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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 228 KB, 1024x822, DSC_0800_edited-1-1-1024x822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10731748 No.10731748 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah... they're vegan. Gotcha. Now what was your excuse again?

>> No.10731755

ribs by definition can't be vegan
what you have there is some imitation bullshit

>> No.10731765

Animal flesh. It's so delicious, OP. Actually delicious. Not "this is good for a substitute" delicious.

>> No.10731768

post recipe, OP. i've never made seitan before but i want to try making it soon.

>> No.10731773

>see these ribs? Yeah, they are a jpeg. Gotcha. Now what was your excuse again?
Let me have a taste first and then we can talk

>> No.10731790

All you need to do to anything to make it look appetizing is glaze it with a bbq sauce and get a nice bit of char

>> No.10731808
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Very ambiguous shitposting. What the fuck do you want?

>> No.10731820
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>t. Summerfag

>> No.10732020

why do vegans always make food that looks like meat? why can't you just eat regular plant-based foods that look like plant-based foods?

>> No.10732470

>ground dicks and intestines is copyrighted by carnists
Why do carnists always eat rabbit food? Go hork down some more bacon, plebbit.

>> No.10732484
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See this steak? Oh yeah, thats a vegan Ribeye, baby. Succulent, tender, juicy... All the best. You love it and now you can have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner... because its Vegan.

>> No.10732492 [DELETED] 
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Ok, tread lightly

>> No.10732497

>tfw vegan finally decided that they are plants and start to eat each others
I guess I'll eat Vegans too.

>> No.10732504

The pleasure of hunting can't be substituted.

>> No.10733026
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plants have feeling too

>> No.10733047


>> No.10733055

Jessica Alba looks good too, but she has herpes.

>> No.10733094

I dont see any legit reason to be vegan other than
>muh animals
>muh socialism
I dont see the moral difference between eating a cow and eating plants theyre both living things.

>> No.10733108

this is a bad faith argument and you know it. there's a huge difference between an animal and a plant.

>> No.10733110

Show me a recipe or a place to buy and I'd love to at least try it.

>> No.10733111

>now you can have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner... because its Vegan
I could do that with anything, faggot. I don't give two fucks if it's vegan.

>> No.10733131

I seriously don't understand the point of being vegetarian/vegan yet eating foods that look, taste, feel, smell, etc just like meat or having meat cravings.

Just fucking eat meat.

>> No.10733139

you obviously arent trying to get leftist pussy.

>> No.10733141

Moral superiority.

>> No.10733150
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everyone in this thread needs to chill the fuck out

>> No.10733158

Why are vegans so obsessed with eating meat?

>> No.10733250

I just cant make a logical argument against it. Thus, i also cant make a very strong argument against desperate cannibalism other than the fact that it is murder or that it is savage and uncivilized.

The largest difference between a human and a plant in culinary terms are the levels of empathy we feel for said ingredients. Which i think is not a strong point since it is subjective.

>> No.10733256

Literally looks like a log of baked shit.

>> No.10733265

your first and second sentences are completely at odds against your third and fourth.

>> No.10733269

>difference between a human and a plant in culinary terms
is the flavor. I hear humans taste like shit.

>> No.10733322

>they need to imitate real food to make it "tasty"

>> No.10733350
File: 130 KB, 1024x1024, vegan reuben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this Reuben? Yeah... it's vegan. Now what's your excuse again?

>> No.10733371
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>> No.10733384
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this actually IS a vegan reuben, from my favorite nyc vegan sandwich place.
> beet-brined Blackbird seitan, local sauerkraut, housemade thousand island, Violife provolone slice on marble rye

>> No.10733395
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>Now what was your excuse again?
Butter, cheese, eggs, they're all really yummy. I know that even being a vegetarian is really bad for the planet and unsustainable, and that veganism is the true redpill, but I can't give up eggs and dairy.

>> No.10733400

i love "vegan" reubens and italian roast beefs.

>> No.10733409

don't be so hard on yourself.
Just research Paul R. Ehrlich.
tree hugging faggots have been spouting utter nonsense for decades.

>> No.10733454
File: 142 KB, 1080x1080, 23845661_899257796904270_3609434388136153155_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get vegan cubano once a week, give or take

>> No.10733463

way too much fucking bread. get that shit outta here.

