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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 105 KB, 750x738, 1527578751544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10745018 No.10745018[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who /dishwasher/ here?

>> No.10745026

That's a big gay spoiler on that car.

>> No.10745037

spoilers are gay on all cars unless you can go 200 mph, which you can't.

>> No.10745038

It's a shoop

>> No.10745050

That's what I was referencing by saying it was gay in the first place.

>> No.10745058

How many hot blonde chicks sat on your car and ate today?

>> No.10745061

you're a big gay spoiler

>> No.10745062
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who else /linecook/

>> No.10745063

Blondes are bottom tier though. It's all about the hot, vegan brunettes.

>> No.10745065

sounds hot

>> No.10745069

/grillcook/ here. charcoal is one hell of a bitch

>> No.10745070

Uh, like five or six.

>> No.10745072

/dishwasher/ masterrace signing in
lines and chefs, how does it feel knowing that you actually have to think about what you are doing while cooking, instead of comfily washing dishes while listening to music

>> No.10745074
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>tfw make 17.20 cad an hour

>> No.10745081

is that sodapoppin?

>> No.10745158

Fucking hell, OP. Give us a spoiler warning next time.

>> No.10745161
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>> No.10745163
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>> No.10745167
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Your "spoiling" the thread.

>> No.10745169
File: 79 KB, 426x600, 08585948d4b7e62b8fe94407af2ea6bf751380ff_s2_n2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so good at dishbitching that the cooks and waiters love me and i can do all the dishes and fuck around on my phone for hours

>> No.10745177
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i even get a job in 2018

i mean you can get a """""job"""""" but they are all literally the same shit wage no matter what you work in food, stores, tourism, ocean side industry, ports/warehouse etc you will max at 12 an hour which after taxes is like $70 and they want you to only work 34 hrs a week rofl

>> No.10745185

Delivery lad here. Why are you such a pleb? All I do is break traffic laws all afternoon and get 60 dollarydoos in tips for a 4 hour shift and 10 bucks of gas.

>> No.10745187

>that 36 year old boomer who hasn't left his room in 20 years

>> No.10745194

60 dollarydoos gets you what, a happy meal from “maccas” and a pack of whatever you call cigarettes?

>> No.10745198

We call them fags, dumbass.

>> No.10745199

you dont get a job. just wait until the next great depression sparks a war that kills billions, and hope you are one of them

>> No.10745204
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im a millennial

good plan

>> No.10745221

Oi, you wanna have a go you bloody sheila

>> No.10745225

Dishwashing was the best job I ever had desu. Easy and didn't have to interact with anyone. Also got tons of free food, the chef cooked me a meal every night and we had a store attached that would give unsold products to the kitchen to eat. Then after closing we'd all sit down and have a beer before leaving.
Comfy as fuck, I miss it.

>> No.10745227 [DELETED] 

>faggot mods ban alcky threads.
>let "hurr durr Im a dishwasher threads" on a cooking board.

The manchild who mods this board clearly has a "someone in my family was an alcoholic therefore I'm a triggered fagtard who bans all alcoholic threads."
Maybe you will grow as a person one day and see that [support groups] can exist on the internet too.

>> No.10745231 [DELETED] 

why are you so upset

>> No.10745232 [DELETED] 

Someone’s been drinking again lol

>> No.10745233 [DELETED] 
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wait are they really banned now?

>> No.10745244 [DELETED] 

But this isn't a support group board.

>> No.10745251

I've dishwased at two places. Once at a retirement home which was hell on earth, another time at this really fancy restaurant, where I eventually moved into support staff and now make a ton week on tips. I honestly liked dishwashing though. You're in your own place, no one really bothers you, and it's pretty therapeutic

>> No.10745252 [DELETED] 
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Because I have a visceral hatred for stupid people.
You are correct sir, but I'm not drunk.
Yes. Faggot ass mod just started deleting ALL POSTS I made regardless of board or topic. So I posted a "Mods are deleting all my posts for some reason" post, and got banned for that b/c it was off-topic. Can't appeal it b/c short ban.
>Ban, right..... Cuz you can't change your IP address or anything...

