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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10703226 No.10703226 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking dammit I just accidentally ate a slug in my salad. Am I going to get rat brain worms now?

>> No.10703229

RIP, anon

>> No.10703237

I have a lot of slugs in my home and often wonder if it would be fine to eat them when I have no meat sometimes.

>> No.10703239

How many slugs do you have in your house, anon?

>> No.10703241

>scared of a little protein
Never gonna make it

>> No.10703243

I don't know. A lot. Whenever I get out of bed to walk to the toilet at night I always step on at least one.

>> No.10703244

Same. They crawl around my bathroom all day and night I kinda stopped even noticing them.

>> No.10703245


>> No.10703246


>> No.10703249

Fucking EWWW.
>i have spiders in my bathroom and fruit flies in my kitchen.
>I am superior to you.

>> No.10703251

How do they taste?

>> No.10703256

I don't know. One of my spiders has only 5 legs today, I guess my cat went ham on him.
The fruit flies. Yeah I've probably eaten half a dozen of them as they land in my alcy drink and I don't always notice.

>> No.10703265

I usually have grubs in my flour because I'm lazy about storing it. I honestly don't notice the taste. It probably improves the bioavailability of the flour's protein.

>> No.10703268

Guys. What the shit. Do you live in a shack in a swamp? You’re not supposed to have slugs just roaming around inside your house. I want pictures of your living conditions

>> No.10703273
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>> No.10703278


At least you have refined tastes. Show more of your hovel

>> No.10703282

Why aren't I not supposed to have slugs? I don't know how to get them to leave am I supposed to stress out about them or what. I mean are they actually bad for you or something? Is there any ill health affects? Seriously askig

>> No.10703283

And I thought I was disgusting.
Show me more.

>> No.10703285

They love New wave rock. Pied piper them shits.

>> No.10703287
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Nah. There's practically no chance that my landlord browses 4chan, but I still don't want to risk it.

>> No.10703294

Unsanitary as hell, friendo. They can carry bacteria, virus and parasites into your home. Leave gnarly trails wherever they go. They come in because they’ve found a food supply. Secure your food airtightly. Trace the trails to where they come in, fill the cracks and gaps with silicone or something. If you don’t have any pets, use poison pellets.

>> No.10703309

They usually stay around the bathroom but have been venturing further lately. I know because I see the trails when I wake in the morning. Getting near my bed. Also how to clean up the trails?

>> No.10703311

I always heard that boric acid along entryways was an ABSOLUTE deterrent for bugs and such.
Haven't tried it myself.
Don't know where you'd get boric acid.

>> No.10703314

Sounds like the slowest horror movie ever. Might be good for Netflix. They could drag it out to two or three seasons.

>> No.10703329

>posts pics of apartment on 4chan
>gets banned from all apartments on earth

don't know if that's how it works

>> No.10703358


Nice knowing you for all of two minutes.

>> No.10703364

You can get it anywhere. Pharmacy, Walmart, grocery store. It’s really cheap.

>> No.10703365

I sleep naked so I'm scared of them crawling into my butte or pee hole when I'm asleep

>> No.10703452

That would take more force than I imagine they're capable of, your mouth nose and ears are a much more realistic target

>> No.10703457

Sounds like the best porn movie ever. Might be good for Motherless. They could use something slightly edgier to prolong the period before people get bored of them.

>> No.10703461

Tired of motherless.
You really are gazing into the abyss aren't you?
>Slaanesh worshiper detected.

>> No.10703473

I've been having these dreams lately of the slugs traveling up my pee hole while I'm dreaming and making love in my bladder impregnating me with slug babies that have arms and legs but no faces only mouths that cry. The slug sex in my bladder causes me much pain and when each time the babes are born it destroys my pebis a bit more

>> No.10703498

Please tell me more about these dreams

>> No.10703521

I pretty much already said it all. But sometimes when the dream goes on too long I find myself trying to nurs and coddle an armful of slimy slug babes that just won't stop crying and as hard as I try I can not get milk to come from my hairy nipple. There's just too many of them. And I'm a man damnit I don't make milk. Why don't they stop. So many slimy babies. All the while my blown out torn apart penis is pouring blood all over making such a mess

>> No.10703543

Actually, men can lactate but it usually requires some hormone supplements. It sometimes occurs naturally during puberty.

>> No.10703551

Your brain will be taken over by the slug parasites, you will be possessed by a need to climb on your rooftop, and will sit there until a plant like vine extends from your neck into the air to further spread the fungus through spores.

>> No.10703554
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Your fridge is cleaner than mine but what the fuck man, police that kitchen.

>> No.10703555

I wish this could happen to me. I'm so sick of trying to be a productive member of human society. A virgin too, btw. but I don't want to join that revolution where they run over people with cars just because they feel a little frustrated.

>> No.10703575

You guys are fucking disgusting

>> No.10703579

Roasty detected

>> No.10703580

Incel detected

>> No.10703587

Faggots detected

>> No.10703590

My cousin died after eating a snail.
Not sure if they carry the same viruses as a slug.

