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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10738398 No.10738398 [Reply] [Original]

The in laws got me a block of Himalayan sea salt that you can cook on, haven't tried it has anyone used these things and how did it come out??

>> No.10738632

Nope, I have not tried this.

>> No.10738637
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>> No.10738684
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The outlaws got me a new bike. What do you think?

>> No.10738694

250 million years ago there was. That's why there is a massive salt deposit there.

>> No.10738721
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Wow, you really cracked the case, Detective Pic Related


>> No.10738948

Salt is salt faggot. Sea salt really only refers to the grain size at this point.

>> No.10738971

Pretty sure it refers to the source, anon

>> No.10738977

There's a big lake up in the mountains, you nigger.

>> No.10738988

Obviously. But the point of sea salt isn't that it comes from the ocean. It's its irregular and large grain size in comparison to regular table salt.

>> No.10739001
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They are fucking stupid. They take too long to heat up, are annoying to clean and store, and don't do any better job of seasoning things.
You'd be better off grinding it up so you'll have a large supply of regular salt.

>> No.10739004


>> No.10739007

I got one a while back and have only used it twice (for steaks both times). I must be missing something, because I couldn't taste any difference.

>> No.10739009

Its seasalt prepared in the Himalayan fashion.

>> No.10739028

this. it's a fucking meme.

>> No.10739062

I was in a store that was selling these the other day and was wondering about how the fuck you're supposed to clean it. Also what is the point? Does it just make food saltier? Why not just add more salt if so?

>> No.10739075

if it's supposed to make it saltier, they don't work.

>> No.10739112

They are not terribly practical or great at seasoning. That being said, when used properly they can yield some very nice results.

First up, you need to get it hot. REALLY HOT. Its a ROCK, so this takes a lot of heat and time. Either under a broiler on max for 20 minutes or so or on a charcoal grill with the lid closed for 30 minutes.

Add something that you want to sear and that cooks quickly. Shrimp are a great choice.


>> No.10739117

>salt block
>doesn't make food saltier
Well that's retarded.
What the fuck is the point then?

>> No.10739118

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.10739220

Those steaks look like total shit, like the kind of thing that gets posted by advise-seekers here on /ck/ who've never cooked a steak before

>> No.10739225

Based pastaposter

>> No.10739250

I think it looks every bit as good as the last steak I boiled.

>> No.10739252

>grey steak
>No crust
>didn't even season the meat

>> No.10739253

>seasoning the meat
>when literally cooking it on a block of salt

>> No.10739260

I don't know about you but I like more than just salt on my food.

>> No.10739262

Why not just boil your steaks in sea water. That's what I do. Exceptionally delicious.

>> No.10739279

>eurokek education

>> No.10739285

>not in milk

>> No.10739291

oh sorry I forgot that a lake is the sea

>> No.10739292


>> No.10739302 [DELETED] 

No, it's the crystal structure.

>> No.10739317


>> No.10739348

wow. I'm trying to remember the last time I saw a post get btfo this bad

>> No.10740074


to be fair pink salt does have more potassium

>> No.10740127

If some inlaws did that to me I'd say thanks and just break the motherfucking thing, if they expected me use it in front of them I'd tell them to fuck off and get the fuck outta my house.

>> No.10740139
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Gotta get married first

>> No.10740142 [DELETED] 

Just you wait. The longer it takes the bigger the payoff.

>> No.10740148 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you're going to marry the Queen of Infinity, tough guy.

>> No.10740151

>Sea salt is salt produced from the evaporation of seawater, rather than by being extracted from sedimentary deposits.

Still not sea salt

>> No.10740178

Yeah, I tried once and it's a fucking exhibition. One can tell a lot about a chick during that time, unfortunately that one was not for me. Luckily I saw that.

>> No.10740185 [DELETED] 

So some woman's parents bought you an oversized chunk of salt and you jilted her? Big man.

>> No.10740192

I marinate them under my armpits.

>> No.10740194


>> No.10740197

I'm canadian, you idiot.

>> No.10740207
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>> No.10740208
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Technically isn't Canada still hoity toity part of the commonwealth? You do have the Queen of England on your money.

>> No.10740210

Good times, he looks like a proper lad who wont take shit from idiots.

>> No.10740370

Technically, all salt comes from dried up sea water. Had a show that investigates certain dubious aspects of food, and they found out that manufacturers are legally allowed to claim this

>> No.10740373

doesn't work great for steaks, the block doesn't really get hot enough for long enough for a good sear, but for thinly sliced meats and seafood it works pretty well

>> No.10741911

it's okay. you didn't know the earth was flat and occasionally we all are under salt water that only appears to be air because when steve jobs, jim henson, moby, bono and george lucas invented the earth and gravity and water n shit, they wanted us to not ever agree on what we were swimming through on our way to buy beanie weenies and cigarettes. how do you think rust happens? it's the sodium in the ocean that penetrates everything and causes cancer. thanks obama.

>> No.10741921

also i think you're right about it being not sea salt, but maybe pink salt? OP just had a momentary lapse that made him type sea instead of what was correct.

>> No.10741928

>the block doesn't really get hot enough for long enough for a good sear
That's not a problem with the block, that's user error: not preheating it long enough or high enough. Salt doesn't melt until about 800C so there's no reason you couldn't get it ripping hot.

>> No.10741959

hopefully it doesn't explode in your face and impale you with molten salt shards

>> No.10741980

Aw yeah. Nice and gray.

>> No.10742033

Wouldn't the salt slab just oversalt anything cooked on it to the point of it being inedible?

>> No.10742065

Nope. It doesn't dissolve that easily.

