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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10712176 No.10712176 [Reply] [Original]

What makes people drink soylent? Is it true that is is heavily marketed in usa?

>> No.10712183
File: 174 KB, 750x1096, 1523245650126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soylent is only "marketed" through memes in the usa

>> No.10712187

Honestly the only place I've seen people talk about it is here and twitter. I don't think I've even seen a real world advertisement for it.

>> No.10712208

Is soylent an MLM thing? I honestly don't know shit about it beyond /ck/ memes.

>> No.10712209

soylent is heavily marketed in the usa and its riding the wave of the soylent green movie. ive had soylent before and its mediocre as shit.

>> No.10712215

it has neat packaging and you don't have to eat shit. con of growing tits

>> No.10712220

My gay Asian roommate (who went to an all boys prep school and Berkeley) drinks it.

And he bitches about how the lids are on too tight. I shit you not.

>> No.10712221

>You don't have to eat shit
Anon you're not supposed to eat shit, you're supposed to eat food.

>> No.10712224

Uh huh.

>> No.10712225

>coffiest isn't 20% daily nutrition

coffeeniggers lose again

>> No.10712272
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Because it's marketed to San Francisco software slaves who literally cannot leave their desks to eat a fucking sandwich at the cafeteria. It's a meme pushed on them like adderal and modefanil, a productivity enhancer.

I knew one guy who only drank soylent and ate quinoa. I shit you not (and I bet he barely shat either)

>> No.10712276

I'm convinced it survives through prank gifts
Much like Malort

>> No.10712306

I only people that I've ever seen "marketing" that crud are people on this message board shilling it.

>> No.10712316
File: 344 KB, 2400x1544, Golden Corall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 15 bucks a day for full nutrition. you could eat like a hog at pic related for the same price.

>> No.10712322

Like most people ITT, the only place I've actually seen it talked about is this site. Really makes you think.
Always wanted to try the cocoa one btw, but that's just because I really like chocolate milk. I feel like I'd be better off just drinking chocolate milk though.
Regular Soylent looks like it tastes like some kind of skim milk, disgusting.

>> No.10712325

In Berkeley right now, can confirm soylent has a sizable market. Mostly programmers and cs students drink it, but they also give out a ton at events so free shit is free shit I guess.

>> No.10712362

If they were any good at programming then they wouldn't need free shit. Just sayin.

>> No.10712420

this is the correct answer, the original point was to allow it's creators to spend a few hours making food once a month and then just never stop working while still having all important nutrients

>> No.10712427
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Sounds like a delightful experience, living and working in the bay area.

>> No.10712436

work 90 hours a week, subsist off of millenial-branded Ensure, get paid well but it all goes to california taxes and your astoundingly high rent. oh and there's zero women around.

many of my friends who went the SF path are single in their mid-30s and raging alcoholics.

>> No.10712445

But you can literally just pull and push to git from anywhere. And you would get paid to live in literally anywhere, usa if you had basic networking

>> No.10712466

there's some of that for some people but as you advance, you need to be in the office interacting or managing. you don't run a product team or product manage from Witchita kansas.

Also with absolutely EVERY corporation I've ever been a part of or been around, unless you are in the home office, you will never advance to the true upper levels. You need face time with the people who are actually in charge.

>> No.10712470

Yea but if you are actually doing 90 hour weeks, your not even close to in charge.

>> No.10712473

Didn't even know there was more than one flavor.

>> No.10712501

you underestimate how much work competitive people wanting to advance are required to put in. work = life

>> No.10712545

>the only place I've actually seen it talked about is this site.
You must not get out much. I don't even live in a big city and I still see it advertised in stores and see people drinking it at shopping centers and stuff. It's alarming actually how prevalent it seems to be.

>> No.10712549

Your a slave and the people in charge laugh at you. Especially if you are a good slave.

>> No.10712552

I could see myself drinking some sort of equivalent now and then as a dietary supplement. Hell, I drink vegetable juices to support my vitamin deficiencies when I just don't have that much of an appetite. But soylent as a replacement for food generally is just another in a near-endless list of shitty scams Silicon Valley is thrusting on the people. Fuck Silicon Valley, fuck everyone in it, hold them down and fuck them to fucking death. A socially responsible person would eviscerate Elon Musk, given the chance.

