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File: 1.49 MB, 3000x2062, anthony-bourdain-dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10733090 No.10733090 [Reply] [Original]

>Diary entry: June 5, 2018
>Reasons to live:
>"To pass on the torch to all the young, talented food critics and journalists. The future can't be bad as it seems."
>Closes journal
>"let's see what this bright young generation has in store."
>opens YouTube

"Helloooo everyone. This is running on empty...FOOOOOOOD review."

>> No.10733122

Wannabe chefs aren't into autoerotic asphyxiation.

>> No.10733184

I think somebody was gonna #METOO him.
He's probably done some weird shit in japan or thailand

>> No.10733208

A good pimp makes sure his hoes don't talk.

The dude couldn't even get over himself to raise his daughter through Jr high. You think he gave a shot about the next generation of chefs? Do you even know how he got famous? He wrote a smut novel about how olive garden tier chefs were having their way with waitresses every night on coke binges.

>> No.10733242

>He wrote a smut novel about how olive garden tier chefs were having their way with waitresses every night on coke binges.

Then he has the nerve to go on TV and lament

gee whiz it cant be that you're a bunch of degenerate wannabe """libertines"""

>> No.10734905

This jew cuck openly supported white genocide and banned white people from his show.

I seriously hope no whites are making these threads.

>> No.10734960
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>woke up
>looked in the mirror
>"I'm fucking a white male"
>roped himself
It doesn't have to be complicated.

>> No.10735552

Literally fake news. Follow his lead sturmdrumpfer.

>> No.10735585

He was a giant faggot but I enjoyed his shows.

>> No.10735748

Anthony Bourdain: "In 70 years there will be no white people anymore"

Go suck a dick stupid cuckold piece of shit.

>> No.10735766

I never really cared about Bourdain that much, but then his suicide really hit me. He travels all around the world trying new foods with the locals. He was also very generous. I thought that was happiness, but I guess not because he killed himself. What now?

>> No.10735767

There is nothing wrong with any of that

>> No.10735786

I hope you get inoperable brain tumors shortly after watching your mother being raped by a pack of niggers.

Wait, you might love that, so just the tumors.

>> No.10735804
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 0a147a08-f927-41b1-b3cf-9f5a52e7a41a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we wuz slave owners and sheeeit
America is going to be Asian and Hispanic majority within a generation, but at least you'll always have your former slaves to shit upon and call mean names as consolation

>> No.10735808

Even if this was true, you would only be offended if race was so important to you. let's be honest if a white guy attended the event I'm pretty sure no one would have told him "sorry, no whites".

>> No.10735812
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Tony B is a dumb smug liberal and I'm glad he's dead. ReviewBrah ahs had more impact on the food world than this pretentious schmuck.

>> No.10735822

Someone sounds salty that their fellow autist isn't getting the recognition for his long winded and often cringe inducing content based around garbage while Chadthony Chadain was fucking bitches and eating around the world.

>> No.10735839

Who cares about america lmao you stupid fuck, I'm European. Just deal with it, your retarded jew that couldn't be fucked to learn to cook properly took the rope, go suck his decaying mutilated dick if you love him so much.

America is going to become a third world nation whenever whites dissapear, I hope you enjoy your brazil v2 or your New Haiti you soymuncher.

>> No.10735857
File: 351 KB, 1600x900, france-line-up-vs-germany_15011gi3xagpazriv7tjiwt5z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm European
Oh, well in that case you're already ahead of us in terms of eradicating the white problem. Keep up the good work. I am completely serious, btw.

>> No.10735867

>football teams represent the demographics of countries
Well, I can't really expect an ounce of intelligence out of some random shitskin or estrogen-brain white cuck. I'll let this one slide in the name of affirmative action.

>> No.10735881

ramsay is next
>are these bullets fresh?
>yes chef
->fuck me...

>> No.10735884
File: 158 KB, 940x528, Cp1qu0WXEAQqBeY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could just, say, leave your basement and go outside.

Chemotherapy is often uncomfortable for the patient but the important thing is progress.

>> No.10735899

Why do you think france is relevant to the status of europe?
I can cherrypick too, what about bulgaria? Eastern Europe?

Did you know that 95% of non-whites in france are in the cities? Nothing but blonde and brunette gauls in the countryside. Sounds like you need to go outside and stop posting /pol/ memes.

