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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10719238 No.10719238 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee general.

Post general coffee related things and questions.

Is the Moccamaster the ultimate endgoal for any and all coffee fans?

>> No.10719320 [DELETED] 

Looks like just a hipster-fied normal drop coffee maker. Whats so special about the (must be) exaggerated price of this contraption?

>> No.10719322 [DELETED] 
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Best coffee coming through.

>> No.10719409

We've got one at my office and it does make wonderful coffee. I think we got it from a recommendation by America's Test Kitchen. Gets brewed 4-5 a day, every day for the last 3 years without issue.

>> No.10719478

How often does the thing get cleaned? I was thinking about getting one but I don't want to be cleaning it every time I use it.

>> No.10719507
File: 45 KB, 1000x750, whackymug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put the coffee in a mug
>fill the mug with boiled water

is this considered a waste of coffee?
how else do you prepare coffee if you dont feel like buying an OP's pic related

>> No.10719758


We clean ours about once a week. Everything comes apart super easy... like the filter holder and cover are literally just sitting on that little ledge, held together by gravity. The reservoir and its cover are pretty much the same as well. If you're feeling lazy just lift everything up and throw it in the dish washer.

It makes the best cup of coffee outside of a coffee house.

>> No.10719766
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meep meep.

>> No.10720139
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where my cold brews (pronounced as bros) at?

>> No.10720233

What is the best grinder for under $40?

>> No.10720330

you're goddamn right

>> No.10720346

Best grinder is a burr grinder. Hard to find a good one that’s cheap.

>> No.10720463

I'm thinking of getting a pour over. What's your favorite decaf?

>> No.10720498

Pretty much

Unless you have a $2000 espresso machine and comparable grinder, there's no point in doing more than drip for a convenient and reliable coffee, where moccamaster is simply the best

>> No.10720508

Perfect temps, fast, easy use, able to control how long the coffe sits, able to monitor bloom, able to stir the mixture of grind and water, included mixer for separation of brew in carrafe

>> No.10720518

Coffee is not a food, you are NOT allowed to have non-food threads here, scum.

>> No.10720543

Caffeine is not forbidden in Islam, silly kuffar

>> No.10720544


And this is why you don't listen to teenagers on 4chan.

>> No.10720550

Where is your superior method?

>> No.10720553

You're way overthinking this.

If you're spending what it takes to get good beans you can afford a good grinder (a good grinder doesn't cost $40)

If you're not buying good coffee, then just buy pre-ground.

>> No.10720561

even mediocre beans are better than the best preground coffee

>> No.10720567
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Nothing superior about it. I'm just not an asshole about espresso gear. I use a breville smart grinder with a cheap breville espresso machine that I use a bit of a hack to get a higher temperature and pressure out of than normal. Lavazza Oro coffee and a proper open portafilter and bobs your fucking best coffee you've ever tasted.

>> No.10720575

Could be decent, but then those cheaper machines are reportedly unreliable

>> No.10720578


Yeah, mine got up one night and fucked my cat.

My cat enjoyed it.

>> No.10720580

No, not really. You're being an elitist in an area where elitism is unwarranted. Coffee is about the weakest link.

>> No.10720588
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I'm saying as a dedicated proletarian, preground beans suck cock. I bought a smart grinder for 176 bucks on Amazon and it was one of my single best investments in food.

>> No.10720608
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Can anyone recommend a good light roast whole bean?
I finally got a conical Burr and I need to find a good coffee to test it on.

P.S conical Burr really is worth the investment you're wasting your time with a cheapo grind which is better off a food processor.

>> No.10720742

So you run your 9 month old whole bean Yuban through that thing just to savor the fine taste of burning tires and ass?

>> No.10720774


Sorry, I'm not some west coast 'bean' hobbiest that sounds like an asshole to anyone within earshot.

I pick a good italian dark roast bean and don't place my entire ego construct on the outcome on a conversation about fucking some asshole bean that passed through a civet cat.

You need to grow up so people don't walk away from a conversation with you embarrassed and ashamed for you.

>> No.10720793


You still want to talk coffee, precious? I'm here. I was ashamed that I bought stainless steel burrs instead of ceramic.

Does that make your autism ease up?

