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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10713556 No.10713556 [Reply] [Original]

Is it weird to invite a girl over for a home cooked meal, rather than go to a restaurant for a first date?

>> No.10713558

It's a bit rapey tbqh

>> No.10713561

If she's a nice girl she'll appreciate it. And that means you should appreciate her.
Best of luck, buddy.

>> No.10713563

if you are a single male that has a home that is clean enough to invite a girl over.... you will probably be happier with her brother.

>> No.10713564

Why do you want a gf? Stop pursing sex and validation

>> No.10713572

>first date
>goes for a ""home cooked meal""
>nice girl

she a ho

>> No.10713574

would mention you cook on the first date and gauge her reaction for suitability

>> No.10713578

i think you should see a doctor. your balls should have dropped by now.

>> No.10713584

Maybe there are girls on both ends of the spectrum who go for the homecooked meal. The ones I've had at my place were nice girls but I can see what you mean.

>> No.10713618

no sex drive is a blessing tho

>> No.10713624

On a first date? Confirmed roastie.

>> No.10713633

>It's a bit rapey tbqh
This. It's too soon. People need a little time to know if a person is crazy. Given enough hours with someone and effective conversation, you start to pick up on the clues that a person doesn't respect key boundaries, has unusual or extreme feelings about topics, or touches of disrespect or anti-social tendencies towards others. Treat a new prospective partner as if you are interviewing them for a job of being worthy to trust for the long term. It can be subtle and slowly learned about a person, truth be told. A really disturbed higher thinking sociopath is more gifted at hiding the signs of instability or scariness. In fact, most of the prolific serial killers were considered charismatic, handsome and quite likable by the casual acquaintances they met or were neighbors with, but coworkers, exes and family members had figured out their shit.

Getting too close to someone too soon, is actually a sign of your own poor social adjustedness as well. Don't try on amoral behaviors like a hat, because it displays whatever insecure chip on your shoulder you don't want others to see about you. If you have great self esteem and respect for others, you wouldn't be the type to try to sleep with randoms on first dates, eww, like that. Your behabvior tells people about your personality in a big way. Take it respectfully. Slow down, don't waste your time on someone who might not be good material to have an oops baby with, and don't insist anyone come over until they are ready. If they want you really fast, they might be crazy too.

>> No.10713636

so you have been turned into a human drone?

>> No.10713637

following your basest instincts is dronemode

>> No.10713638

Restaurant food is disgusting.

>> No.10713639

>asking /ck/ anything about women
Lmao, you'd get better responses going to /r9k/ than asking this board full of incels

>> No.10713640

Depends. If you're >>10713564 and have cum stained stuffed animals, piss bottles and unfinished suicide notes strewn about the house then yeah

>> No.10713644

Generally first dates shouldn't end up inside either party's home at all. Second date all bets are off depending on how well the first one went.

>> No.10713649
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>cum stained stuffed animals, piss bottles and unfinished suicide notes strewn about the house

patrician as fuck

>> No.10713657

>bee analogy
this is true. the no sex anon is just a worker.

>> No.10713666

>no sex anon is just a worker

so what are you, a non-virgin NEET master race? seems like a paradox

>> No.10713698

ok satan, school me on paradoxes.

>> No.10713721

If she's already someone you've known irl as a friend or coworker or something for a while and she knows you're not a creepy racist, it can work. If it's someone you don't already know well, it's a bad idea.

>> No.10713742

wtf that foods raw??

>> No.10713752

it's called sushi, gaijin

>> No.10713759

Anyone who says inviting a "date" to your home the first time is a good idea is a retard.

>> No.10713771

even having dinner on a first date is a bad idea
should meet for pizza in the afternoon, that way its a quick 15 minute interaction if it doesn't go well
minimal wasted time and money for everybody

>> No.10713786

>>>10713556 (OP)
>wtf that foods raw??
>it's called sushi, gaijin
It looks nothing like sushi. It looks like a table with the grill in the center, such as you get in a Korean restaurant, where you are served marinated RAW beef, to cook yourself with the given tongs, enjoying conversations and little
bits of condiments while you wait to eat what you last cooked, and set up and prep the next cooking steak, all the while drinking something and serving each other. It's kind of a food trend right now. Japanese teppanaki places, chinese hot pot soups, and even chains like Melting Pot have a social aspect to cooking food at the table in a bite by bite courses aspect.

