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10706848 No.10706848 [Reply] [Original]

Big Mac

>> No.10706935

Big Shit

>> No.10706939


>> No.10706942
File: 2.91 MB, 540x302, Speed Running.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Mac

>> No.10707152

that's pretty bad speed eating, can do that in 15 seconds flat.

>> No.10707167

Really? Because that was actually a world record. You're four times faster than the fastest eater in the world? What is your name again?

>> No.10707195

do it then

>> No.10707201

Furious Pete, I beat it 4 years after this was taken with new techniques. This is around 7 years old. The LA Beast beat me actually.

>> No.10707212

So four years ago you set a world record for a sandwich that has only existed for about two years now?

>> No.10707229

Sir I think you underestimate the sheer tenacity of world-renowned Furious Pete. This athlete broke the sound barrier with his jaw by the age 7. It's trivial for him to go faster than light and eat a sandwich from the future.

>> No.10707250
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x1080, Chipotle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a pretty super guy.

>> No.10707258

prefer Big Mac to the Grand Big Mac tbpfwya

>> No.10707259
File: 230 KB, 2048x2048, walrus_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats fucking disgusting

>> No.10707747

imagine this guy going to town on a cock

>> No.10708399

Hot fresh fries

>> No.10708472
File: 32 KB, 640x629, 1526609110068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve poitro

>> No.10708482

Hey Peter glad ya survived ball cancer twice

>> No.10708564

why didn't he eat the fries and shit that dropped on the floor? isn't the point of this that he eats it all and not just most of it?

>> No.10708567

I agree, this triggers my autism when they don't eat it all.

>> No.10708624

>grand big mac
>only existed for 2 years now
pick one, that exact same thing was a thing in finland back in like 2001 or something. get your fucking facts straight before spewing bullshit

>> No.10708632

it doesn't really trigger anything in me but if you're allowed to essentially throw part of the meal away, where's the limit? if i drop my whole fucking burger, is it still fine?

>> No.10708642

Really? I can't find a source for this anywhere online. Care to prove this?

>> No.10708658

I didn't see any fall on the floor. He drops some on the counter that he sweeps up at the end.

>> No.10708666

maybe open up your eyes then.
honestly, not sure if possible. i doubt mcdonalds in finland keeps records of which burger they sold when. i personally ate it a couple of times back in 2001 or around those times at least.

>> No.10708668

So you can't or refuse to back up either claim. So which butt mad competitive eater are you? When exactly did you lose to Matt?

>> No.10708672

>Wikipedia>Big Mac>ctrl+f Finland
Not too hard.
Give it a go.

>> No.10708677

>No mention of Grand Big Mac in Finland
>No dates listed
>No citation given
So this is the power of shitposting.

>> No.10708688

i'm not a competetive eater, but it's clearly visible that at least 2 fries fall behind the burger and when he sweeps that area, it's only a few pieces of lettuce so therefore at least the 2 fries fall to the floor (or his shirt) but he doesn't eat them.
also you try to check exactly which burgers mconalds sold in sweden in 2002, see how easy you find it.

either way, i don't give a fuck what you think, i ate it back then. prove me wrong bitch

>> No.10708694

>either way, i don't give a fuck what you think, i ate it back then. prove me wrong bitch
That's not how burden of proof works. Since you cannot remain rational and are resorting to insults I can only assume you are incorrect. You have a lot of growing up to do.

>> No.10708695

not that easy since they have even changed the name during the years and is a "campaign product" meaning it only shows up every once in a while.
it has been called big big mac and grande big mac (not sure which one it was the last time)
why doesn't he have to prove his original claim that it hasn't existed for more than 2 years anyways?

>> No.10708698

ok, so the insult was "prove me wrong bitch" which is more of a saying that an actual insult.
also, why doesn't the original claim have to be proven if i have to prove my other claim?
burden of proof goes boes ways, whoever claims something has to prove it. neither has done it so far

>> No.10708705

>also, why doesn't the original claim have to be proven if i have to prove my other claim?
In your own words, "prove me wrong bitch" ;)

>> No.10708855

Video from 2014 of a grande big mac

>> No.10708857

That definitely looks like 2001 alright.

>> No.10708860

What are you talking about? I was disproving the claim that the grand big mac only existed for 2 years

>> No.10710419

post that webm of the guy cumming on the mc chicken instead of adding mayo