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File: 41 KB, 469x620, heineken-can-330ml-12-pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10714875 No.10714875 [Reply] [Original]

Is it unpatriotic to drink imported beer?

>> No.10714889

It's one of the very few legit pros of globalisation, so crack on

>> No.10714892

The globalist elite are truly based.

>> No.10714907

You're supporting your local liquor store so you can drink whatever you want.

>> No.10715315

god i hate amerifats so much

>> No.10715353
File: 70 KB, 474x834, bud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it patriotic to drink piss in a can made by a multinational corporation where 90% of the cost you pay is to fund the advertising campaigns to convince you that you want it?

probably, because Americans are stupid

>> No.10715369
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The State will already have taken more than its share in the form of taxes and tariffs.

>> No.10715532

All macro brews around the world are all owned by inbev or mitsubishi anyway.

>> No.10715584

Busch Light, produced by a german Co., Inbev, is unironically the most popular beer in muh MAGA south. We're insane now, yeah.

>> No.10715595
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It's ok, we're not doing much better here.
Coors light, and Bud are always in the top 5 and 'Molson Canadian' is owned by Molson Coors... a US company.

and people still drink it (it's piss, tastes like bud and they're both 'premium' lol)

My go to cheap beer is JR 5.5. It's owned by Moosehead... Canada's largest independent brewery and it actually tastes like beer

>> No.10715600
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Not only is it unpatriotic, it's flat out stupid. The US produces the best beer money can buy in craft and macro brew. Eurofags will hate, but they are wrong.

>> No.10715684


how the fuck

>> No.10715762

Yes. You should ideally be drinking local/regional beer and spirits.

>> No.10716807

Budweiser is great when your broke and want to get drunk but hate liquor.

>> No.10717461
File: 45 KB, 606x606, 13227723_1345317375494758_4344957618952666423_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then to add insult to injury they went and did this.

>> No.10718607

Nope. Especially when I can get a case of pic related for the same price as domestics. Also pic related doesn't give me hangovers if I keep it between 10-12. Gotta get cans though. The bottles are probably skunked by the time they get here.

>> No.10718670

>drinking the liquid Jew

You know better than that

>> No.10718692

American here I have never actually seen anyone besides the homeless drinking Budweiser

>> No.10718694

I assure you the government has already gotten its cut of anything that you can legally obtain

>> No.10718765
File: 245 KB, 1701x1240, Yuengling-Logo_6030760c-b022-44cd-870c-25021b0af86e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German immigrants brought the greatest american food (burgers) and this great American beer

>> No.10718882

I've never seen homeless people drinking that low abv beer and I live in a Major City. If they're not drinking cheap vodka handles they're drinking Homeless Car Bombs-a shot of flavored vodka or Fireball poured in a 4 Loko.

>> No.10719105

well you apparently don't go out much, are still in highschool, or both

>> No.10719127

Not if you are american. The piss you guys make has no God's forgiveness

>> No.10719143
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, krombacher-pils-p342-285_image.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be leaf
>fed up with shitty molson pisswater
>buy "premium imports" instead
>they taste way better
>eventually move the germany
>buy krombacher because it was quality beer back home
>german friends laugh at me because krombacher is for bums
>still tastes good to me
you native eurobros honestly have no idea how good you have it

>> No.10719236

IDK. Poland makes a lot of Budweiser tier lagers except they are high in alcohol content. I used to live near a liquor store that sold 4 16.9 ounce cans of 6% beer for 4 dollars even. I think they were lying about the 6%-those things got you hammered. I gave 2 to the alky across the street from me who was going through WDs 3 hours before the store opened and they got him straight. We were both surprised. The beer was called O.K.

>> No.10719246

Nothing wrong with bud heavy, man. Stop being pretentious and drink up. I went noodling last week and was buzzed on bud heavy. Best time I’ve had in a while.

>> No.10719247

It's decent but I won't forgive them for putting caramel in it.

>> No.10719248

You can't get decent American beer up there?