>> No.10720794

The conversation was never about you, though. You tried to make it about yourself, and now you're mad that things didn't go your way. Anon asked what's a good $40 grinder, and I informed him of what his priorities ought to be. End of discussion.

>> No.10720798

Why don't you sell your ER Roth so you can afford some better coffee?

>> No.10720800


MY way? You said my coffee was burning tires and ass. Fuck my way. I don't give a shit about you. MAKE YOUR OWN. Don't be an asshole about other people.

That's what I care about. Cook your own brew exactly the way you like. Folgers is fine.

You're projecting your own idiocy.

>> No.10720806

>End of discussion.

No Puppet, no puppet. You're the puppet!

I don't know if you're more gaslighting or projecting. Gasjecting I suppose.

>> No.10720807

Here we go again. Make up your mind, if you're going to be an elitist about pre-ground, then you had damm well be drinking decent coffee. If not, then don't worry about it. A lot of people get by with those foil bricks all their lives, and they're happy with it. It seems to me you are simply trying to rationalize having spent $176 which must have been a lot if you remember the price that exactly.

>> No.10720812


You live somewhere with wood paneling and a lot of cigarette smoke, amirite?

>> No.10720816

My floors are hardwood, is that what you mean? I smoked for a time when I was younger. Never did it indoors, that's for filthy people.

>> No.10720819


not worth it

>> No.10720827


Do you have to be an elitist to find a middle ground? Have you people never heard of 'moderation in all things'? Don't expect to drink cat anus beans and don't drink folgers?

Are you people all pathologically radicalists?

We have long suffering proles or dictators in this board. You people are fucking weird.

>> No.10720832


You just seem like you have an obsessive bunker mentality. Maybe you're not a weirdo.

>> No.10720841

>having spent $176 which must have been a lot if you remember the price that exactly.

It's wasn't a lot, it was fucking free. How do you get a decent burr grinder for under 200? the ones I was looking at were over 500. I stole that grinder and the rest of my west coast elite fucker family bought the same grinder and loved it. Fuck Italy, we make good gear.

You fucking weird assholes on the net get your 'notions' and stick with them.

>> No.10720842

Luwak isn't generally the most amazing coffee, it's "interesting" when good, but like most meme coffees (gesha, JBM, etc) it's not worth the cost.

Moderation is in the eye of the beholder. As mentioned already, it's about the weakest link. A $7000 Kiton jacket isn't going to make you look better than a $500 Ralph Lauren jacket if you're wearing a $40 Arrow shirt.

Pro tip: you don't have to fill out as many captchas if you think things through for a minute before slamming the Post button, Luthier Guy

>> No.10720848

>it was free
Then it wasn't $176, was it. Why do you lie so much?

>> No.10720849

>A $7000 Kiton jacket isn't going to make you look better than a $500 Ralph Lauren jacket if you're wearing a $40 Arrow shirt.

Perfect statement for the vapid human.

>> No.10720852

So are you just going to shit up coffee threads now that you got your al/ck/ homeland nuked by a mod?

>> No.10720855


I love watching you tapeworms devour my replies. I know it keeps you alive. Keep it coming. I'll keep replying while I'm awake. I'm watching Brockmire and Humans after that. I'll keep you end stage suicidals with hate gear until you finally figure out the way out.

>> No.10720861


I'm going to tell people about good espresso equipment, and you're going to be the stupid radicalized asshole that needs to make a scene.

Your choice.

>> No.10720867


If you look at the thread I talked about Lavazza, and breville equipment. That's IT.

You're the fucking asshole and I think you know that.

>> No.10720875

I’ll take that as a yes.

Thanks sharia mod

>> No.10720888


Gotta keep remembering I'm talking to kids on a school yard. Go have fun. Your life will be a misery of suffering and heartbreak in this economy. 1 in 50 on 4chan will get out without contemplating a bullet.

Go enjoy your 50 years.

>> No.10720921


Bedtime then?

>> No.10720936

I thought you wanted to end the conversation.

>> No.10720942


You're making no salient points, but I'm up for shitfest if you are. You sound about as adult as a screaming match at a corner mall so.. go for it.

>> No.10720949


I'm on to Fleetwood Mac "You can go your own way".

>> No.10720952

I’m on the sofa with an ipad now, maybe in the morning.

