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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10747622 No.10747622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do hipsters ruin everything they touch?

>craft beer
>hot sauce

I miss eating said foods. Fucking hipsters, they're cancer.

>> No.10747630

they've done things to a food you like, no one's preventing you from making it and eating it the way you want as well.

>> No.10747635

Hipsters aren't real.
Nobody self-identifies as a hipster, and nobody can even agree on what a hipster does or looks like.
You just hate these foods because other people like them and they're no longer your special "secret" despite being MASS PRODUCED and employing MILLIONS of people in the process of manufacturing them all over the world.

>> No.10747642

Crippling autism might

>> No.10747650

avocados were always disgusting tho

>> No.10747651

People perceiving "X is now swarmed with hipsters" is the point where X becomes more popular. Higher demand means more people are making X just for money instead of because they really love X as it was before X was popular. The price goes up because the ingredients for X becomes more constrained while the quality of the end product X goes down because more amateurs are making X.

>> No.10747653
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you forgot

>> No.10747656
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Imagine not being sophisticated enough to appreciate kimchi tacos.

>> No.10747657
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>> No.10747660

>I don’t eat things because the guy who bullied me eats them

>> No.10747662

So, OP is the hipster then.

>> No.10747663

Hipsters drive the entire American economy. Tech is the only reason America exists. Bend over and such their dicks you ungrateful culturelet

>> No.10747666

>hipsters aren't real.
yes they are, and if you don't think so you probably are one
>nobody self-identifies as a hipster
just like nobody self-identifies as an asshole or a douchebag, but it doesn't change the fact that they are one

>> No.10747667

Kill yourself.

>> No.10747668
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>> No.10747671
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Tacos are the cheapest, easiest shit in the world to make.
It's street food, you don't even cut the fat trimmings off, and it's only a few cents of greasy fried ingredients that you turn around and sell for $3 a taco to white people.

>> No.10747673

Easy reddit.

>> No.10747677

who you calling reddit, reddit

>> No.10747682
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>not eating things you like because people you don't like do like them too
I Shiggy Diggy

>> No.10747683

>i dont like u so ur an asshole
>that's a fact xd
It's okay, redditcuck boy. You'll grow pubes someday

>> No.10747689

go back

>> No.10747690

Yep, he's taking "oh, I had that BEFORE it got popular" to the "and now I don't" conclusion. Almost as little self-perception and clue in general as the frogposters who showed up on an anime site with a tranny camwhore board to bitch about "degenerates".

>> No.10747699

Lol keep being mad until your balls drop soyboy

>> No.10747710

This, beef short ribs have PENTUPLED in price over the past 5 or so years. California, Seattle, Portland, Denver, Austin, and Minneapolis all must be stopped.

>> No.10747742

how does one 'ruin' bacon?

>> No.10747749
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like this

>> No.10747778

that's a ruined beer, not bacon

>> No.10747784
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a wise guy, eh?

>> No.10747790

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10747791

Hipsters don't ruin that shit outside the mass following of marketing done to them

>> No.10747793

saying bacon flavored things ruin bacon is like saying chocolate flavored things ruin chocolate. Chapstick ruined with bacon flavor is ruined chapstick, not ruined bacon

>> No.10747794


>> No.10747797

I just had short rib for the first time today. Was tasty. Guess I'm a hipster

>> No.10747809

Letting someones idea of what's cool affect how you live your life is pathetic, whether you do it because they do it or you don't do it to spite them, it's just sad either way. Live your own life OP.

>> No.10747817

>hipsters aren't real
>can you even tell me what a hipster is?
This is what all hipsters say

>> No.10747820

It's not about that idiot
they drive up the price and run the reasonable versions out of business

>> No.10747852


wew, im back in 2009

>> No.10747895

>oh look, I can't define a term I throw around willy nilly, so I'll just say, "no you, ok?"