>> No.10733468
File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, 18402094_796469033849814_8971350391013937311_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it usually looks more like this, but i figured y'all would be triggered by the hand

>> No.10733514

Tee hee I'm a vegan but I can't resist meat, instead of a vegetable dish I'm going to have imitation meat because I can't stop thinking about meat.

>> No.10733527

whatever. i dont care who serves the food. thats a good looking 'which

>> No.10733542


whats the meat looking slices in there

>> No.10733557

it's fucking delicious. i'm not vegan but my bf is, so we order from here a lot. they run out of the traditional bread pretty often because the sandwich is so popular, but it's really good even with the thicker bread.

it's listed as "Hunted Gatherer Ham" which i think is a house-made (or at least locally made), thinly sliced seitan.

the key to this sandwich is the dijon and the spicy "mayo" they use. it's fucking delicious. also the Violife cheese melts really well.

>> No.10733584

if you had to eat a veggie and bread only sandwich, what would you put on it?

>> No.10733586

not him but that's an easy one



>> No.10733588

cheese isnt a vegetable

whats wrong with you son

>> No.10733592

oh i assumed you meant vegetarian

>> No.10733595

good question. i'd probably go for something like broccoli rabe braised with red pepper, thinly sliced heirloom tomatoes (chilled), flaky salt, cracked pepper, and drizzles of evoo and aged basalmic vinegar.

>> No.10733597

I'd probably go Mediterranean
Feta if you're into that
Olive oil, vinegar or maybe tahini. Tzatziki would probably work out too.

>> No.10733600

i meant that the braised spicy broccoli rabe would be chilled. the tomatoes would obviously be roomed temp because chilling tomatoes kills the flavor.

>> No.10733603


>> No.10733604

sounds pretty delish

>> No.10733614

there's a great italian deli in my part of brooklyn that basically makes this, but adds fresh mozzarella.

i think the key to any veggie-based sandwich is the bread. you've gotta have good, freshly baked bread.

>> No.10733617

i lived 5 blocks west of bed sty

where you at?

>> No.10733620


I'd eat it. Nothing wrong with eating healthier. I'm not going to write off actual meat entirely though, because I'm not a hippie.

>> No.10733626

oh shit, windsor terrace here, right by PPW. russo's on 7th makes the broccoli rabe sandwich.

>> No.10733631

there's nothing remarkably healthy about soy covered in sugary bbq sauce.

i'd argue that it's less healthy because I'm willing to bet it's fried as well.

>> No.10733635

/me nods and gives universal thumbs up sign

>> No.10733637

really? Remind me to never date her.

>> No.10733643

if you're still in NYC, check out Orchard Grocery in gramercy. that's where these cubans are from.

>> No.10733647

She's past her prime, anyway.

>> No.10733648

i live in austin texas now. grew up here, not one of the california locusts.

uh so anyway, whats your story living in brooklyn? you dont strike me as a student. you rich?

>> No.10733649

hummus, thinly sliced cucumbers, and roasted red peppers

it's great, especially on a crusty white roll or baguette

>> No.10733653

not enough vegetables. your shit is passable but you can do better.

>> No.10733663

austin has some excellent vegan food. i've never been, but my boss lives there and he's vegan and never shuts up about the food options there and how amazing the city and community are.

nah, i'm not rich, i just work for a website based near union square. windsor terrace is a great neighborhood that hasn't been totally gentrified or overrun by hipsters (yet...we'll see what happens once the L shuts down for 3 years.)

>> No.10733671

yeah once the mass transit shifts everything changes. no doubt about that.

have fun.

>> No.10733680

Nighthawk cinema is also coming to windsor terrace -- they bought the old Pavilion Theater on PPW and are fixing it up, complete with two in-house bars. my quiet, friendly neighborhood is gonna a shitshow once that happens.

FML. it's better than living in NC where i was born and raised, though.

>> No.10733687

austin used to be so much better than it is now. it used to be rednecks on LSD who made good folk music and outlaw country music. barbecue, visual arts, music, and a state university.

its been overrun by californians. its literally not texas here in austin.

>> No.10733689

sucks how things change, huh? cant stop it though. hope you thrive in your new neighborhood.

