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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 262 KB, 1440x561, Soda tier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10728499 No.10728499 [Reply] [Original]

What's /ck/'s official power level rankings with food and beverages?

>> No.10728506

>shit tier
>coca cola

shit bait.

>> No.10728512

>root beer
>not elder god tier

>> No.10728521

Nothing can top Dr. pepper

>> No.10728659
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For those who didn't know.
Faygo that comes in glass bottles is made from the classic recipe with real sugar instead of corn syrup.

>> No.10728660

Where's Big Red?

>> No.10728662

>7up above Sprite and Sierra Mist
Fuck that, put Dr pepper and Mcdonald's Sprite in S+ tier

>> No.10728668
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I think everything on the chart is a national brand. Maybe he didn't include regional items? I heard Big Red is mainly in texas. and the south.

>> No.10728704

Big Red can be found most places. I've gotten it west coast and midwest.

Faygo is a little tougher to come by and I've never even heard of Surge.

I think OP just has bad taste.

>> No.10728719
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>S tier

>> No.10728844
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>sierra mist anywhere near the same level as sprite
FOH dude thats wrong and you know it.

>> No.10728849

>Mountain Dew that high
Retard detected.

>> No.10728884

S tier: big red
Shit tier: anything else

>> No.10728897
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>rc, coke, and crush that low
>surge, jones, shasta, pibb, mist, mug, and 7up all that high
You know nothing

>> No.10728902

Where would orangina fall?

>> No.10728945

Where the fuck is simple tap water? No wonder you're all a bunch of fatasses with rotting teeth.

>> No.10728951
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What the fuck would be the point in putting something essential to human survival on a list of man made drinks? Are you actually this much of an autist that you hate when people enjoy a treat from time to time and show which ones they like and do not like?

>> No.10728959

If youre listing beverages, you better expand your options beyond neet drinks or Im calling you out on it.

>> No.10728994
File: 64 KB, 217x195, Henry Weinhard's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not drinking Henry Weinhard's
This shit is 11/10, any flavor will smoke the competition.

>> No.10729012

fuck off /v/ soda is cancer but not having coca-cola in S tier means you are a confirmed faggot

>> No.10729085

God tier
>Dr. Pepper
Great tier
>Baja Blast
>Sidral Mundet
>Guarana Antarctica
Really don’t give a fuck tier
>everything else

>> No.10729103

No Moon Mist?

>> No.10729124

Water isn't a beverage

>> No.10729180

It's /ck/, where fucking jack is held in high regard. Of course theyre a bunch of overweight NEETS

>> No.10729214

fuck off with your craft sodas

>> No.10729257

Coke is literally one of the worst mass market pops.

>> No.10729289


>> No.10729328

midwest trash detected

>> No.10730972

Drink water faggot.

>> No.10731004


>> No.10731031

>No cream soda, no ginger beer, no dandelion and burdock

>> No.10731046

wtf kind of retarded ranking system is this?
what do the letters even stand for?

>> No.10731500
File: 88 KB, 493x637, H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking imbeciles forgot about MOXIE, THE GREATEST SODA IN EXISTENCE

>> No.10731561

>pepsi max and coke zero above normal coke/pepsi

I, too, have autism.

>> No.10731565

all shit tier

>> No.10731571

Lived in Florida and Georgia and never seen Big Red.

>> No.10731580

>That high
>That low

Nice bait faggot.

>> No.10731590

Any Mexican soda is good teir
Especially if it's in a glass bottle

>> No.10731598

It's like in videogames you faggot

>> No.10731642

>implying I have time to play video games

>> No.10731648

alright, don't need to know your life story.
then compare it to school grades. you did finish second grade, right?

>> No.10731676

>no Bang's root beer
Your list is shit.

>> No.10731764

You forgot SSS+ tier with water.

>> No.10731798
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Idk what "S" tier is so I'm just going to do it like a scholastic grade
A- Sprite, Sunkist, Cherry Coke, Mountain Dew, Vanilla Coke, Dr.Pepper, Jones Soda
B- Pepsi, Classic Coke, Sierra Mist, Crush , Big Red, 7 UP
C- faygo, Chek Cola, Mellow Yellow, Jarritos
D- RC, Value Brand colas (mr.pibb, Mountain whatever, Dr.Thunder)

>> No.10732739

mr. piib easily beats dr pepper any day

>> No.10733301

>Baja Blast at top
It's only good with greasy-ass Taco Bell. On its own it tastes like the definition of corn syrup.

