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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10740352 No.10740352 [Reply] [Original]

Started as a dishwasher. Now a Sous Chef. Worked from burgers and fries (bar) to top restaurants (2 stars). Ask away
Ask away

>> No.10740357


>> No.10740359


>> No.10740368

What made you want to work in the service industry? Are you a felon or mentally retarded?

>> No.10740374
File: 33 KB, 419x441, 7D7718EA-B7A7-462C-9C41-DA170D83A245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best tendies and does your fancy restaurant serve tendies?

>> No.10740378

I love food. No felony. Possibly mentaly retarted however. Kitchens are also fun and can get away with a lot more shit than in an office enviorment.

The exploration of ingredients is a big driver. The fact something can always be better is a constant driver, that aim for perfection. It is also somewhat instant gratification either when cooking for others or yourself.

>> No.10740386

I choose my tendies from only the finest tendie machines. I personally pluck every feather and bathe in the blood of the animal. This brings me to a primal connection with the tendies. Its when they speak to me and tell me how they should be cooked. Each one is different and some are very comical. Most tendies are brine then buttermilk soaked. Coated in flower and spices and fried in the fat of tendies friends.
I have witnessed some very fine tendies in my time at fancy restaurants that made me regurgitate them all over my penis and proceed to procreate with them.

>> No.10740390

Which felony were you convicted of before you started working in a kitchen?

>> No.10740398

Felony. So American.
I furiously masturbated in the middle of this restaurant and then proceeded to have a orgy with the degustation of not only my table but the others around me.

>> No.10740401


>> No.10740408


>> No.10740411

do you get tired of food?

>> No.10740420

Ever had a massive melt down?
Worst employee you've ever worked with?
Favorite piece of kitchen equipment?
What's your work schedule?
Worst kitchen fail you've ever had?

>> No.10740423

No. I get home and all I think about is what will i cook! In my days off I cook. Every now and then I get tiered but lets say only a couple of times a month.

>> No.10740433

No melt downs. Just a bit passive agressive.
Recently had a kitchen hand walk out during a busy shift because they couldnt handle being told what to do. Woman. Early 20s.
My knife? The rational $30,000 oven? Thermomix? All of the above. The oven is especially good. Ensures shit is perfectly cooked due to perfect heat distribution.
Currently chill as fuck. This place does only lunch and is bistro style not too fancy but not cafe food.
Dinner for 30, trusted pastry chef. Plated ice cream early didnt tell him to replate. Half melted ice cream went out. Had hair in food a couple of times also.

>> No.10742207

not all chefs are convicted felons, a lot of them are just boring, regular, harmless perverts

>> No.10742215

I'm a gay retard

>> No.10742232

hehe silly op why you tell that just now, we knew that all along

>> No.10742233

Do you spit on the dishes you washed if customers don't tip?

>> No.10742243

do you have any advice for someone like yourself who started out as a dishwasher and worked his way up? I'm in a similar situation, I'd love to get a job in either foh or boh but I just have nothing in terms of experience in that area

>> No.10743285

Very true.
Dont work on tips not a Amerimutt. I get $24 per hour.

>> No.10743299

Try to help the chefs out as much as possible. Smash the dishes out so you can help prep. If not possible cook at home. Start basic and work up. Follow recipes then move up from there. If you dont have a chef that wants to teach you.
Watch cooking shows, mind of a chef, no reservations etc. Dont be dismayed if you fuck up a dish, it generally takes about 3 tries to get it good.
Season and taste. Very important.

>> No.10743304

How many drugs are you on during the dinner service? One of the chef's I used to work with would come in off his rocker high on meth, he was a pretty fun guy to work with.

>> No.10743323

i work as a chef at a chain pub/bar, will this hell ever end? i've been there 2 years

>> No.10743330

No drugs during work. Lots of coffee tho. Working from 9am to 3am you dont want to fuck yourself up, its already hard enough as it is with thoes hours and by doing drugs the burnout would be immense.
Now my hours are 8am to 4pm. No drugs still, no point during work. Everywhere I have worked no one was taking them, after work was a diff story. But never meth. Worst was speed.