Hey 19yo mod. You are a stunted individual. Please grow as a person and realize that not everyone in the world has the same experiences as you, and all our lives are valid.

>PS, one of you three is the mod I am referring to. xDDDDDD

>> No.10745256

you seem familiar. are you canadian.

>> No.10745257 [DELETED] 

Fuck off to >>>/r9k/ you snowflake.
The world doesn’t revolve around you and the consequences of your weak willed, poor life decisions.

>> No.10745258 [DELETED] 

>and all our lives are valid.
But not all aspects of your life are relevant to this board. Take it to /adv/

>> No.10745260 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 413x395, HEHEHE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on and sing the word brother.

>> No.10745263 [DELETED] 

I don't expect anyone to cater to my personal experience.
>Neither should manchild mods.
Hold us both to the same standards, right?

I wasn't posting off topic in the thread I posted in. The topic of over-indulging in alcohol came up naturally, and I contributed my two-cents.
Nothing wrong with that.
Food / alcohol, are both chemical compounds that you orally ingest and provide caloric content.
>Prove me wrong.
Get a hold of yourself buddy.

>> No.10745267

I'm not an ausfag I just appropriate their nonsense.

>> No.10745271 [DELETED] 
File: 3.73 MB, 460x258, ddedd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being such a negative nancy that you post things like this

>> No.10745274 [DELETED] 

You'll appreciate this more when your age starts with a 2, 3, 4, instead of a 1.
>maybe not the same problem, but a problem nonetheless.

>> No.10745277 [DELETED] 

Those are some hurtful words, friend-o.
Please send me a formal apology, sealed with wax and imprinted with your family crest.

>> No.10745278 [DELETED] 

OK. What's your address?

>> No.10745279
File: 119 KB, 1075x582, 1511297903310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Dishbitch/ general?
Been a while. How are you boys holding up?

>> No.10745281 [DELETED] 

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500

>> No.10745282 [DELETED] 

My age begins with a 2.
I am perfectly capable of drinking in moderation.
You need to go outside and apologise to the trees for wasting all the oxygen they produce.

>> No.10745286 [DELETED] 

Boy this thread really got out of hand

>> No.10745288 [DELETED] 

I'm honestly glad the alcoholic thread got banned from /ck/. that behavior shouldn't be tolerated.

>> No.10745289 [DELETED] 

Yep. al/ck/ strikes again!

>> No.10745293 [DELETED] 

Let's be honest. This thread was going nowhere to begin with, and I stimulated convo a little. Appreciate that at least, can't you?

>> No.10745308 [DELETED] 

how about you get professional help instead

>> No.10745311 [DELETED] 

Industry threads are fun anon. I'm sorry that al/ck/ threads got banned. Especially considering all the other off topic bullshit that gets to stay up for days at a time like the daily political threads thinly vailed as a chick-fil-a thread. Don't be mad at us for what the shit mods did.

>> No.10745313

>dude a female who is considered conventionally attractive signaled to society that me, a worthless male, I was a worthwhile person with a look-at-me social media photo
Are you like a muslim, except instead of praying 6x a day you kowtow to the nearest vagina?

>> No.10745318 [DELETED] 

While the salty al/ck/oholic is being an annoying shitposter right now. It does go to show that if they had their containment thread back that this wouldn't be a problem since it never was before.

>> No.10745322

pretty neat. but my god do I hate ramekins.

>> No.10745323

Islamic tradition requires five prayers' a day not six.

>> No.10745333

t. guy with a shitty car

>> No.10745340

I bet you have the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition calendar hanging up in your bedroom

>> No.10745344 [DELETED] 

Sensible advice, thanks.
Also sensible, thanks, I really was projecting there wasn't I.
Also true. Should probably just allow those threads again.

Why do you hate ramekins? I'll admit I barely use mine, but when I do I appreciate them.

>> No.10745347

the metal ones wound stick to each other and it's difficult to deal with them on a rush.

>> No.10745352

>i-if I drive this shitbox for 10 years and never get laid I can max out my retirement account

>> No.10745360
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Fucking roasted.