>> No.10713802

i thought the point of restaurant was that someone cooks for you

>> No.10713804

do americans really go to restaurant and pay hundred bucks for a piece of raw meat that they actually have to cook by themselves and do they really tip after that

>> No.10713806

Yes, public settings are better for multiple reasons especially if it goes south

>> No.10713810

Or hes had sex in the past day or so

>> No.10713828

>even chains like Melting Pot
I work at a Melting Pot
I had never even heard of it before I got a job there, but it's pretty popular despite being overpriced and taking forever.
It's not a chain though, there are no corporate locations, all are franchises owned by independent investors.

>> No.10713854

That's a legit point if we're talking a first date with a chick you barely know. The decision to end up at your place after a date on more neutral ground ought to be hers. Starting off just steps from your bed is presumptuous at least, and creepy to some grills. But it's also very much a judgment call. If the grill has already made it pretty clear she's into you and the date is really just pretext for the impending hook up a meal at your place and a couple bottles of wine fit the situation perfectly. You just have to be able to read whether or not that is the case - plenty of guys fuck up by imposing their own wishful thinking on the situation.
>If you have great self esteem and respect for others, you wouldn't be the type to try to sleep with randoms on first dates, eww, like that. Your behabvior tells people about your personality in a big way
This makes absolutely no sense to me. I don't know what planet you're from, but I'm happy I don't live there. I'll agree than an inability to keep your cool when closing the deal makes you look desperate and pathetic, but passing on a hook up that just falls into your lap is stupid unless you're a fucking Mormon.

>> No.10713877

I don't think that it's weird but it could be uncomfortable for her. A restaurant is a more neutral location instead of being in someone elses home on a first date.

>> No.10713881

I'd assume u jizzed in muh food.

>> No.10713893
File: 103 KB, 1024x858, Cosby-Swish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could also be the Bill Cosby swish.

>> No.10713914

Just take her to your restaurant and cook for her there. I prefer the restaurant anyways since the kitchen is bigger.

>> No.10713946


helped open a small restaurant in seattle and the chef/owner was a bro and let me take a date there when they were closed.

it felt weird, like i wasn't really enjoying myself cause i was at work literally working (cooking food and cleaning up shit) while trying to enjoy myself with a date.

i obviously got a good blowjob but idk if it was really worth it.

>> No.10713951

>i obviously got a good blowjob but idk if it was really worth it.
A good blowjob is usually worth it.

>> No.10714068

>this uncultured

>> No.10714072

used to go to the one in philly every year w my french club

>> No.10714290

It depends on how well you already know each other. Girls need time to get to know a guy before going over his house alone, so they feel comfortable that he's not some sort of creep or criminally insane person.

If you've spent a significant amount of time together before deciding to date, then a home cooked might be fine. Do note though, that some girls might feel that you're trying to pressure them into sex by having it at your house, so make it clear that nothing is expected of her.

If it's a blind date then definitely have it in a public place.

>> No.10714309

Also to add to this, talking to them a lot online or having a single conversation at a bar doesn't count as spending a significant amount of time together.

>> No.10714919

It's not weird at all, and it makes for a good litmus test to weed out the women just looking for a free meal at an expensive restaurant.

>> No.10714926

Nice way of trying to justify being a slob.

>> No.10714979

Wait a second. Inviting someone over for a meal doesn't really imply you expect sex, does it? I may have implied the wrong things to a certain girl if that's the case.

>> No.10714992

if you're already friends or you know her pretty well or she's been to your place already for whatever reason, go for it. otherwise, listen to >>10713558

>> No.10715003

>Inviting someone over for a meal doesn't really imply you expect sex, does it?

to me it doesn't, but there are some people who make all kinds of wierdass assumptions.

>> No.10715026

nah, don't listen to the robot, being worried about how something may be perceived by a potential date, may get you somewhere in the short term but if you're looking for something serious be yourself out of the gate and damn the consequences

>> No.10715055

I can't hear over the sound of your stomach growling europoor, hurry and get some cabbage water to quiet that thing.

>> No.10715062

Based alpha

>> No.10715988

Not really

>> No.10716009

Look closely at the chick's profile image. Mr. """Alpha""" is about to get fucked up the butt by a horse sized strapon.

>> No.10716023

Second date is a possibility but not the first.

>> No.10716031

Just tell her that you want to cook her a meal, you have to give her the out though. I understand it may be too forward, if you're not comfortable we can go to a restaurant, I understand. I agree it would be better to wait until the second or third date though, because in her mind it implies sex.

>> No.10716048

It can. If it's just the two of you and there's been some flirting that's gone well an invitation accepted for dinner at your place could be her saying, "Yeah, persuade me this is a booty call".

