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10700167 No.10700167 [Reply] [Original]

Can Veganism fix America?

>> No.10700452
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remove all the labels around the word "vegan" and dangerous additives that are found in many of the plant based foods around the shelves today

>> No.10700633

No. Big agri factory meat farmers own our congressmen from flyover states so it won't happen. Even if it did, you'd have the big agri monoculture johns step in with even more deadly pesticides, herbicides and petroleum based fertilizers to scorch the earth even more. Nothing can save a late stage corporate fascist state short of revolution and that won't happen until it's already too late.

>> No.10700920

nothing wrong with butter, eggs, high-fat dairy products, or potatoes

>> No.10700943

America doesn't need fixing.

>> No.10700956

Increased focus on teaching kids to cook and making physical exercise a higher priority in public schools will fix the problem pretty handily.

>> No.10700969

veganism will just be a symptom of a broken planet
cheap meat and massive scale animal agriculture simply won't be feasible in the (subjectively near) future

>> No.10700974

You think big pharma wants to lose out on staton and insulin sales?

The biggest scam in the country is the relationship between pharma, private prisons, food, and insurance. Insurance and pharma WANT you sick. Prisons WANT you incarcerated.

>> No.10700983

No, the elite will distribute a virus that sterilizes the world. Then only genetic designer babies will be born. It's the only logical solution to the problem of the swarthy hoardes.

>> No.10700990

i'm not completely against this desu

>> No.10700995


Neither am I. Picture a world that is a cross between Children of Men and Gattaca.

>> No.10701004

>cheap meat and massive scale animal agriculture simply won't be feasible in the (subjectively near) future
Cheap meat? Probably not anywhere near as cheap as it is now, but it's not like getting a burger or a chicken breast will somehow cost $250

The land we use for raising livestock is basically totally useless otherwise, it's not suitable for growing crops and we have so fucking much of it that there's no real estate demand pushing in on it. Americans, at the least, will basically have cheap access to meat until we urbanize the vast wastelands that make up 90% of the country

>> No.10701006

for the last time, veganism can't be a solution to a goddamn thing when only 30% of people who start the diet, stick to it for 2 years or more.

veganism is for virtue signalling and little more.

>> No.10701033

No, because contrary to what normalfags believe, veganism has nothing to do with being healthy. You diet could consist entirely of doritos, mountain dew and dark chocolate and you'd still be vegan. Most processed baked goods don't use eggs or dairy any more because it's cheaper to use vegetable oils so you could be eating nothing but cookies and donuts and you'd be vegan.

>> No.10701044

read up on desertification

>> No.10701052

That's the point, the land we use for livestock is already too arid and shitty for growing crops. North America is basically one gigantic grazing plane, and has been for a long, long time. With even basic responsible practices (which we very much do) the land will be good for grazing indefinitely (on a non-geological timescale)

>> No.10701062

animals need food
food doesn't grow in deserts

>> No.10701071
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>> No.10701086

>The land we use for raising livestock is basically totally useless otherwise, it's not suitable for growing crops
You seem to be ignoring the fact that we need to grow crops to raise livestock. In fact, the crops grown for feeding livestock could feed the world multiple times over.

>> No.10701108

>Most processed baked goods don't use eggs or dairy any more because it's cheaper to use vegetable oils
You cannot replace egg with vegetable oil, unfortunately, so most processed baked goods still contain egg. Dairy is also not able to be replaced with oil. Many processed baked goods still contain dairy as well. Especially anything with a frosting or glaze. Even non-dairy glazes are often still not vegan.

>you could be eating nothing but cookies and donuts and you'd be vegan
It's true that vegans can eat unhealthy. However, it's worth noting that simply eating plant based foods does not make a person vegan. The definition of veganism given by The Vegan Society (which was founded by the person who coined the term "vegan") specifies that veganism is a way of living that seeks to avoid animal exploitation as far as is practical.

