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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10722347 No.10722347 [Reply] [Original]

Good night, sweet prince.

>> No.10722524
File: 28 KB, 400x400, tony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fella showed me the world, wish i could have been there for him. rest easy mate.

>> No.10722532
File: 386 KB, 2048x1365, 1528459643774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly haven't felt this sad about someone I didn't know at all dying.

>> No.10722554

Literally who

>> No.10722556

I really would have sat on his face, he was a sexy guy

>> No.10722571
File: 92 KB, 1080x867, asiaargento_32759995_2067817333492295_2026515078064373760_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got cucked by Asia Argento so he offed himself

>> No.10722596

Sources have said that a man with frosted tips and a bowling shirt with flames on it was seen leaving the hotel in a convertible...

>> No.10722603

Any source? They say "suicide" but I figured it was just an accidental OD. Loved the guy's work but he has always been a junky.

>> No.10722613

citation needed. that bitch always looked like bad news to me.

tbhwyfamily he was just a regular sinner, like any of us, but nobody deserves to go out the way he did. i hope his ten year old daughter won't be too traumatized by this. fuck. tony you did it this time.

>> No.10722624

Me too... he was such a big part of why I got into cooking and enjoy it so much.

>> No.10722662
File: 1.47 MB, 1000x1000, bam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw the Lagasse crime syndicate had him wacked for his insolence.

>> No.10722670 [DELETED] 

Trump Curse takes another victim. So long you alcoholic faggot.

>> No.10722678

I guess he's finally going to "parts unknown".

>> No.10722680 [DELETED] 

Fuck this liberal loser

>> No.10722683 [DELETED] 

>Trump Curse
Loaded shotgun in your mouth. Pull trigger. Cure autism.

>> No.10722686

Damn I loved a lot of his shows, f

>> No.10722688

Why couldn’t have been that greedy fuck Ramsey?

>> No.10722690 [DELETED] 


>> No.10722700

RIP. Truly sad day. He was awesome and will be greatly missed.

>> No.10722711

Rest well mr burden

>> No.10722713


>> No.10722714

lol no he won't, you fucking sperg

>> No.10722715

he is babbys first cool food guy. he is meh tier if you watch more stuff. 61 is oldish he had money and whores. gg

>> No.10722716

I’m fucked for laughing at that.

>> No.10722723

Fuck you, you unsympathetic troll

>> No.10722726

No, he hung himself and his friend found him.

>> No.10722727

Fucking faggot.

>> No.10722735 [DELETED] 

Bourdain didn't have autism, but I'm glad he cleaned his worthless person off the planet.

Trump 2020.

>> No.10722737 [DELETED] 

I don't sympathize with drug addled liberal kiddy diddlers, you're right.

>> No.10722738

lol what a loser

>> No.10722740
File: 1.19 MB, 1080x1254, asiaargento_33239804_1844132275646033_1139364298603102208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any source?


>Grazie @raz_degan per questa straordinaria avventura. Sei un vero avventuriero. Ho tanta nostalgia dell’Etiopia e della sua gente. È stato un viaggio indimenticabile, che mi ha cambiato la vita. Questa sera su #SkyAtlantic 23:15 #razandthetribe

>> No.10722748
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1297745682176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so money really doesn't make someone happy?

>> No.10722749

F. Gotta pour one out for the original kitchen degenerate.

>> No.10722753
File: 207 KB, 425x1275, 1522245348115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boy Ramsay would never do this to us, right?

>> No.10722754

Bourdain became the very tone deaf liberal food snob he so frequently bemoaned. Sad!

>> No.10722757

He likely did a David Carradine.

>> No.10722758

it's not like he slipped and fell, it was his decision, and abandoning a young child like that voids absolutely any sympathy i would have had otherwise

>> No.10722762 [DELETED] 

liberals are all degenerates

>> No.10722764

that rotten crotched bitch i fucking knew it. tony should never have trusted her. one too many blows on the old ticker. these wolf headed women are a plague i tell you.

>> No.10722765
File: 87 KB, 634x953, 4CE8EE6800000578-0-image-a-4_1528203394846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any source?


>> No.10722766
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>> No.10722769 [DELETED] 

Poor bourdain...
He may be a libtard but showing me cuisines and cultures around the world made me feel a bit happy considering his down to earth persona in his shows. Coming from a natsoc, I think he was a decent person though politically correct.

Rest in peace and thank you for showing me the world through cuisines and culture...

t. Third world shitholer

>> No.10722773
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>> No.10722775

I’m actually sad

>> No.10722777 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 923x879, 1506523289281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10722782 [DELETED] 

Wow a natsoc with the cultural taste of a middle aged childless goth woman, so surprising!

Fucking faggot. Fuck Bourdain and fuck your little TV twavel adventures you went wiff him !!

>> No.10722788

not anthony..
this world is the worst world

>> No.10722789

he reintroduced me to reading after school.
>The Talented Mr. Ripley
>Hard Rain Falling
>Naked Lunch
and of course

>> No.10722791
File: 4 KB, 223x226, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart hurts. Fuck.

>> No.10722793

Rest in pepperoni.

>> No.10722794

>it was his decision
anon i don't know how to tell you this but sometimes people make bad decisions, especially under stress

yeah no argument here, but he's still beloved and gone.

>> No.10722797 [DELETED] 

Money only rents happiness for a short term. Happiness is like a drug, you can't be too happy in your life. Sometimes you just snap and Tony just can't stand it anymore.

>> No.10722799

Please sticky

>> No.10722801

its not 2005, anon.

>> No.10722810

if you look close to that jpg it looks, no it is bourdain

>> No.10722813
File: 86 KB, 201x185, A15B4EE7-7323-4D5A-ADDE-A5B92533073C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s with politisperging? I mean, do whatever the fuck you want, but it’s not particularly relevant to the topic at hand.

>> No.10722815 [DELETED] 

Lel you gotta hand it to him. His show is just too subtle to be politically correct.

I don't like him for being a libtard, yes but even he is much better than the things you call SJWs.

>> No.10722816

I eagerly await the "Bourdain was a fucking white male who appropriated other cultures for profit. Glad he's dead" from SJWs who don't even wait until the body is cold. Every fucking time.


>> No.10722818
File: 14 KB, 384x216, dayum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just heard about this on NPR, felt pretty bad for hearing about it there first instead of here. I'll get over that before I get over losing this weirdo. Dude was a TV celeb chef that'll I never forget. I might not have been an avid watcher of his shows, but I've seen more than enough of his shows, cameos, and collabs/interviews to know that this guy is a real top bloke. His voice is probably one of the most iconic voices in the culinary world, in the world, and it will always ring true to me for years to come.

Goodnight, sweet prince.
Highschool DxD? I didn't know he dated 2D bitches. Fuckin' hell.