Btw the knife thread is still up, lots of (You)s to be had there

>> No.10720955


look at how many buttons I'm pushing.. I can't stop posting. I'm going to post in another 20 seconds..

>> No.10720961

What exactly is wrong with a $20 hand cranked grinder with ceramic burrs?

>> No.10720962


I honest to god hope people cut themselves. I've stopped caring about you kids and want you to eat blood. I'm not joking. I hope you find a way to bleed out. you have the femeral, the brachial.


>> No.10720973


I love watching this old shit.. You have to watch it too..


Spandau Ballet!

>> No.10720994


I know you're a dumb person. You know you're a dumb person. Why in gods name do you keep going on? It's just embarrassing.

>> No.10721463
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Just got this today, what now?

>> No.10721554

Someone will come in a scold me for this.
The easiest way I've found to make consistent good coffee in a french press. Take whole beans, grind them coarsely. I personally take 2 tablespoons of the beans to each cup of coffee that I want to make. Put them in the press. Bring water to 200 degrees Fahrenheit, pour that over the grounds just enough to cover them. Stir that and let it sit 45 seconds. When that's done pour in the rest of the water and wait about 4 minutes give or take the day. SLOWLY put down the plunger. Pour cup. Enjoy.
This always works for me. Done the exact same autistic way every morning at 6AM sharp in the exact same spot every day.
Now someone come in and give me a better way.

>> No.10721557

>Get 7g to 9g of beans per cup (European coffee cups, not American unit cup), grind, place in the bottom of the carafe
>Add requisite water, not quite boiling, I usually just microwave a cup of water for like 3 minutes at 1000W
>Pour in water, place cap on
>Wait 4-6 minutes, push down plunger, pour coffee

>> No.10721642 [DELETED] 
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Fuck outta here nigga!
Re-stating the only truth in this life,

>> No.10721740
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OK, I bought this because it was on SALE, then discovered that it wasn't instant, can't use it. Was thinking about Buying a French Press anyway, so ordered one after some research.
I'm thinking the coffee I bought is fine grind, and you need a coarse grind for the press.
(acording to $outube)
So I'm fucked?
Thnx anyway

>> No.10721747

that shit sounds like it would fucking suck anyways.

>> No.10721761
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IT was on sale, and I was drinking this at the time. Do not fucking laugh.

Suggestions, or do I now have to go out and buy a coffee grinder?

>> No.10721766

Dont inslut the whole of Scandinavia now

>> No.10721776

just put the grinds directly in hot water and drink it like a man

>> No.10721850

make campfire coffee with the grounds.
bring a pot of water to boil, toss in a decent amount of grounds, pull off the eye, let sit for 5-10 minutes depending on how strong you want it, pour into a cup.

>> No.10721966
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>> No.10721967
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>> No.10721969
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>> No.10721981
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why do cigarettes pair so fucking good with a cup of coffee in the mornings?

>> No.10721995
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I like my new machine

>> No.10722006

>how else do you prepare coffee if you dont feel like buying an OP's pic related
>boil water in a pot
>pour coffee on top of the water
>wait for it to settle

>> No.10722088



>> No.10722093

don't bother

>> No.10722097

But why not? I'm sensitive to caffeine so I don't want to drink coffee only when I couldn't care less about the time I fall asleep.

>> No.10722110

Because you smell horrible and your lungs are screaming in pain
Switch to the patch, I did it 10 years ago and haven't looked back. 21mg a day in a clean, controlled dose
The only real challenge is using a different spot every day, it will give you skin cancer if you use the same 3 or 4 spots over and over again

>> No.10722111

You can still use fine grinds with a french press. It'll be harder to plunge and you'll probably get more sludge at the bottom though. It might taste more bitter than a coarse grind of the same coffee, but if you're drinking Maxwell House (and muh caffeine meme at that) then you won't even notice the difference. You could also cold brew.

>> No.10722296

Can anyone recommend a light roast? I've too many dark roast and want to variate

>> No.10722337

Some coffee grounds may be in your coffee but depending on your press it may limit that. Keep holding onto the plunger while pouring and you'll be fine.

>> No.10722682
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>light roast

>> No.10722966

What's wrong with that? I'm not saying I don't like medium/dark roast. I just like variety. I feel like light roast at times.