>> No.10733696

still safe down here in san antonio ;)

>> No.10733698

yeah, austin is the new LA/silicon valley. so many fucking startups are there (i mean, fuck, the company i work for has a team there), and it's all hipster shit.

lol thanks bud. gentrification sucks sometimes -- my local pub is gonna be overrun -- but at least it'll bring money into the smaller shops, stores, and restaurants in the area. hopefully they won't get priced out rent-wise in the next 5 years.

>> No.10733699

you have so many beaners though.... am i wrong?

>> No.10733704

yeah but the texmex here is better than anywhere else in the state

>> No.10733707

I mean I’d eat em

>> No.10733712

fair enough

>> No.10733716

>but at least it'll bring money into the smaller shops, stores, and restaurants in the area. hopefully they won't get priced out rent-wise in the next 5 years.
Lmao, of course they will. Every single thing you appreciate about Austin is going away, or is already gone, and you refused to admit it.

t. Fellow Texan. Austin is a shithole now.

>> No.10733717

If they are vegan what are they the ribs of?

>> No.10733720

i'm....not in austin. i'm in south brooklyn. but you're right, within the next 10 years my sleepy neighborhood is gonna have a trader joe's or whole foods, and that'll be the end of it.

>> No.10733725

i'm not OP, dude. but if you're asking about OP's "ribs," i assume they're made of seitan. the name obviously refers to the shape, texture, and flavor of the dish.

>> No.10733731

Raises your estrogen levels too

>> No.10733734

>the name obviously refers to the shape, texture, and flavor of the dish.
The name is literally a lie. Ribs are ribs. "Vegan ribs" don't exist. Call them something else; many vegan foods are awesome, but not when they're pretending to be meat.

>> No.10733744

i don't have a dog in this fight, friendo. i'm not vegan. but i also don't see anything wrong with cooking a vegan dish and calling it something like "vegan ribs." it makes me sad that you're so angry about the semantics of naming dishes.

>> No.10733751

you always had a dog in this fight, you just never knew it.

>> No.10733754
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>ITT: look at how delicious and tasty that vegan cereal and milk appear, (is actually Elmer's glue and literal cardboard) isn't veganism so cool looking guise?

>> No.10733758

>i also don't see anything wrong with cooking a vegan dish and calling it something like "vegan ribs."
I'm an actual vegan, retard. It's disgusting to have the values of a vegan and insist on basing recipes around meat dishes and ending up with something that isn't very good if you're expecting either a vegan dish or a meat dish. When a wealth of foods exist that have no need to be compared to meat, there's no reason to do that.

>> No.10733772

alright, dude, just call it a "vegan loaf" or "seitan loaf" or whatever you want.

>> No.10733776

also, if you don't like "meat alternatives" like seitan, just...don't cook or eat them? fuck, it's not that difficult.

>> No.10733788

but honestly ethical vegans should be encouraging of omnivores eating a more plant-based diet, and if calling bbq-flavored seitan "vegan ribs" gets more people to choose that over traditional meat-based ribs, you should support that.

>> No.10733836

>look how delicious and tasty this conscious sentient animal capable of human like emotion appears, isnt omnivorism so cool looking guise?

>> No.10733851
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Cooked animal flesh isn't conscious anymore sempai unless you are Chinese you kill your food before cooking it also doesn't justify vegans giving up honey, milk or eggs as none of those are parts of the animal capable of thought/emotion

>> No.10733870


I vote we just eat the vegans if theyre gonna say stupid shit like this. You think like a cow, we treat you like one

>> No.10733886

Sentient of what?

Sentient means to feel but feel what exactly? I here vegans use that word all the time to describe animals but never actually know the definition of the word like they are just parroting propaganda Joequinn Phoenix told them to

>> No.10733893

this is a bad faith argument and you know it.

>> No.10733900

UMMMMMMMM milking a cow is RAPING A COW

CHECKMATE Christians!

>> No.10733903

>no rib bones
Do vegans really do this?

>> No.10733911

How do you get around not eating meat if you crave cock OP?

>> No.10733916
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>Strawman away any arguments I can't refute
Why are vegans so bad at bants?

>> No.10733949

Religion seems to be an important factor
Religion is not something you cam apply logic onto

>> No.10733963

Debilitating bant deficiencies.

>> No.10733991

looks like soggy bread with way to much butter and sauce.