>> No.10745364

Projection from the guy with the pimped out riceburner. I bet you have a /sick/ stereo.

When you go to sleep, do you dream of car babes at the WRX booth in a carshow?

>my Integra gets all the bitches wet
>please fuck me

>> No.10745368

No I live in Oregon. My roommate is Canadian

>> No.10745373


>> No.10745375

I drive a lifted truck with a bull bar on it not some fagwagon

>> No.10745386

>bull bar
You mean the chrome Truck Nutz? When you're this much of a man the whole road has to know.

>i bet you drive a shitbox
Big words from the guy who rolls coal just by putting the car in gear

>> No.10745690

Yes the pink twink

>> No.10746005

It's known as a 'douce wing'. In case you ever get your camry over 100mph

>> No.10746027

you could not sound more gay right now if you tried

>> No.10746069

meat factory worker here :3

>> No.10746112

for you

>> No.10746142

You're a douche wing

>> No.10746304
File: 26 KB, 480x360, MV5BNmJiNWExM2EtMjFiNS00ZDY2LWE3YjgtN2ViNzAwZjMzMmE4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lower BMI, skinnier women, sexier due to less hormonal imbalances, and healthier. Technically vegan women are sexier simply by statistics. How's that feel, meatcuck? You can complain and point all you want, but my wife will never become a tublord and my dating pool is filled with beautiful women who crave the rarest vegan alpha. Life is easy for my dick.

>> No.10746371
File: 415 KB, 480x238, 1528295365293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a fat slag. I know one vegan by default through work and she's fucking massive, also a cunt licker, also stupid proverbs she pins up herself pinned around her desk, also makes it known when ever she sends an "all company" email out for reasons unknown to every fucking one, also highjacks fun sweepstakes because they involve blood sports i fucking e the grand national and suggests everyone instead donated to the LGBT fund for disabled black horse cocks rammed in her fat fucking dyke mouth.

Please shit the fuck up and call 999/911 to inform the switchboard you live solely off windowsill dust and pubic hairs collect from the bagless compartment of your vacuum cleaner.


>> No.10746378
File: 8 KB, 228x67, 0~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I know you're trolling I just wanted to let some steam of about the fat lezza with a nine year old CIS privalaged white boys hair doo.

>> No.10746387

>rarest vegan alpha.
Have you found him yet?

>> No.10746389

Put a bucket of hot bleach water on the floor, drop those bad boys in it and let them soak, mid shift take them out give a good scrub with steel wool in and out then run them through a few times...

>> No.10746393

He's fist pumping a homeless person of colour at the moment. I'll get back to you once he's changed my bedsheets and had a shower.

>> No.10746401

Fuck knows how white women do it, I'm black and have to wash my hands when another black guy wants to "fist bump".

>> No.10746403

I hope you’re not over 23, because that’s fucking pathetic if you are

>> No.10746421
File: 65 KB, 615x620, PAY-Steve-Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know one vegan
I know thousands of omnivores and every single one is 70 pounds over weight, has buck teeth, and is as dumb as a four year old. Every single one of them. It's sad that you choose to eat like this. Based on your post, I can tell that it's affected you to. Sad!

>> No.10746425

not me but my friend started as a dishwasher a few months ago, he really liked it. he's a line cook now and losing his hair from stress.

>> No.10746428

Sounds like you hang out with thousands (lol) of very low class people. I wonder why that is, anon.
Are you sure it's the meat specifically that makes them all fat slobs?

>> No.10746435

lol what a fucking post, keep up the good work anon

>> No.10746439

>I can tell that it's affected you to
post discarded

>> No.10746443
File: 5 KB, 222x228, c18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is a "cad"?

If a "cad" was equivelent to a black persons life, how would the exchange rate work out?

So if one "cad" ≤2 = 60deg √a of 53% what is the total amount of energy that can be created by burning the indigenous populous of Africa and Chicago?


>> No.10746452


I try my hardest but the stupid fucking /ck/ mods banned my containment /alck/ threads

>> No.10746454

Canadian dollar
It’s actually worth even less than the life of a black person...