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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10707134 No.10707134 [Reply] [Original]

Food from here fucking sucks.
I can’t think of a regional dish that isn’t just seafood that is available elsewhere

>> No.10707149


>> No.10707154
File: 121 KB, 1000x750, lobster_roll_whoopie_pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dunkin' :^)
But for real, all the best New England food comes from Rhode Island.

>> No.10708076

boston baked beans

>> No.10708172

state fucking sucks
good chinese i guess

>> No.10708196

Southern maine does it better.

>> No.10708245

Didn't always suck. Cost of living drove all the independents out. Used to have great pizza/sub joints,butchers,cheese stores,the varieties were great. Now it's all chains and overpriced supermarkets. You're next RI when the commuter rail begins stopping in Pawtucket.

>> No.10710008

What's with all the roast beef spots? Why tf does everything close so early?

>> No.10710019

Boston unironically has a better Little Italy than NYC

>> No.10710120


>> No.10710247

theres this place up in walpole that does a fried chicken wrap with mozzarella, fries, and honey mustard

>> No.10710255

according to the last census, not a single person of italian descent now lives in ny's little italy

>> No.10710266

But Mike s cannoli is pretty good

>> No.10710277
File: 356 KB, 959x771, massachusetts constitution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to South Florida like I did, Anon
Jamaican, Cuban, and Haitian cuisine as far as the eye can see [spoilerooni]and mutt wimmins to match[/spoilerino]
t. masshole

>> No.10710281

>not realizing that thanksgiving food is from massachusetts

go to restaurants in cities

>> No.10710300
File: 284 KB, 959x771, SS6xx62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely hate going to Florida but man they do have a great variety of good food. Shame the weather is so ass. But maybe I just think that because I'm used to Maryland's constant state of neutral.

>> No.10710810

Oh have a fluffernutter and relax.

>> No.10710819

>muh ocean cockroach
>muh hotdog bun
>muh sugar bomb made of two shitty muffins and too much frosting

Next, you'll tell me that Moxie and Allen's are quality beverages.

>> No.10710821

We have great craft beer and a few decent restaurants.

>> No.10710837

>We have great craft beer
as long as you specifically really like NEIPA. Which is of course an excellent style of beer, but a little more variety of good beer would be nice

>> No.10710884
File: 87 KB, 720x475, fluffernutter-2-720x475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody outside of New England knows what a fluffernutter is
>tfw converted my friends to love the one true snack
Do Southerners/Westcoasties really not eat this?

>> No.10710893

as a midwesterner, it is something we were aware of, but not particularly popular

>> No.10710894

I thought it was a southern thing. Sounds like it's straight outta the trailer park.

>> No.10710912

Papa Gino's :^)

>> No.10710974

Papa Gino's was great when I was a kid. Haven't had it in about 15 years but I'd like to try it again. I live pretty close to one.

>> No.10710988

it's pretty much the same

>> No.10711114

Only fat kids eat that shit anywhere but NE. That bread is poverty-tier and more akin to angel food cake than bread.

>> No.10711122

Lived in MA all my life and never had one, maybe saw some a kid or two in elementary school bringing one for lunch. I think they're for fat/poor people here too.

>> No.10711210

>cape cod chips
>Boston cream pie
>Dunkin' Donuts
>clam chowder
>Necco wafers
>Boston baked beans

Literally best food state

>> No.10711242

What is up with this map having literally some of the worst cities/towns. Brockton and Fall River are opioid central.

>> No.10711250

neccos are straight garbage. might as well buy a pack of rolaids and piss on them for color.

>> No.10711335

No, I moved to Rhode Island from the South and heard an NPR segment on Marshmallow Fulff and thought, "What the fuck is fluff?"

>> No.10711360

Eagle's deli is pretty good m8

>> No.10711496

>Ctrl+F "portuguese"
>Phrase not found

What the fuck are y'all even eating?
I moved from MA to TX because the state sucks, but by god do I miss all the wonderful Portuguese dishes my family would make. Can't even buy linguica here.

>> No.10711534


>> No.10711581

Moved from NYC to Boston for school.
>every food here is a shittier version of ny's.
Even the chinatown seems grummier here somehow.

>> No.10711586

(nicks roast beef anybody??)

>> No.10711599

having lived in southern Maine, NH, North Shore MA, Boston and Cape Cod, I can say that theres an abundant amount of decent to great food options, maybe not the most original stuff but always quality.

>> No.10711642

Fuck off New Yorker

Rhode Island blows

Cause blue laws suck oh and beef places are the best go somewhere else and you can’t get a beef to save your life

Not bad but not great

Fuck off yankees fan

>> No.10711645

nobody goes to massachusetts for food

we are famed for universities, assorted hi tech industries, and the only place in the country where liberal republican politicians aren't totally extinct

>> No.10711651

I'm from York County and I can attest to this. There's practically no reason for me to ever go out for fast food when local is almost always better, more abundant, and a better value.