>> No.10748008
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>> No.10748015

you poor thing. You liked all of these foods BEFORE they were cool, and now that a large group of people likes them you CANT eat the same thing as them! God I hate hipsters!

>> No.10748020

I thought we called them soy boys now?

>> No.10748038

No, it's definitely ruining bacon. I remember before hipsters grocery stores with craft beer selections had a wide, healthy variety of styles for sale. Now it's like 50 IPAs, a few wheat beers and Guinness.

>> No.10748046

isn't hipsterdom dead

>> No.10748048

>anon let's get street tacos
>less taco, less toppings but has the"street jive"

>> No.10748053
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>no its the BACON that's ruined
>there are so few beers left surely bacon is ruined now

>> No.10748054

The word is "progressives" and that's avoiding slurs.

>> No.10748058

>nobody can even agree on what a hipster does or looks like
Google "Hipster" right now, you stupid cunt.

>> No.10748061
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>I live in the Bay area and I make so much money I almost make rent

>> No.10748171

>Hipsters aren't real.
>Nobody self-identifies as a hipster, and nobody can even agree on what a hipster does or looks like.
That's exactly what a hipster would say.

>> No.10748297

See >>10747895, faggot.

>> No.10748337

>giving two shits about what someone else does with their food or drink

>> No.10748344
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/ck can and always will be autistic

>> No.10748348

Hipsters can ruin a night out to a place by being total fuck wads who will never shut the fuck up

>> No.10748357

I've seen plenty of people self-identify as assholes. Usually they're the kind of people who say "if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best!" and brag about being assholes, but as soon as someone calls them out or retaliates against their bullshit they start going "b-but I don't deserve this!"

>> No.10748358

lol at the idea that they have ruined any of those things besides avocados and coffee

Like how the fuck is bacon and good beer hipster? Those are the most normie male foods possible

>> No.10748361

Also nice trips.

>> No.10748365

>oh noes, people are talking about things I don't like

>> No.10748367


>> No.10748374


Nah but the "hipster mindset" and market can fucking ruin a nice place by fucking up a menu changing all of those things. Use to go to a small pub after work constantly, and it was a lot of fun, managers son or whatever wanted to 'revise it' for the new market. Got rid of the cheap beers that were like 3 bucks on happy hour, replaced it with shit local "brews" and went to 4 dollar minimum or PBR, got rid of the appitizers that were great for "street tacos" "guac and chips", 2 candied bacon sticks, and other bullshit. Fucked it all up wasn't the same ever again, not even sure if it is still open every time I went it was fairly empty and filled with college dudebro bands playing shit music

>> No.10748379

Do hipsters talk more than non-hipsters? Is this a thing?

>> No.10748392

every fucking time I got to Seattle they do, impossible to just fucking sit and enjoy my beer without getting told more about the bullshit things

>> No.10748393
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>now it's RUINEEDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAHAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

stupid manchild

>> No.10748399

>Got rid of the cheap beers that were like 3 bucks on happy hour, replaced it with shit local "brews"
The fuck bar doesn't have any cheap beer?

Also, pretty hard to blame them for getting rid of some boomer macro beer in favor of millenial craft beer when millenials almost certainly make up the majority of the bar going crowd these days in most areas

>ot rid of the appitizers that were great for "street tacos" "guac and chips"
I really cannot related to bars getting rid of classic bar food appetizers, I have not experienced that at all

Sounds like you just don't, like normie millenials, the 21-35 year olds being catered to at most bars and restaurants, not much to do with hipsters specifically

>> No.10748401

>oh noes, the hipsters ruined coffee, the old lady drink that I used to buy for some reason

>> No.10748403

so? say that's nice but I don't really care, and go back to what you were doing

>> No.10748476

>I just realized hating/blaming hipsters is a decade old meme

>> No.10748489

>TFW I like IPAs.
Am I the cancer?