>> No.10734000

Looks delicious OP.
I'm not vegan but I have nothing against vegan food.

>> No.10734004

I'd rather support the big bad meat industry by purchasing real meat.

By supporting vegan restaurants and vegan food manufacturers I am supporting by proxy the Democratic party and their race-baiting, sexist policies. The day I buy so called meat-free-meat is the day I make a $20,000 donation to the Clinton foundation so they can continue drone-striking ambassadors, committing purjury at FBI hearings, and trafficking children.

>> No.10734031

Nothing wrong with the taste of vegan food. I've seen plenty of vegan recipes that do some pretty genius shit with spices and textures to the point where it's almost indistinguishable from the real thing. But all that blending and cooking and freezing and spicing means it takes about half an hour just to make some eggs. I'm not about to spend all that time and effort on that shit.

>> No.10734036

>I dont see the moral difference between eating a cow and eating plants theyre both living things.
Cows have brains/can feel things, unlike plants who have no brains and no sense of self. Was that really that hard?

>> No.10734044

>I'm a white thot that burns coal
/ck/ is soooo progressive

>> No.10734053

If plants have no sense of self, how do they know to grow towards heat and sunlight? Is that not evidence of their will to live?

>> No.10734055
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Meat just tastes good, and I don't care about what's happening to the animals anymore than I care about what's going on to modern-day IDp's and families affected by drug/gang related murders and rapes.
I don't hold animals on the same emotional and psychological level of respect in comparison ti humans.
Must be because I'm not an animal.

>> No.10734655

>See these ribs?

>> No.10734660

these are not ribs then

>> No.10734665

That's not the same thing. Vegans seem obsessed with making vegan food look like animal products for some fucking weird reason. Meat eaters do not try to make animal products look like vegetables.

>> No.10734677

Most vegans rarely eat it, if at all. The meat substitute products are more commonly sold to meat eaters who want to reduce their meat intake.

>> No.10734680

I'm poor. If you buy meals for me then I'll eat your vegan stuff, otherwise don't complain.

>> No.10734817

But the issue is that it does taste good regardless of its origins.

>> No.10734859

Found today's edgiest post.

>> No.10734880

Plants feel pain

>> No.10734891

Being eaten is part of their procreative process. I doubt they dislike pain. If they could speak, they'd tell us they're total vore fetishists.

>> No.10734893

Vegans and vegetarians are the same FUCKING thing, one just pretends to be more edgy and (((woke))) than the other

>> No.10734902

This post is moronic enough to have been a vegan false flag.

>> No.10734910

>hasn't been totally gentrified

Why do you praise ghettos? Dilapidated housing structure and roads are not a culture that needs protecting

>> No.10734914

looks like shit, my dude

>> No.10734915

You are not smart

>> No.10734918

I know, but people like you help make me feel a little less stupid.

>> No.10736200

>see this ribs?
No, all I see is flat vegan thingies, probably some sole tasted seitan slab.

>> No.10736621


>> No.10736873

that nail...

>> No.10736892


fuck off, vegan

>> No.10737170

this is why i hate vegans.
those are not ribs.
those are something else and you're refusing to tell me what it is.
you are therefore an untrustworthy individual and you are a bad person because of it.

>> No.10737439

to steer this thread in a more productive direction

yes. there used to be a recent trend of restaurants describing their ingredients in great detail, like where they're from and how they were farmed.

I'm veggie but I think it's weird when the menu item just says "Vegan Chicken." I don't actually care what you call it (most vegan chicken tastes like tofu to me, which I like) but it's unacceptable to mention what it's actually made out of in the description. Shouldn't chefs be proud of the ingredients they use to create their food?

Also there are tons of people with allergies that need to avoid soy or cashews or whatever. Shouldn't make them jump through hoops, or worse, list the menu item as "Chikin" and be misunderstood by someone allergic to soy.

>> No.10737444

to not mention*

>> No.10737451

genuine question -- would you feel better with a dish listed as "seitan cacciatore" as opposed to "vegan chikin cacciatore" or something like that?

