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File: 181 KB, 1200x1800, 1200px-Iced_Tea_from_flickr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10730687 No.10730687 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make god tier iced tea?

>> No.10730758

add alcohol
make it a long island iced tea

>> No.10730808

add sugar to the just-boiled water to supersaturate it. add more sugar. add all the sugar. all of it.

>> No.10730812

based southerner

>> No.10730826

that's not how you make a long island dumpass, there's no tea in a long island

>> No.10730909

>no tea in the long island iced TEA

>> No.10731005

there's not idiot, it's only called that because it looks like tea
fucking moron

>> No.10731016

it's not real long island iced tea then

>> No.10731020

long islands have never had tea you fucking idiot

>> No.10731022

do you have down syndrome?

>> No.10731170

1. Boil water
2. add tea variant of your liking
3. put in lemon and any flavoring of your liking (e.g. mint)
4. pour small amount in ice-cube tray. freeze this. put the rest in refrigerator
5. serve cold with ice-tea cubes

>> No.10731178

>bringing the water to a boil instead of heating it just till it steams
damn son, what did those poor tea leaves ever do to you?

>> No.10731216


Properly made Long Island Iced Tea both looks and tastes like iced tea while containing no tea, which is why it isn't called something else.

>> No.10731326

>not boiling the water and then letting it cool down a bit before pouring it over the leafs

>> No.10731331

sorry, I don't live in a third world country where you gotta boil water to make it safe

>> No.10731339

no, but you seem to live in a country with a shitty power supply, and thus unable to use an electric kettle

>> No.10731347

>boiling water just to let it cool
seems wasteful to me anon. but it's what I've come to expect from eu scum

>> No.10731358

alright, 100 voltlet

I'll be enjoying my superior 240 volts

>> No.10731367

and you tards claim murkastronk is the source of all global warming. before brexit happened, global warming was an eu plot to give brittain decent weather

>> No.10731391

Make tea.
Add ice.

>> No.10731396

take a warm glass , add rum.

>> No.10731408

go to the store buy some lipton and throw ice in that bitch you boofy ass nigguh

>> No.10731416
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 1522463128045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10732837

3 bags luzianne green tea
1bag twinnings pomegranate green tea
1-1.5 L water
Boil, remove, let rest until cool.
Add water to make 1 gal
Notice sugar is not an ingredient. Sweet tea is for fucking niggers.

>> No.10732894

Buying it is a solid method

>> No.10733490
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>> No.10733973


You piece of shit. Sweet tea is the GOAT

>> No.10733993

southerner here, can confirm

>> No.10734013


>> No.10734300

Boil water with two family-size bags of Luzianne tea, pour into pitcher while still hot and mix two cups or so of sugar then fill rest of pitcher with water while stirring, put in fridge to cool slowly or pour into glass with plenty of ice to cool rapidly.

>> No.10734302

Forgot a step. Be sure to pour it into the pitcher through a strainer, and press out whatever is still in the bags with it.

>> No.10734362

Well fuck. White nigger here

>> No.10734412

>god tier
>iced tea
lol what a horrible misconception to have

>> No.10734418

Neither do I, but cooking water allows for the minerals in it to settle a bit, which makes your tea taste better.

>> No.10734650

you guys are a hoot

>> No.10734832

2 cups of sugar??????
Your teeth. Oh my God your teeth. Do you have Dew mouth??? You have to. Do you have a tooth left????

>> No.10736451

chopped fruit, crushed ice, slice of lemon

>> No.10737458

I have all my teeth left, actually. Again I'm not sure of the exact amount of sugar to use as I haven't made it in a very long while. Most of my sweet tea consumption is from restaurants these days, which are just a weekend thing for me now.

>> No.10737927

>consuming anything from and/or related to the shithole that is new york

>> No.10737983

Just make sun tea. Adjust the number of tea bags. Ignore autists. Add sugar. Everyone's idea of how much sugar is different. Do what you like. I like lemon slices too. Chill in fridge then add ice cubes in tall glass. Stir with long spoon. Hold the spoon to the back of the glass while you sip. That's it probably. Add mint if you're into that.

>> No.10739397

When I make iced tea I literally just put some tea bags in cold water and leave it in the fridge for a few hours.

Am I retarded?

>> No.10739407

You gotta let it brew. Leave it hot for a while.

>> No.10739414

Yes. But if you enjoy the end result then I guess not.

>> No.10740416

Put tea in water
Put in fridge

Any other answer is a meme

>> No.10740421

Make Sun tea instead.

>> No.10740728

Sun tea is good

>> No.10740865

Higher voltage means less energy wasted as heat. P = U x I. If you have a 1000 Watt microwave, at 100 Volts you need 10 Amps of current. Current running through your wires creates heat. At 240 V you only need 4.2 A of current. The heating up of the wires also increases their electrical resistance, further decreasing the efficiency of a 100 V grid. 100 V is scientifically inferior to 240 V.