>> No.10712554

and Rob Rhinefucker, or whomever.

>> No.10713243
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it's mandatory in cucktopiastan in order to betafi the populace

>> No.10713249


>> No.10713273

No it's not. You're a phony. A big fat phony.

>> No.10713366

My roommate used to home make soylent by buying the base ingredients (milo, almond flour, MSM etc).

It tasted kinda like up n go and only cost him something like $1.50 per day.

He literally just played eve online all day and drank soylent, kinda some version of the NEET dream i suppose.

>> No.10713371


I've never seen Soylent or anyone drinking Soylent in real life, only on the internet.

I don't live in California, though.

>> No.10713425

Correct, the people making the highest wages are slaves and people making low wages are not. Spicy take on the situation, Cletus.

>> No.10713607
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>> No.10714007

>soylent is heavily marketed in the usa and its riding the wave of the soylent green movie
You know Soylent Green is made out of people, right?

>> No.10714016

Is huel also a meal replacer?

>> No.10714034

Why isn't there a green one?

>> No.10714040

What kind if waves is a 40 year old movie making?

>> No.10714049
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>pssst, he's not being serious.

>> No.10714067

if you go to the geocities-style site in the ad it has a fucking privacy policy link, that tells you everything you need to know

>> No.10714078

>t. Multi-Level Marketer

>> No.10714082

15 bucks a day is considered cheap by the soylent target market. The kind of people that, if not for Soylent, would be eating out every meal at worst or at best spending 40-50 bucks a day feeding themselves at Whole Foods.

>> No.10714087

Same. Only ever seen it here.

>> No.10714105

>see it exactly once outside 4chan shitposts
>guy in my lab drinks them daily
>gets incredibly defensive and talks about how he never has time for a real lunch if anyone ever glances in the general direction of his soy
>Spends half the day on his phone anyways
>6'3 and 125 soaking wet
Heres the kicker, we arent in silicon valley, you can go to Aldis or Tops 5 minutes from work and eat like a king for the price of his soylent.

>> No.10714114

As far as sheer laziness goes, it's like ramen in a bottle.

>> No.10714131

Literally never seen a Soylent advertisement

>> No.10714177

Is that another term for pyramid scheme?

>> No.10714188

I've seen it on shelves but I have never seen anyone drinking it. And I live in California.

>> No.10714192

Yeah basically. One of those "instant home business" things where you have to sign up more people to make more money. I assume Soylent is an MLM because it's not sold in retail, there's no advertising for it and people only shill it on here and Reddit.

>> No.10714193

It's sold retail.

>> No.10714201

It's definitely sold retail. I see it on the shelves at my grocery store and a few gas stations around me. I've never seen anyone buy it, though.

>> No.10714250
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>> No.10714266

>not knocking back a case of Soylent with your wife's boyfriend and his friends on the weekend
You just aren't living life brotha

>> No.10714273

Why would the wife's boyfriend partake in soylent?
Be consistent with your meme philosophy. I expect you to live up to a higher standard.

>> No.10714324

They'd be knocking back beers, of course.

>> No.10714330

>What makes people drink soylent?

>Is it true that is is heavily marketed in usa?
I've never seen any mention of it other than on 4chan, and I suspect that has to do with the large number of spergs and neets here.

>> No.10714332

it's just a trendy meme drink. it won't be around in a few years.

>> No.10714340

>not malt liquor
you even trying

>> No.10714345

This thread made me buy the 4 dollar sample from Amazon

>> No.10714352
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I think this guy Kyle might be gay

>> No.10714375

People who put work above everything are slaves.
The type of people who sacrifice their own enjoyment such as meals and think it's still just being competitive.

>> No.10714413

It's just a meme that's promoted coders thinking theyre saving time and effort when they're not.

>> No.10714556

No, he's just a faggot

>> No.10714570

This is only place I've ever seen it talked about. No one I know has ever even heard of it. I don't understand how they could possibly be profitable.

>> No.10714591
File: 21 KB, 450x450, e641ccbd-148d-43f2-9887-37fbcc0703fe_1.89aacfa0407a3e01e5b9bbc7f3a777ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All memes aside, I just don't get the appeal of this soylent shit. I can pick up pic related at just about any gas station for less money and be good for a day's work.