>> No.10722819


I'm getting tired of people killing themselves.

>> No.10722824

that's shithouse. RIP

>> No.10722827 [DELETED] 

RIP. Bourdain did nothing wrong.

>> No.10722829


>> No.10722831

pls no

>> No.10722833

nope since he is not a pussy or a fraud

>> No.10722834

yeah i don't get it either, but i suppose it's a mix of being on the internet and the current polarization/juxtaposition of politics

>> No.10722835

Be inspired. Don't disappoint daddy tony. He wants his worthless fans to join him. Will you answer the call?

>> No.10722837 [DELETED] 
File: 309 KB, 852x684, 1502245248684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad he's dead. literally all lefties are mentally deranged

>> No.10722838
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>> No.10722842
File: 36 KB, 450x335, 41c682508021f78dec2fe942df070ac7ebf7e9df056559f2334777fc707a2083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no da man on muh teevee died
lol fucking shut in losers

>> No.10722844

It seems he never bought that comfy house in Vietnam that he always wanted.


>> No.10722846 [DELETED] 


oh looks like this loser is dead instead of drumpf, having contributed nothing to the world but a glorified multi-decade instagram food selfie

get fucked

>> No.10722847
File: 955 KB, 360x360, 1504324516592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it comes in threes!

I got $20 on Bobby Flay going next!
He'll OD on Botox

>> No.10722848

I hope he went as slow as possible

>> No.10722851

What a qt

>> No.10722852

i'm pretty sure one of the indicators of mental illness is not being able to take a joke

>> No.10722853

Lol, what the hell else am I going to listen to when I'm making my breakfast? I got other peeps in the house asleep. besides, haven't you heard about all this fuss over steel in Canada?

>> No.10722854

h-h-h-he showed me the world and showed me the fooded that he ated ;_; omg the way he wrote about food was sooooo neato ;_;

>> No.10722857

Only thing I see are drumpfkins screeching about the Trump curse or whatever while the corpse is being descended from the noose

>> No.10722862 [DELETED] 

another shillary stan kicks the bucket
the world is a better place
shame he didn't take the wife and kids with him

>> No.10722864

that's interesting seeing that i'm still alive and he killed himself

>> No.10722865 [DELETED] 

This guy was a degenerate drug addicted smug liberal boomer. Everything wrong with the world. More liberal boomers should kill themselves the world would be a better place.

>> No.10722869
File: 33 KB, 720x540, ManlyTear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Australia and I loved watching his TV shows. I can't believe this just happened. He seem happy and had such an affable personality.

Fuck this gay earth.

The day is ruined. I just want to go to bed.

>> No.10722870

Indeed, many deeply offended Bourdain faggots in here can't take jokes, quite defensive of their beloved wretched degenerate fuck.

>> No.10722871

he got that guy killed in Iran for ratings!

>> No.10722872

Binging with Babish?
More like hangin' with bourdain

>> No.10722873

He was boring as hell. I never knew why this guy was such a meme, would literally rather watch Paula Deen.


>> No.10722877 [DELETED] 

>National Propoganda Radio
you fucking cuck liberal shitstain
there are 1,000 better options out there

>> No.10722879
File: 54 KB, 928x523, ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OR you could place your bets on one of the reputable competitive eaters. Maybe Action Bronson?

>> No.10722880

>selfish coward

>> No.10722881 [DELETED] 

Talk shit about Trump, die.

>> No.10722882
File: 150 KB, 821x1352, Anthony Bourdain CNN host and celebrity chef dead at 61 Fox News.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think.

>> No.10722885

>More like hangin' with bourdain
top kek son

>> No.10722887
File: 1.22 MB, 1200x1200, 1527588050372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just getting into his shows, man

>> No.10722888 [DELETED] 

boomer libshit loser dies and what?

>> No.10722890

could you point out a few? the only thing i'm reading is boring pejoratives how Bourdain dangling from a rope makes one happy, because of a joke about trump

>> No.10722891

>got 150k from dad kicking off
>shit is still just as fucked

No. it doesn't fix shit... You have to fix it.

>> No.10722892

On the cheap orange-cream-colored radio from the 80's I found lying around in the basement that I listen to from time to time? Local radio in Kentucky? Nah buddy.

>> No.10722897
File: 1.32 MB, 1200x950, 1455682869807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it should be the whole crew at food network
That idiot idea destroyed the industry!

>> No.10722899

Didn’t people want Bush’s, Obama’s, etc.’s heads all the time. What makes Trump so special that one lame joke makes people go bananas?

Making a joke about killing a country’s leader is inherently retarded, but this isn’t a new thing. It’s like everyone forgot how much people hated Bush to the point one guy made a movie about him being assassinated.

>> No.10722901

Literally nothing wrong with this

>> No.10722902 [DELETED] 

Why is everyone who talks shit about Trump dying?

>> No.10722906 [DELETED] 
File: 533 KB, 797x639, 1513892105098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not even about trump you idiots, this is a culture war. wake up.

>> No.10722907

and 50,000 "Eat, Pray, Love"-reading land whales schlick their dry roast beef curtains one last time to the pseudo-cool elderly hipster foodie gargoyle kike

>> No.10722910

because Trump is fucking based

>> No.10722911

It probably wasn't suicide. t was probably overdose. And if any al/ck/s here can detest, feel free. There have been times even regular people getting drunk or high for a moment or night can think they're dying. Guy probably just slipped up and had suicide publicized to protect his family's image or something. You wouldn't understand, because you're a lowly nobody no one will ever make a thread about.

>> No.10722912
File: 374 KB, 276x500, 1407901485974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10722916

aka you can't take a joke

>> No.10722918

because just about every celebrity is throwing shit at him and some of them are dying, you want to get that coincidence detector recalibrated mate

>> No.10722920

Did he also ban himself?

>> No.10722922
File: 39 KB, 681x454, anthony_weiner3-681x454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we rate bourdain on yelp?

>> No.10722925

No it fucking doesn't. Why the hell are you even on that site?

>> No.10722926

now im happy he offed himself kek

>> No.10722927

What a fucking faggot
somebody should "mel gibson" his wife

>> No.10722928

That's what I though too.

>> No.10722929
File: 30 KB, 406x452, 1519607793410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the_donald was a mistake

>> No.10722930
File: 141 KB, 680x680, 1236545634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our egregore isn't a joke.

>> No.10722931

i usually only come to /pol/ and /b/ but had to pop in to say "LOL" this faggot made many anti vegan statements in his time and now he's topped himself. Oh well this vegan is mildly amused at an arsehole omni realising that he was guilty and worth and hero-ing. Hope You are reincarnated a 100 times as a factory reared pig. "vegans? huh they wanna pay $20 for a plate of grilled zucchini, let them pay and i'll rip[ them off" something like that.