>> No.10735907

>germany is france

So you're actually American, then

>> No.10735994
File: 104 KB, 1227x662, 1_8DWtyw1mK5DpVcgmAauJ9g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believed Bourdain was some pretentious bourgeois twat till I read Kitchen Confidential. He was born into a relatively wealthy family but started off working as a dishwasher for a seafood restaurant before moving his way up in various kitchens. He had a passion for food, but never got the chance to travel until his book took off. Reading about his preparation and enjoyment of various cuisine got me to step out my comfort zone and seek out exotic/unfamiliar food. I admired his strict work ethic and lust for experiencing all that life had to offer without pretension. His suicide feels like a betrayal given he seemed like the kind of person that was experiencing life to the fullest. Maybe a life where you can get everything you ever wanted isn't all it's cracked up to be.

>> No.10736224

Why is there no sticky for this?

>> No.10736232

Oh. I guess we had it yesterday. Sorry, I'm late.

>> No.10736243

There was for like 3 hours, but too many people were posting stuff like "I'll miss him" or "I enjoyed his stuff" or "this is sad", so the mod nuked it in order to attract more "OMG he was a SJW cuck cuck cuck"

Same goes for the cuck cuck cuck threads, those will "mysteriously" 404 if too many people say nice things about Bourdain

Search the archives if you don't believe me

>> No.10736276

This sounds so fucking based. He was a cuck and I'm glad he's dead. That's what you get for coming at white people and shaboy Trump

>> No.10736275

Sticky for a self-hating drug addict junkie bad cook jew who got cucked literally by his partner with a nigger?

>> No.10736296

Well in any case. Sorry to hear about it. I guess he was suffering for whatever reason.

>> No.10736313

Because he was a jew cuck who hated trump. trump curse got that bitch. 88

>> No.10736320

Imagine being this much of a soulless cunt

>> No.10736322

That's nice. Enjoy your Sunday.

>> No.10736376

"Site can't be reached," LMAO sturmdrumpfer! Bourdain had more intelligence, class and knowlege of the peoples and the cultures of the world in his little finger than you'll ever possess.

>> No.10736389
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>> No.10736411
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Better version

>opens YouTube

>> No.10736427
File: 99 KB, 320x246, fBrgPXB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is EXACTLY what i think.
How many good men have to be victim to this bitchhunt?

>> No.10736907

Either this or his junkie years caught up with him and some kind of serious medical problem surfaced.

>> No.10737056

Cancer or a bad liver you can beat.
Bitches tho...

>> No.10737072

What kind of special faggot keeps making these reddit threads?

>> No.10737079

This is why you don't leave witnesses. Why do you think so many serial killers start out as rapists? They learn.

>> No.10737091

Link works fine shill and Chris Shepard has even said it was a little fucked for him to do that

>> No.10737345

He also experienced being cucked to the fullest by his ex wife.
You never come back from that.

>> No.10737993


>> No.10738027

if reviewbrah makes someone want to kill themselves then they deserve to be dead

>> No.10738036

Do you think Asia is fucking her BBC boyfriend in the spot under where he hung himself right now?

>> No.10738039

Being cucked is a voluntary state. You're not cucked if your wife cheats and you kick that bitch to the curb.

>> No.10738107

>Cancer or a bad liver you can beat.
>In a 60 year old junkie.
Nigga he was already a dead man walking if he had either of those diagnosises.

>> No.10738175

cucked is cucked anon

>> No.10738248

I've seen people post that his wife fucked a bunch of mma fighters but never any evidence. Sounds like some bullshit that just got parroted until it became generally accepted truth tbqh

>> No.10738266

He just never wanted to be old-his last show he interviewed punk rockers. Him and the people he liked wanted to die before getting old.

>> No.10738279

Sadly I think its a good chance , women feel empowered and horny as hell when they see their ex fall. There is a big reason that women divorce rape men beyond all boundries.
They dont even care very much about the money, its the pain they inflict that brings them a perverse satisfaction.
Women are horrible .

>> No.10738297


>> No.10738573

I don't agree with his politics, but he was a good fucking person. You don't need to wear the same color as somebody on election day to acknowledge that. As far as TV celebreties go, he was by far the realest out there.

>> No.10738603

quality post, 9/10

>> No.10738610

I like to believe this is true.

>> No.10738676

>To pass on the torch to all the young, talented food critics and journalists. The future can't be bad as it seems.

>Tfw the musician he's staying with in his last Berlin episode says something nearly identical to that and you see him give a nodding laugh in response