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10741820 No.10741820 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a culture more insufferable and pretentious than the French?
Famously sore losers to California wine:
>Odette Kahn(1923–1982) was a leading authority on wine and editor of theLa Revue du vin de France(Review ofFrench wine) and ofCuisine et Vins de France(Food and Wines of France). She was a judge at the historicParis Wine Tasting of 1976. Kahn was outraged at the results of the tasting, unsuccessfully demanded her ballot back, refused later to speak to organizerSteven Spurrierafter the event, claimed fraud, and wrote disparagingly about thewine competition.
Excessive use of PDO/PGI protection schemes to narrow markets and create false exclusivity to French products:
>pic related of 43 products only considered authentic by law if made in France
Michelin guide bias:
>"Some non-French food critics have alleged that the rating system is biased in favour of French cuisine or French dining standards. When Michelin published its first New York City Red Guide in 2005 Steven Kurutz ofThe New York Times... claimed that over half of the restaurants that received one or two stars 'could be considered French.'"
Convince me that French food and wine deserves the reputation it has and isn't just meme-tier because of how snobby its people are.

>> No.10741824

>no passport: the thread.

>> No.10741829

no one cares about wine, you 90 year old boomer

>> No.10741837

Michelin sucks anyway, Baedeker rules.

>> No.10741843

>I saw dis thang about the France on televeesion, pa.

>> No.10741852

French social norms are somewhat more open to directness and confrontation than American social norms. It is considered a sign of openness. If a Frenchman is overly polite that suggests a lack of trust. But this can be offensive if you expect a pretense of “niceness”

I like French people and I unironically prefer their wines to most other wines

America does make some good wine but it does not come from California anymore. I am of course not considering very expensive trophy wines which any country is more than capable of with modern oenological knowledge and adequate capital

t. American who drinks more wine than you

>> No.10741870

Are the french assholes?
Is french cuisine the best in the world?
also true

>> No.10741902

If the French could declare themselves the only country that could make any cheese in the world, they would've done it centuries ago. If their food products are truly good and completely beyond imitation, they wouldn't have to protect them through EU law. Fuck France.

>> No.10742079

Doesn't a lot of it come from the midwest?

>> No.10742153

I hate it when the gendarmerie breaks into my hon hon hon and forces me to stop calling my kraft singles “brie de meaux AOC”
yes, you should pick up a bottle of chateau d’jesusville pinot noir monopole, they use a pre phylloxera DRC suitcase clone. the ’06 is drinking just lovely right now

>> No.10742448

>chateau d’jesusville

>> No.10742515

Yes, although it's not food-related. I live in Leafland and Quebec is full of the most insufferable motherfuckers to grace the face of the planet. They scream and cry and stamp their feet about everything, act like smug superior assholes when they do get what they want, and threaten to secede when they don't. They are the sole reason why we have to learn both English and French, despite them being the minority across Canada. For those south of the border, imagine if you were mandated to learn Afrikaans or some other form of Ebonics because your nation has a minority of niggers in it.

And this is just Quebec, the offshoot mongoloids of the French. I can't imagine what France is really like.

>> No.10743328
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What is it about France that triggers the flyovers so much? Why not say, Switzerland or Denmark or Liechtenstein?

>> No.10743347

Not sure why you think this has anything to do with flyovers, but maybe France gets more attention in general because it is larger and more historically relevant than any of those random countries you mentioned

>> No.10743367

Ok, Spain? Turkey? Austria? Those had an arguably larger impact than France (at least if you consider Turkey the successor to the Ottoman empire).

The question stands.

>> No.10743378

Because we of the Anglosphere hate the French and always have. The french are simply bad people. The black prince did nothing wrong.

>> No.10743384

Spaniard, Austrians, and Turks are all nice.

Watch top gear, france is shit.

>> No.10743396

>the TV taught me that France is bad
Ah ok. I guess I forgot there is nothing to do in flyover country except have sexual relations with your immediate family, and watch the television.

>> No.10743528

>Large companies should be allowed to lie to their customers about their product, so I'll call French faggots for banning scams, the thread.
The law just says that if I make boudin (some weird white sausage), I can't say it's boudin from Rethel (some town) if it's not from Rethel or if it's not boudin. How the fuck is that supposed to be a problem?

I'm sorry for your weeb ass, but Michelin don't really cover Asian food. They make tires, not plane wings.
Why don't you ask Bridgestone to make a restaurant guide of places you'll never go either?

>> No.10743744

>How the fuck is that supposed to be a problem?
Cleetus thinks it's his god given right to be lied to by Mondelez, because that's what the forwarded chain email from Aunt Mildred said was freedom (also Obama wants to take away our pop guns by forcing us to pledge allegiance to the dictator of France)

>> No.10743857

Chevuchee clearly needs a comeback.

>> No.10743919

Rest of Canada doesn't have any cultural difference with USA.
Stay mad light USA.

>> No.10744051

Hmm, the Quebecois I met travelling around the US in an RV for a couple years (apparently alot of them RV in the US) were cool. Sure they started drinking at 10AM, but then, so did I. I got along with them really well.