>> No.10722932 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 182x268, MV5BMDhiZTg2MjctYzdmYy00NzM5LTk5OGYtNWY3ZTgyZGRmOWEyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MDMyMDQ@._V1_UY268_CR87,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a borderline commie. Sucked Obama's dick the entirety of the last administration and completely shit on Trump.

He will not be missed.

>> No.10722933 [DELETED] 

It's more than a coincidence

>> No.10722935 [DELETED] 

Reminder to Trump posters, your God Emperor is a kike asskisser fuck Trump for kissing Israel and kike assassery.

Prove to me that Trump is not a kike lover. Don't blindly defend Trump like he is an infallible human being.

>> No.10722938

He's that TV chef who said "BAM".

>> No.10722940

No, because the article is/was spouting lies

>> No.10722941
File: 856 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180608-055135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.10722942

>thinks Canadians burnt down the WH
>didn’t know the difference between HPV and HIV
I practically believe we’re so fucking dumb ourselves that we derserve a president like him.

>> No.10722946 [DELETED] 

The Trump curse killed another liberal loser hahahhaah we can't stop winning

>> No.10722947


Cut yourself 1488 faggot

>> No.10722948

This man saved my life. I was a heroin junkie and alcoholic, and reading about his struggle with depression and addiction and how he got through them inspired me to get clean. It's been 9 years now. Tony was literally my hero. This is fucking devastating for me, even though I never had a chance to meet the man, I feel like I've lost someone very dear to me.

>> No.10722950

Oh yea, and he loved MLP. Just saying.

>> No.10722951

at his age, yeah, i guess alcohol could have done it. especially if he was out of practice. i don't see him downing half a handle in a hotel room all by himself though. but given that his gf was slutting around rome and africa with random young chads it's possible he could have been in the mood to drown his sorrows.

>> No.10722952

>you'll never be able to see him roast Guy and Alton ever again

>> No.10722954

Reminder /pol/ harps on liberals attacking recently dead cuckservatives

>> No.10722955 [DELETED] 

Holy shit look at this /ptg/ comment XD
Go back to ribbit you Trumper piece of shit

This is not r_the donald you knos

>> No.10722956

once a junkie, always a junkie.
what a waste of talent. rip tony.

>> No.10722957

>get paid millions to travel the world and sample the finest food, drink, and culture that the world has to offer

Infuriating. Absolutely fucking infuriating. Tarnishes everything that he's ever done.

>> No.10722959

I hope you relapse.

>> No.10722960 [DELETED] 


>> No.10722961
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>> No.10722962

Free country free speech as much as you hate it.

>> No.10722967

Drugs and alcohol do bad things to you. Say no to drugs.

>> No.10722968 [DELETED] 

I hope your entire family is raped in front of you while you're forced to watch

>> No.10722970 [DELETED] 

I hope the Trump curse strikes you next

>> No.10722971 [DELETED] 
File: 610 KB, 1280x800, 2trumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All we do is win.

>> No.10722973 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 495x467, dear-liberals-despacito-checkmate-32561115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10722974
File: 62 KB, 606x425, 1504336198870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't blindly defend Obama like he is an infallible human being.

>> No.10722977


>> No.10722978

that's a recipe for depression right there

>> No.10722979 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 600x337, DW3cAG2W0AAfE8p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10722981

Enjoy your rectal prolapse faggot.

>> No.10722983

everyone who tattooed her chest

>> No.10722985


>> No.10722986

t.carmen sandiego

>> No.10722993
File: 769 KB, 1000x750, DD0180EF-74D4-4527-A4F0-D067CD020842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he’ll never lightly mock Ina Garten again while secretly praising her for her amazing garden

>> No.10722996 [DELETED] 

Look here Trump lovers. I like the way Trump does his administration but having kikes doing his stuff isnt cleaning the swamp.

Anthony Bourdain may be a braindead obama loving libtard, but his shows are quite nice and have very little SJW shit in it.

>> No.10722995

you still have Gaga!

>> No.10722997 [DELETED] 

Fuck this guy he talked shit about God emperor Trump.

>> No.10722998
File: 42 KB, 300x344, haiti-revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is where you belong

>> No.10722999

he first got cucked by his wife Ottavia who wanted some MMA fighter dick... then Asia Whoregento... guys, never invest feelings in females, it's not worth it.

>> No.10723000 [DELETED] 
File: 614 KB, 980x830, 1507163410599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump Curse strikes again. AB was a dirty heroin bum coward who regularly sucked off 3rd world commie dictators. Fuck him. Now he's burning in hell. S

>> No.10723002 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 884x393, 1525669165795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723003 [DELETED] 

The only good liberal boomer is a dead one. So Bourdain is now a good one.

>> No.10723004 [DELETED] 

Winning in Syria?
Yea right there is still ISIS there you know

>> No.10723008

Yeah man, fuck anyone with a political opinion different to mine. Am I right MAGApedes?

>> No.10723013

It buys you a higher quality of misery.

>> No.10723014

>very little SJW shit

My boy, have you seen a single episode of Parts Unknown?

>> No.10723015 [DELETED] 

At this point far left liberals need to be killed so yea.

>> No.10723017 [DELETED] 

Yea speak the delusion as much as you want kiddo

>> No.10723019 [DELETED] 

Keep laughing dumbass. Keep in mind that he can and will wipe you and everyone you care about and 40 million other random chumps off the face of the planet if he feels like it. One phone call from the right person and yer done, bud. He could launch Armageddon if you piss him off in less time than it takes you to finish on the shitter. Looks pretty fucking godlike to me.

Keep poking the bear with the stick. Soon enough you'll see the bear stop giving a fuck about the rules of the game and just flip the table up and snap the board off his knee and see the pieces scatter on the floor. You liberals are so stupid you still can't figure out why you're losing. Obummer goes um and ahh and Shillery makes smug faces while Trump fucking stands there like a fucking man with his finger hovering over the button daring you to start something. That's called leverage. First rule of business.

You cucks want a nuclear war, you'll get a nuclear war. While you're cleaning up the corpses and rubble and Trump is still the king and America is still great you'll wish you never had a mean word to say about him.

>> No.10723022

bad post

>> No.10723023

If only, the world needs another celeb choke n stroke victim

>> No.10723027 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 600x400, 7qttr3uxt8sz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moar tears, pls

>> No.10723028


based /pol/ false flagger

>> No.10723034

Make sure you have nice things to say about this guy :3


what a nice guy :3

"Laughing about your death by hanging"

but now

you're hanging


>> No.10723036
File: 29 KB, 600x733, 1520481042807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiddy diddlers

>> No.10723038 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 750x992, 1528458220270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no delusion that Bourdain was a lefite.

>> No.10723039 [DELETED] 

Another thread ruined by Trump cult retards.

>> No.10723043

Good riddance. He was an asshole.

