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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10749987 No.10749987 [Reply] [Original]

>"Fuh, you drink soda?!"

He says as he sips his coffee packed with caffeine and sugar.

>> No.10749990

jokes on you I drink unsweet tea or water

>> No.10750001

>"Fuh, X does X?!"

He spaces rebbitly, grinning smugly to himself as he posts tumblr-tier gifs
I bet you still eat food and drink water, faggot. What kind of stupid faggot eats food and drinks water? Only true patricians photosynthesize.
I hope your whole family gets raped and killed in a home invasion you stupid faggot

>> No.10750007

>"Hah, you smoke?!"
She says as she downs her third bottle of vodka this week.

>> No.10750039


>> No.10750043

"I don't eat that fast food crap shits poison" he says as he gets black out drunk the ninth day in a row

>> No.10750064
File: 485 KB, 768x1024, miku has a gun!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cream can do wonders for coffee, it brightens the flavor profile, and even rescue otherwise undrinkable diner swill.
Good cream is naturally sweet and adds body, sugar does nothing but cover up any unique taste your coffee beans had and replaces them with the godawful taste of tannins and sugar water.
You might as well drink straight hazelnut coffee-mate if you're gonna drink sugar water in the morning.

>> No.10750066
File: 11 KB, 215x240, 1489181889288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there really people on here that don't drink soda?!

>> No.10750387

Yeah, they're wierdos.

>> No.10751811

only in america

>> No.10752105

I feel like the texture of black coffee is underwelming, and just a dash of cream or high-fat milk really lifts the whole cup.

>> No.10752134

Yeah, except your soda has about 36g of sugar per can, while my coffee only has about 3 or 4g per cup.

Stay mad, lardass

>> No.10752424

I'm skinny actually big boy

>> No.10753346

I don't put anything in my coffee, idiot.

>> No.10753386


>> No.10753669

>lying on the internet

>> No.10753683
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I'll fuck your mother if you dare tell me I can't have pic related with my hangover scrambled eggs

>> No.10754297
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>> No.10754309

I keked, 9gag

>> No.10754424

jokes on you I drink unflavored unsweetened carbonated water and black coffee served in a homeless woman's shoe

>> No.10754430

I noticed that a lot of people who say shit like this guzzle Arizona iced tea which has just as much sugar

>> No.10754437

>he photosynthesizes
What a faggot. Keep being cucked by the sun.
>True bourgeoisie are thermal vent chemautotrophs

>> No.10754444
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>> No.10754461
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>48 shots of espresso
>about 2,880 mg of caffeine
If you drank that, you would fucking die.

>> No.10754504

Nah, takes about 11g of caffeine to LD50 the average-obese person here.

>> No.10755851

That's the s hit right there

>> No.10756037

Just fuck my water up, senpai.

>> No.10756039

Caffeine, sure. Sugar? No, you're a faggot for assuming everything is sugary.

>> No.10756559

>Not loving your mouth-jacuzzi.

>> No.10756660
File: 54 KB, 600x612, 1527793742146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice reddit thread
Just barely within board rules
Unfunny to boot, you missed the chance to make a /soda/ general to make it even more like your home site

>> No.10756727

Nope, UK here, haven't touched it for about 8 years, if I'm not drinking tea, coffee or alcohol I drink water, I have a couple of friends that only drink diet coke (and alcohol when we're out obviously).
Nothing else though, not even hot drinks, there only source of daily hydration is diet coke and they're fucking huge, one is pre diabetic.
"hereditary" apparently.

>> No.10756745

coffee and soda both suck. coffee just makes you think you're awake, blocking receptors in your brain. that's why you need moooooar.

>> No.10756782

To be fair no remotely sane person puts as much sugar in their coffee as there is in a can of coke. 3 sugar cubes isn't even close

>> No.10756806

>unironically drinking the angry water

>> No.10756835

twist and tuck master race, i like to suck the air out of bag first though.

>> No.10756959

Club soda/ Seltzer water + lime juice is the best

>> No.10757006

>breathing bread air

>> No.10757146

How do you know so much about reddit?

>> No.10757155

>Eating healthy like a faggot when health is 95% genetics
It's even sadder when it's a 25 yo that follows a "healthy lifestyle". You're still getting colon cancer in your forties if you're predisposed faggot, it makes no difference if you're not a fatass or snorting uranium on a daily basis

>> No.10757164

I'm conditioning my tongue like when monks punch hot sand.

>> No.10757221

fatty boom boom pls