>> No.10723391
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Anyone else use pic related? I got one for christmas a few years ago and I find it "fun" to use. Not worth the price, as it's really just a glorified french press, but I enjoy using it.

>> No.10724055
File: 61 KB, 650x610, mozzafiato-evoluzione-r-side[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I splurged on a massive espresso machine that cost me about $5k, and honestly, it can't compare to the horrible Breville I was using before. This thing shits out professional, cafe quality coffee every single goddamn time. Not to mention I got it as a pair with a burr grinder.

PS: I bought it because I want to be able to make good coffee without cutting too many corners, and it'll last a good long time since the parts are fully interchangeable.

>> No.10724737

what’s your cost per shot on that?

>> No.10725193

French press fags, how long do you steep your coffee before plunging and serving?
I'm about 3.5 minutes

>> No.10725206

Maquina is doing free shipping right now. Dayglow has a multi-roaster subscription service that is pretty great. Otherwise just find a decent shop in your area and buy a retail bag.

>> No.10725216

imagine being this mad talking coffee on a chinese foot fetish website

>> No.10725234

hand grinders are great but gets tiring if you are making a lot of coffee

>> No.10725420

>italian dark roast

>> No.10725473

Yes, but if you use 100% Arabica grind.

>> No.10725485

Local German store sells this for $10 a bag. I don't even care, I bought 2 last time.

>> No.10725499

I seriously don't get coffee. Nothing can be done to it to make it not taste like bitter ass

>> No.10725525

then why are you here?

>> No.10725551

Just to suffer

>> No.10725556

carry on then

>> No.10725598

3-4 minutes, typically closer to 4

>> No.10725608

drink water.

>> No.10725609

alright fags, what's the best region to buy arabica beans from?
and don't give me any of your acid-filled bullshit cheapo regions

>> No.10725613

your mum's kitchen

>> No.10726858

natural processed brazil's are cheap and delicious

>> No.10727430

What's the most effective way to easily brew coffee at work?

I'm not a coffee snob by any means, but even I know the coffee brewed in my office breakroom is complete shit.
A couple of the other departments pooled together money and split the cost of a Keurig for their department to share,
but nobody in my department drinks coffee and I only drink a small cup in the morning so I don't see the point in spending that kind of money.

I saw a webm of a french press and the idea kinda intrigued me. Is it easy enough to use and store that I can just keep one at my desk?

>> No.10727521

I use an aeropress
Also french press sucks, it's a 90s fad that for some reason people cling to because it has the word "french" and idiots think "french" is autofancy for "good"

>> No.10727572
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Also lest that be misunderstood I'm not one of those flyover trailer trash cleetuses who's afraid of, resentful of, or culturally intimidated by France. By flyover standards I am basically a francophile. I love French wine and I unironically consider it the finest in the world. French food? Great stuff. They even make good audio gear. They're brilliant thinkers and writers, and their economic and sociological thinking aligns more with my own than that of say, the Germans or the English.

Thing is, the choice of the word "french" to make "french press" sound autofancy is ironic in the extreme since the French cannot do coffee. Any time you hear "french" and "coffee" in the same sentence, run. There are no exceptions to this rule.

>> No.10728465
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I have a jar of 6 month old whole bean columbian, it's already past stale, but it's still drinkable.
It's hard to ignore the stale aftertaste after every sip tho.

>> No.10728479

Spanish coffee is the best coffee

>> No.10729525

whole bean columbian? what's columbian about it? it's from the pacific northwest? roasted by a columbia alum?

>> No.10729539

If you're not drinking espresso, you're not drinking coffee.

>> No.10729552
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What are some good brands of Spanish coffee? I reckon I can find them in the UK.

Also, does anyone know the best way to make a Greek coffee, I had them on holiday in Santorini, and it was incredible. This machine looks like good value, but would I need 'Greek Coffee' for it? I'm new to having anything other than instant coffee.

>> No.10730009

You could get any Ibrik on amazon or somewhere for about $12, you'd need a stove or something to heat it up.
Turkish coffee (same as Greek, but more commonly called Turkish) is ground extremely fine, so just order that from some places.

>> No.10730175

Oh, I had no idea they were the same thing. Thank you!