>> No.10743335

What are my chances at a short-order position? I know how to cook but my only industry experience is two years making pizza and a month dishwashing.

>> No.10743338

I work at a rehab and people on meth are surprisingly functional until they've been up for more than 3 days. That's when they start thinking people are after them and that they saw their spouse cheating on them when in reality they were watching german scat porn and the bourne identity.

>> No.10743341

Never worked for a chain. I can imagine its very robotic.
Try to move to a small restaurant, maybe kitchen of 2 to 3 chefs, make sure their menu is single page not a fucking flip book and you will have a better experience.

>> No.10743342

>Just fucking serve it with frys and shut the fuck up or I'm walking out on the tab.

>> No.10743349

It depends. As i said to previous guy. Try find a small restaurant that has a small sesonal menu. They are generally happy to teach because then you do things their way. You just need to have patience and willingness to learn.
In your spare time cook. If not cooking watch cooking shows. Revolve your life around food. Go to farmers market and talk to stall holders. They might supply restaurants and can point you in the right direction.
Passion is the most important. Skill can be taught.

>> No.10743357


>> No.10743362

i work in a small kitchen of 4 and it does have a home run kind of feel, minimal corporate interaction. you've made me realise i probably have a good deal going on here cheers mate

>> No.10743363

Oui chef.

>> No.10743375

Thats good! If you get bored try suggest menu items or even finish prep early and just make some interesting shit. Be careful tho this depends how open minded your head chef is.

>> No.10743553
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Fuckin A

>> No.10743556

What's the best source for a home chef to start learning how to cook well? Got any book recommendations?

>> No.10743559

Would it be better if I said chips? Don't be a pretentious dick with the starch you self important cunt.

>> No.10743564

Work in a kitchen. No bully.

>> No.10743583

To clarify: in a kitchen, you learn technique under pressure with expert supervision. You build on a skill set through experience, stress and osmosis. If ops experience is remotely close to my own he got drug on line by a bored chef who felt he could do his repetitive dish bitch job well enough that he could learn other repetitive tasks and their proper application. This lead to prep work before service and eventually grilling fish on a slower night when the broiler guy was out smoking. Just like a boot camp.

>> No.10744274


>> No.10745121

Not so much books. Check out Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course. Its Suppertime with Matty. Jamie Oliver.
These are resonable introductions.
A thing I do is wiki a cuisine type then find main traditional recipies from wiki. They just have basic ingredients and i figure out the rest but as a beginner check recipe across 4 or 5 websites and you will get a good understanding of it.

>> No.10745128

I respect that insult
The times they are a changing. Nah when you have a group of 25 chefs working in unison and there is a cunt he is crucified.

>> No.10745131


>> No.10745183


Happens to the best of us, m8

>> No.10745389
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To jpeg you daft cunt, even though it's true.

>> No.10745543

>their spouse

>> No.10745847


>> No.10746087
File: 64 KB, 956x631, MJRybhS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm le important le chef. AMA xD
This isn't l*e*ddit here. How about going back there, faggot?
>to top restaurants (2 stars). Ask away

>> No.10746094

On a scale of 1-10 how much do you want to kill yourself every day

>> No.10746455

I have been working at the same diner for three years, first as a dish bitch, then I got dragged onto the line, and about a year ago I was made kitchen manager.
I just want to go back to the dish pit.

>> No.10747134
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Legit just BS till you make it if you dont have downs you will be fine never cooked and now line cook on grill/pizza oven on about 5k cover nights

>> No.10747202

Drug addicts are mostly married with kids, even the 20 year old ones.

>> No.10747214

I'm pretty sure I'm on the spectrum and I still managed to make head chef. Nepotism got me the job, work ethic got me this far. Now I actually have to talk to other managers and shit, though. It sucks. I wanna go back to washing dishes and getting tips.

>> No.10747439

Go to reddit, gimme proof. Bipolar.

>> No.10747452

Every friday I take a lethal dose of horse tranquiliser. My buddies shock me back to life

>> No.10747935

You put so much effort into this post and it still wasn't funny.

>> No.10748245

I am so sad you think so. How can i change your mind, im so sorry to have wasted your time with my wall of text.

>> No.10748267

Not an argument, Mr. Bocuse.