>> No.10723045
File: 2.26 MB, 720x404, QfVWcax.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao fuck this fag no one cares

>> No.10723046

Sticky this.

>> No.10723047

2016 killed this site.

>> No.10723050 [DELETED] 

You gonna be ok dipshit? You gonna hang yourself in a public bathroom with a needle in your arm when we get that 2020 win too?

>> No.10723051

You doing anything about it? Their posts are being deleted and guess why.

>> No.10723052

/co/ here. RIP Bourdain, your shit was awesome
Had kick ass taste in music too

>> No.10723053

Yep. This thread's going in my cringe compilation.

>> No.10723054

I'm going to eat 20 Mcnuggets in honor of him.

>> No.10723055 [DELETED] 

Every fucking time these holier than thou anti Trump fucktards end up being pathetic suicidal cunts. Tells you that liberalism is a mental disorder.

>> No.10723056 [DELETED] 

Just hang in there Bourdain

>> No.10723059

t. Actual retard

>> No.10723060
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>> No.10723062

/pol/ literally can not keep it in their corner. Kinda sad too bee honest

>> No.10723064

I wish mods kept the_donald posters in /pol/ where they belong and not let them shit up the rest of the site.

>SJW is now anything remotely left leaning
Point out to me any moment where he called a person a misogynist shitlord for doing something considered “problematic”.

>> No.10723068
File: 42 KB, 630x421, CwlqGyaXgAI_n4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anthony lived his life like he died INXS!

>> No.10723072 [DELETED] 


>> No.10723073


>> No.10723074
File: 112 KB, 500x434, meme-cuisin-tastes-good-man-all-star-chicken-tendies-yee-18402606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723075 [DELETED] 

Yea he was a leftie but not as much worse as most lefties you see sperging out at college and campuses. He was centre-left in all of my opinion

>> No.10723076

To be fair. He's doing his best. See the deleted posts.

>> No.10723077

I am glad the religious right is so compassionate and understanding

>> No.10723079

I am seriously bummed out.

>> No.10723080

He was a jackass. Zimmern is the superior choice.

>> No.10723083

>accomplished by a southpark picture

>> No.10723084 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 266x190, 1487464395700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723087 [DELETED] 

>anyone right leaning must be religious

Here we go with the rules for radicals bullshit

>> No.10723090
File: 19 KB, 706x674, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723091

This selfish fuck had an 11 year old daughter. How the fuck could you possibly kill yourself knowing what she's going to have to live with.

Fucking hack. Fuck him. I used to love his work but now it's all tarnished.

>> No.10723094

>Does what makes you happy require money?
Then yes, money can make you happy. If no, then all got is more money.

>> No.10723095

He will by me, you uncultured hillbilly subhuman.

>> No.10723096

delete this post

>> No.10723098

Is this a new copypasta?

>> No.10723099

I am glad the right is so compassionate and understanding without the influence of religion

>> No.10723100

I've never stepped foot in a church or religious institution even once

>> No.10723101 [DELETED] 

>being so fucking arrogant like the liberal left that you are so confident at winning in 2020
When will you learn that pride is going to be the downfall of the you?
As a /pol/tard I'm ashamed at admitting that I side with Trump during the election.

>> No.10723102

The food and beer in hell is terrible.

>> No.10723103


>> No.10723108 [DELETED] 

Who is this one /pol/ you made this meme picture for?

>> No.10723115

He was a druggie punk rock faggot who never got passed his rebellious teen phase. She's better of without this POS in her life.

>> No.10723116

good, your brain hasn't been polluted with things like caring for your fellow man

>> No.10723117 [DELETED] 

Yes just like our leftists friends like Bourdain who wanted to poison our president. Tell me about that morality?

>> No.10723119
File: 30 KB, 320x320, LiveLeak-dot-com-5f8_1496875786-826ab49fa22ae50072939aaf653d63a4_1496887656.jpg.resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723120


>> No.10723123

The election allowed way too many unironic wingnuts to pour in. Even ponyfags can keep their shit to their board.

It’s an unfortunate Catch-22 situation where if they bothered deleting the board the rats will scurry to other boards. Letting them be is spreading the plague also.

>> No.10723126

>grown ass man
>teen going through puberty
stop cherrypicking

>> No.10723129

didnt like his attitude nor the drug blog at every episode

>> No.10723130
File: 27 KB, 500x400, lobbyist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are studies on this i have read.
Money "buys" you a happier life. But just to a certain place. After that, you won't get happier with more money.

But who knows what he was faced with. Maybe a Robin Wiliams kind of situation. :/

>> No.10723134 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 1500x1211, crymoarfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

libtards on suicide watch
oh, wait

>> No.10723135 [DELETED] 

To the /pol/posters in this thread; regardless of your politics, do you think your conduct is acceptable or appropriate on this occasion, as that of SJWs gloating about John Bain's death wasn't? Do you think you are excused from common decency?

>> No.10723136


>> No.10723137 [DELETED] 

I honestly hope more liberals follow his lead.

>> No.10723138

two sides of the same retarded ass coin

>> No.10723139

Could be. Imagine being divorsed and getting Alzheimers, or similar stuff. Noone is safe from that kind of personal apocalyps.

Gotta support your friends in need. Hope he has good ones.

>> No.10723142

I care about my fellow man. I care about the young daughter he left behind who's going to wake up today and understand how cruel and selfish her drug addict father was.

Stop trying to convince us that he was some sort of hero that needs to be worshiped.

>> No.10723145

I didn't make it.
Also I don't quite understand what you're asking...
1. you worded it wrong
2. I'm being baited
3. I misunderstood
4. I'm retarded <-- most likely

>> No.10723146

Didnt really watch his tv shows much, I loved his books, still do both the fiction & non.

>> No.10723147
File: 21 KB, 512x487, 1501658213980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe That MING guy is next hes hurting for publicity and a mega democrat cock smoker...

>> No.10723148 [DELETED] 

Riddit underage Trump supporters blindly defending neoconservatism like what Trump does

I like Trump roasting SJW libtards but the kikery is too strong in his administration

>> No.10723149


>> No.10723151
File: 563 KB, 569x802, 139483627938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723150 [DELETED] 

Yes. If the enemy does something bad and effective so will we. I know you live the rules for radicals tactics of trying to invent fake standards for those you disagree with and attack them for not standing by them but this shit doesn't work anymore. Sorry.

>> No.10723155 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 1200x675, 1528457714269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you get when you suck off child killing war criminals. S

>> No.10723157


>> No.10723158

>someone dies
>lel libcucks btfo XDDD

i want pol to leave

>> No.10723159

>trying to rationalize with /pol/ subhumans

They are on 10 levels of cognitive dissonance, these are the public screeching about jews while fellating trump

>> No.10723160

t. ACTUAL retard

>> No.10723161 [DELETED] 

Your meme image treats /pol/ as one person

>> No.10723162
File: 635 KB, 500x500, 1527550264468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based trips

>> No.10723163
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>> No.10723164

If your morality allows you to speak ill of the dead because of ONE bad comment they made, then how hard will you preach when Trump and his big mouth buys it?