>> No.10742516

and in their hearts.

>> No.10742698
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>> No.10743013

so then take a stand anon, words mean something god damnit. start calling it "deposit salt" then, fuck being able to be understood as long as you're correct, amirite?

>> No.10743395

Call it Himalayan rock salt or just Himalayan salt.
Calling it sea salt is just wrong.

>> No.10743490

whats wrong with a cast iron

>> No.10743571

What's the point of a pan or a grill? It's just a hot surface you put your steaks on to cook.

It's pink Himalayan salt.

The tip on a $120 steak is larger than on whatever your cheap iron steak is worth.

>> No.10743672

>paying someone to cook a steak for you

>> No.10743686

Tell them thanks to be polite then throw it in the trashcan. Inlaws are always stupid, always.

>> No.10743700

How is that a cuck, you seem like the one that's never worked for company before. Explain yourself with the "cuck" statement.

>> No.10743721

>Being this poor

>> No.10744053

Julie's been working for the drug squad.

>> No.10745985


>> No.10745991

They're used purely as a parlor trick and bring nothing to the table when cooking.

>> No.10746071
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>Waiting for that steak to sear

>> No.10746295

Thanks, anon

>> No.10746297

try using it for something that requires a gentle cooking, like fish or seafood.
Don't use it for steaks, they will turn out like crap

>> No.10746309

that's exactly the definition of you know, rock salt.

>> No.10746317

Sounds like you're too inept to preheat properly. Why should anyone take advice from you?

>> No.10746334
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are you really defending this block of salt?

>> No.10746412

You can't heat a salt block hot enough to properly sear a steak you dumbass, no matter how long do you keep it on the stove.
Not even in official presentation videos they can't make a decent steak:

>> No.10746431

Why not? Salt doesn't melt until 800C which is far hotter than any sane person would sear a steak at. Therefore the problem must be people failing at preheating. 2 hours in the oven at 500 or under the broiler on high works well, as does about 30 min on top of a gas burner cranked up high.

>> No.10746444

its a meme.

maybe cook veggies on it.

>> No.10746475

Who in their right mind wants to wait around for six hours to "preheat" in your words a block of fucking salt which adds nothing? I don't care what your making the only people that care about stupid rocks of salt for cooking are idiots and soccer moms.

>> No.10746484

Yeah right, did you buy a lot of salt blocks and are trying to pawn them off on people? This isn't the right place to do it.

>> No.10746485

>What's the point of a pan or grill
Obviously to cook things. But why inconvenience yourself with a hard to clean, quickly deteriorating block of salt when according to the people I was asking for say it doesn't do anything different? It seems less practical then a pan or girll in every way.

>> No.10746494

You might have better luck pawning your shit on craigslist and reddit. People call each other's bullshit out here.

>> No.10746755 [DELETED] 
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Ew, europeons

>> No.10746772

Claiming that you're too lazy to preheat it, or that you don't think it's worth the effort is an entirely different argument, cockholster.

>> No.10746779

>People call each other's bullshit out here.
Yeah, that's what I just did.

>> No.10746801

You're trying and failing to deflect. What does that so called himalian salt add? Why don't you answer that question?

You're the one making the assertion so prove it out.

>> No.10746806

You're real idiots thinking the "preheating" a block of salt is going to add jack shit instead of just throwing the food on a grill or skillet.

>> No.10746809

uromorons, fucking pathetic.

>> No.10746818

europeaons are fun to deal with, they're so fucking easily manipulated, they're pathetic.

>> No.10746824

>What does that so called himalian salt add? Why don't you answer that question?
I never claimed it added anything anon. I agree its kind of a silly gimmick.

My only point is that it's flat-out stupid to claim that it cannot be heated properly. That is what I was addressing, nothing more. There are plenty of legit complaints about the meme salt block, but stating that it cannot be heated sufficiently is not one of them.

>> No.10746844

>that boiled steak


Why would they not do another take? They obviously have the budget for it

>> No.10746850

with rancid yak's butter?

>> No.10746852

>Amerishart calls others easily manipulated
Ignorance is bliss I guess.

>> No.10746857
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Worked fine for me, though you'd better love salt because it will make everything saltier than normal.

>> No.10747101

those steaks looked amazing untill they cooked them.

>> No.10748563
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No. I never said it was a good idea, except if you want to scam idiots at your restaurant.
It's not a great novelty, like pic related and similar.

Thinking about it, it works as a slightly less dangerous, less practical, flame less, table top stove thingy like in Korean BBQ places. And arguably looks better.
Using it as a pan at home is kinda stupid.

>> No.10749164
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>using a pan at home is kinda stupid

>> No.10749171
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>> No.10749290
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All the flavor developed from cooking the steak stuck to the fucking rock.

>> No.10749358

Those burgers look dry and grey as shit. Maybe if this idiot didn't waste his money on a salt block, he'd afford to get a decent burger bun instead of sliced bread. Did he just give up in the end and start filing the block down by hand to use it as a seasoning? That's the only use this meme salt has.

>> No.10749482

underrated dubs

>> No.10749534
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>this much ass pain


>> No.10749557

hold on, if you lick the block, does it taste like salt?
fucking crush it up and use it on stuff

>> No.10750427

You misread. And misquoted.

>> No.10750439

>does a block of salt taste like salt?

>> No.10750878

I have one, been using it for a couple years. It's pretty good for steak and vegetables but not very versatile. Also when you get tired of it you can break it and grind it

>> No.10750885
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The good times are never coming back

>> No.10752395

Underrated kek

>> No.10754045

I have mine flown to LEO, secured outside the spacecraft, and they cook during re-entry into the atmosphere.