>> No.10701116

the diet is the only thing keeping low class trash in check

>> No.10701132

> In fact, the crops grown for feeding livestock could feed the world multiple times over.
No they couldn't. The crops grown for livestock are generally
A) Only grown because they happen to grow really well in that soil where other crops won't
B) Not nutritionally significant for humans

The meat industry is so huge because it just so happens that we have huge amounts of land that:
1) Is suitable pretty much only for growing certain kinds of crops
2) Those kinds of crops are generally not suitable for human consumption
3) The land where those crops don't grow happens to be perfect for grazing

Which is why you don't see other huge countries with so much livestock. That land is either totally unsuitable (most of China is a shitty desert), or much much better suited to growing human-edible crops (which is why you're much more likely to find lots of farms and pigs in the South, than vs the midwest where you'll find huge corn farms and cattle ranches)
It's a happenstance of coincidences, there's no "YEAH BUT THINK OF WHAT WE COULD DO WITH ALL THIS STUFF" alternative. The alternative is we just don't use that land for food of any kind, because nothing else worthwhile can be there.

>> No.10701159

you don't know as much about agriculture as you think you do

>> No.10701164

>Not nutritionally significant for humans
That is complete nonsense. The primary crops grown for feeding farmed animals are wheat, soy, corn, and oats. Those are all fods that humans eat and can get plenty of nutrients from. You obviously have not researched this subject at all. This point invalidates everything else in your post since every other point revolves around that assertion being true (which it is not)

>> No.10701180

Well show me otherwise then, don't just say "u wrong"

And you've clearly not investigated it with any intensity yourself, because the corn we grow to feed cows and pigs and turn into shitty gasoline is not the same kind of corn we grow to eat. Same goes for soy, corn, and oats. These are specific types of those plants that work well in the grade of soil and are suitable almost exclusively for industrial/livestock purposes. If you were absolutely starving you could make do, but it's not like we're growing fucking sweet corn and then throwing it into the pig troughs.

>> No.10701197
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>arguing with uneducated morons on an anonymous internet forum
no thank you, "u wrong" will suffice

>> No.10701203

u wrong. What now cocksucker?

>> No.10701214
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You win this time

>> No.10701255

You sound sarcastic, but it's a funny coincidince that Bayer, the largest chemotherapy drug producer bought Monsanto. Really makes you think!

>> No.10701483

I have 2 masters, argue

>> No.10701506

Anybody who pursues a second master's must be mentally deficient

>> No.10701750

You don't know shit about baking my friend. Applesauce.

>> No.10701759

i'm sure your meringue is off the chain

>> No.10701766

Not only do you not know shit about baking, you don't know shit about vegan cooking either. Why say anything if you have no info on the subject?

>> No.10701767
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Probably not it would just create different problems as the actual diet itself is the really the issue so much as portion control the amount of obese vegans and general population is proportional the same

>> No.10701838

Lactose and gluten insensitivities are civilization fucking up our health. The first humans would eat large amounts of meat and fat (what made have us our brains), fruit in season (help retain fat) and whatever few nuts we could find. We cant process plants the way hervibores can but cooking allowed us to get nutrients out of them.

>> No.10703562


No, the thing that Made America Fat was removing Fat from all foods in the 70s-80s because "Fat Isn't healthy to eat" and replacing it all with Sugar and Grains.

>> No.10703564

The only thing that can fix America is a sincere revolt against the anti-worker movement that is globalization. Unfortunately, brexit and Trump succeeded in tying up anti-globalization with racism. They're not the same thing at all, but thanks for successfully fucking us over forever, you rich pieces of shit who profit from globalist policy.

>> No.10703617

Doing a masters in economy or an MBA in addition to a masters degree in a STEM field leaves one with a very valued skillset.

>> No.10703714

>that top right
When health-food faggots stop using fallacious arguments, I'll start considering a healthier diet.
So THAT'll never happen.

>> No.10703728

RIP in racismo

>> No.10703756

But why should we feed the world? Feed ourselves better, fuck everyone else.

>> No.10703760

veganism? nope. all of the vegan shit you buy in resturants is pre-packed and loaded with vegtable oil. Unless your willing to pay absolute bullshit prices in silicon valley, of course. And even then, its really hard to get all of the protein and B-vitamins necessary to...live.

vegetarianism is probably a good idea, just from a cost standpoint though. I do meatless mondays (and thinking about thursdays) because meat is expensive and all of that money can go to booze instead. but milk and eggs round out that protien for me on those days.