>> No.10723165


Financial uncertainty makes you unhappy and money definitely helps with that, but at some point everything normalizes. It's like getting a brand new computer, or being able to breathe through your nose and not cough constantly after being sick for a week. For a while it feels amazing, you appreciate the hell out of it and there's no question that it's an overall improvement from before, but it won't take long until it just become the new norm and it grows increasingly more difficult to appreciate it as other problems start rearing their heads.

With stuff like this you add depression, substance abuse, and other such issues in the mix and long-term happiness is absolutely not a given. All it takes is one real bad day where all the shit comes at you at once to make you want to flip the switch for good.

>> No.10723167

TB was a fag too. Nobody cares if tranny game devs danced on his grave.

>> No.10723169

>/pol/ complaining about strawmen

the ironing

>> No.10723170
File: 331 KB, 640x640, badb-4363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If I was suicidal, the prospect of going to the seventh circle of hell would scare the shit out of me.

>> No.10723172

Its /pol/. They are shitposting at all other boards.
They try to derail every issue at /fit/, everything at /tv/ and /co/.

Mods should inact permabanns, since they are not interested in any issues of the boards.

>> No.10723173

I'm traveling to Vietnam in three weeks, Anthony was the one that made me want to go. This sucks.

>> No.10723174
File: 66 KB, 463x610, 1528459815314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723176 [DELETED] 

Oh shut up. You fucking whiny liberals always attack and whine about stuff the right does that you do. Every fucking time without exception

>> No.10723177 [DELETED] 

Our days of compassion are over libcuck.

>> No.10723181

>Rich, privileged cunt can't deal with life

Nothing of value was lost, unironically

>> No.10723182

Your post sounds very reddit

>> No.10723184

he had a 10 year old daughter. what a fucking coward.

>> No.10723185 [DELETED] 

He made more than one bad comment though. Also still doing whataboutisms.

>> No.10723187

>can't get an Adidas sponsorship because he's not the marketing VPs kind of jew

>> No.10723188

This is a sad commentary on life, clowns really are philosophers in makeup.

>> No.10723193

You've either gone full autism (literally can't recognize that people wouldn't want to joke about the death of someone who just died), or just a shitposting summer fag. Also, not seeing any jokes. Just seeing faggots making intentionally mean comments in this thread and derailing it.

>> No.10723194

Go back to r*ddit you retarded faggot.

>> No.10723195


>> No.10723197

>we are so mucher than the easily triggered lefties, we use LOGIC and FACTS
>also /pol/
>unironically became right wing SJWs

Maybe don't try to partay yourselves and the calm, collected rational ones and people won't shit all over you

>> No.10723198 [DELETED] 

>still treating /pol/ like one person

Show us on the doll where /pol/ touched you?

>> No.10723201 [DELETED] 

keep the tears flowing, libcucks
You created this.

>> No.10723202 [DELETED] 




>> No.10723203

Do they have the same dry, blunt wit his shows have? I might pick them up a few years down the line.

>> No.10723204 [DELETED] 

You'll get AIDs there too just like him!

>> No.10723210 [DELETED] 

Why are liberals so stupid?

>> No.10723212

Genuinely sad
Guys a one-of-a-kind legend
Rest in Peace chef

>> No.10723213 [DELETED] 

There is no arguing with /pol/ manchildren.
Don't expect any decency.

>> No.10723215
File: 104 KB, 1600x1200, the_end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723220

lol, you uneducated sperg

>> No.10723224

Noooo. True legend of the food world.


>> No.10723226
File: 48 KB, 634x951, asiaargentodaysago2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will all of you /pol/ faggots shut the fuck up?

bourdain mercd himself because of a woman. a very trashy, mentally ill whore of a woman who cucked him. he literally could not go on. he died of a broken heart you incel fucks. don't you see? he was one of you.

>> No.10723227 [DELETED] 

There is no arguing with libtards. They are all retarded man babies. Oh no their TV chef died their life is so ruined now!

>> No.10723229

I think the chicken and shasta look good am I 2/3rds blaqck?

>> No.10723231

He is 100% right. You are the SJW of 4chin.

>> No.10723232

More than will miss you, loser.

>> No.10723233

(you know where this post is going)

>> No.10723234

Fuck off Thanos.

>> No.10723237 [DELETED] 

He died because of the Trump curse.

>> No.10723238

I know, almost every board I frequent is infested with them.

>> No.10723242

He's right you triggered faggot, stay mad.

>> No.10723243

>The election allowed
not reading any more, that was a year and ahalf ago retard

>> No.10723245

Nah my wife is clean.

>> No.10723246
File: 1.05 MB, 614x640, ben#2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if these /pol/ fags are being genuine or if they're just b8ing. It's pretty cringey either way considering this dude just killed himself and left behind an 11 year old daughter.

>inb4 le epic Trump curse

>> No.10723247

No, he was cucked because of the Trump curse which caused him to commit suicide.

>> No.10723250 [DELETED] 

>another bootlicking democrat operative dead



>> No.10723253 [DELETED] 

Trump curse strikes again

>> No.10723256

Was probably a rapist or pedophile (like most """male""" feminists) about to be outed.

>> No.10723259

>people with young kids killing themselves
What fucking scum. Same with Kate Spade

>> No.10723260
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 1514820830757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anthony had a 10 year old daughter
Wait I thought he was gay.

Not sure how to feel about jacking off to him now

>> No.10723262

If this is true, can you imagine the amount of hate she will get? Imagine having to live with the fact you’re infidelity killed a man and the world despises you for it.

>> No.10723263 [DELETED] 

based /pol/ false flagger

>> No.10723267 [DELETED] 

No more compassion for the left, he deserved it.

>> No.10723269

>does incel monologue
>labels others of being incels

>> No.10723271

Because autistic trumpfags cannot be assed to show a shred of respect for somebody who occasionally showed a liberal political affiliation and need to treat his passing as some sort of huge political victory.

>> No.10723272

Go be a degenerate faggot on someone else time

>> No.10723273

Bourdain is what a flyover thinks is a cool edgy world traveler chef. He's played on fucking CNN dude, the channel that's exclusively on in Hospitals and Airports.

>> No.10723274 [DELETED] 

>libcucks will defend this
Glad your hero is dead tbqh.

