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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 192 KB, 768x1024, 1528208099321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10708817 No.10708817 [Reply] [Original]

Does this really happen in america? Is it just a novelty or is this a common thing to have 14 patty burger?

>> No.10708821

its quite common. there are 8 places within walking distance i can order this off the menu, 5 of them fast food, 3 of them bars with bud light on tap and the local library

>> No.10708822

>14 patty burger

Are europoors really this bad at counting?

>> No.10708883

How the fuck do you even eat burger that large?

>> No.10708884

Lay it on its side or go by layers

>> No.10708886

that pic is literally photoshopped. the meat/cheese stacks are identical.

pixels, etc

>> No.10708894

I find that if you cut them up into meal size portions and freeze them, you can eat one in about a month. It depends on how fat he was.

>> No.10708905
File: 98 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duh, that's how every single fast food glam shot is done

>> No.10708908

Every food ad is photoshopped, retard

>> No.10708907

In general no, except for those 'if you can finish this, we'll give it to you for free' dares some cheesy restaurants do. I remember BK in japan did 8 patty whoppers a few years back, and In-n-Out used to let people order XxYs with most any particular number of patties and cheese slices, although I think they stopped because it fucked up their whole grill line when it happened.

>> No.10708909


>> No.10708911

Why the fuck would you even make one that large then?

>> No.10708914

>Does this really happen in america?

>Is it just a novelty

Also, it's not a 14-patty burger, it's menu item no. 14.

>> No.10708918

Also, just realized this was Wendy's, so I guess they've done this too. I've never seen anything beyond a triple available in my local Wendy's.

>> No.10708920

hey, nice burger, where can i get...
oh, okay

>> No.10708922

>do a burger challenge at my local eatery
>get halfway through it before I give up
>owner jokingly asks me how I feel
>tell him "mistakes were made"
>takes picture
>known on wall of shame as "mistakes were made"

>> No.10708924

>does this happen in america
>posts japanese novelty burger

>> No.10708930

Because it sells, gluttons love it. Trust me a bbq place I frequent has a burger near that size, but only two patties, it’s stacked high wiu brisket, pulled pork, sausage, sausages wrapped round jalepenon poppers, amazing onion rings, onions letuce pickles and tomatoes.

Fucking thing has to be held up by wooden skewers to stay standing, and falls over if your sitting too close to the door into the place. And you get two sides of your choice, I go fries and okra.

Like I buy it cause I don’t wanna eat for the rest of the day and will have left overs for awhile if I don’t smash it for breakfast and fast for the rest of the next day to.

It’s really a selling point, as I know I’ll have a filling meal with a portion of it and since they use the same quality ingridents they do for everything else, not only do I not feel like I’m eating garbage as I would if they didn’t , but it means I eat like a Texas oil Barron for at least 2 days. 3 or 4 if I have self control the next morning.

And and they butter the buns to, wonderful

>> No.10708933

lol americans sure are fat and disgusting

>> No.10708936
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, 977179D1-E5E7-4812-A7E3-0519CDF08714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a picture of said burger

>> No.10708948

It's not 14 patties it's 9. The combo number is 14.

>> No.10708951

they use the metric system u fucking retard

>> No.10708962

t-rex burger actually started my hometown here in Canada a few years ago until Wendy’s head office told them to stop.
I guess they eventually thought it was a good idea.


>> No.10708963

damn, how much does this cost exactly?

>> No.10708972
File: 2.03 MB, 370x319, e6394bd3a5641583608b737a16ba9d25[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10708976

30 bucks, but the quality is good enough for me to accept it, and it uses so much shit (can’t see the pulled pork here but it is like two very generous hand fulls and there’s at least eight cuts of brisket on that one) it makes sense.

Everything else is also pretty big but has easier prices unless you have a big group of people, like the second most expensive burger is half the price of this BEAST. Hell the most expensive items are that burger and their goddamn unholy wing challenge

Like you can get a pound of nice big wings for twelve bucks or build a small bbq platter for the same price so long as you don’t go mental and order pounds upon pounds of food (which is an option)

Also the burger is called the Duke Adilla Zilla, named after it’s smaller cousin the duke.

>> No.10708996

Actually no the second most expensive burger is 20 bucks now that I think about it , but is also fucking ridiculous in size. But yeah it’s a good place, owner is a bro and they gave me a cup of water to take with me last time I went as they knew I was walking home in the blistering heat. And they are always playing some good old fashioned country

>> No.10709078

Best thing about that article is finding out there's a woman named Barb Barker.

>> No.10709109


>> No.10709116

We usually pick one up at the beginning of the week and go through it, takes about 4 days but if you leave it out it dry-ages nicely between meals

>> No.10709145

how do you eat it tho

>> No.10709203

>how do you eat it tho

You don't eat it. You take selfies for Instagram with it and then bin it and go out for avocado toast.