>> No.10748497

Complaining about how everyone likes IPAs is the new liking IPAs

>> No.10748503

Young people will drink the shittiest and nastiest tasting booze to get trashed so I don't think they would really actually care about whether a bar has craft beers and shit and I'm sure they'd rather get trashed for a cheaper price
Also, "street tacos" and "guac and chips" aren't exactly foods I'd drink beer with, gimme some wings or something, something that is quick and easy to eat and full of greasy bullshit

t.21 year old

>> No.10748505

Are American bars more like Moes Tavern or the sports bar from the Drew Carey show?

>> No.10748509

sous vide short ribs for like 24 hours. Heaven.

>> No.10748510
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>> No.10748511

there are different kinds of bars in America.

>> No.10748540

the good ones are like moes

>> No.10748544

>Got rid of the cheap beers
Even in the most hipster cities I have been to this isn't the case
>got rid of the appitizers
still the same good old barfood too

>> No.10748558

shitty image, doesn't even have the good ipa pictured
boulevard double wide in da haus

>> No.10748572

>Young people will drink the shittiest and nastiest tasting booze to get trashed
We are talking about Millennials, not high school and college students. People in their 20s and 30s shell out all sorts of money for good food and drink, they are the primary reason the shift of our restaurant environment from the boomer culture of mostly just shitty chains and super expensive high end restaurants, to now a shit ton of great local places at all price tiers.

Every time you see some boomer news outlet lamenting millenials killing (or lowering the stock value) of one of their beloved national chains, keep this in mind, and the same thing has happened and continues to happen with alcohol

>> No.10748581


>> No.10748582

Chips and dip are pretty classic bar food

>> No.10748590

Why do rednecks hate IPA so much. I get that some of the early-mid 00s west coast stuff is bad, but most IPAs these days are great

>> No.10748605

hops ruin any character the beer had. it's like somebody told hipsters that beer is supposed to taste bad, so they find the most offensive beer they can to show how super into beer they are

>> No.10748615

>be 21
>only eat standard bar food
>never try simple tacos with a cold modelo


>> No.10748622

my man!

>> No.10748626

Mate, millenials fuckin chug goon wine and will drink all sorts of nasty shit, they don't give an actual fuck about what they drink as long as there is drink, these people in their 20s and 30s that you mention are rare, for the most part the average person doesn't give a fuck, also we only got the stuff like kfc, pizza hut, dominos etc around here, no shitty chains arbys or dennys to kill, the restaurant culture is sorta :/ around here, overpriced as all fuck and people try to be too clever with their dishes

I have literally never seen it before in a bar in my life mate

>be 2X
>only eat hipster bar food
>never try a simple chicken parma with a pint of coopers green
Fuckin pathetic m8

>> No.10748627

How does being wrong feel?

Hoppy beer is delicious. I dont drink anymore but I still have NA beer and the hoppiest ones are my favorite.

>> No.10748631

The craft beer trend has lead to the resurgence of pretty much every style of beer with any flavor. Even if you fucking hate IPA for some reason, you have to see that this ride has been wildly good for beer overall.

Its still a pretty silly take to say that hop flavor destroys the "character" of beer though. Out of curiosity, what are the IPAs that are leading you to think they are bad? Its pretty easy to just happen upon great IPA even if you have no idea what you are doing, but maybe you have just gotten super unlucky

>> No.10748633
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Just serve it up like this, OP.

>> No.10748646

they literally all just taste like hops, because IPAs are (by design) overpowered with hops.
Feels like I have taste buds desu

>> No.10748650

>Mate, millenials fuckin chug goon wine and will drink all sorts of nasty shit
You are very clearly confusing Millenials with whatever the name for the younger generation is. Go to any expensive beer bar or cocktail bar an it is primarily people in their mid to late 20s or early to mid 30. Same thin with most good restaurants. No previous generation has spent as much on good food and beer as millenials do. These generalizations you are making have absolutely no basis in data or reality, an its genuinely confusing trying to figure out why you believe them

>also we only got the stuff like kfc, pizza hut, dominos etc around here
What do you mean "around here" Do you live in a super rural area? That could explain your wildly offbase perspective on how most people here live

>> No.10748660
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>> No.10748663

>thank you for liking shitty beer because it leads to some breweries occasionally making good beer
That's what a soyboy faggot would say. How about you just drink good beer then we can all be happy?