>> No.10703765

you're not arguing to convince the other guy, you're arguing to convince the 90% of every board that happens to be lurkers. making your point should always be to the audience, not your opponent, which was a mistake a certain candidate made in the last american election...

i understand the apathy, and do it myself, but dont claim that you've "won"

>> No.10703794

But anon, you can't serve two masters!

>> No.10703898


I have 3 masters, bitch

>> No.10703945

Then argue

>> No.10703985

No, only fascism and communism can.

Individualism without religion leads to hedonism and religion is dead.

>> No.10703989

>implying veganism isn't a cult-ish religion, with adherents who promote its creed every bit as much as Wahhabiists or Baptists/Evangelicals do

>> No.10704023

No, we just need to eat more vegetable staples instead of nothing but starch staples. Prior to potatoes, people ate much less calorically dense foods such as carrots and rutabagas. We need to get back to the point where the majority of our diet is fibrous filler like sweet potatoes, squash, and cabbage.

>> No.10704185


>> No.10704312

Veganism is a neo-marxist ideology. Neo-marxism is about applying critical theory, which is about criticizing aspects of capitalism in order to undermine and ultimately destroy it. Veganism is about attacking the food production industry.

So you're asking if you can fix America by destroying it. No. You can't fix things by destroying them.

You'd fix America by removing all the sugar that is put into food.

>> No.10705240


There is if you don't like having heart attacks. Especially dairy products.

>> No.10705251


My favorite rebuttal is this

>"Humans are also the only species that's ever been to the moon"

>> No.10705256

how brainlet can you get. thats like saying libertarians support tariffs because trump called for them and trump is a conservative. im not a vegan but i know vegans wouldnt eat meat produced on a communist plantation

>> No.10705263

no but eating healthy can
an extremist ideology shouldn't hold a monopoly on something as basic as human health

>> No.10705288

The absolute state of Murica
t. Murican

>> No.10705306

Our problem isn't our diet.

Our problem is our tolerance of destructive forces in our society, when we should be deporting or straight out killing them.

>> No.10705315

>posting this cancerous buzzfeed tier bullshit
This is why we need flags.

>> No.10705349

so how did the niggers and muzzies personally make you fat?

>> No.10705372

Many such cases!

>> No.10705556

The same poisonous "tolerance" that is brainwashing our young white people into believing they don't have a right to a nation and culture of their own is also being extended to the fat lazy bastards that exist in our society today.

They, too, will be purged one day.

>> No.10705579

>they don't have a right to a nation and culture of their own
no one has rights to anything that you don't gain by trade or violence. rights are meaningless unless enforced

maybe if you dont want your country to be flooded by immigrants, you should actually have a local work force that isnt hot garbage unwilling to do anything

>> No.10705588


You have less of a "skillset" than a mcdonald's employee. At least they know what its like to work a job. All YOU have is two pieces of paper that say you are willing to throw away years of your life willingly for status points while paying them copiously for the honor

>> No.10705600
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>he actually took the "80k starting" meme seriously

>> No.10706004

Where do I begin?
Plantations don't produce meat products.
They rarely produce food at all.
They are specifically for profit establishments, so it wouldn't be communist.

But really, according to the principle of intersectionality, all forms of neo-marxism are equally valid for bringing about the revolution.

>> No.10706204
File: 593 KB, 1273x1600, b1d218b89c4ed5bae56bafabb259fb5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm not responsible for the fact that I'm a fatfuck like drumpf, it's dem nefarious funny talking peoples with *gasp* a slightly different skin tone dat made me dun get fat.
Dam straight, dey need tuh go!

>> No.10706218

If more common restaurants invested in cheaper vegan foods that taste similar to cheap junk foods, then America as a whole would benefit
Now we just need to get people to replace soda for seltzer or literally anything with less calories (or maybe even curbing intake)

Americans love eating huge meals and feeling satisfied, which breaks all diets and discourages vegetarian meals

>> No.10706246

>that impotent rage
Delicious still.

>> No.10706297

Can veganism eat my ass?