>> No.10703627

Posters detected

>> No.10703637

Man. Stoves with those old push buttons are max comfy

>> No.10703645

Silly Anon, mice come from cow tits, not from gastropods.

>> No.10703650

You're a fucking retard faggot. Seriously fuck off and please kill yoirself you fucking waste of everything. Fuck yoi

>> No.10703651

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.10703739

Dang OP, better get a checkup or an hero before you turn into a vegetable

>> No.10703837

Gippsland dairy is great, highly approved anon

>> No.10703843
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Have you considered the other revolution where we try and make the world better and meet qt college girls?

>> No.10703877
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Is she laughing at him? ‘Haaahaha a slug did this!’

>> No.10703904

>Tragically Mr Ballard contracted eosinophilic meningo-encephalitis and lapsed into a coma for 420 days.


>> No.10703994


>> No.10704035

Hang in there, slugger.

>> No.10704040


>> No.10704049

Chad btfo
who's the loser now?

>> No.10704068

Well as a snails enthusiast I believe slugs won't be much ordinary from snails, might be wrong though

>> No.10704092

>snails enthusiast

>> No.10704124

edible snails are grown in a safe and clean farm
slugs spend their whole life dragging themselves through filth, eating filth, and rely on the rain to vaguely clean themselves

>> No.10704184

Quick, eat a ton of laxatives so you'll shit them out before the eggs hatch and worms crawl their way into your brain.

>> No.10704218


I haven't heard of this yet, but if so many girls like it then I'm willing to bet that it's probably a derivative of socialism, or at least something that claims everyone will be taken care off. Probably sold as "it takes care of the poor and disabled", but really means "it takes care of me". Yes, I'm cynical, but that's only because things usually turns out to be that way.

>> No.10704262

>I haven't heard of this yet
You kidding me? This is what the commie hippies were doing in the 60's and 70's.

>>derivative of socialism.
Communism, actually. The idea is that everyone works together and does what they can to support the group. There have been countless attempts at this over the decades. They usually work fine at first since the initial members are gung-ho and work hard. Then the hangers-on, freedloaders, druggies, and the leeches show up and fuck the whole thing over. It's happened time and time again throughout history.

>> No.10704315

Ah, yes, I know that. I just didn't know the name. Had not expected that to make a comeback, since it's so easily associated with cults.

>> No.10704378
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>> No.10704416
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I can no longer tell what is irony or not on this board anymore.

>> No.10704444

So this is the power of al/ck/....

>> No.10704448

Do you live in the woods?

>> No.10704584


>> No.10704729

>Then the hangers-on, freedloaders, druggies, and the leeches show up and fuck the whole thing over. It's happened time and time again throughout history.
This is where you take the NatSoc pill

>> No.10704840

what is the difference between socialism and communism? assume I'm sub 70iq

>> No.10704898

The first thing to do is figure out where they're coming from. Caulk your windows better, look for holes near the baseboards and around the door frames.

>> No.10704929

Socialism is where gubbyment takes control of industries they think are important. Although I'm pretty sure it's not how marx wrote it, communism is where government takes control of all industries. Hence the toilet paper lines, etc.

>> No.10704944

If you've got a pest problem and all your cat can do about it is take ONE of the spiders' legs, you've got a bad cat

>> No.10704956

I guess all your money goes to the Cointreau then.

>> No.10704959

>King Oscar /deenz/
Living the meam

>> No.10704985

Both mean worker control over the means of production, just communism is the stage after socialism where the state has withered away.

>> No.10704995

I think about this idiot about 20 times a day he fucked his whole life up for nothing. His family and friends must all agree hes a fool and better off dead.

>> No.10706001

spiders have 8 legs

>> No.10706055
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>> No.10706087
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This world is so fucking scary.

>> No.10706220
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You’re gonna get those parasites that crawl into your eye stalks and pulsate so birds will eat you. Lotsa luck mate.

>> No.10706290


>> No.10706347


>> No.10706517

1: Parasites
2: Toxic Vegetation

You normally need to feed them carrots until their poop turns orange. Then you know you've cleaned out their digestive system. If they've eaten any toxic to humans vegetation and you've not cleaned it out of their system, it will make you sick. The parasites are killed via proper high heat cooking or long term boiling.

Rat lungworm parasite is a very very high concern from eating raw slugs. You can also get meningitis simply from eating a lettuce leaf that has slug slime on it.

You should vomit it up if you haven't already.

>> No.10706525

>australian banter

>> No.10706547

my friend had been drinking and there was a slug so we told him to eat it, he put it in his mouth and the slug went on the offensive and started farting out sticky slime all over his mouth, the more he tried to eat it the worse he got slimed and it only took a few attempted bites for him to spit the unharmed slug out
but then the vomiting started

12 time, I counted 12 serious projectile vomits out of him before he finally stopped

>> No.10707156

I think you know what to do.


you can't let the rat worms spread and whip out d earth.

>> No.10707160
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>> No.10707239

Just swallow a bunch of salt, that'll get him

>> No.10707253

Didn't they say he'd walk and talk again though? What happened?

>> No.10707312
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>> No.10708025

Honestly Op just fucking stick a finger down your throat

>> No.10708027

And chug whiskey