>> No.10723275 [DELETED] 

Bourdain was a Jew who hated whites so they'll probably mourn him


>> No.10723277

haven't been here in a while but damn this board really went to absolute trash judging by they comments itt

RIP to the crazy degenerate, it seemed like pretty much every demographic liked him, he had a really chill way to present food

>> No.10723276

I mean he's fucking dead so its not like he's using that time for anything but rotting

>> No.10723278

there's no way it ISN'T true. look at this shit: >>10722740

>> No.10723279

nice no true scotsman fallacy, /pol/nigger

Own up to how fucking annoying your fags are

>> No.10723281 [DELETED] 

Thank you based Trump! Please keep killing these faggot leftist celebrities! :)

>> No.10723282
File: 172 KB, 560x392, sorosblackseasytomanipulate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest News is He Died of Botulism

Bad Meat in the Can

>> No.10723285 [DELETED] 

Fuck this kike i'm happy hes rotting


>> No.10723289

He came off as gay but only because he was a heroin addict

>> No.10723290 [DELETED] 

Another leftist idol dead, the world is now a slightly better place.

>> No.10723292 [DELETED] 

donald trump is a bad president.

>> No.10723293

How the fuck are you gonna kill yourself knowing that your ten year old daughter is gonna wake up and have to hear that her dad didn't want to live anymore?

Like I can't fathom it. Maybe kill yourself when your kids are adults or at least close to being adults, but fucking 10?

How could anyone be so fucking selfish?

>> No.10723298 [DELETED] 

>hurr cia overlords please poison trump
>wait nevermind I'll just hang myself for being such a fucking faggot
I'm glad he finally saw the light!

>> No.10723299


>> No.10723303

My girlfriend and I got into a fight while watching the Hong Kong episode (we live in HK, too) and I paused it and we were going to watch the rest today and now he killed himself and I know it's stupid but I feel both tangentially connected and somehow partially responsible.
Anyway when the news alert went up on my phone I felt sick to my stomach, this is worse than when the most recent few of my family members died.

>> No.10723305

He's an ASSHOLE. And a druggie to boot. He's had 60 years to fix his shit but instead he has a child, multiple wives and then kill himself. He presented food in a cool way (thanks to the dozens of producers on his show and CNN cash) but he was not a good person.

Don't worship celebrities.

>> No.10723306

people who succeed at killing themselves weren't thinking rationally, anon.

>> No.10723307

Action is a cunt. I wanted to like him but I fucking hate how he interacts with people in everything I watch him in. I like some of his music though.

>> No.10723311

kek, reminds me of that guy who went through a drunken/drug addle spiel in his life then cleaned himself up then went on to make the genocide mural under the Eiffel Tower.

>> No.10723312

Former chef who had a TV show where he traveled the world. He tried and commented on the food of each place he visited. He'd also talk to some of the locals and spend a while explaining the history and/or culture of the country or region.

>> No.10723315

youre the asshole, kill yourself

>> No.10723316

I fucking loved him /ck/. This is heartbreaking

>> No.10723318
File: 61 KB, 306x306, aesthetic-ariana-ariana-grande-funny-Favim.com-3089046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723320


>> No.10723324

>60%+ of posts are from subaverage IQ /pol/ shitposters
This board really is dead.

>> No.10723325

Seriously, I called out of work today I just couldn't hold it in.

>> No.10723326

>a bunch of whining /pol/ incels mad people get attached to a famous cooking figure

lmao i’m genuinely sorry none of you ever had a connection to anything besides cynicism and irony. it’s sad

>> No.10723328

welcome to nu-4chan

>> No.10723329
File: 172 KB, 1080x793, ya cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723332

ye why can't they just be compassionate and understanding of their own cuckery

it's muh virtue after all, doesn't matter if it only serves enemies

>> No.10723334 [DELETED] 
File: 751 KB, 608x1080, 1527194042371.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out of my thread.
This thread is not about politics.
This thread is about an incredible personality and culinary legend and his passing.
Go the fuck to /pol/ for this shit.

>> No.10723335

$20 says Harvey Weinstein had some ex-Mossad guys 'suicide' him.

>> No.10723339
File: 62 KB, 960x944, bad news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723340

He was no angel, sure. But he illuminated the world nonetheless, and showed us things we'd never seen or imagined.

How would you like to be remembered after death? A eulogy, or a condemnation?

>> No.10723341
File: 510 KB, 400x400, 1523958760303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the actual fuck is the sticky?

>> No.10723343

God keep you Anthony, you were and still are my hero. God I'll miss you so much.

>> No.10723344


Or just getting raided.

>> No.10723348

>emotional attachment to a television presenter is a sign of emotional maturity
Take your meds.

>> No.10723349
File: 34 KB, 596x601, FB_IMG_1515980859776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723350

Don't worry. /pol/ is being removed from the premises. See archives.

>> No.10723351

People actually use Yelp?

>> No.10723352

>legacy argument


>> No.10723353 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 306x408, 1515443918685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723355

Eh, his recent work was pretty shit. Just socialist rants while visiting restaurants in the background.

>> No.10723360


>> No.10723363

Considering I'm now a $280,000/yr addiction medicine specialist physician... Not very likely. I work in hospitals and rehabs, and actually do some good in this world. What do YOU do other than troll people because your life is so pathetic that it's the only thing that brings you joy?

>> No.10723364

you can tell the LE HAPPENING polshits are here by how fast this thread is moving. le epic BTFOING of liberals haha

>> No.10723365

What does wolf headed mean?

>> No.10723366

I admit he was a good presenter. Still a mentally ill asshole though, evidenced by the fact that he killed himself leaving an 11 year old behind. People calling him their "hero" really need to re-evaluate things and call a suicide hotline ASAP in my opinion.

>> No.10723369

>proceeds to post a racist /pol/ webm
enjoy your vacation you racist

>> No.10723372

I could keep refuting you, but why should I when his legacy is practically immortalised on television and mass-media? How many other people have made an impact on popular media and the cooking world as great as he did?

>> No.10723374

Lmao retard

>stop whining
>proceeds to whine
You cunts don't have any ounce of self-awareness do you?

Also either 4chan is cracking down on Russian bots or mods == gods

>> No.10723377
File: 75 KB, 600x596, 1528365222975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I enjoyed him as an entertainer and enjoyed his criticisms on food. Never watched him on CNN and I'm grateful for that.

>> No.10723380

>implying your post won't get delete
lmao retard

>> No.10723382

Well I'm not a eurocuck so I have nothing to worry about.

>> No.10723384

Never really been into Reddit. People there are too afraid to speak honestly because they're scared that it'll affect their internet score and that what they say will be forever attached to their username. The whole site feels disingenuous.

>> No.10723386

They did before I went in!

>> No.10723387

Hope he likes Burger King and Pizza Hut because that's all Satan serves.

>> No.10723390

Fucking sad event, but this man has lived a 1000 years compared to my miserable 28 of coasting by trying to make others happy and proud of me.

