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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10725199 No.10725199 [Reply] [Original]

What are foods you are picky about?

What are foods that if people are picky about you instantly lose respect?

How did you overcome not eating some foods?

>> No.10725992

I used to be picky as a kid but then I became curios of new tastes and learned to appreciate dishes that are different from what I'm used to. I used to dislike pepper so much I would choke on it and spit it out.

The last aversion I got rid of was towards sourkraut even though it's very common where I live (Poland). Also I recently started liking sweet carp in jelly. I overcame my pickiness by just trying well executed dishes that had things I didn't previously like. Right now I'm ready to try anthing that isn't obviously disgusting.

>> No.10726015

Tomatoes. They're just booger apples. Good for sauces but they're gross. Also olives. Fuck those things.

>> No.10726245

Do you not like dried and marinated tometoes?

>> No.10726356

Just lettuce and beansprouts
I get called out on being a picky eater a lot, which is annoying because if my friends weren't picky eaters themselves we'd be somewhere other than a fucking burger/chinese place for a change

>> No.10726378

I just don't like tomatoes unless I can't see them. I took a bite out of one once just to get over my pickiness and it tastes like dirt with a snot consistency. I like Pico de Gallo and spaghetti sauce but I can't stand them on their own.

>> No.10726416

Mhm, I had the same with sweet peppers. It passed with time though.

>> No.10726466

I used to be picky when i was young.
Turned out it was because my mom is bad at cooking.

I still don't really like mushrooms and many seafood. I'll eat them if they're being served but I wont pick them if there are other choices.

>> No.10726481

>What are foods you are picky about?
I would not consider myself "picky" in any form, I have tried and loved most things, but I don't like lemon flavored cakes and cookies, and I don't like any kind of jello.
I also don't like American ham (country, sugar-cured, spiral-cut, that kind of thing)

>What are foods that if people are picky about you instantly lose respect?
Tomatoes. That's the biggest one that just makes me lose all semblance of respect for a person. Loads of people eat pizza with tomato sauce and bolognese or marinara on their spaghetti, but say they hate tomatoes. #1 pleb identifier right there.

>How did you overcome not eating some foods?
I used to think I didn't like tea or mushrooms. For tea I just kept trying different kinds until I found one I liked - Twining's chai - and then I started going back and trying other teas I'd had before and had a newfound love.

For mushrooms, I just cooked with them anyway despite not liking them. I was determined to like them. I would hide them in my food. At first they're very pungent and the texture is bad, but with time you start to see what people like about mushrooms: instead of smelling like a drainage ditch and tasting like feet, they start to smell and taste earthy and savory. Learning how to cook them so they aren't rubbery is important. And now, I eat them every morning with breakfast.

>> No.10726543

try owning a farm faggot

>> No.10726600

for some reason, i love all fries and most chips but i LOATHE everything else involving potatoes. they just taste so bad to me normally and i don't know why. it's like a curse.

>> No.10726614

I will not eat tilapia.

If you don't enjoy salmon you lose points in my book.

>> No.10726635

I'll work on your farm for free anon. Not sure what that has to do with not liking tomatoes though.

>> No.10726640

I’m similar, they’re my least favorite carb. (can still usually eat them without complaint as an adult so not hate per se) but I actually enjoy raw potatoes. My mom would let me eat a slice or two when making fries. They taste more earthy and like starchy mushrooms, idk.

>> No.10726643

he pays you in tomatoes

>> No.10726687

Dude you can get seriously ill from eating raw potatoes. Don't eat raw potatoes.

>> No.10726708

Really? Source?
I'm not him but I eat raw potatoes regularly like apples

>> No.10726718

the green parts of potato skin contain a toxin called solanine, which is deactivated by cooking.

It's theoretically possible to poison yourself by eating green potato skins but it isn't very likely; you have to eat a fuckload before showing symptoms.

>> No.10726743

The source is my grandma's wisdom but you can read up on it in google.

>> No.10726843

I know and was actually considering making a joke that maybe that it was the poison improving the taste. But I figured everyone here knew that by now. Plus as said it’s actually kind of difficult to poison yourself on them. My mom always peeled the potatoes as she hated it and considered them dirty, so I probably consumed almost none of the substance.

>> No.10727679

One of my friends calls me a picky eater because when I order things I want them delivered as ordered.

>> No.10727701

I fucking DESPISE meatloaf.

Don't like relish.

Don't like American cheese on burgers. It's fine on other things and other cheeses are good on burgers.

I Don't like sliced tomatoes on sandwhiches either. Diced tomato is great on hispanic food though.

Finally, don't like broccoli.

How'd I do /ck/?

>> No.10727859

>I fucking DESPISE meatloaf.

I've never understood the appeal honestly.

>> No.10728120

I cannot stand any tiny tomato. Every grape and cherry tomato I have ever eaten has tasted heavily of metal. Completely ruins the flavor of any dish it gets put into. I can handle all other tomatoes though.

>> No.10728175
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I hate vegetables because I'm a manchild faggot.
So far I've managed to Stockholm myself into "liking" asparagus, tomato, and onion. Broccoli is okay but I only really eat it in soup. I tried artichoke a while back and it was okay. So at least I'm getting better about it.
Aside from vegetables I'm not a fan of offal, freshwater fish, and I absolutely hate cherries.

>> No.10728182
File: 486 KB, 470x328, 953212316515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat raw potatoes regularly
What could possibly drive a man crazy enough to enjoy eating raw potatoes?

>> No.10728266

what about potatoes?

>> No.10728457

Pretty much every cheese except mozzarella, ricotta, philadelphia or melted processed cheese. I can tolerate a bit of parmesan in recipes when it's mixed with other ingredients.
Every kind of ripened cheese literally makes me gag.

>What are foods that if people are picky about you instantly lose respect?
people who are picky about food that are very similiar to other ones they already eat and like. Like people who like chicken but refuse to eat other kind of poultry, just beacuse they are not used to.