>> No.10748665

The whole reason hipsters pretend to enjoy IPA is so they can convince there friends to order it then snicker and condescend when naturally they find it disgusting.

>> No.10748670

>they literally all just taste like hops, because IPAs are (by design) overpowered with hops
Thats like saying all wine is bad and the same because they all just taste like grapes (but probably even dumber.

Hops have been bred to exhibit a pretty broad range of flavors. An IPA made with cascade, one with centennial, one with a Euro noble hop, and one with Citra will all taste pretty distinct from each other. Also just as notably there are a lot of ways you can incorporate hops. Hops added early in the boil (think West Coast) have wildly different effects on the flavor and aroma than ones added toward the end (Midwest), or hops added afterwards (New England)

>> No.10748674

I drink a lot of kinds of beer, so I am pretty fucking happy right now because no people in the history of the world have have better access to better beer or to such a wide variety of good beer as modern Americans do

>> No.10748679

how are tacos hipster bar food?

Maybe in your neck of the woods where a fried chicken/pasta dish goes well with a beer

>> No.10748680

So to summarize this thread, a bunch of poorfag autists are mad that other people are playing with their toys?

>> No.10748697
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I, for one, am glad you've stopped eating and drinking. Teach those fuckers a lesson, my man!

>> No.10748705

>Got rid of the cheap beers that were like 3 bucks
All the "hipster" bars here carry PBR for $2 along with their IPAs or whatever the fuck.

>> No.10748707

Fuckin Melbourne, Australia mate, and no, I am not confusing millenials with younger people, I am talking about people in their 20s and 30s that attend university, have jobs etc, not highschool kids, these people generally aren't the kinda people to splurge on booze like you think, food yeah maybe if they're stupid, the people you're talking about are pretty fucking rare even in the most hipster of suburbs, I can go down to any pub in Fitzroy; the most hipster suburb in my city, ask around about what people are drinking and I can almost guarantee its gonna be a cheap drink regardless of the selection

You're either gonna find some retarded variation in a hipster bar or you're somewhere with a lot of mexicans, I honestly doubt you're mexican or are in a place with a lot of mexicans, so yeah. Go figure mate

>> No.10748709


>> No.10748716

Same PBR is always like 2.5 for the 16oz cans, and the rest is IPA's at some stupid price the second happy hour is over.

>> No.10748717

how about you eat what you will and fuck what others think.

>> No.10748723

That's a dumb as fuck argument because I could just as easily say toilet paper has tons of super deep and interesting tasting notes depending on what wood is used.
The best evidence of this is that love of wine is pretty universal, while IPAs appeal to soyboy faggots exclusively.

>> No.10748737
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if i make a pot of drip coffee in the morning and store half of it in a mason jar for iced coffee in the afternoon am i a hipster?

>> No.10748744

If hipsters had taste they probably wouldn't be hipsters

>> No.10748756

>Fuckin Melbourne, Australia mate
Oh, well I can't really speak to that, but that may explain our wildly different perceptions of the issue

> the people you're talking about are pretty fucking rare even in the most hipster of suburbs
lol, the concept of a hipster suburb is pretty funny to an American point of view as they are so tightly tied to urban white culture here

>> No.10748757

You should never be drinking PBR unless it's free.

>> No.10748758

Does it flush with delicious milk?

>> No.10748762

How can one lady be so wildly wrong so consistently?

>> No.10748769

Hipsters don't directly ruin anything, it's motherfucking restaurants pandering to hipster fads that make it plain awful

>> No.10748771
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>> No.10748784

Well, it started with fitzroy and brunswick, its moving further north all the time cause of these fuckheads moving here in droves, its hard to find a good place to get a burger around for a reasonable price that isnt either mcdonalds or making my own now, or something like a milkshake or hot chocolate/coffee.