>> No.10723394


>> No.10723395

>Russian bots

You're out of control son

>> No.10723396

bourdain is found dead
>articles and obituaries up on every major news site/paper/magazine
>thousands if not millions feel a true sadness, as if they lost a friend

you die
>the crew that have to clean you out of your room are moderately grossed out
>there's an extra shift at the crematorium because you have to be done in chunks
>.00001% less shitposting on 4chan

>> No.10723397

fuck off cocksucker, i'm not the 61 year old drug abuser who decided to marry a whore.

>> No.10723398 [DELETED] 

Do some horse and blow a NYC Jew executive, there might be a slot open for you!

>> No.10723406

What does that... Thing... Have to do with anything? The only thing it inspires me to do is change the channel anytime I see it.

>> No.10723407

one of the /good guys/

>> No.10723409

so is it true you fry your dopamine receptors from heavy drug use, rendering you incapable of feeling joy?

all that gourmet food and world travel, and none of it was pleasurable.

>> No.10723410
File: 97 KB, 749x616, 1441166157985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide is sometimes an impulsive act done with no rational thinking. When you're body is put under enough stress and depression has a tight enough hold, you stop trying to think about hanging in there for the people you love and begin to think about hanging yourself. The only moment you come to realize you've made a mistake that will impact the people you love is when it's too late.

>> No.10723411

A eulogy is not a hagiography. No one is denying his bad conduct, or his selfishness in leaving his daughter alone in the world, in mourning the greatness that also died with him. He inspired countless people to do better and go farther, and for that deserves respect today.

>> No.10723413

Yeah but he bred :^)

>> No.10723414

Damn, what a shame. He seemed a pleasant nice guy. He inspired me to cook my first boeuf bourguignon because he made it seem so easy. Well actually it is easy, but dishes with French names have a tendency to intimidate you.

>> No.10723415
File: 1.19 MB, 2140x1426, Daily-Mail-at-work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for posting but, as a rule, the Daily Mail isn't really reliable. It's more of a sensationalized, trashy tabloid than a legitimate news source.

>> No.10723416
File: 103 KB, 1500x841, projecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hurt you?

>> No.10723417

This thread isn't a eulogy. This is /ck/ on 4chan you faggot. Go read his obit in the NYT on Sunday and jack off to it all you want.

>> No.10723426

how popular was he in the food industry? Feels like i've heard his name before

t. Someone that knows nothing of it

>> No.10723427

it's sad but honestly I totally knew it was ganna happen sooner or later.

pretty much happens to all the ex-hard druggies that fall on tough times or suffer a misstep. all the drugs destroyed their self esteem and ability to cope with losses. He's so chemically fucked in the head even after quitting so many years ago that he doesn't even have the will to just hold out for a few more years for his daughter.

rip, i'll be sure to teach my kids about Anthony Bourdain; the importance of food and why you should never do drugs.

>> No.10723430

If Bourdain couldn’t fight his depression, I don’t feel like my chances are any better. Fuck...

>> No.10723435

Looks like you never got 'passed' elementary English class

>> No.10723437


>> No.10723445

Just read the news, my heart kind of skipped a beat, I would have never expected it, had to pass by.
Definitely an interesting character with a troubled recent past. Great books, amazing show, a human perspective. I will remember his Japan episode and the meal with Steve Albini.

R.I.P. Anthony.

>> No.10723446 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 443x600, bbs first cool daddio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw im old and no one thinks im cool anymore
i gave up heroin and booze
i go on a health kick and try to keep up
with the young ones
but it dont work
everything just sucks
fuck it
i wish i knew where to score

>> No.10723453

Poor Eric

>> No.10723454

>Vegan trash has no soul or sympathy
>Probably from eating shit all day
Do us all a favour and choke on your next salad you subhuman wannabe cow.

>> No.10723457

>Burger King and Pizza Hut
You need carbs for a big day of running away from demons.

>> No.10723460

Hi pol. You sure you want to talk about sensitivity over celebrities when you defend a reality show president that is half retarded?

>> No.10723461

I saw that the other day and thought it was odd they weren't saying that she was running around on Tony

>> No.10723467

Holy shit man, Hiromoot should just ban all IP's that have ever posted on /pol/ from posting on other boards.
It's not even fun or cringey anymore, it got to a point where I just want to beat up one of those obese faggots.

>> No.10723469

That episode he did with Obama was great

>> No.10723471

Bash the fash, comrade.

>> No.10723473

he killed himself wanking...

auto-erotic asphyxiation he talked about it on twitter and other pervy shit all the time

>> No.10723480

it’s funny they always joke about nu males but i know for a fact 9/10 of them haven’t touched a free weight a day in their lives. bunch of scrawny or obese wastes of life, probably virgins too LMAO

>> No.10723481 [DELETED] 
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>I just want to beat up one of those obese faggots.
You won't do shit, nigger.

>> No.10723482
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>> No.10723483

Oh go to hell and fucking choke on a dick there, you miserable sack of shit.

>> No.10723488
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>> No.10723489
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the second celeb I cared about this year

>> No.10723490
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Calm down ya batty boy. Better he went out on accident as a retarded perv than a pussy that left his 11 year old daughter fatherless on purpose

>> No.10723493

Came here from /k/ to pay respects. First thing they announced top of the hour on the radio; as I type this they just rolled over to the hour and said it again, and it feels like a quick stab in the heart.


>> No.10723498

The draw is that the voting system also prevents toxic /pol/ trolls from derailing the conversation, and it makes it more difficult for samefags to get away with their bullshit. Also if you have a suspicion that someone is shilling you can look at their account and see if it's new and/or if all their other comments are shill comments too. Of course it isn't fool proof, and it does have the drawback of people downvoting opinions they disagree with and not reading new comments once a post gets popular, but every platform has it's strengths and flaws.

>it'll affect their internet score and that what they say will be forever attached to their username.

This is only partly true. You have the ability to delete your comments on reddit.

>> No.10723502

/k/ hates Bourdain go back to plebbit

>> No.10723505
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First they took Antonio Carluccio, now they take Anthony...

>> No.10723506

Oooh, bringing up his daughter to get the high ground. Want a pat on the shoulder for your fake concerns?

>> No.10723509
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Every time someone kills themselves and it gets national coverage, even if I was not connected to them personally or even as a fan, I sit and think about how they lost the fight against depression and how often it seems like a Pyrrhic victory even when someone manages to live through it. I look at where I am in life and everywhere I look, there are people with more everything just folding their shit up and saying 'fuck it.' More money than me, more friends than me, more family than me and then I sit and wonder, what the fuck am I even doing anymore? Christ, I wish I could flip a switch and sleep for 10 days, maybe I'd feel differently in 10 days.

>> No.10723514

True story. Some /pol/lock went on fit for advice to get in shape for the 4th reich or some shit.