>> No.10716071

>Not tidying up right before she gets there and shoving clutter in another room

Unless you are a hoarder or fucking that bad of an autistic NEET getting your place presentable with the chance of pussy isn't that difficult

>> No.10716082

i would feel uncomfortable going to a girls house for a home cooked meal for the first time, becuse ye she might be annoying, a disastrously bad cook, a psycho, therefore no it isnt really ideal i would say, unless u and this bitch really click or something

>> No.10716088

>The decision to end up at your place after a date on more neutral ground ought to be hers

Soifaggot confirmed for spread your femgarbage elsewhere

>> No.10716094


at this point i can't tell if im the only one on this board and every else poster is a CIA psyop bot desgined to gaslight me

>> No.10716098

Why would you not want to pressure her into having sex? If you want sex pressuring her to do it is proactive and women love confidence

>> No.10716105

Excuse me, but those are plushies.

>> No.10716106


>financial domination

are there literally any fetishes more beta than these two?

>> No.10716113

It should imoly sex though that's the point it's straightforward, why must women play fucking games about everything?

>> No.10716117

Because we all know girls love guys that live in filth caves

>> No.10716122

Prep a meal beforehand and a a small charcoal grill to the park. Put it in the passenger seat and make her sit in the back. Then just cook for her in a public setting.

>> No.10716126

That's fine, just be ready for no sex. And then it kills any possibility of future sex. Really depends if you give a fuck about the chick or are just looking for a hole.

>> No.10716134

>Invite a girl to dinner at your place.
>Set it up with all the fancy plates and silverware.
>Perhaps a nice glass of wine if it suits the meal.
>By the time everything is said and done you stop, help her out of her chair and offer to pay.
>In her confusion, simply smile to her and insist on paying, telling her that "It's my privilege."

>> No.10716154
File: 164 KB, 819x660, 1527440598968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excuse yourself to restroom
>crawl out window and leave her to pay bill
>never return to your house again

>> No.10716160
File: 84 KB, 634x591, Worlds shortest relationship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go /ck/, you can thank me later:

1st date: café for coffee, and casual lunch/dinner if things are going well
2nd date: some kind of activity during the day (not a fucking movie), followed by casual lunch if things are still going well
3rd date: dinner at a restaurant or cook at home followed by drinks and/or sex

And from there on you should decide to either be a couple or FWB

>> No.10716170


Not that guy, but incidentally I am a non-virgin NEET, and my current girlfriend lives with me in the apartment my parents bought me. I'm 29 and been NEET for about a year.

Living the dreammmmmmmmmm

>> No.10716183

The most dastardly plan!

>> No.10716187

Not quite the same thing but I was on a date with a guy once and we stopped at a supermarket to use the restroom and he ditched me there. I even asked them to do an announcement over the PA system to see if he was still there.

>> No.10716192

No I understand what you meant I was just wondering why the fuck women have to make such a natural thing difficult and complicated

>> No.10716195

That's a real supermarket sweep.

>> No.10716201
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Kek what a lad

>> No.10716207

Logic and women don't mix.

>> No.10716213

>implying I don't want to fuck both her and her brother

>> No.10716214
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That's called the Kenny Powers.

>> No.10716389

For a first date? Absolutely. You keep the homecooking for 2nd or 3rd date so you can get her into bed with some red wine and steak.

>> No.10716395

>I even asked them to do an announcement over the PA system to see if he was still there.
lel rekt

>> No.10716407


Sorry, I don't come here very often, just curious, do women actually post here without harassment or are you a homosexual male

>> No.10716420

>and she doesn't know you're a creepy racist


>> No.10716425

100% this. going out to eat first is so that you can meet in a public place, and then a few dates later you can invite her over. This is doubly important, since you dont know if she happens to be rapey either.

also, this allows you to watch how she treats the waitstaff. How she treats them is exactly how she'll be treating you in 6 months.

>> No.10716433

Was he a fucking maniac or maybe you are? I can't imagine ditching someone like that unless they were literally crazy and I had to sneak away.

>> No.10716443

You would invite a perfect stranger into your house? I mean, I would because I use Grindr, but your heterosexual courtship rituals are so much more sophisticated than that!

>> No.10716450

>I even asked them to do an announcement over the PA system to see if he was still there

Wanna know how I know he ditched you because you're clingy and insecure?

>> No.10716467

10/10 homoposting

>> No.10716501

He didn't even mention the hetero ritual dating dance.

>> No.10717535

They are common enough around here to pass by unnoticed unless they are obnoxious or someone randomly decides to start raging.

>> No.10717572


>> No.10717577

I would say it's quirky not wierd, but the concern as mentioned is it comes off as rapey. It might be better to so something in a public place. Maybe invite her friends?