They've fucking destroyed food prices around here, booze prices are roughly the same though

>> No.10748796

people who avoid “hipster foods” are just meta-hipsters

>> No.10748814

>watching television

>> No.10748820

Stop ruining coffee!

>> No.10748826
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>imagine being this reddit

>> No.10748836

I didnt know there were hipsters on 4chan outside /fa/

>> No.10748844

whoa dude not all of us are rich, I'm still trying to find myself in this messed up world. Some times a cheap sip of something nice is good to remind me of the old days in college that was 4 years ago...

>> No.10748853

eh, its not like good beer is even remotely expensive

>> No.10748857

You're a little too concerned with what other people are doing anon. Leave those retards alone and just do whatever. They move from fad to fad so quick, by the time you start complaining about them, they've already moved on to something new.

>> No.10748891


first off is: Not everyone is a goddamn hipster

we need to define what a hipster is. a "hipster" is someone who desperately follows and seeks out trends for validation.

Yes Hipsters ruin certain foods. however the underlying, if you go back to the roots of the honest place of creation is still good and uncorrupted.

>> No.10748900

t. hipster

>> No.10748907

If anything, not eating popular foods makes you the hipster.

>> No.10748916

>I won't eat something if hipsters eat it
you're a faggy piece of shit

>> No.10748954

I'm in central california in a heavy agriculture area :^)

>> No.10749250
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>> No.10749404

OP btfo

>> No.10749423

>Lives in an area where IPAs are popular and in demand
>Complains that his rare strawberry Belgian isn't in stock
Pot calling kettle black

>> No.10749447

Hops is literally used to preserve beer, and using different varieties or amounts gives a beer character rather than tasting like anonymous wheat water.
I do agree though that some beers go full retard with the hops though, but I see it just as a dick flinging contest in how many IBUs people can handle, no different to the small group of fags that jerk off to how hot their rare and expensive brand of hot sauce is.

>> No.10749458

Reddit: the beer

>> No.10749461

Have you just tried not being insecure about what you like? No one is gonna give you shit about any of those unless you act like a whiny bitch about it.

>> No.10749474

So hipsters became normies. Paul Joseph Watson was right about conservatism being the new counterculture

>> No.10749493

It's like they don't want to be normies, of course any anon doing like them would be cringe.

>> No.10749500

Craft beer and microbrews have much higher abv than macro brews and will "fuck you up faster" and potentially cheaper, without having to drink shitty tasting beer and injest loads more calories/carbs/liquid

>> No.10749515

they don't, you're just being a dick.

>> No.10750025

Liar. Nobody likes IPAs. They just pretend to because it's fashionable.

Likewise, nobody really likes the taste of hard liquor. That's what cocktails are for.

>> No.10750033

IPAs are one of the least offensive tasting beers. How about you just say no one likes alcohol at all?

>> No.10750042

Winos like the effects of alcohol, but no one likes the taste of alcohol. It's a byproduct of the high one gets. Also a byproduct of the flavors of beer and wine.

But drink pure ethanol and tell me you like the taste.

>> No.10750058

I meant the taste of alcoholic alcoholic beverages, beverages containing alcohol, in general. Of course not pure ethyl alcohol alone.

>> No.10750075

What ever happened to the 00s era Williamsburgian, fixie riding, handle bar mustachio'd, Ray Ban Wayfarer bespectacled, ironic t-shirt wearing, Pabst drinking, American Spirits smoking, scarf wearing, skinny jeaned, trust fund kid hipster?

>> No.10750080

high proof everclear tastes like very little, and plenty of people like the actual taste of alcohol

>> No.10750096

>fucking melbourne
Get the fuck out of that shithole you cunt. You melbournians are the shame of our nation and deserve a nuke.
Fucking hell I despise that place.