>> No.10709224


>its your sacred duty as an american to eat a 14 patty burger while you clap for freedom

>> No.10709518

as I said. I take it apart and lay it on its side to slowly make my way down it

>> No.10709571

You buy these burgers and take it home to use your own buns and condiments you save a ton of money

>> No.10709781

Most people I know use it as an edible centerpiece for several weeks. With all the preservatives in it, there's no chance of rotting.

>> No.10709791

Here's your (you) now continue being poor eurotrash.

>> No.10709796

Is this Wendys or Mcd's?

>> No.10709822

It's your contribution to the office pot luck. Everyone can have some.

>> No.10709829

Obviously Wendy's. McD's doesn't have square patties.

>> No.10709841

For $25 I can buy a 5lbs tube of hamburger, buns, cheese, onions, lettuce, and condiments enough for 20 burgers. I only know because I did that exact thing last week for a get together.

>> No.10709844

They stopped because people were abusing it because they were fatasses and t hat was an appetizer.

>> No.10709845

try harder dumbass

>> No.10709969

It boggles my mind how you get somethi so gigantic that you have leftovers. When i eat junk food i get a normal portion, enjoy it, finish it, and go back to eating, you know, food with nutritional value afterwards. You legitimately eat this fried crap for multiple meals in a row?

Anon, i dont know whether to feel bad for you or despise you

>> No.10709981


The amerifat, ladies and gentlemen.

Nothing is worth saving.

>> No.10710780

The joke.

>> No.10710881
File: 29 KB, 400x400, default_4a63c71814cbc94d38a5929e0770e999_burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually go with only 6 patties, that way I have enough room for a side of sliders

>> No.10711027

Rarely. It’s something I get rarely as a treat for myself or something to deal with stress, which is usually bad enough to make me vomit regularly when I suffer it.

And id never eat the thing more than twice a month.

So I don’t indulge in it much, and if I get it because of stress it won’t stay in me long most likely

Also it isn’t greasy at all. And I make a point to eat it top down which means that my left overs are brisket, pulled pork, a wheel of unfried onions, pickles and one or two hamburger patties depending on if I was starving or not. Basically a bbq platter with no sauce

Really the worst thing for me is the fries and okra which I should replace with their healthier options but it’s a habbit

>> No.10711104

>twice a month.
holy shit get help. no wonder the american """life""" expectancy is less than 50

>> No.10711123

yes, in my hometown we have weekly community t-rex burger parties. all age groups come and gather and devour a t-rex each, (not before pledging allegiance to the flag of course!), thought it is seen as a sign of genetic weakness to not eat at least two, even the small children. In a way, its a raffle of sorts. Those who don't make the cut are sent to the "farm" where they will become next week's patties. Its good for the environment and our stomachs!

>> No.10711137

I rarely get it even once a month I’ve had the damn thing like three times, that’s just my upper limit I’ve imagined and set myself. It’s an indulgence for rough/ stressful times or when I feel I accomplished something. And since half the time I get it due to stress I end up throwing it up after or during a panic attack and or depressive episode as have happened 2 out of 3. Usually I just go for the spicy shit they serve there during my rare visits to the place

The duke is only for special times, or times when I’ve thrown up everything else I’ve tried to eat and need comfort. Only to end up throwing up said comfort.

Stress sucks ass

>> No.10711149

Dude,spoiler alert next time!

>> No.10711160

Burgers like that don't exist outside of Asian promotional campaigns that nobody actually buys

>> No.10711265

>that’s just my upper limit I’ve imagined and set myself

>Americans have "upper limits" for how many 10 pound burgers they can give themselves a month



>> No.10711303

Oh so your country is a bunch of gluttons who have similarly sized meals on the reg?

OH I get it, you’re Mexican! But yeah don’t worry mate, people don’t starve if they aren’t constantly full hombre

>> No.10711364

You mean where they'll help make the patties right?

>> No.10711428

I eat two of these every day

>> No.10712011


Fuck the haters, looks amazing (fat leaf here for context). Which state you in homie

>> No.10712027


Bro. Stop. Just don't respond. Fuck that guy.
What are you doing? Are you new? Come on man

>> No.10712033

>his """"country"""" doesn't have a 14 patty and cheese

>> No.10712190

Nah I just wanted to see how he’d respond

>> No.10712196

California. Only bbq place I know that isn’t shit

>> No.10712236

fuck this sounds so good i wish i could justify driving two hours to get it

>> No.10712264

Oh it is, maybe for a special occasion ?

>> No.10712280
File: 165 KB, 996x832, 469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About as common as ordering a family size pizza for yourself, so very common.