>> No.10730186

First I've heard of this

>> No.10730259

>Is the Moccamaster the ultimate endgoal for any and all coffee fans?

Yea. Those things have like 20 year warranty as well.

>> No.10730347


Pretty much. Every other meme drip machine like the Bonavita or my now-dead Bodum B. Over (RIP) are just poorfag alternatives to the Dutch god machine.

t. someone who's kicking myself for not putting one on my wedding registry.

Also, what's a good sub-$500 starter pump espresso machine? I'm thinking of getting a Gaggia Classic because I've heard great things and I love the a e s t h e t i c s but I'm open to whatever else people here like as well.

>> No.10730357
File: 251 KB, 653x533, 1528164238419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good sub-$500 espresso machine

doesn't exist. also you will want to spend at least that much on an espresso grinder or you shouldn't even bother.

>> No.10730367

Let me rephrase that to "adequate". I just want to be able to make myself a Peet's-tier cappuccino while buck naked in my kitchen.

>> No.10730373

considering it will literally last FOREVER (unlike a cheap piece of shit breville that will break long before the leach from aluminum boiler kills you from Alzheimer) all you're paying for is your beans which is $.50 a beverage. if you make milk based drinks 2-3 a day the machine will have paid for itself in 2 years.

>> No.10730376

I'm saving that one for when I get my ATP and a real job, haha.

>> No.10730381

Central America

>> No.10730465

How can I be more cost efficient for cold brew? I like the idea of making big batches at once, but the required ratio burns through beans so quickly.

Been trying Japanese iced coffee but it doesn't have the same body.

>> No.10730482

so you’re saying if I hang out at home 7 days a week drinking lattes constantly, it’s worthwhile for me to spend $5000 on an espresso machine, not including the cost of the grinder? cool.

does that include the cost of the beans you waste calibrating the grind every time the weather changes? or do you skip that and just drink the first burst of sludge that oozes out regardless of consistency?

>> No.10730557

Any pre-ground coffee that doesn't suck?

>> No.10730625
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Who /chicory/ here? I think it adds a nice flavor, and cuts the acidity of coffee.

>> No.10730743
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Phin finally came in the mail, lads.

>> No.10730800

High end hand grinders can do espresso well, but settings fine enough for espresso take forever.

>> No.10730842
File: 189 KB, 580x540, 39hFv4N7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Charls adds an eggshell to de-acidify his coffee.

Does this actually work, or is this nubreed anti-ovarian Chinesium jew propaganda?

>> No.10730925
File: 140 KB, 789x1500, burr grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you even post???
>GIS this, ???, PROFIT

>> No.10730968
File: 128 KB, 1500x813, burr grinder Kona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, pic related. I'll replace my shit 3 times for what you bought yours. Also, had by shit for 5 years and one chip out of one plastic part.

>> No.10730980

Disgusting, just why.
Also disgusting. Those things make a good grind for like 2 months and then are no better than putting your coffee in a bag and smashing it with a hammer.

Coffee doesn't magically get better just because you ran it through a horrible grinder. Weakest link, people. Get it through your thick skulls.

>> No.10730991 [DELETED] 

Absolutely worth it.
Why save 4$ and drink shit?
Live life, drink finest quality coffee available.

>> No.10731000 [DELETED] 

Or just stop smoking.
Like people who don't suck.
One of my coworkers is the same age as me.
But she looks AT LEAST 10 years older cuz she's a smoker.

>> No.10731008

A nicotine patch isn't "smoking", anon

The premature aging from cigarettes is largely due to low blood oxygen as a result of inhaling combustion byproducts

I'm not advocating that people go out and get themselves addicted to the patch, but people assume I'm in my 20s when I'm actually in my 40s (mostly due to good genes)

>> No.10731015
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These are pretty good tips.

Also techniques I have tried:
-stir grounds in after 1 min, plunge after 4
-Boil water then wait 20 sec (to get it to ~200 F) before pour
- vary time, temp and ground size to get different flavors (see the 4-6 world champion method for techniques, too)

-spoon off the top floating grounds

-Pour whole carafe after brewing; otherwise, you are overextracting -- the cardinal coffee sin. I have a large thermos cup that I use as a small carafe for my overflow.