>> No.10750099

True the jewery makes the price high as fuck. And they still fukken buying it
>craft beer
Memes beer should be banned.
Fake bacon should be banned too.
Dunno about this
Bad mouth taste, not the product itself.
>hot sauce
Dunno about this one.

>> No.10750102

How can you bring shame to an entire nation who are the descendants of criminals

>> No.10750107

Craft beer should be banned? You prefer bud light and corona?

>> No.10750117

Hipster just referred to someone who read Pitchfork you moron. You don't even know how hipsters came about, quit posting.

>> No.10750121

Hipsters breath oxygen too, guess that means y'all have to stop doing that as well. Make it quick. There'll be tendies waiting for you at the end.

>> No.10750126

Do you? It was long before pitchfork was around, or even the hippies and counterculture of the 60s

>> No.10750131

Hepsters have no relation to modern hipsters and you're a retard and likely a hipster yourself for believing so.

>> No.10750139

Wtf is a hepster? I'm a hipster for being literate? All terms lose/change their meaning and adapt, especially over the course of 6 decades

>> No.10750141

This whole fuckin country deserves a nuke mate, the other states really aren't any better at all, maybe Adelaide is ok, but mostly cause it's nice and quiet as fuck, otherwise its boring as dogshit

This nation is a fuckin shame and deserves glassing, fuck Australia

>> No.10750147
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These guys m8, urban dictionary says this though "The original word for hipster; a devotee of jazz."

>> No.10750151

Yes, what all the white beat poets and beatniks would listen to. It's in a line from Allen Ginsberg's most famous poem, Howl ("angel headed hipsters...")

>> No.10750175

>puts down a toni morrison novel
>cracks open the latest new yorker
>downloads an npr podcast
>goes to a free summer concert series
>gets hair cut at place that serves whiskey, like back when real men shaved with straight razors
>wears an untucked gingham shirt not over a t-shirt and catholic-colored topsiders or over-polished menswear wingtips
>waits three hours for a text from the new small plates pop-up restaurant
>orders the second least-expensive malbec
>tries to watch all the oscar nominees each year
>cannot believe how good the new rap album is
>goes to a coffee tasting
>orders a kindle and hard copy of the latest kwame ngobongo novel but listens to it on audiobook during his commute
>goes to four spinning classes a week
>talks about how busy life as a creative is
>buys a groupon for hamilton
>lives in new york city

>> No.10750185

>buys a groupon for Hamilton

>> No.10750187

What are spinning classes?

>> No.10750224

>I don't like the taste of alcohol so everyone who think they do are just tricked by the drug.

>> No.10750308

You let hipsters stop you from enjoying good things in life?
Are you genetically retarded or did your mother drink when pregnant?

>> No.10750312

Kimchi smells like fucking salty shit.
I hate the asian world so fucking much because of shit like this.

>> No.10750313

I won't drink "pure" ethanol. But 40% vodka is just ethanol and water, and yes I quite like the taste thank you.

>> No.10750323

hipsters breathe air and drink water

>> No.10750328

>Dude, you drink craft beer? You must only do that to feel cool. No way you enjoy it. Fuckin' hipster.
>You ride a bike places? Nah, no way it's because you like the fresh air and exercise and savings. It's just virtue signaling and fad-following, you hipster.
>What is that, a fucking AVOCADO? Nobody eats that shit unless they're a hipster.
>You mean you like music that I haven't heard of? You must have purposefully searched out on obscure band to make me feel inferior. Fucking hipsters think they're so special.
>You mean you're between the ages of 20 and 34, and you hang out with other young people? And one of them has a beard and thick glasses because that's his style? Yeah, you're all a bunch of hipsters.

Hipsters sure do ruin everything.

>> No.10751116

I absolutely want to strangle people who think this way and think this is an acceptable answer.

>> No.10751129

I didnt bully them enough when they were emos

>> No.10751256

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

tl;dr: if you believe hipsters exist, you are a plebeian.