>> No.10737475

>Promote veganism
>Uses vegan imitations that are inferior to the regular versions
If vegan food is so great why are you not trying to entice me with normal vegan foods instead of these terrible meat imitations

>> No.10737498

What up Orchard anon, I just got that very last week and it was great. Too much "mayo" though

>> No.10737500

Don't care what it's listed as, as long as it's mentioned it's made out of seitan somewhere. And preferably with a gluten allergy warning in case people don't know what seitan is. In Europe a lot of restaurants have an list of allergens for every single menu item, I think it would be good in America too (and useful for me to avoid hidden dairy and eggs).

That being said I wouldn't order it anyway. I've had seitan at least 10 times in all sorts of restaurants and it's always inedible. I don't know how they manage to make it that flavorless and leathery, but other people seem to like it a lot.

People like junk food. It's like asking, why do people eat pop tarts when they could be eating fresh pastries made in a Parisian bakery?

>> No.10737527
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>every carnist in thread

>> No.10738251

fuck off faggot

>> No.10738261

Haha thanks dave

>> No.10738341

just because it looks like meat doesnt mean it tastes anything like meat. this type of food is for retards. if you're going to be vegan eat vegetables and shut up.

>> No.10738666

vegans get the rope

>> No.10738806

Not an argument

>> No.10738817

no problem kyle

>> No.10738863

Ribs are typically drowned in so much sauce the meat's texture is its only remaining perceived aspect. So long as they emulate the texture I'd say they nailed it. Not technically ribs though but if it's made with quality ingredients I'd try it.

>> No.10739210

Based anon. You'd be a great vegan level 4.

>> No.10739224

>typically drowned in sauce
Wherever you're from sucks at BBQ

>> No.10739242

blessed anon with good perspective on how most ribs are served

>> No.10739350

I don't need one. I like meat, fuck off. I'm not eating shit that imitates meat when I can just eat fucking meat.

>> No.10739356 [DELETED] 

So you like meat because something died, not because of it flavor?

>> No.10739369

That's not what he said.

>> No.10739390

If you honestly think -ANY- meat substitute tastes the same as real meat, then you have never eaten meat.

>> No.10739404 [DELETED] 

It's very much what he said. It's impossible to draw any other conclusion.

>> No.10739405

I'm cheap and usually eat at home, so I usually eat a vegetarian diet. But, I am not against eating meat when going out for a meal (maybe 3-4x a month, at most).

>> No.10739425

my excuse is that i am biologically homo sapiens sapiens, thinking man, an omnivore, who can derive nutrition from a huge range of foods. my body does not require any sort of ideological test for the food, all that matters is that it seems to taste safe and its a food other humans have vouched for. all other dietary laws are just trivia. If i want to care more about the deaths of animals, just eating a little lower on the food chain, and donating to animal welfare groups that try to promote humane slaughter, is enough. if i cared more, id become an activist for that cause, but i still would eat whatever i felt like, and would never try to shame anyone for what they eat.

>> No.10739433


>> No.10739451

so good to know about your personal habbits i care so much

>> No.10739464

Enough to post.

>> No.10739558

I don't think they do

>> No.10740645

Quorn's fake chicken burgers taste just like chicken burgers. Of course I'm not talking chicken breast, I'm talking chicken burgers made of processed chicken meat but it's still very much the same feel overall minus the animal cruelty. I ate meat for 30+ years.

>> No.10740676

it looks like jelly

>> No.10740678

So do you

>> No.10740681

no i look like a loser

>> No.10740683

I like meat because I like meat. I'm sure the imitation stuff tastes fine and is actually getting pretty close to the real thing these days. I'm glad for people who either can't or won't eat meat that they have options like this. But I like meat personally, if I was eating imitation stuff I'd just be thinking about the real thing the whole time. So I'm just going to eat real mest because 1: Imitation stuff isn't at the point where I'd not notice a difference and 2: I prefer it.
I'm sure the vegetable based stuff is healthier. Of course it is, it's made of vegetables. But I PERSONALLY prefer real meat. You eat what you want and I'll eat what I want. I don't get why this is such a big fuckin deal.

>> No.10740709

I know but they don't scream so loud.

If I could live off inorganic matter, I would.

>> No.10740721

>I dont see the moral difference between eating a cow and eating plants theyre both living things.

I don't see a moral difference between eating a human and eating cows. They're both living things.

jk I care more about humans but you're argument is weak because plants don't have nervous systems and therefore do not experience anything.

>> No.10740783


Of course they are, there's no bones you inbred.