>> No.10744200

I haven't minded any of the Quebec folk I've met either. But Canada has some weird internal politics, like everyone hates Toronto for some reason. Like, Toronto? How the fuck can you hate Toronto. And instead of being racist against blacks for being poor, like we are in America, Canadians are racist against Chinese people because they're too successful. I mean we get that here too but only in NYC, for the most part people leave us alone.

>> No.10744512

>Excessive use of PDO/PGI protection schemes to narrow markets

This again. Are you fuckwits just playing dumb or are you really that dense? "B-b-but I want to sell you my sparkling wine that is 100% better than champagne at 50% price!" No you don't asshole, if you have sth actually as good as the original you will put a 100% buy America markup on it. Everything else will be the cheapest imitation shit allowed by FDA because you have no interest whatsoever to keep any quality standard. PDOs are trademarks, if you numbnuts don't get that maybe we should start ignoring brands like Apple and Tesla and whatever too.

>> No.10744535

Have you been to Toronto?

>> No.10744549

>French social norms are somewhat more
I can always appreciate any diatribe on worldliness that starts with a broadly sweeping, homogeneous generalization about abstract social norms of 70 million people

>> No.10744638

France basically are historically assholes. Most notably was WWII, where they gave up and their "resistance" was a meme made up by De Gaulle and some small groups doing a shitty job of being terrorists to civies. Then they declared that they liberated France and gave no thanks to anyone not the Russians, the US, British, or colonials besides a and you where there. Then they pulled out of NATO after saying it be a great idea and forced the US to pay for it. Then they fucked up in Vietnam and forced Americans into a conflict.

Then they act morally superior. Also a whole thing with the Revolution trying to get the US involved in a war they could not afford or care about, and then sending over a guy who starts the war of 1812 by hiring pirates and then said guy marries a rich guys daughter and poisons the dad.

>> No.10745565

Found the Canadian. You will now rave about how they're bad because they have flush toilets, or something. REAL CANADIANS squat in the oil shale right where they're standing when the urge hits them, right?

>> No.10745569

>cultural differences aren't real

>> No.10745579

The notion that you can make a meaningfully accurate observation about the directness or confrontationality of either the French, or of the Americans you're comparing them to, is fucking retarded.

What you meant to say is "The French people in my head are more open to directness and confrontation than the Americans in my head" and then jump into the obligate eurofetishism in food.

>> No.10745589

You're either so oblivious to social norms that you make an ass of yourself and/or take offense everywhere you go, or you have no passport. Which is it?

>> No.10745596

France is worthless. Our new ally, North Korea, is the world's true center of culture and sophistication.

>> No.10745640

Nah, he's right. Look at all the people that claim the Japanese are polite. Most of them probably can't even speak Japanese and haven't lived in Japan for any length of time. Plenty of rude people push through you in busy areas and I even had a cashier say to me "You have no idea what I'm saying do you" because I was just nodding while buying groceries.

>> No.10745648

t. engrish teacher with no friends (but your'e just socially awkward right?)

>> No.10745687
File: 166 KB, 548x731, c_18qefojhh82b111dgzcufo32wbsnrzsozhpwzzn3u.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw drinking 6€ Bourgogne on the regular that would be a 30$ bottle if made in the US quality-wise.
>tfw I regularly enjoy the best organic/local cheeses for 12€/kg while americans fight over which is better between having pepper or food coloring in their partially hydrogenated dairies
>tfw there's a food culture in my country that can't be reduced to making the cheapest food to produce and sell as fast as possible to poor obese people.
>tfw Americans are butthurt about it

>> No.10745692

That's why we just import your 6 euro wine. Even after markups they're still a better deal than the made in USA version. But let's be honest here it's mostly because of agro subsidies. We'd rather dump those subsidies into soy and maize in order to manipulate global markets.

>> No.10745701

Your a fag and all your shits retarded

They may not sell wine at your shit-tier restaurants (Taco Bell, Burger King) but guess what faggot they actually sell shitty fucking food there. Quit acting like your any credibility in talking about food and drink. Wine is fucking amazing and the fact you think bit isn't means you don't know shit.

Fucking faggot

>> No.10745706
File: 123 KB, 1115x450, haram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 banned from all boards because you were replying to a mod

>> No.10745709

That's a goddamn outrage.
The jannies are ruining this fucking board.

>> No.10745712

>implying there was anything to ruin
don't forget you're here forever dot jpg

>> No.10745748

Lots of people are friendly, just saying I don't feel like Japan is much more polite than the US and that aspect of Japan is overblown.

>> No.10745815

they're mad they can't sell their cheese by piggybacking off of established names

>> No.10745827

>janitors can issue bans
Lurk Moar, newfag.

>> No.10746017

Have you even traveled around the US before teaching engrish? There are variations in culture between regions, that doesn’t mean every single individual follows the tendencies of the area

>> No.10747287

truthful labeling is for commies