This fucking autist posts a picture with the german empire flag behind him in cumstained boxers with his gut protruding out while holding an ak47.

Its such a fucking joke how almost universally pathetic these peoplw are.

>> No.10723525

please tell me there's a screenshot

>> No.10723530

Don't you see it's better he died of auto-erotic asphyxiation than suicide? My Tony was no pussy.

>> No.10723533


>> No.10723536
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>t.reddit shill

>> No.10723540


>> No.10723546

it's mostly faggot crossboarders coming here to stroke their edge boners

>> No.10723548


>> No.10723549

>no fucking sticky yet
Come on mods

>> No.10723552

Those are boomers to be fair, /pol/acks would be making pee pee poo poo pictures of frogs raping Tony's corpse.

>> No.10723573
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based anon

ripperoni never again will i see his pepperoni

>> No.10723589
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>no sticky
Mods please, this isn't Alton Brown, but it's damn close

Give the junkie his parting dose

>> No.10723595

I've never posted here before. I was coming back from Sydney and thought it was a joke, fell asleep pissed on the train. I woke up and saw that it was real. Fuck. Cunt.

It's weird. I've never felt this way when someone has died before. I feel like I want to be caught up in it, but I genuinely liked his shows. Hadn't watched them on Youtube; used to watch them all the time with my first gf.

We've already spoken about it, I want to more. It's fuckin crazy.

Many y'all been there before like me, now I get so angry when people succeed at killing themselves.

>> No.10723604
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Smack makes everybody at least bi, I bet he probably took dick for drugs at least a few times.

>> No.10723632

Huh, she looks exactly like the woman I imagined as the self insert's gf when I read Bordain's "Bobby Gold" book.
He was not a very good fiction writer.

>> No.10723636

I say that's exactly why he was a good fiction writer. He transmitted exactly the kind of whore he falls for.

>> No.10723643

>61 is oldish
it's 15 years under the national average

>> No.10723647

They're aesthetically comfy but incredibly masturbatory.
I felt embarrassed reading it, but I did finish the damn thing within a day or two.

>> No.10723658

Go away rudeposter >:(

>> No.10723661

It was kind of just being dragged along for one of his fantasies, which was fun, but not "good literature".

>> No.10723669

I know anon, this one hurt.

>> No.10723742
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Irregardless of the nukes being for the better does anyone else afraid when they see a ton of dead posts?

>> No.10723751

This one definitely hurts. To see a guy who I pretty much agreed with on everything living the fucking dream and still taken by despair? It's a lot to take in.

>> No.10723790

t. Never dealt with drugs or depression

Even the happiest, most well off celebrities like Robin Williams fell. Despite all the money he needed and a loving following to boot. Its like a disease that takes over your mind and coerces you to action.

>> No.10723795

Always found it funny that of all the "tv" people he had to work with he seemed to have a soft spot for Zimmern. I guess it was the whole ex druggie ex homeless angle, and the two ways you deal with it. Overly flamboyant and giddy like Zimmern or too cool like Bourdain.

>> No.10723798

>constant maudlin humor
>history of drug use
>that weird as fuck Christmas episode
The writing was pretty much on the wall.

>> No.10723845
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Yeah, he will.
And when sub-par IQ people like you end, nobody will even notice.
He had done more for himself and the world in a few years, so much more than you could ever accomplish in three lifetimes.
Your sad opinion is zero. Try to fathom your worthlessness, cretin.

>> No.10723870
File: 69 KB, 328x407, 1523896056448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be 18+ to post on 4chan you little faggot

>> No.10723880

>posting this unironically on 4chan
this isn't your subreddit you child

>> No.10723907

What episode was that?

>> No.10723911

Plenty of bad boy types manage to get clean and age somewhat gracefully. I was hoping he'd be one.

>> No.10723944

It's time for us to find somewhere else, somewhere that isn't mobile-friendly. We'll meet again (don't know where, don't know when).

>> No.10724009
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Needed that

>> No.10724012

It's insane how nobody actually reckons with that poison quote in context, it was utterly harmless. Even Ann Coulter is confused by the fake outrage http://thehill.com/media/351018-coulter-defends-bourdain-for-joke-about-poisoning-trump

but of course all the trumptards see the headline "jokes about poisoning Trump" and utterly lose their shit because they're pea-brained headline-skimmers

>> No.10724066
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>> No.10724068


>> No.10724083

head of a wolf

>> No.10724085

This is what /r/the donald/redditpol/ thinks

>> No.10724091

That pic is hilarious.

>> No.10724114
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who the nigga now?

>> No.10724156
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>> No.10724166

Where's the fucking sticky? I hate having 7 threads at the same time

>> No.10724234
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>> No.10724265

yeah like that fat retard with the mustache and red sweater that turned out to be a pervert lol

>> No.10724344

how do i have no soul? because i couldn't fucking stand a self murdering depressed omnivore who mocked humans who's diet doesn't involve murdering sentient beings when there are alternatives? fuck him and his stupid restaurant.

>> No.10724397

read the noonday demon

can be more than just dopamine (serotonin, gaba, etc.) but yeah

>> No.10724592

Alimony’s a bitch, and celebs typically go through cash like crack through a goose to begin with so he likely was a shit ton of money in the hole.
Poor Rob Williams.

>> No.10724602

Only giving what we receive cunt.
Get fucked.

>> No.10724636

This, I think just about everyone who survives their suicide attempt say they immediately regretted the decision the second they jumped.

>> No.10724723
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>> No.10724769
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Hutchence was found at 11.50am, naked behind the door to his room.
Hutchence with his then girlfriend Kylie Minogue, in 1989.

He had apparently hanged himself with his own belt and the buckle broke away and his body was found kneeling on the floor and facing the door.

A statement obtained from Hutchence's mother, Patricia Glassop, confirms her opinion that he was in a depressed state.

In December 1995, Hutchence was first prescribed Prozac

>> No.10724870
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What does a "wolf headed woman" look like exactly?

>> No.10724944


>> No.10725011

For those too lazy to use a translation app or that don't know Italian:

Thanks @raz_degan for this extraordinary adventure. You are a true adventurer. I have so much nostalgia for Ethiopia and its people. It was an unforgettable journey that changed my life. Tonight on #SkyAtlantic 23:15 #razandthetribe

>> No.10725041

>tfw you're on a site where not only are there people that need this explained to them, but the majority of them weren't even alive when it happened.

That makes me sad.

>> No.10725949

I liked Bourdain before he became a (((CNN))) shill, and got away from cooking to travel.
Also he was a ligitimatly angry chef in kitchen vs his tv demenor. Which is funny because apparently Gordon is actually super melow off camera.

>> No.10726185

Happiness doesn't go up that much after you start making enough to take care of all your bills and have no debt. In some cases having a lot of money only enables people to either isolate themselves or feed an addiction that makes them miserable.