>> No.10719271

usually if you want quality you order a microbrew, hence the stereotype of insufferable beer snobs asking for "something local".

>> No.10719282


There are tons of good microbreweries that distribute to 1/3-1/2 of the country; hard to imagine none of those beers make it up to Canada (most of them are in the North anyway).

>> No.10719284

boomers love cheap macro lagers

>> No.10719517
File: 47 KB, 574x522, FBFDE08E-DCB2-4124-8B14-074282AAF4DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. 30 year old boomer who thinks craft beers are all the rage

>> No.10719547


>> No.10719551
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 268643011_0_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love polish beer

>> No.10719555

>americans have to wait until 21 to legally drink a beer!

>> No.10719556

Only if its foreign piss water like Budweiser or Coors.

>> No.10719561

>millenials dont know what a boomer is

>> No.10719583

Choronzon's groceries

>> No.10719590

Whats a beer that doesnt taste like piss that you can recommend to brainlets?
Whats a beer you can recommend for the sophisticated individual?

>> No.10719611

just drink ale mate its much better
newcastle brown, speckled hen, doom bar, tribute, gem, skinners

>> No.10719656

>distribute to 1/3-1/2 of the country
I'm pretty sure at that point they no longer qualify as microbreweries even if they brand themselves as such.

>> No.10720053

polish beer is shit

>> No.10720084

Mexican beer isn't imported imo.

>> No.10720091

hell no
German macro brews are the best in the world and it's not even close

>> No.10720098

Tyskie is brilliant, you're clearly a palettelet.

>> No.10720467

I only drink beer brewed in my city

>> No.10720471

>threatens to move down south to pay employees less

>> No.10720472
File: 47 KB, 700x431, 1510843419429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a ten minute walk from my house

>> No.10720478

Doesnt your brewery worry about sharing a name with a notorious neonazi cartoonist?

>> No.10720486

No. Boomers are into high abv micros. Especially brewpubs. They can sip on overpriced 12% IPAs and eat a gourmet grilled cheese and tell themselves "I only had 4 pints I'm a responsible drinker!" All the actually good microbrews get bought out by Heiniken,A&B,or Miller. The rest are hop heavy atrocities. Even Lagunitas is owned by a major company. Beerlets never learn that you need the expertise of an established major brewery to put out a consistently good product for a wide market. If you live in a small town that makes small batches you're the exception not the rule.

>> No.10720496
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 002210000074[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I drink the preferred American lager that doesn't need shitty advertising campaigns to get people to buy it.

>> No.10720500

Flyovers, rednecks, "poor" young professionals in cities. And btw homeless usually drink cheap liquor

>> No.10720504

I liked Moosehead lager but the place I go to stopped selling it. Didn't sell too well from what they said.

>> No.10720514
File: 37 KB, 600x445, 1525552458118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I just realized that

>> No.10720616

I wish to know if some oversea friend has ever had experiences with italian beers

they are mostly trash tier except for artigianal and crude ones

>> No.10720684


>> No.10720708

Based frankposter

>> No.10721919


As a southern dutchfag, i have to admit that Heineken is the worst beer out there.

Try belgium beer or Grolch they're the best.

>> No.10721934


James Spader is a neonazi?

>> No.10722566

4chan really need to fucking rangeban North America for it to have any hope of recovering from the current completely cancerous state it is in. Honestly, America and Canada really need a war on their home fronts to drastically thin out their populations and fix their fucking attitudes.

>> No.10722606

The best alcohol is currently being made in China and Japan. Americans and Western Europeans really need to wake the fuck up and realise that they really aren't remotely as relevant as they think they are.

>> No.10722895

"Patriotism" is stupid. Drink whatever the fuck you like.

>> No.10723559

fuck, this is me except I'm 25
looks like the 25 year old boomer meme is true

>> No.10723569

they run gay commercials now, like literally one of them was narrated by an overly gay dude and it was about "acceptance" or some shit, really disappointed because now i have to drink Busch

>> No.10724291

>getting drunk
>on beer
How much of a lightweight can one be?