshade or you're gonna ruin a bunch of veggies for yourself m80.

>> No.10763653
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only the best CANTHARELLUS CIBARIUS or Pifferling

>> No.10764375

I want to start eating mushrooms with my morning omelette, but I know basically nothing. What kind to get, do you cut or grate them, that sort of thing. Any tips?

>> No.10764387

I put them in my burrito the other day, but /ck/ didn’t like that.

>> No.10764391

never tried them as a kid, picky eater. then last year my mom got me to try one at a restaurant and have eaten shit loads in that time to make up for my dumb young self. probably my favorite food

>> No.10764431

Love them. They will almost always improve a savoury dish.

>> No.10765152

Jesus Christ someone understands
That with some kind if broth with fish sauce and glass noodles is fucking SSMJEJDCJSNDIFJSJENEJKDN

>> No.10765156

>tried making these
>literally 100% pure oil/ water when you bite into them

they were gross I threw them out.

>> No.10765185


>> No.10765191

I forage my mushrooms continuing a 3+ generation tradition w/in my family. they are delicious, and when treated right, they can be delicious
if treated wrong, the become tough nd gross.
I agree w/ other anons, they go with poultry, and I particularly like a balsamic/butter/fond/stock sauce with them

>> No.10766727

I love any kind of non-poisonous mushroom. Raw (most of them- not shiitake or enoki, though), grilled, sauteed, roasted, steamed, in tomato sauces or stews or quesadillas... I just fucking love mushrooms.
The only thing that has ever put me off eating them, and only for a day or so, was this one episode of Hannibal where a dude was growing mushrooms inside comatose people. Was kinda gross, and I'd been planning to have a mushroom omelette for dinner that night.

>> No.10766736

Isn't chithin a starch technically?