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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 992x744, anthony-bourdain-gty-ml-180608_hpMain_4x3_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10732113 No.10732113[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>Anthony Bourdain: "In 70 years there will be no white people anymore"

Actually in two years after this video was made, there is no Anthony Bourdain anymore

>> No.10732117

and yet, we’re still outbreeding you and race mixing you into oblivion

and history will shed no tears

>> No.10732131

Hes dead and its not really important. Lets move on.

>> No.10732137
File: 1003 KB, 250x251, dontknow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"In 70 years there will be no white people anymore"
You say that like it's a bad thing or something

>> No.10732141

why does this dead man hate Germans?

>> No.10732214

He's right though, and only sad pathetic cucks on /pol/ whose only thing to hold onto in their sad lives is "muh white race" disagree.

>> No.10732336

His weak mental fortitude is what attracted his soy boy fan base. They should all take a lesson and follow their leader.

t. big dicked trump supporter who never had a problem in his life.

>> No.10732355

Yeh, boi, muh dic

>> No.10732367
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>> No.10732431

>t. 15yo

>> No.10732437

I celebrate every time one of those pretentious coastie faggot bites the dust.

>> No.10732485

He was always a leftie but he made good content.

>> No.10732494

>no more white people in 70 years
This is statistically and objectively impossible. Also anyone who says shit like this acts like mating is completely random and that sexual selection and in-group preference don't exist (which is wrong).

>> No.10732496

He was murdered.

>> No.10732523

I thought he overjournalized everything he did, which is why he was at home on CNN, I guess. You don't need an anecdote, a metaphor, and a quote to describe the tables and chairs in a place Tony.

>> No.10732533

>tfw I hate anti-whites more than more white people seem to
Feels weird, man.

>> No.10732535


yep, he had info on Hillary. he had to go

>> No.10732538

1. selectively breed ourselves into super-intelligent super-humans
2. collect sperm and give it away
3. in 70 years, everyone will be 'white.'

>> No.10732540

I liked his wank, his old show was definitely better than anything he's done on CNN though. And he had good taste, wasn't afraid to try weird shit without going full Zimmern retard tier, and the nigga ate his durian.

His first book is a great read too. I respect him, but he was always going to be a new yorker.

>> No.10732551

>He believes the media
Nigger confirmed

>> No.10732553

it's what made his material so compelling. if you'd prefer an autistic recitation of facts not interpreted through a storyteller, watch something else.

>> No.10732568

Exactly. This is the way its worked for a long time. Fucked up shit.

>> No.10732572

But mijo, you are white!

>> No.10732573

When genetic modification becomes common, guess what? Literally everyone will choose to be white.

>> No.10732575
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>I liked his wank
being long winded doesn't make you a good storyteller, being a good storyteller makes you a good storyteller.

>> No.10732579


You gay?

>> No.10732585

I'm really not though (I'm assuming from that post you think I'm a Mexican in the US? If so, both are incorrect, too).

>> No.10732594

Fuck that, I'm giving myself a horse dick

>> No.10732596

I bet becoming white is your biggest dream

>> No.10732610

>thinking you wouldn't be able to do both

>> No.10732643

One of those savage El Salvadoreans?

>> No.10732663


>> No.10732665


>70 years

so, like, all the little white children alive today will be dead before 80?

every single white person in puberty right now will procreate with only non-whites?

>> No.10732673

>In 70 years there will be no white people anymore
Who gives a shit?

>> No.10732684

Definitely not you, Goblina-chan.

>> No.10732690

Non-sociopaths probably.

>> No.10732692

History wont shed any tears

>> No.10732696

Good thing I'll be most likely dead before that age, and I'm already white. The only problem with no whites is that non-white people are ugly (people with attractive features usually have white genes). Anything else doesn't matter, IQ and other race """science""" is just pseudo-science.

>> No.10732708

There is literally nothing wrong with white people disappearing, just as there is nothing wrong with black people/asians disappearing.
Caring about race is retarded amerimutt tier shit, goes for both the left (retard in OP's pic for example) and the right.

>> No.10732716
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Summer can't end fast enough.

>> No.10732718

>Anything else doesn't matter, IQ and other race """science""" is just pseudo-science.
I can't take your claim seriously because you're making it clear by posting this that you're not even aware which groups are shown to come out on top in many IQ studies.

>> No.10732720

History won't be documented on a shitskin planet.

>> No.10732723

What a cuck. Glad he’s dead. That German can die too

>> No.10732728

western society comes from white people
no more whites = no more western society

>> No.10732749

Both are Jews silly.

>> No.10732752

i think i heard his name when my dad was watching cnn but otherwise had no idea who he was till he died.

>> No.10732761

Because history doesn't have tear ducts stupid ass. You keep believing you're taking over the planet, niggers have a low iq and this will keep them easily distracted.

>> No.10732764

>that sexual selection and in-group preference don't exist
Are you serious? Every time I go to walmart or kroger for groceries, there are always numerous wh*te cows carrying frizzy haired picaninnies. Sure it's the south, but still. Embrace your defeat, lol!

>> No.10732774
File: 363 KB, 1620x1080, p-5541832440001-brightcove-introducing-japan-20170922-054806[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no more western society
Good riddance. I, for one, welcome our new asian overlords.
Eastern society > western society

>> No.10732780
File: 31 KB, 841x634, 42571-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh escaped slaves
This is like the fat guy who says "b-but I was on the varsity sports team in high school"

>> No.10732785

He was a total leftist cuck. His cookery programs were fine until he went political. I find it quite funny that the leftist "chef" died whilst choking the chicken. Just proves leftists are a bunch of wankers.
Asphyxiation whilst masturbating is dangerous.

>> No.10732791

>be starving to death for thousands of years
>kill all the birds becuase groriousu reader said so
>invent gunpowder and promptly fail to invent guns (inb4 hand mortars)
>now your chief export is shovel-faced perpetual students, over population, and aggressive environmental destruction.
>seclude yourself on an island because of severe autism
>the greatest symbol of your warrior culture gets btfo by europeans
>lose ww2
>get nuked lol
>have a negative birthrate
Every other asian culture is an irrelevant shithole even by their standards, pick your poison you weeb fuck.

>> No.10732796

WTF? I thought it was suicide.

>> No.10732797
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>> No.10732804
File: 391 KB, 1000x667, tianhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May or may not be memeing, but I believe this unironically

>> No.10732808

this desu. nignogs never achieved anything worth noting. maybe the hispanics can do better.

>> No.10732821

Coroner said it was accidental. He was "hanged" by his belt.
Basically, he did a Michael Hutchence.