>> No.10733303
File: 104 KB, 1320x852, 1526918632770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody brought up cream soda specifically

>> No.10733319

Wouldn't drink any of that shit.

>> No.10733360

I'll TaB you in the gabber mate

>> No.10733367
File: 200 KB, 1440x561, Soda tier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me

>> No.10733370

>not drinking the BOH drink of choice which is a suicide of 4-6 drinks together
It's like you don't even cook.

>> No.10733383

that's because anyone who isn't a drooling mongoloid doesn't consider cream "soda" drinkable

>> No.10733389

cream soda is based but only when mixed with root beer or orange

>> No.10733876

there's rock n rye, creme soda and redpop. moon mist is just their weird not!mt dew flavor. but they have loads more oddball flavors that are based.

>> No.10733885

shasta should be placed no higher than shit tier. i've had store brand pop that was better. it's on the same level as the dollar store garbage that comes in 3 liters.

>> No.10733901
File: 22 KB, 468x298, No-Name-Cola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is literally nothing wrong with store brand pop

>> No.10733996

>any root beer being above shit tier

>> No.10735792

Mello Yello is a top tier soda and I don't care what you think

>> No.10735824
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>> No.10735836

this guy right here, he knows his shit

>> No.10737298
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, Snapshot(147).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is eating too many fries jeez how cringy

>> No.10737934
File: 276 KB, 888x600, bag-of-milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you amerifats shill Dr.Pepper so hard? Shit tastes like cough syrup.

>> No.10737946

Hipsters pretend to like Dr. Pepper because it makes them think that they're unique or something. It's fucking disgusting.

>> No.10737980

Moxie is S-tier

>> No.10738073

>drinking soda

>> No.10738125
File: 163 KB, 1467x601, soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10738156

>Coke is shit but with a slight vanilla aftertaste its S tier
What retard made these rankings

>> No.10738160

Why the Jones hate? Except for the Root Beer/Cream Soda. That shits even lower than C.

Orange and Cream and Blue Bubblegum are great though

>> No.10738176

I tried Bawls the other day for the first time, was pretty good.

>> No.10738180
File: 27 KB, 259x194, 2C79800D-F05A-4D4B-8110-6A27815956AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaving out the greatest soft drink in human history

>> No.10738407

>Dr pepper
>shit tier
I'm embarrassed for you m8

>> No.10738438

I only drink vodka and water

>> No.10738455

had an orange for the first time a few weeks ago. it was only ok.

>> No.10738746

Lived in Dallas during the early 2000's and don't remember seeing Big Red then but that could've been because I was a small kid. Currently in NH/MA and no sign of it here.

Surge is an old meme proto-energy drink (think jolt and mountain dew) that's getting brought back. Faygo's weird, they have them in this one gas station in Auburn NH but the only other place I've seen them is at Sheetz stations in PA.

>> No.10738760

if there was a tier below shit tier i would put dr pepper in it
i can stand most pop (except grape) but i will never intentionally put dr pepper in my body, i'd rather lick a sewer alligator's anus

>> No.10738765

Water's S tier.
Tea ranges from A to C tier.
Beer and liquor is great fun at parties tier.
Everything else can just fuck off.

>> No.10738773
File: 25 KB, 446x250, tumblr_static_tumblr_static__640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RC Cola
>shit tier

>> No.10738774

>sewer alligator
Floridian detected.
Disregard this man's words. Floridians are the kings of untruths.

>> No.10738865

why would i say pop if i was from florida

>> No.10738894

Weinhard's is try-hard garbage soda. Get outta here with that weak shit.

>> No.10738895

RC Cola is 'haphazardly joked about so much it's underrated' tier.

As far as colas go, not as good as Coke, but better than that overly sweet, flat swill known as Pepsi.

>> No.10738899


>> No.10738997
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>> No.10739065

>Canada Dry and Root Beer high tier
My nigga

>> No.10739078

how many sisters you impregnate Cleetus

>> No.10739175

I've been all over the country and never been in a conversation where anyone mentioned soda. Due to this I have no idea where people say pop instead are from.

>> No.10739193


>> No.10739503
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>comes into a thread about NEET drinks
>complains when people discuss NEET drinks
I mean it is summer

>> No.10739598

S tier: water
B tier: choccy milk
Shit tier: literally every other drink

>> No.10739691
File: 166 KB, 1024x576, tonyannoyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mug that high

>> No.10740089

>Shit tier

It's the best fucking cola

>> No.10740091

actually it's disgusting swill