>> No.10751258

into the personal cringe compilation you go

>> No.10751403

Apart from make the price go through the roof

>> No.10751419

Hundreds of millions of people weren't doing those things before they became fashionable though

>> No.10751424

If you don't like things because they became popular, you realize that makes YOU the hipster, right?

>> No.10751426

After a hard days work in the summer nothing tastes better than a cold beer. Not ice water, squash, tea, coffee, milk, Coke, semen, nothing

>> No.10751441

The definition of a hipster is not tied to *what* they are doing. It's tied to *why* they are doing it. It's like pretentiousness. It's not the specific behavior that's the defining characteristic. Rather, its the motivation behind that behavior.

Not necessarily. There are plenty of groups that are anti-establishment that are also not hipster. A great example would be punk rock. Or the hippie/"flower power" 1960's counterculture.

>> No.10751469

I've said it before in these threads: the only thing hipsters ruin is affordable places to live. When it comes to food they often have pretty good taste, they're just comically trendy.

>> No.10751473

Ok if you say so. People who pretentiously drink craft beer, ride vintage bikes, eat loads of avocados, listen to out there music and have a shit beard and glasses that they don't need are hipsters

Also hippies and punks knew what they were and didn't deny it but embraced it. Hippies liked getting high and having group sex but didnt care who knew it. Hipsters are faggots

>> No.10751485

Hipsters =/= yuppies
Hipsters work 10 hours a week at an underground coffee shop/used record store and share an apartment with 3 other people, all of whom have trust funds
Yuppies are the ones driving up housing prices by their demand for better schools/grocery stores/restaurants near the "authentic" neighborhood they moved into aka gentrification

>> No.10751497

>being the bully
try harder next time buddy

>> No.10751513

gonna post this everytime I see a hipster thread

>> No.10751515

it's not hipsters, it's obnoxious trendy normies overusing social media
"hipsters" as in "beard, flannel and craft beer" stopped being a thing 5 years ago

as a fucking pretentious cunt I take offense, neither I nor my douchebag indie /mu/ /lit/ /fa/ friends look like this or like most of these things

>> No.10751563

Hipsters are the ones who blase the trail for the yuppies. An affordable neighborhood might have a mix of people - working class, immigrants, artist types... Hipsters move in and suddenly a few cute coffee places open up to cater to them. They're visibly out walking their dogs. Yuppies looking for an affordable place follow, see the coffee shops and dog walkers and decide the neighborhood they though was a little sketchy might not be so bad after all. Bad neighborhoods don't have espresso machines. Then rents double in a couple years.

>> No.10751569

>hipsters aren’t real and you can’t define what a hipster is
>OP is a hipster
pick ONE(1) and only one

>> No.10751594

A hipster is anyone who lives in a now trendy urban neighborhood (that used to be sketchy), is part of the gig economy or a creative and likes knowing what's trendy. They're a lot like yuppies, except that they value being cool more than making money. When the yuppies move in they have to find a new neighborhood to colonize.

>> No.10751641

>buy an avocado tree for the price of 50 avocados

>> No.10751643

>not just buying a single avacado and germinating the seed

>> No.10751671

People only defend hipsters because they're white.

>> No.10751683

>implying black hipsters wouldn't be preferable to gangbangers

>> No.10751699

I self identify as a real hipster because I definitely liked many bands before they turned mainstream and and had to appeal to a larger audience thus ruining their music (same with games or any other form of entertaining, and foods, you dumbass) and I like vintage things like the Rat Pack and racial segregation.
Young adults who listen to EDM and wear their hair like that slut from Die Antwoord aren't hipsters, just fucking idiots

>> No.10751780

>People only defend hipsters
Only hipsters defend hipsters

>> No.10751782

will always be relevant

>> No.10751839

>hipsters drink söylent

>> No.10752066

I think OP hated these foods all along but feels socially obligated to like them and just wanted an excuse to stop eating them.
Muh hipsters is the perfect red herring