>> No.10717589

First date? Depends on the circumstance you met. If it's like a blind date or online, it's a little weird. If you know each other from class or a mutual friend, should be fine.

If you're gonna cook for her, don't go too lavish or tryhard, and don't play up that you're a really good cook or something, even if you are. This seems like I'm over analyzing, but don't cook something that'll make her self-conscious. Examples might include something spicy, overly rich/indulgent, or messy. Also, cook something that you can have ready and waiting in the oven or plate quickly, and don't make the meal the focus of the evening. Get to know her.

This seems like an /adv/ thread, but I hope this helps.

>> No.10717592

Also, you don't know the girl at all. What if she has allergies? I'd probably either discuss it first, or just go to a restaurant or to get a drink or coffee.

>> No.10717593

I think the guys who post shitty bait threads and only reply with "Huh?" are bots.

>> No.10717598

She's seen the state of my car, and can smell that I don't wash my hair often enough. She knows what she's getting into.

>> No.10717623

Fucking gross.

>> No.10717628

You are not supposed to invite extra friends on a date you autist

>> No.10717634

Korean barbecue is kinda overrated desu

>> No.10717812


>> No.10717815

What the?

>> No.10717817

Say now?

>> No.10717818

Why is findom a thing...

>> No.10717832
File: 55 KB, 660x680, 1524440210486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell might think taking a photo of yourself with a giant strapon attached is a good idea?

>> No.10717842


>> No.10718020

Just be cool about it and ask her if she'd rather go to a restaurant or that you could cook her a nice dinner.

>> No.10718041


>> No.10718043

unironically into findom here
I'm not into as much these days
but it's kind of sad how desperate some of these "dommes" are. most of them are on disability and want you to buy stuffed animals or makeup off of amazon so they can pick up some "alpha" blue collar meathead and live a miserable life

>> No.10718044

Take your pseudo-pseudo-pop-science horse shit and get the fuck out. Or post some studies for me to debunk because you're jumping through allot of hoops for your /pol/ position on dating.

>> No.10718163

Romance is dead lol

>> No.10718171

bretty much

>> No.10718211

If I think she's long term material, I might back off if she says no to the eat with me, but honestly, if she said yes to coming to my place to eat my food I'd do it and try to smash on the first date. I've actually refused girls after they said they wouldn't eat at my place because I couldn't be bothered to put in effort for several dates.

>> No.10718274

Yeah I'm with you dude, findom is sexy in theory but then you realize you're just paying for some vapid "dom" to sit on her fucking ass and not work

>> No.10718287


>> No.10718293

Robot got rekt

>> No.10718299

For a first date yeah, if you know each other already it's fine

>> No.10718305

Yeah, well I think you are a bot >:(

>> No.10718315

/ck is a cooking board so we have quite a few of dem femanons

>> No.10718320

Incel detected

>> No.10718327

Begone thot

>> No.10718328

Depends, do you plan on killing her later?

>> No.10718339

Hey, if they’re both cute then why the fuck not?

>> No.10718346

why, what's your version, rape her right in the fucking restaurant you permavirgin retard?

>> No.10718348

You poor thing ;-;

>> No.10718399

I invited my fiance over to my place for indian tacos the first night I hung out with her. Today is our one year anniversary. Depends on the person, I guess.

>> No.10718496

My opinion? I think cooking at home on the first date is weird. Depends on your relationship with the chick, though. If you're super familiar with each other beforehand (like online, or as friends) or she's into your cooking knowledge it could be totally natural, but in general you want simple, low pressure first dates in public. Inviting a girl over as a first date could sound either "i love you be my girlfriend forever" creepy or "hey babe netflix and chill" trashy.

A lot of women are uncomfortable with dinner in general for a "get to know you" first date. It can be seen as too much of an overture for someone you've just met. That's why basic dates like coffee, brunch, drinks are so common. But that doesn't mean your first date has to be boring. Have something interesting to do before or after the food.

>> No.10718520

If you're a really good cook and can do a better job than a restaurant, invite her around for that then offer to go out after

>> No.10718526

>Want to come over for dinner?
>Sure why not , lol ;p
>Is there anything in particular you don't like or can't eat?
>I don't like fish, onions, tomatoes, red meat, pork, poultry, lemons and I'm allergic to gluten, lol, lmao ;))
>Cool, I think I know something you'll enjoy
And then proceed to cook carrot sticks with ranch dressing

That's not so hard, is it?

>> No.10718639

No, just trannies

>> No.10718645

femanons(male) - fixed it for you

>> No.10718650

Cool story, reddit

>> No.10719201

>sexy in theory
it's not that either