>> No.10731101

Lavazza best coffee brand in the world

>> No.10731187

pretty much. and yes, but the autism involved in learning how to do this shit via muscle memory is part of the fun. besides which a 75% perfect shot (or as you call it inconsistent burst of sludge) is still better than what you get at most third wave coffee shops anyways.

>> No.10731195

high end hand grinders also cost like $300 so who are you even trying to kid

>> No.10731204

meh. I worked as a barista in college, I already know how to "do this shit"

I'd rather just spend the money at a shop 5x a month when I want an espresso than spend a significant fraction of a down payment on a condo on coffee toys and pull substandard shots because I'm afraid of wasting coffee

not to mention waiting for the damm thing to heat up for half an hour only to shut it down when I'm done

it's fine if you need a hobby but in pure money terms it's not justifiable to pull your own shots, maybe if you have a family of 10 and they all drink coffee too, or in an office. economies of scale and all

>> No.10731227

>5x a month
no fucking shit sherlock. no one would spend $5k on a home setup if they WEREN'T having espresso based drinks 2-3 times a day every day.

>> No.10731270

how do you even drink that much caffeine though? have you completely given up pourover and all the rest? it's just lattes, espresso, and cappuccini, 365 days a year? that seems like it would get tiresome.

>> No.10731282


Yes, but get the one with the thermal carafe. No point in a great brew only to burn it on the hot plate.

>> No.10731287

What? A Lido 3 is under $200 and a Feld2 is about $155.

>> No.10731303

>how do you even drink that much caffeine though

how do I not? it's the only thing that keeps the withrdawl migraines at bay. and espresso suspended in properly textured milk is the perfect expression of coffee. so many different beans and slight variations in preparation allowing for any number of different experiences.

not exactly the $25 that comes to mind when people espouse hand grinders being cheap

>> No.10731315

>slight variations in preparation
you mean random unintentional variations due to your inability to amortize the cost of adjusting your grind, justified as "wabi sabi" or "artistic expression" or some such nonsense

>> No.10731320

If the glass carafe is inferior that why does Technivorm even make one anymore?

>> No.10731330

pretty much. but whatever keeps the withdrawl migraines at bay right

>> No.10731340

I suppose. I mean on some level I'm just jealous, so I'll just tell myself that you're being fiscally irresponsible. like people who buy a $5000 watch even though they only make like $120k because, technically, they have enough to pay for it without seeing an immediate tangible impact on their short term financial outlook

>> No.10731346

>not exactly the $25 that comes to mind when people espouse hand grinders being cheap
No shit, but you're getting the same burrs from a vastly more expensive electric grinder at a far cheaper price point.

Does anyone actually think they'll get espresso quality grinds out of a $25 hand grinder, or even a $100 electric?

>> No.10731359

people spend money on dumb shit all the time. at least i'm not stuck making child support or alimony payments

you'd be surprised

>> No.10731383


Not certain, but maybe a simple business decision, making it available for those who prefer it. I do speak from experience on the thermal preference.

>> No.10731399
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Oh I loved the thermal carafe on my pic related. It also made fucking phenomenal coffee until Bodum's shit quality control did it in.

Part of me just wants to take it apart and fix the fucked-up water level relay that killed it, but the plastic and screws are so crummy that I'd probably never get it back together again.

>> No.10731401

It's more attractive to look at.

>> No.10731415
File: 118 KB, 1500x1500, 61n+55uUavL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the best-looking appliance I've ever put on my counter. Strangely enough, the bodum burr grinder that I got with it is still going strong after being used 3+ times daily since 2013. Best $90 I ever spent on coffee, desu.

>> No.10731611


>> No.10732196

I just bought my first french press. I saw Bodum and saw that it was single cup and just bought it. I didn't realize until I got home that the cup was made of plastic. Is it worth returning or should I keep it and get a glass one later?

>> No.10732200

Use it, learn, understand why french press sucks, then chuck it and buy an aeropress and a hario v60

>> No.10732293

>put the coffee in a mug
>fill the mug with boiled water
This could make a great parody of Put the Lime in the Coconut.

>you put the coffee in a mug and fill the mug with boiled water!
>now let me get this straight you put the coffee in a mug then fill it with boiled water?!