>> No.10714618

>Is it true that is is heavily marketed in usa?

No. The only fucking reason I know about it is because you idiots won't shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.10714633

The novelty is what gets most people in. "I don't have to eat, I just have to drink this stuff?! I CAN DO THAT" so they do. The creator made a jackass of himself by drinking/eating nothing except soylent for a few weeks, and the mainstream media picked that up and pushed it day and night during a particularly slow news cycle, which caused rapid growth of the brand. Initially soylent was only a powder, which lots of preppers and shit stocked up on, probably one of the few legitimate uses for the stuff, it's shelf life for the 1.0 product was like 20 years. Pretty good.
Anyway, most people I know of personally that have tried the product, get like a week's worth, then start feeling the fatigue from the awful semi-viscous pancake battery flavorless fluid, and stop. The novelty flavors are just what you expect, sugary shit added to mask the actual point of the drink, and the powder was changed and has a shelf life of closer to 2 years now, which is pointless.

Again, the novelty is what does it. The heavy meme marketing campaign that's on full display around most of the internet (i'm sure you noticed thatp ush of "WOW SOYLENT BOTTLES ARE SO HARD TO OPEN" that caused a short term spike in youtube videos referencing soylent like a month ago) doesn't hurt either.

>> No.10714835

In the mid 20th Century industrial food manufacturers started convincing Americans that feeding themselves was a tiring and burdensome task despite the fact that they have a historically unparalleled selection of both food and the technologies to prepare it easily. Liquid Meal Replacements are the apex of that effort, a profitable solution to a made up problem.

>> No.10715183

Yeah. It's about as close as we've got to dog food for humans. From what I've read it works pretty well.

>> No.10715259


>> No.10715283

wasn't there a tranny that drank too much soylent and became pretty much gollum? (the thing from the LOTR franchise)

>> No.10715356

>made up problem.
Dude it's hardly made up. In ameristan it takes most salaried couples working 10 -12 hour days to just break even with the housing, healthcare, transportation, food annd basic necessities cost. We're a fucking banana republic intentionally distracted by race and muh scawry immigrants. Divide and conquer - oldest trick in the book.

>> No.10715393

>working hours a day
You stumbled at the start there, but the men's in the back half of your post are mostly on point
6.5/10 Not bad but room for improvement.

>> No.10715429

We tried this shit at work for the developers.

It's a major morale killer. Quickly went back to meal vouchers.

>> No.10715492

Not close to the same since Muscle Milk isn't a meal replacement and has less than half the calories of Soylent or similar drinks per fluid ounce despite costing almost the same per fluid ounce.

>> No.10715524

recently found out that a store near me has this for sale but just the coffiest cacao and nectar i'm thinking about trying one just to see what it taste like

>> No.10715546

People think that its a healthy choice (seriously) to get all the nutrients you need fast and easy

I got a bag because of my coworkers.
I had powder and had to mix it. I drank it like a normal drink which was waaaay to fast and then almost puked from consuming 600 liquid calories in like 2 minutes.

Then I read the ingredient list and almost puked again.

I was sure I was getting enough chromate in my diet.

Fortunately the shit is no longer available in Canada because it doesn't meet our regulations as a 'health food meal replacement'

>> No.10715551
File: 79 KB, 500x500, soylent-green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer soylent green.
Soylent Green is People!

>> No.10715553

You'd think so, but the people I know that drank it have never heard of the movie Soylent green or even knew what it was about

And I was fucking shocked.

mostly because I was making people jokes the whole time and the laughed anyway..... LIARS THEY DIDN'T GET IT THE WHOLE TIME

>> No.10715580
File: 36 KB, 434x289, Soylent_Green-Scooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Release the scoopers!

>> No.10715651


they let us stand up for penis inspections at least

>> No.10715654


I have never even seen an SJW in my city.

>> No.10715705
File: 23 KB, 538x445, IMG_3884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can’t get soylent in canada anymore because it doesn’t meet canadian health standards as a “meal replacement”

>> No.10715725

what an original comment

how do I upvote on here?

>> No.10715755

I dunno, I don't keep up with the latest tranny news.