>> No.10740788

>calls someone else inbred
>doesn't know basic grammar

>> No.10740906
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wash your fucking hands, they are FILTHY!

>> No.10740917

Insects have nervous systems yet you'd genocide them with your lifestyle (don't bitch: accept it). Your entire argument is based on hierarchy of evolution bullshit from the 50s. Humans are the most 'evolved' so they're special, shitty ants get the boot.

Why is an ant worth more than a lobster? It isn't. You anthropomorphize and make it so like the rest. Like you do with your puppy dog. You relate all to your shitty pets not realizing you're part of a cycle like all humanity, that your very existence is a walking genocide to the lesser creatures of this planet.

Cry to me about unsubstantiated "harm reduction" you can't cite any source that isn't PETA to prove and go fuck yourself with a """cruelty-free""" dildo.

>> No.10741005

This is the most pretentious thing I've read all day. You sound like you've only just discovered Dawkins.

I never said there was anything objective about what matters to me. I value humans more but it doesn't mean I need to disregard animals completely.

You don't even have to give a shit about animals to understand that our current agricultural practices are unsustainable.

>> No.10741010
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>sustainability meme
>valuing humans at all

You're a walking joke like the rest of the New Agers. Dead meat for when the collapse happens and you're back to sniveling for resources in the dirt.

>> No.10741549 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10741595
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Nice thumbnail.

>> No.10741801
File: 17 KB, 631x449, bowl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see this fruit? Yeah... Its wax. Gotcha. Why arent you a waxterian yet?

>> No.10741841
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t. Ass mad vegan

>> No.10741915

Not an argument. Go vegan for testosterone gains

>> No.10742137
File: 35 KB, 435x326, cbf345e86ddf37f09db22f95416a67f474b260289f59a54589e5ae78168dbe29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>See these ribs?
Those are ribs, they look weird. Like someone made a cake, brushed it with bbq sauce and cut it up into rectangles

>Yeah... they're vegan. Gotcha. Now what was your excuse again?

Oh, makes sense now. I can't respect anyone that needs to make believe they're food isn't vegan to go vegan. Like reproducing the appearance of meat dishes such as burgers and ribs, you can kindly fuck off.

>> No.10742161

See these cars? Yeah...they're electric. Gotcha. Now what was your excuse again?

Oh, makes sense now. I can't respect anyone that needs to make believe they're food runs on gas to go electric. Like reproducing the appearance of gas cars such as Fords and Chevys, you can kindly fuck off.

>> No.10742169

So why did you type it out first?

>> No.10742183
File: 99 KB, 1024x750, 1527880911063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10742184

What does your silly strawman argument have to do with anything?

And you're right, electric cars are pretty shitty despite what they look like.

>> No.10742269

Why do you think there's something known as "Buddhism Vegetarian"?

>> No.10742318

Man I tried some vegan imitation shrimp the other day that was mind blowing. It had an identical taste and texture. And it was half the price, with the added benefit of not being raised by a Chinaman in a pond of raw sewage.

Literally superior to the real thing.

>> No.10742413

neither was the person i replied to dumbfuck

>> No.10743531

I don't need an excuse, I do what I do because I enjoy it

>> No.10743560

What is it with Vegans and trying to get their food to look like meat?

For fuck's sake, stop trying to make imitation shit and just concentrate on making good food!

>> No.10744877

Because I'm not a leftist idealogue.

>> No.10744893

That's definetly real beef. How dumb are you fucks to fall for this kind of low quality bait.

Op's ribs look like a flat vegan burger patty. 2/10

>> No.10744897

Because it's the same thing, apart from your psychological hangup.

>> No.10744904

The thing that is hilarious here, is that meat eaters don't try to make plants out of meat. What gives?

>> No.10744913
File: 730 KB, 312x256, AgreeableLongKatydid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10744915

Vegans will still tell you that plants don't have feelings. Even though it's impossible for the venus fly trap to trap things with out feelings.

>> No.10744987

I don't want tiddies.

>> No.10745212

Anon don't date her, she has herpes.

>> No.10745226
File: 36 KB, 359x539, Cabbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this cabbage?
Yeah it's a rock. Now what was your excuse again?

>> No.10745826

fuck off

>> No.10745840

i'd lick it