>> No.10732392

i just want a decent decaf suggestion or an explanation as to why there are literally no decent decaf options out there. can anyone do this? pretty please i beg of you /coffee/.

>> No.10732563

I'm partial to African beans, have some from Rwanda that's pretty great, it doesn't acidify no matter how long you let it sit in its cup as long as it's brewed below boiling

>> No.10732853

onyx has the only decaf i haven't hated but still isn't very good

>> No.10732861

>understand why french press sucks, then chuck it and buy an aeropress

>> No.10733496

Ethiopia, objectively

>> No.10734692

i don't even understand what counts as a good burr grinder. I bought a $20 one from amazon and i haven't had a single problem with consistency

>> No.10735806

Bump for burr grinder recs. I get my coffee at Whole Foods right now, which has a grinder there, but I'd like to be able to grind it myself immediately before I actually brew it like I'm supposed to.

>> No.10735818

Most people do fine with a Baratza Encore

>> No.10735825

Is it one of those hand cranked ones?
How long does it take to grind a cup worth of beans?

>> No.10735930

I don't drink nearly enough coffee to justify 140 bucks and that much counter space. I was thinking a smaller manual one designed for single cups at a time.

>> No.10735941

Here's how this goes:
>people try and explain to you why a hario grinder is not actually cheaper
>you ignore them
>omg it's too much money
>you buy a hario grinder
>it's shit
>you put up with it
>you convince yourself it's not shit
>eventually you buy a new one, maybe the first one was defective
>as before it works ok for a while and then it's shit
>you then go full assburgers on "mods" with custom bushings and power drill upgrades
>it's still shit, huh!?!? why!?!?!
>eventually you stop being an idiot and buy a grinder for adults
But my role here is simply to serve as the greek chorus in the tragedy that is your life. Go forth and buy your wobbly ceramic burr grinder and tell yourself that it's "more frugal". You'll learn.

>> No.10735973

I would quite literally prefer to buy pre-ground than to spend 140 dollars on a grinder I will use for one cup of coffee approximately 3-4 times a week.

>> No.10736279
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bought this at a thrift store, will thoroughly clean it next time im at my moms house as a i left it there. is this good?

"braun kmm 10"

>> No.10736759
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How do we stop the dark roast menace?

>> No.10736825

Don't buy it

>> No.10736829

Dark roast is good though. It makes substandard beans drinkable to normies, thereby reducing demand for good beans which can only be grown in specific areas, thereby keeping prices low.

>> No.10736845

its a coffee grinder. Im sure it will grind your coffee.

>> No.10736855

>It makes substandard beans drinkable to normies
Let's be real. Sugar is what makes their shit coffee "drinkable"

>> No.10736864

And dark roast tastes pretty good with sugar and a ton of milk. You could try it some time? You might be surprised. It's how Italians and LatinX peoples drink coffee. Not to mention Malaysians, Indonesians, and Viets.

>> No.10736888

I don't drink sugar. I only get it from fruit, for the most part

>> No.10736891
File: 96 KB, 416x1000, oliang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best coffee ever, coming through

>> No.10736899

Good for you?

>> No.10736912


>> No.10737213
File: 187 KB, 830x550, colombia_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only recently started making coffee for myself.

I've been using the Starbucks Columbia coffee. What's some good stuff you can find in an average grocery store?

>> No.10737221

Grumpy, Gimme, Irving Farm

Always check the date, don't buy if the roast date is more than 10 days ago

>> No.10737326

Trips of infinity

>> No.10737346

I work for my local coffee shop as a roaster using a fluid bed system, the biggest tip is find a coffee with a roast date and make sure it’s not older than 3 weeks.

>> No.10737400

Is the ground bean catching contraption on that glass?

>> No.10737489


I like Mexico, really tasty and chocolaty. Taste like coffee should to me, no big floral notes, no big stone fruit notes. My favorite.

>> No.10737556

no it's electric. takes like 10 seconds

>> No.10737558

>less bitter
>more caffeine
light roast is master race

>> No.10737665

But I like the bitter and don't want too much caffeine since I drink coffee for the taste.

>> No.10737670

Care to link it please? That sounds like the exact thing I want.