>> No.10711671
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Fluffernutters are fucking great. My favorite guilty pleasure.

>> No.10711788

Pittsfield too

>> No.10711806

I used to drive reefer and Gloucester was always fun. It was a son of a bitch to get into those fish warehouses with a giant truck, but you could walk down the main street and have your pick at good seafood.

>> No.10711865

Hipster food joints everywhere, phantom gourmet telling you where to go. Some of the best beer in the world. Massachusetts is a good place to be

>> No.10711932

I'm moving to franklin county for school next year, what do people do for fun there?

>> No.10711942

>franklin county

>> No.10711943


>> No.10711944

ok then where do i get heroin in franklin county?

>> No.10711964

RI here

NY system
Actual Chowder (clear broth)
Del's Lemonade
Coffee Milk (Autocrat brand or GTFO)
Proper Lobster Rolls (they were invented in Narragansett, sorry ME)

RI is peak new England in all the best ways.

>> No.10712076

>duhr new yawka
literally california with worse weather
i can't think of one positive thing to say about this fucking place or the retarded mick faggots who live here

>> No.10712620

Ya got a NJ version?
On that topic, is there ANYTHING NJ does right when it comes to food?

>> No.10712639

Antonio's Pizza. I heard they're opening one up near Brown too.

>> No.10712643

Don’t you guys have fresh clams and muscles and such, as well as fish? What the fuck are you complaining about?

>> No.10712657

nvm found it

>> No.10713734

Someone give me some fancy pants northshore recommendations before I kill myself

>> No.10713811 [DELETED] 

>North Shore
Pick one

>> No.10713850

imagine thinking people give a fuck about your opinion you multi-reply faggotqueer.

>> No.10713908

Don't you guys call them grinders?

RI is pretty awesome and this is coming from a Texan. Moving back after my contract expires and the food outpaces most of NE easily. Maine is the goat of the NE food spectrum.

>> No.10713912

>moving to a locale because of the food
fat fuck

>> No.10713926

No we call them cheesesteaks. Also that guy is lying. Most of the ones here suck. I say that as someone who eats an absurd amount of them.

>> No.10714027

Went up here recently. What a dead state it's so huge have to drive everywhere to get Anywhere. Preffered Newport and some stops along the way from jersey.
Seafood is amazing at great places but not much different than something j can find in NJ for the middle tier restsraunrs.

>> No.10714257

Going to be staying at my aunt's house in salem in august. What do I eat? She told me it's just a meme town.

>> No.10714307

Pretty good Thai place in Cambridge.

>> No.10714315

Any Cambridgefags here? Got any suggestions for places to eat around Harvard?

>> No.10714453

You get it from massholes. Youll know them when you see them.

>> No.10714489

Bar pizza

>> No.10714952

Salem is ass, just another town full of nothing except random halloween stores open year round and that witch museum

>> No.10715037

border cafe for good cheap texmex and $6 house margaritas that have a good amount of booze in them

>> No.10715053


I'm moving back because I got a job offer, but thanks for the projection.

>> No.10715060
File: 42 KB, 380x317, 187B6284-2FD8-415B-8DB7-0F8B43BF24A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure one of the best burrito place in the world is in Massachusetts

>> No.10715068
File: 28 KB, 300x245, 02FC52A6-7E03-4150-80D0-4AFBA999302F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks that height and weight isnt fat

>> No.10715069

DELS nigga

>> No.10715097

If you're a tourist you'll definitely not find much of anything to write home about if you visit the suburbs. Boston and Cambridge are the interesting places. Otherwise some hipster places like Somerville. Elsewhere you might find a zoo here and there but nothing worth visiting for by itself.

>> No.10715113

>literally california with worse weather
Is that an insult? California has spectacular food and lots of interesting places to visit.

>> No.10715121

What about cape cod

>> No.10715168


God damn I'm salivating. I was basically raised in North Kingstown so I've had all of these

>> No.10715296

>no johnny cakes

>> No.10715343

Barcelona in Brookline for good and very reasonably priced tapas.

>> No.10716084

This, I did undergrad and am doing grad school in MA (bad idea) and can confirm irish are worse than niggers. Niggers at least can cook and drink less.

>> No.10716103

That's NJ, but pizza in the northeast (and anywhere honestly) is shit for manchildren.

>> No.10716478

Isn't it like one block now?

>> No.10716498

Care to elaborate?

>> No.10716508

Nothing compares >>10710974