>> No.10712282

god i wish i had that in my fat mouth right now though

>> No.10712395

True North Strong And Free, my ass. This is basically fascism.

>> No.10712585

its extremely common, even starbucks serves a 14 patty burger

>> No.10712689


Holy shit you are the most pathetic person on Earth

God I’m glad I live in a respectable country

>> No.10713531


>> No.10713539

Yeah but they only serve soy decaf burgers

>> No.10713567

Do americans really eat photoshopped burger ?

>> No.10713630

What's common to you? I'd say my friends and family eat something like this maybe once a month. It's not that big of a deal if you're active and can handle the meat sweats. We usually play laser tag (except with real guns) and then go have a burger like that and none of us are really fat.

>> No.10713671
File: 62 KB, 1332x552, IMG_1854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are what you eat.

>> No.10713974

>5lbs tube of hamburger,

tube of hamburger is always such garbage quality.

>> No.10714400

i use them to mix with turkey/chicken/pork tubes for burgers

>> No.10714627

It's a legal requirement for every USAian to consume at least one of these once every three months, lest you face investigation on a first offense, followed by possible fines or deportation on successive failures.

Back during the McCarthy era, we started implementing some drastic measures to sniff out commies from true, blue American patriots. A burger this size would be unfathomable to anybody well acquainted with the collectivist ethics presented in Das Kapital.

>> No.10714659

Do Americans really do things? Seriously? Why do Americans do things? Do they, for real, do things? Just... wow. Americans.

>> No.10715417


>> No.10715445


Can someone please get this, post pics of before, half way, finished and the aftermath?

>> No.10715451

>he can't tell its a shoop.
summer, everybody.

>> No.10715518

I know it's a lie and I'm still always disappointed when my food doesn't look half as good as the picture. :(

false advertising

>> No.10715543

It's called a "Hot Kay" and it's especially celebrated in the Republic of Dixieland (what Northerners might call "The South")

>> No.10715562
File: 3.25 MB, 320x256, it's heresy, then.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat one meal a day because salaryman
>stuff like OP's image are a godsend
>still weigh a mere 155 pounds at 6'0

>> No.10715615

I enjoyed your funny story

>> No.10716736

Fuck I giggled, have a (you)

>> No.10716818

>lettuce on burger that size.
Looks nice bro, but I don't know why places want to stack veggies on a hot mess just to saggy.

>> No.10716867

No, you're both bad at reading.

>> No.10717788

>Literally *snap*

>> No.10718057

That’s a burger not a sandwich

>> No.10718078
File: 69 KB, 600x346, Buttery-XLong-Cheeseburger-BK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way people make "big burgers" is so stupid
once you get more than 4 or 5 inches tall, its basically impossible for someone to take a bite out of it. if you have a bunch of small shit like jalapenos or fried onions, they're all gonna fall off when you take a bite too.
instead of going for height, they should increase the radius of the patty & bun while keeping the thickness the same, which gives you more meat, more space for toppings, and a reasonable way to fit it between your teeth

>> No.10718401

>amerimutt is literally illiterate
color me surprised

>> No.10718428

Fuck yeah. At school that was on the menu every Wednesday.

>> No.10719843

this is peak america

>> No.10720259

>Americans so unhealthy they need to be given water to survive a walk home

The absolute state

>> No.10720299

>this thread


>> No.10720302
File: 26 KB, 259x259, gba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking bless America.

>> No.10720322

Even though I'm Amerifat I've only considered one of those, for a pho place I like.
Then again, the bowl is like two gallons and I don't think even my bladder and stomach combined could handle that.

>> No.10720350

what else could he mean by "14 patty burger"? the pic is obviously a #14 combo, including a 9 patty burger

>> No.10720378

Actually very common. I just had one a few hours ago.

>> No.10721964

>that pic is literally photoshopped. the meat/cheese stacks are identical.
All advertising is photoshopped.
They wouldn't have shopped in the extra layers though, it's just that it's not actually edible food. Most of it is frozen solid and just charred on the outside with a blowtorch, the cheese is softened the same way. It's all very carefully arranged by hand.

>> No.10721970

BK will do a burger however you want. You could order something like that from them. They can bill extra patties and cheese with button presses, it would be trivial. I often add a patty to some burgers, or cheese to a double whopper (double whopper with cheese isn't on the menu in China).
McDonalds would do it too if you asked, you could probably order a Big Big Big Big Mac if you wanted. I believe they have the pricing options in their terminals to bill you for it.

A while back, an anon in a /ck/ thread explained how you would phrase an order to have a Quarter Pounder made up with extra layers like a big mac, he said his store would do it for you no problem if you asked and he decided he was going to have one for dinner that night.

>> No.10722671

> walking distance