>> No.10737791
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>I drink coffee for the taste

>> No.10737799

it's a delonghi burr grinder

>> No.10737985

>I'm such a miserable waste of humanity that I drink something I hate because I'm so addicted to the drug it provides that I literally need it to make it through the day!

>> No.10738019

i gotta say, these light roasted fruit-forward acidic varieties are not my favs. it's the IPA of coffee

>> No.10738554

coffee is the IPA of drink let's be real

>> No.10738695

Yes, yes it is.

>> No.10739286

That'd be tea

>> No.10740911

You're brewing it wrong

>> No.10740948

these posts are the IPA of /ck/

>> No.10741766

>sub-$500 starter pump
somebody post it

>> No.10741776

French press

>> No.10741986

Iced coffees from Starbucks got me through exam season at uni. How to recreate a really good cup of iced coffee?

>> No.10742034

>make coffee
>pour into cup of ice
>add milk
Wa la

>> No.10742202

How do I learn to appreciate coffee properly? I only like it now because I'm used to it. I prefer only dark roasts, love espresso and sumatra. French and Italian roasts are good too. Tips?

>> No.10742213

haha totally

>> No.10742265

You'll appreciate coffee better if you stop drinking such dark roasts. Darker roasted coffees lose nuance that is characteristic of the beans' origins and processing methods. Even if You end up preferring dark roasts you'll have a broader appreciation for different coffees and learn more how the different types can impact flavor. Also drink black or with light use of milk like in a cortado as milk definitely can enhance the flavor of the beans but lattes tend to obscure the subtleties in favor of being a more "sippable" drink

>> No.10742306
File: 329 KB, 550x736, Arabicadabra_WebRender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here loves coffee beers?
Founders Sumatra Mountain is incredible, and then there's pic related. Terrapin Wake n Bake and all of Founders breakfasts are also great.

>> No.10743690

Tried atwaters' vanilla Java porter, I think they're okay but really coffee and beer aren't a great combination in my mind

>> No.10745574

Not really, no. I don't hate it but I certainly don't love it. Once you get so bored with beer that you start throwing in stupid adjuncts, maybe it's a sign you're (go out on a limb with me here) bored with beer?

You know there are other beverages, right? If your fragile masculinity can handle it you could try wine, for instance.

>> No.10745803

Beer is a hobby for me, it's got nothing to do with masculinity or boredom. It's a legitimate interest, and besides, most good beers with a vast variety of flavor usually depend on the four main ingredients, even without adjuncts. Yes, coffee forward beers add coffee beans to the boil, but I don't see what's wrong with that.

On the other hand, there's no need for that attitude, mister.

>> No.10746033

>any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.
Get rekt, cunt.

>> No.10746092

>in order to maintain life and growth
Coffee is a drug, not food

>> No.10747746
File: 82 KB, 315x378, 1495003683925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coffee is a drug

>> No.10747949

Caffeine absolutely is. And 90 percent of the time and to 90 percent of people, coffee only exists as a caffeine delivery device.

That said, if alcohol discussion is allowed on here (which the mods seem to be fighting about right now) coffee should obviously be as well.

>> No.10748376

Alcohol is haram.

>> No.10748415

I know you're just shitposting, but is coffee haram too? Isn't it all intoxicants, and doesn't caffeine count as that?

>> No.10748421

Not him, but other than in a few really extreme pockets of ISISland, arabs are crazy about their coffee. You are aware that it came from that part of the world, right?

>> No.10748436

Alcohol drain your lucidity and makes you more prone to sinning, coffee is the antithesis of that.

>> No.10748962

Any good whole bean stuff I can get at a grocery store (specifically Kroger)?

Seconding this guy's question

>> No.10749103

>(specifically Kroger)
Private Selection is bretty gud if you get some that isn't too old. I like the Yirgacheffe and Guatemalan

>> No.10749367

Yep, dont drink wine, it's made by our diplomatic enemies -muhammad 600 something AD

>> No.10749468

green coffee beans are very pretty. we used to sell them at peets, for people who wanted fresh arabica coffee on a trip to some horrible place. roast them in a frying pan.

>> No.10750343

I just got manual lever espresso machine yesterday. I finally realise how much better coffee is when it is not burnt.
I've been using moka pot for a year before this and this is a nice upgrade.